Exemple #1
 public BuildVoxelTask(Voxel voxel, VoxelType type)
     Name = "Put voxel of type: " + type.Name + " on voxel " + voxel.Position;
     Voxel = voxel;
     VoxType = type;
     Priority = PriorityType.Low;
Exemple #2
        public void ModifyVoxel(VoxelCoord vc, VoxelType newtype)
            VoxelType oldtype = Global.VoxelsData[vc];
            Global.VoxelsData[vc] = newtype;

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new voxel and updates the instance buffers.
        /// </summary>
        public void InsertSeed(int x, int y, int z, VoxelType type, Direction from = Direction.DOWN)
            Int32 pos = _map.EncodePosition(x, y, z);
            VoxelType old = _map.Get(pos);

            InsertVoxel(pos, type, 0, true, 0, 0, from);
            // Immediate upload (assuming ~1 seed per frame)
Exemple #4
 public Voxel(VoxelWorldChunk parentChunk, VoxelType type, IntVec3 pos, BoxCollider collider)
     ParentChunk = parentChunk;
     Collider = collider;
     Exposed = false;
     Position = pos;
     ExposedSides = VoxelSide.All;
        public void SetVoxel(int x, int y, int z, bool active, short destructable, VoxelType type, Color top, Color side)
            if (x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0 || x >= X_SIZE || y >= Y_SIZE || z >= Z_SIZE) return;

            Chunk c = GetChunkAtWorldPosition(x, y, z);

            c.SetVoxel(x - ((x / Chunk.X_SIZE) * Chunk.X_SIZE), y - ((y / Chunk.Y_SIZE) * Chunk.Y_SIZE), z - ((z / Chunk.Z_SIZE) * Chunk.Z_SIZE), active, destructable, type, top, side);

            c.Updated = true;
Exemple #6
 public Voxel(bool active, VoxelType type, byte tr, byte tg, byte tb, byte sr,byte sg,byte sb, byte destruct)
     Active = active;
     Type = type;
     TR = tr;
     TG = tg;
     TB = tb;
     SR = sr;
     SG = sg;
     SB = sb;
     Destructable = destruct;
 public VoxelTypeDefinition(VoxelType type, int maxHealth, bool isSolid, bool isVisible, bool isBreakable)
     Type = type;
     MaxHealth = maxHealth;
     IsSolid = isSolid;
     IsVisible = isVisible;
     IsBreakable = isBreakable;
     UVTopX = 0;
     UVTopY = 0;
     UVSideX = 0;
     UVSideY = 0;
     UVBottomX = 0;
     UVBottomY = 0;
     UVSet = new VoxelUVSet();
    Color TypeToColor(VoxelType type)
        switch (type)
            case VoxelType.Empty: return Color.clear;
            case VoxelType.Red: return Color.red;
            case VoxelType.Green: return Color.green;
            case VoxelType.Blue: return Color.blue;
            case VoxelType.Cyan: return Color.cyan;
            case VoxelType.Yellow: return Color.yellow;
            case VoxelType.Magenta: return Color.magenta;
            case VoxelType.Black: return Color.black;
            case VoxelType.Grey: return Color.grey;
            case VoxelType.White: return Color.white;

        throw new System.Exception("Invalid code path.");
Exemple #9
        public void SetVoxel(int x, int y, int z, bool active, VoxelType type, Color col)
            if (x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0 || x >= X_SIZE || y >= Y_SIZE || z >= Z_SIZE)

            Color top  = col;
            Color side = new Color(col.ToVector3() * 0.75f);

            Voxels[x, y, z].Active = active;
            Voxels[x, y, z].Type   = type;
            Voxels[x, y, z].TR     = top.R;
            Voxels[x, y, z].TG     = top.G;
            Voxels[x, y, z].TB     = top.B;
            Voxels[x, y, z].SR     = side.R;
            Voxels[x, y, z].SG     = side.G;
            Voxels[x, y, z].SB     = side.B;

