public static void WriteASCIIValue(Vt.Jpeg.Jpeg VtJpeg, string TextValue, PropertyTagId Id)
            // load the image to change
            Image PicImage = new Bitmap(VtJpeg.SourceBitmap);

            System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder Enc = System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Transformation;
            EncoderParameters EncParms         = new EncoderParameters(1);
            ImageCodecInfo    CodecInfo        = Vt.Jpeg.Jpeg.GetEncoderInfo("image/jpeg");

            // put the new description into the right property item
            PropertyItem[] PropertyItems = PicImage.PropertyItems;
            PropertyItems[0].Id    = (int)Id; // 0x010e;
            PropertyItems[0].Type  = (short)PropertyTagType.ASCII;
            PropertyItems[0].Len   = TextValue.Length;
            PropertyItems[0].Value = VtStrings.StringToByteArray(TextValue);

            // for lossless rewriting must rotate the image by 90 degrees!
            EncoderParameter EncParm = new EncoderParameter(Enc, (long)EncoderValue.TransformRotate90);

            EncParms.Param[0] = EncParm;

            // ulozim transformovany jpeg do streamu
            MemoryStream TmpStream = new MemoryStream();

            PicImage.Save(TmpStream, CodecInfo, EncParms);
            // vymaz z pameti
            PicImage = null;

            // ted ho otocim zpet a dam do puvodniho souboru
            PicImage          = Image.FromStream(TmpStream);
            EncParm           = new EncoderParameter(Enc, (long)EncoderValue.TransformRotate270);
            EncParms.Param[0] = EncParm;
//            PicImage.Save(Filename, CodecInfo, EncParms);
            VtJpeg.LoadFromBitmap(PicImage as Bitmap);

            PicImage = null;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// zapise do jpegu ascii textovou exif informaci
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Filename">jmeno jpeg souboru</param>
        /// <param name="TextValue">text</param>
        /// <param name="Id">id cislo exif vlastnosti</param>
        public static void SaveAndAddImageDateTime(string SourceFile, string DestinationFile, DateTime ImageDateTime)
            // prevod datetime na str
            string StrDateTime = ImageDateTime.ToString("yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss");

            // load the image to change
            Image PicImage = Image.FromFile(SourceFile);

            System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder Enc = System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Transformation;
            EncoderParameters EncParms         = new EncoderParameters(1);
            ImageCodecInfo    CodecInfo        = Vt.Jpeg.Jpeg.GetEncoderInfo("image/jpeg");

            // put the new description into the right property item
            PropertyItem[] PropertyItems = PicImage.PropertyItems;
            PropertyItems[0].Id    = (int)PropertyTagId.DateTime;
            PropertyItems[0].Type  = (short)PropertyTagType.ASCII;
            PropertyItems[0].Len   = StrDateTime.Length;
            PropertyItems[0].Value = VtStrings.StrToByteArrayCS(StrDateTime);

            // for lossless rewriting must rotate the image by 90 degrees!
            EncoderParameter EncParm = new EncoderParameter(Enc, (long)EncoderValue.TransformRotate90);

            EncParms.Param[0] = EncParm;

            // ulozim transformovany jpeg do streamu
            MemoryStream TmpStream = new MemoryStream();

            PicImage.Save(TmpStream, CodecInfo, EncParms);
            // vymaz z pameti
            PicImage = null;

            // ted ho otocim zpet a dam do puvodniho souboru
            PicImage          = Image.FromStream(TmpStream);
            EncParm           = new EncoderParameter(Enc, (long)EncoderValue.TransformRotate270);
            EncParms.Param[0] = EncParm;
            PicImage.Save(DestinationFile, CodecInfo, EncParms);
            PicImage = null;
Exemple #3
 private void GetFileName(string cfgFileName)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cfgFileName))
         // budu hledat v zaslanym souboru
         _cfgFileName = cfgFileName;
         // jinak jmeno cfg souboru dle exe - jen odriznu .vshost.exe
         string exeFileName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName;
         if (exeFileName.EndsWith(".vshost.exe"))
             exeFileName = exeFileName.Substring(0, exeFileName.Length - ".vshost.exe".Length);
         if (exeFileName.EndsWith(".exe"))
             exeFileName = exeFileName.Substring(0, exeFileName.Length - ".exe".Length);
         _cfgFileName = VtStrings.AddSlash(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + exeFileName + DEFAULT_EXT;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// samotny prevod PropertyItem.Value na string dle PropertyItem.Type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PItem"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static private string PropertyValueToString(PropertyItem PItem)
            const int BYTEJUMP_SHORT     = 2;
            const int BYTEJUMP_LONG      = 4;
            const int BYTEJUMP_SLONG     = 4;
            const int BYTEJUMP_RATIONAL  = 8;
            const int BYTEJUMP_SRATIONAL = 8;

            string Result = null;

            switch ((PropertyTagType)PItem.Type)
            case (PropertyTagType.Byte):                    // 1
                Result = BitConverter.ToString(PItem.Value, 0, PItem.Len);

            case (PropertyTagType.ASCII):                    // 2
                /* - puvodni, ale pak nejde cestina !!!
                 * System.Text.ASCIIEncoding Encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
                 *                  Result = Encoding.GetString(PItem.Value, 0, PItem.Len - 1);
                // spravny prevod do defaultniho kodovani, tj v ceskych win bude fungovat cestina
                Result = VtStrings.BytesToStrCS(PItem.Value);

            case (PropertyTagType.Short):                    // 3
                for (int i = 0; i < PItem.Len; i = i + BYTEJUMP_SHORT)
                    System.UInt16 Value = BitConverter.ToUInt16(PItem.Value, i);
                    Result += Value.ToString();

            case (PropertyTagType.Long):                    // 4
                for (int i = 0; i < PItem.Len; i = i + BYTEJUMP_LONG)
                    System.UInt32 Value = BitConverter.ToUInt32(PItem.Value, i);
                    Result += Value.ToString();

            case (PropertyTagType.Rational):                    // 5
                for (int i = 0; i < PItem.Len; i = i + BYTEJUMP_RATIONAL)
                    System.UInt32 Numer = BitConverter.ToUInt32(PItem.Value, i);
                    System.UInt32 Denom = BitConverter.ToUInt32(PItem.Value, i + BYTEJUMP_LONG);
                    if (Result != null)
                        Result += ' ';
                    Result += Numer.ToString() + '/' + Denom.ToString();

            case (PropertyTagType.Undefined):                    // 7
                Result = BitConverter.ToString(PItem.Value, 0, PItem.Len);

            case (PropertyTagType.SLONG):                    // 9
                for (int i = 0; i < PItem.Len; i = i + BYTEJUMP_SLONG)
                    System.Int32 Value = BitConverter.ToInt32(PItem.Value, i);
                    Result += Value.ToString();

            case (PropertyTagType.SRational):                    // 10
                for (int i = 0; i < PItem.Len; i = i + BYTEJUMP_SRATIONAL)
                    System.Int32 Numer = BitConverter.ToInt32(PItem.Value, i);
                    System.Int32 Denom = BitConverter.ToInt32(PItem.Value, i + BYTEJUMP_SLONG);
                    if (Result != null)
                        Result += ' ';
                    Result += Numer.ToString() + '/' + Denom.ToString();
