Exemple #1
 private MsiPropertyInfo(string name, int pid, Vt propertyType, string description, string valueFormatString = "{0}")
     Name               = name;
     Id                 = pid;
     _propertyType      = propertyType;
     Description        = description;
     Value              = null;
     _valueFormatString = valueFormatString;
Exemple #2
 public void Build(string[] Input)
         Start = Input[0][0];
           foreach (string s in Input)
             if (s == string.Empty)
             string[] tp = s.Split(new String[] { "→" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
             if (tp.Length != 2)
                 throw new Exception("产生式应该有且仅有一个→");
             if (tp[0].Length != 1 || !isVn(tp[0][0]))
                 throw new Exception("产生式左边应该是一个非终结符");
             char left  = tp[0][0];
             char empty = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Empty"][0];
             string[] right = tp[1].Split('|');
             for (int i = 0; i < right.Count(); ++i)
                 string part = right[i];
                 foreach (char c in part)
                     if (isVn(c))
                 Production p = new Production(left, part);
                 if (!ProductionsMap.ContainsKey(p))
                     ProductionsMap.Add(p, ProductionsMap.Count() + 1);
                     _ProductionsMap.Add(_ProductionsMap.Count() + 1, p);
     catch (Exception)
         throw new Exception("输入不合法\n");
Exemple #3
 public PendulumModelingResultViewModel(Tuple <List <double>, List <double>, List <double>, List <double> > numeric)
     for (var i = 0; i < numeric.Item1.Count; ++i)
         Thetat.Add(new ObservablePoint(numeric.Item1[i], numeric.Item2[i]));
         Vt.Add(new ObservablePoint(numeric.Item1[i], numeric.Item3[i]));
         E.Add(new ObservablePoint(numeric.Item1[i], numeric.Item4[i]));
         PhasePortrait.Add(new ObservablePoint(numeric.Item2[i], numeric.Item3[i]));
     Collection.Add(new LineSeries()
         Values = Thetat
 public HarmonicOscillatorModelingResultViewModel(Tuple <List <double>, List <double>, List <double>, List <double> > numeric)
     for (var i = 0; i < numeric.Item1.Count; ++i)
         Xt.Add(new ObservablePoint(numeric.Item1[i], numeric.Item2[i]));
         Vt.Add(new ObservablePoint(numeric.Item1[i], numeric.Item3[i]));
         E.Add(new ObservablePoint(numeric.Item1[i], numeric.Item4[i]));
         Vx.Add(new ObservablePoint(numeric.Item2[i], numeric.Item3[i]));
     Collection.Add(new LineSeries()
         Values = Xt
Exemple #5
        private MsiPropertyInfo(int id, object value)
            Id    = id;
            Value = value;

            var prototype = GetPropertyInfoById(id);

            if (prototype != null)
                Name               = prototype.Name;
                _propertyType      = prototype._propertyType;
                Description        = prototype.Description;
                _valueFormatString = prototype._valueFormatString;
                switch (_propertyType)
                case Vt.Filetime:
                    //everything is coming from wix as a string, need to submit patch to wix:
                    // _value = DateTime.FromFileTime((long)_value);

                case Vt.I2:
                case Vt.I4:
                    if (Value is string && Value != null && ((string)Value).Length > 0)
                            Value = Int32.Parse((string)Value);
                        catch (FormatException)
                Name          = "non-standard";
                _propertyType = Vt.Empty;
                Description   = "Unknown.";
Exemple #6
        private static Vt GetVt(SyntaxTree syntaxTree)
            // <Vt> ::= "null" | "identifier" | "number" | "constString" | constString ;
            Vt vt = null;

            if (syntaxTree.NodeType.Type == ContextfreeGrammarTreeNodeType.__Vt)
                if (syntaxTree.Children[0].NodeType.Type == ContextfreeGrammarTreeNodeType.__nullLeave__)
                    //vt = new KeywordNull();
                    vt = null;
                else if (syntaxTree.Children[0].NodeType.Type == ContextfreeGrammarTreeNodeType.__identifierLeave__)
                    vt = new KeywordIdentifier();
                else if (syntaxTree.Children[0].NodeType.Type == ContextfreeGrammarTreeNodeType.__numberLeave__)
                    vt = new KeywordNumber();
                else if (syntaxTree.Children[0].NodeType.Type == ContextfreeGrammarTreeNodeType.__constStringLeave__)
                    vt = new KeywordConstString();
                else if (syntaxTree.Children[0].NodeType.Type == ContextfreeGrammarTreeNodeType.constStringLeave__)
                    vt = GetConstString(syntaxTree.Children[0]);
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

Exemple #7
        // SVD exhaustion alghoritm
        // reduction - threshold of nonexistent information

        public void SVDExhaustionAlghoritm(Matrix A, double reduction)
            // min dimension
            int minSize = Math.Min(A.Row, A.Column);

            // vector norm squares u & v
            double utu = 1, vvt = 1;

            // singular numbers calculating
            for (int num = 0; num < minSize; num++)
                // searching max row in A in ||.||2
                int maxRow = A.NumberRowWithMaxNorm(out vvt);

                // if ||v|| = 0
                if (Math.Sqrt(vvt) < CONST.EPS)

                Ut.Add(new double[A.Row]);
                Vt.Add(new double[A.Column]);

                // copy elements of max row to row in v
                for (int i = 0; i > A.Column; i++)
                    Vt[num][i] = A.Elem[maxRow - 1][i];