            Updated = true;
Exemple #10
    void Update()
        if (Camera.main != null)
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2"))
                Ray CrosshairRay = new Ray(Camera.main.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.forward);
            else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
                Ray CrosshairRay = new Ray(Camera.main.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.forward);
                PlaceBlock(CrosshairRay, CurrentBlock);
            else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire3"))
                if (CurrentBlock == VoxelType.Weak)
                    CurrentBlock = VoxelType.Strong;
                    CurrentBlock = VoxelType.Weak;

        if (EnergyLastFrame != Energy && Energy == 0)
        if (EnergyLastFrame != Energy && Energy == EnergyCap - 1)

        EnergyLastFrame = Energy;

Exemple #11
 void PlaceBlock(Ray ray, VoxelType type)
     RaycastHit hitInfo;
     if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, ReachDistance, ReachMask))
         if (hitInfo.collider is BoxCollider)
             Voxel voxel = VoxelWorld.Inst.GetVoxelFromCollider(hitInfo.collider as BoxCollider);
             if (voxel != null)
                 float threshold = 0.1f;
                 IntVec3 offset = new IntVec3(0, 0, 0);
                 if (hitInfo.normal.y > threshold)
                     offset.Y = 1;
                 else if (hitInfo.normal.x > threshold)
                     offset.X = 1;
                 else if (hitInfo.normal.z > threshold)
                     offset.Z = 1;
                 else if (hitInfo.normal.y < -threshold)
                     offset.Y = -1;
                 else if (hitInfo.normal.x < -threshold)
                     offset.X = -1;
                 else if (hitInfo.normal.z < -threshold)
                     offset.Z = -1;
                 IntVec3 placePos = voxel.Position.Offset(offset);
                 if (VoxelWorld.Inst.IsVoxelWorldIndexValid(placePos.X, placePos.Y, placePos.Z))
                     Voxel placeVoxel = VoxelWorld.Inst.GetVoxel(placePos);
                     if (placeVoxel.TypeDef.Type == VoxelType.Air)
Exemple #12
        public void DrawGhost(Camera camera, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, VoxelType voxel, Int32 levelPositionCode)
            _voxelEffect.Parameters["ViewProjection"].SetValue(camera.ViewMatrix * camera.ProjectionMatrix);
            _voxelEffect.Parameters["ScalingFactor"].SetValue(TypeInformation.GetScalingFactor(voxel) * 0.5f);

            _singleInstanceBuffer.SetDynamicData(graphicsDevice, (ptr) => System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(
                                                     new Int32[] { levelPositionCode }, 0, ptr, 1));


            // Setup the vertices
            graphicsDevice.SetVertexBuffer(0, _cubeVertexBuffer);
            graphicsDevice.SetVertexBuffer(1, _singleInstanceBuffer);

            graphicsDevice.DrawInstanced(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, _cubeVertexBuffer.ElementCount, 1, 0, 0);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Add to map and to living list. Does nothing if tries to set outside.
        /// </summary>
        private void InsertVoxel(Int32 positionCode, VoxelType type, int generation, bool living, int resources, int ticks, Direction from)
            var pos = _map.DecodePosition(positionCode);

            if (_map.IsInside(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z))
                if (_map.Get(positionCode) != VoxelType.EMPTY)

                _map.Set(positionCode, type, living);
                if (type != VoxelType.EMPTY)
                    // Insert to instance data only if visible
                    if (!_map.IsOccluded(positionCode))
                        _insertionList.Add(new Voxel(positionCode, type));
                if (living)
                    _livingVoxels.Add(positionCode, new LivingVoxel(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, generation, resources, ticks, from));
                    if (TypeInformation.IsBiomass(type))
                    else if (TypeInformation.IsParasite(type))
Exemple #14
 public static int GetGrowingSteps(VoxelType voxeltype)
Exemple #15
 public static bool CanFungusGrowOn(VoxelType voxeltype)
     return(IsBiomass(voxeltype) || voxeltype == VoxelType.GROUND || voxeltype == VoxelType.ROCK);
Exemple #16
 public static bool IsBiomass(VoxelType voxeltype)
Exemple #17
 public static int GetMaxNumberOfVoxels(VoxelType voxeltype)
Exemple #18
 private void ChangeVoxel(Voxel block, VoxelType desiredType)
     if (block.type == VoxelType.Indestructable) { return; }
     if (block.type == desiredType) { return; }
     block.type = desiredType;
     var blocks = GetNeighbourBlocks(block.coordinate);
        public void SetVoxel(int x, int y, int z, bool active, short destructable, VoxelType type, Color top, Color side)
            if (x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0 || x >= X_SIZE || y >= Y_SIZE || z >= Z_SIZE) return;

            Voxels[x, y, z].Active = active;
            Voxels[x, y, z].Type = type;
            Voxels[x, y, z].Destructable = destructable;
            Voxels[x, y, z].TR = top.R;
            Voxels[x, y, z].TG = top.G;
            Voxels[x, y, z].TB = top.B;
            Voxels[x, y, z].SR = side.R;
            Voxels[x, y, z].SG = side.G;
            Voxels[x, y, z].SB = side.B;
            //= new Voxel(active, type, top, side);

            Updated = true;
        public void SetVoxel(int x, int y, int z, bool active, VoxelType type, Color col)
            if (x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0 || x >= X_SIZE || y >= Y_SIZE || z >= Z_SIZE) return;

            Color top = col;
            Color side = new Color(col.ToVector3() * 0.75f);

            Voxels[x, y, z].Active = active;
            Voxels[x, y, z].Type = type;
            Voxels[x, y, z].TR = top.R;
            Voxels[x, y, z].TG = top.G;
            Voxels[x, y, z].TB = top.B;
            Voxels[x, y, z].SR = side.R;
            Voxels[x, y, z].SG = side.G;
            Voxels[x, y, z].SB = side.B;

            Updated = true;
Exemple #21
 public static String GetName(VoxelType voxeltype)
Exemple #22
 private void ModifyMarkedVoxels(VoxelType desiredType)
     ChangeVoxels(voxelsToModify.ToList(), desiredType);
     markers.ForEach(m => Destroy(m));
Exemple #23
 private Vector2 GetTileCoordsFromVoxelType(VoxelType voxelType)
     switch (voxelType)
         case VoxelType.Indestructable:
             return indestructableTile;
         case VoxelType.Dirt:
             return dirtTile;
         case VoxelType.Grass:
             return grassTile;
         case VoxelType.Stone:
             return stoneTile;
         case VoxelType.Empty:
             throw new Exception("Chunk: Cannot get coordinates for an empty tile!");
             throw new Exception("Chunk: Undefined blocktype");
Exemple #24
 private void AddVoxelsToModify(Vector3 position, int range, VoxelType desiredType)
     Voxel centralVoxel;
     if (TryGetVoxelAt(position, out centralVoxel))
         AddVoxelToModify(centralVoxel, desiredType);
         var neighbours = GetNeighbourVoxelsAtRange(position.ToCoordinate(), range);
         neighbours.ForEach(v => AddVoxelToModify(v, desiredType));
Exemple #25
    private void AddVoxelToModify(Voxel voxel, VoxelType desiredType)
        if (!voxel.IsDestructible || voxel.type == desiredType) { return; }


        if (desiredType == VoxelType.Empty)
            var marker = Instantiate(destroyMarker, voxel.coordinate.ToVector3(), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            marker.transform.parent = markerParent;
            var marker = Instantiate(buildMarker, voxel.coordinate.ToVector3(), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            marker.transform.parent = markerParent;
Exemple #26
    private void ChangeVoxels(List<Voxel> voxels, VoxelType desiredType)
        var voxelsToRebuild = new List<Voxel>();

        foreach (var voxel in voxels)
            if (voxel.type == VoxelType.Indestructable) { continue; }
            if (voxel.type == desiredType) { continue; }
            voxel.type = desiredType;
            var neighbours = GetNeighbourBlocks(voxel.coordinate);
            neighbours.ForEach(b => voxelsToRebuild.Add(b));