                // power method
                while (true)
                    double utuOld = utu;

                    // vector u = A * vt / (v, vt)
                    for (int i = 0; i < A.Row; i++)
                        Ut[num][i] = 0.0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < A.Column; j++)
                            Ut[num][i] += A.Elem[i][j] * Vt[num][j];
                        Ut[num][i] /= vvt;

                        // vector u norm square
                        utu += Ut[num][i] * Ut[num][i];

                    // if dominative vector is found, then method breaks
                    if (Math.Abs(utuOld - utu) / utu < CONST.EPS)

                    vvt = 0.0;

                    // vector v = ut * A / (ut, u)
                    for (int i = 0; i < A.Column; i++)
                        Vt[num][i] = 0.0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < A.Row; j++)
                            Vt[num][i] += A.Elem[j][i] * Ut[num][j];
                        Vt[num][i] /= utu;
                        vvt        += Vt[num][i] * Vt[num][i];

                // u & v norms
                utu = Math.Sqrt(utu);
                vvt = Math.Sqrt(vvt);

                // norm singular vectors and calculate singular number
                for (int i = 0; i < A.Row; i++)
                    Ut[num][i] /= utu;
                for (int i = 0; i < A.Column; i++)
                    Vt[num][i] /= vvt;

                // if singular number is less than reduction value then break SVD alghoritm
                if (utu * vvt < reduction)

                // else save singular number
                Sigma.Add(utu * vvt);

                // update matrix (exhaustion)
                for (int i = 0; i < A.Row; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < A.Column; j++)
                        A.Elem[i][j] -= Ut[num][i] * Sigma[num] * Vt[num][i];
        public override double[] Solve()
            int m = A.RowCount;
            int n = A.ColCount;

            Debug.Assert(m >= n);
            IVector t = new SparseVector(n);
            for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
                t[i] = 0;
            IVector s = new SparseVector(n);
            IVector sy = new SparseVector(n);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                s[i] = 0;
            IVector s_old = s;

            IMatrix U; // U is a m x m orthogonal matrix 
            IMatrix Vt; // V is a n x n orthogonal matrix
            IMatrix Sigma; // Sigma is a m x n diagonal matrix with non-negative real numbers on its diagonal 
            SVD.Factorize(A, out U, out Sigma, out Vt); // A is a m x n matrix
            IMatrix Ut = U.Transpose();
            IMatrix V = Vt.Transpose();

            //SigmaInv is obtained by replacing every non-zero diagonal entry by its reciprocal and transposing the resulting matrix
            IMatrix SigmaInv = new SparseMatrix(m, n);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) // assuming m >= n
                double sigma_i = Sigma[i, i];
                if (sigma_i < epsilon) // model matrix A is rank deficient
                    throw new Exception("Near rank-deficient model matrix");
                SigmaInv[i, i] = 1.0 / sigma_i;
            SigmaInv = SigmaInv.Transpose();

            double[] W = new double[m];

            for (int j = 0; j < mMaxIters; ++j)
                Console.WriteLine("j: {0}", j);

                IVector z = new SparseVector(m);
                double[] g = new double[m];
                double[] gprime = new double[m];

                for (int k = 0; k < m; ++k)
                    g[k] = mLinkFunc.GetInvLink(t[k]);
                    gprime[k] = mLinkFunc.GetInvLinkDerivative(t[k]);

                    z[k] = t[k] + (b[k] - g[k]) / gprime[k];

                int tiny_weight_count = 0;
                for (int k = 0; k < m; ++k)
                    double w_kk = gprime[k] * gprime[k] / GetVariance(g[k]);
                    W[k] = w_kk;
                    if (w_kk < double.Epsilon * 2)

                if (tiny_weight_count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning: tiny weights encountered, (diag(W)) is too small");

                s_old = s;

                IMatrix UtW = new SparseMatrix(m, m);
                for (int k = 0; k < m; ++k)
                    for (int k2 = 0; k2 < m; ++k2)
                        UtW[k, k2] = Ut[k, k2] * W[k];

                IMatrix UtWU = UtW.Multiply(U); // m x m positive definite matrix
                IMatrix L; // m x m lower triangular matrix
                Cholesky.Factorize(UtWU, out L);
                IMatrix Lt = L.Transpose(); // m x m upper triangular matrix

                IVector UtWz = UtW.Multiply(z); // m x 1 vector

                // (Ut * W * U) * s = Ut * W * z
                // L * Lt * s = Ut * W * z (Cholesky factorization on Ut * W * U)
                // L * sy = Ut * W * z, Lt * s = sy 
                s = new SparseVector(n);
                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                    s[i] = 0;
                    sy[i] = 0;

                // forward solve sy for L * sy = Ut * W * z
                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)  // since m >= n
                    double cross_prod = 0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k)
                        cross_prod += L[i, k] * sy[k];
                    sy[i] = (UtWz[i] - cross_prod) / L[i, i];
                // backward solve s for Lt * s = sy
                for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) 
                    double cross_prod = 0;
                    for (int k = i + 1; k < n; ++k)
                        cross_prod += Lt[i, k] * s[k];
                    s[i] = (sy[i] - cross_prod) / Lt[i, i];

                t = U.Multiply(s);

                if ((s_old.Minus(s)).Norm(2) < mTol)

            IVector x = V.Multiply(SigmaInv).Multiply(Ut).Multiply(t);

            mX = new double[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                mX[i] = x[i];


            return X;