Exemple #27
 public static bool IsInsect(VoxelType voxeltype)
     return((int)voxeltype >= (int)VoxelType.TERMITES && (int)voxeltype <= (int)VoxelType.GRASSHOPPER);
Exemple #28
    private IEnumerator Process()
        LoadProgress = 10;

        int pos = 0;

        var sw          = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(buffer));
        string codename = sw.ReadLine();

        Title = sw.ReadLine();

        int foundcount = 0;

        while (foundcount < 2)
            if (buffer[pos - 1] == 13)

        while (buffer[pos] == 13 || buffer[pos] == 10)

        int xs = buffer[pos + 2];
        int ys = buffer[pos + 3];
        int zs = buffer[pos + 4];

        X_CHUNKS = xs;
        Z_CHUNKS = ys;
        Y_CHUNKS = zs;
        //gameWorld.DisplayName = dispname;
        //gameWorld.CodeName = codename;
        //gameWorld.Type = (MapType)buffer[pos];
        Theme = (Theme)buffer[pos + 1];

        int numSpawns = buffer[pos + 5];

        pos += 6;

        for (int i = 0; i < numSpawns; i++)
            //Spawn s = (Spawn)(Instantiate(SpawnPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity));
            //s.transform.parent = transform;
            //s.transform.position = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, pos) * Voxel.SIZE, (Y_SIZE - BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, pos + 8)) * Voxel.SIZE, (Z_SIZE - BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, pos + 4)) * Voxel.SIZE);
            //s.Type = (SpawnType)buffer[pos + 12];
            //s.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, (90 * buffer[pos + 13])+180 , 0f);
            //s.name = "Spawn - " + s.Type;
            //s.Position =
            //s.Type = (SpawnType)buffer[pos + 12];
            //s.Rotation = buffer[pos + 13];
            pos += 14;

        LoadProgress = 20;

        for (int y = 0; y < Y_CHUNKS; y++)
            for (int z = Z_CHUNKS - 1; z >= 0; z--)
                for (int x = 0; x < X_CHUNKS; x++)
                    Chunk c = Chunks[x, y, z];

                    while (pos < buffer.Length)
                        if (Convert.ToChar(buffer[pos]) != 'c')
                            int vx         = buffer[pos];
                            int vz         = (Chunk.Z_SIZE - 1) - buffer[pos + 1];
                            int vy         = (Chunk.Y_SIZE - 1) - buffer[pos + 2];
                            VoxelType type = (VoxelType)buffer[pos + 3];
                            byte destruct  = buffer[pos + 4];
                            Color top      = new Color(Helper.ByteToFloat(buffer[pos + 5]), Helper.ByteToFloat(buffer[pos + 6]), Helper.ByteToFloat(buffer[pos + 7]));
                            Color side     = new Color(Helper.ByteToFloat(buffer[pos + 8]), Helper.ByteToFloat(buffer[pos + 9]), Helper.ByteToFloat(buffer[pos + 10]));

                            c.SetVoxel(vx, vy, vz, true, destruct, type, top, side);
                            pos += 11;


        LoadProgress = 30;


        //foreach (Chunk c in Chunks)


Exemple #29
 public static bool IsNotWoodButBiomass(VoxelType voxeltype)
     return(IsBiomass(voxeltype) && !IsWood(voxeltype));
Exemple #30
        void MakeQuad(Vector3 offset, Vector3 tl, Vector3 tr, Vector3 br, Vector3 bl, Color col, VoxelType type)
            Vector2 uv2 = Vector2.zero;

            if (type == VoxelType.Water)
                uv2 = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.1f, 0.5f), 0);

            PUCs.Add(new PositionUVColor(offset + tl, new Vector2(1f, 1f), uv2, col));
            PUCs.Add(new PositionUVColor(offset + tr, new Vector2(0f, 1f), uv2, col));
            PUCs.Add(new PositionUVColor(offset + br, new Vector2(0f, 0f), uv2, col));
            PUCs.Add(new PositionUVColor(offset + bl, new Vector2(1f, 0f), uv2, col));
Exemple #31
 public static String[] GetWeakness(VoxelType voxeltype)
     String[] result = { weakness[(int)voxeltype, 0], weakness[(int)voxeltype, 1] };
Exemple #32
 public VoxelTypeInstanceData(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, VoxelType voxel)
     Voxel           = voxel;
     InstanceBuffer  = Buffer.Vertex.New <Int32>(graphicsDevice, TypeInformation.GetMaxNumberOfVoxels(voxel), SharpDX.Direct3D11.ResourceUsage.Dynamic);
     InstanceDataRAM = new HashSet <Int32>();// System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(UInt32) * MAX_NUM_VOXELS_PER_TYPE);
Exemple #33
 public void SetType(VoxelType type)
     TypeDef = VoxelWorld.Inst.VoxelTypeDefs[type];
     Health  = TypeDef.MaxHealth;
Exemple #34
 private static int GetRenderingDataIndex(VoxelType voxel)
     return((int)voxel - 1);
Exemple #35
 public static bool IsParasite(VoxelType voxeltype)
Exemple #36
 public void Set(Int32 positionCode, VoxelType type, bool living)
     Int3 p;
     p = DecodePosition(positionCode);
     --_numVoxelsOfType[_voxels[positionCode] & 0x7f];
     _voxels[positionCode] = (byte)((living ? 0x80 : 0) | (int)type);
Exemple #37
 public static IVoxelRule GetRule(VoxelType voxeltype)
Exemple #38
 public int GetNumVoxels(VoxelType type)
     return _numVoxelsOfType[(int)type];
Exemple #39
 public static float GetScalingFactor(VoxelType voxeltype)
Exemple #40
 public Voxel(double density, VoxelType type, Vector3 normal)
     Density = density;
     Type = type;
     Normal = normal;
Exemple #41
 public static int GetGrowHeight(VoxelType voxeltype)
Exemple #42
        public static void InitializeDefaultLibrary(GraphicsDevice graphics, Texture2D cubeTexture)
            if (PrimitiveMap.Count > 0) return;

            BoxPrimitive grassCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 0), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0));
            BoxPrimitive dirtCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0));
            BoxPrimitive stoneCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(4, 2), new Point(1, 0), new Point(4, 2));
            BoxPrimitive sandCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 1));
            BoxPrimitive ironCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(4, 1), new Point(1, 2), new Point(4, 1));
            BoxPrimitive goldCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(3, 1), new Point(0, 2), new Point(3, 1));
            BoxPrimitive coalCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(3, 2), new Point(2, 2), new Point(2, 2));
            BoxPrimitive manaCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(7, 1), new Point(6, 1), new Point(7, 1));
            BoxPrimitive frostCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 1), new Point(2, 1), new Point(2, 0));
            BoxPrimitive scaffoldCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(7, 0), new Point(7, 0), new Point(7, 0));
            BoxPrimitive plankCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(4, 0), new Point(4, 0), new Point(4, 0));
            BoxPrimitive waterCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, cubeTexture.Width, cubeTexture.Height, new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 0));
            BoxPrimitive cobblestoneCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(5, 2), new Point(5, 2), new Point(5, 2));
            BoxPrimitive magicCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 10), new Point(0, 10), new Point(0, 10));
            BoxPrimitive bedrockCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(6, 2), new Point(6, 2), new Point(6, 2));
            BoxPrimitive brownTileCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(5, 0), new Point(5, 0), new Point(5, 0));
            BoxPrimitive blueTileCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(6, 0), new Point(6, 0), new Point(6, 0));
            BoxPrimitive tilledSoilCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(5, 1), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0));

            emptyType = new VoxelType
                Name = "empty",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                IsBuildable = false

            VoxelType tilledSoil = new VoxelType
                Name = "TilledSoil",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth = 20,
                CanRamp = true,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "dirt_particle",
                IsSoil = true
            RegisterType(tilledSoil, tilledSoilCube);

            VoxelType brownTileFloor = new VoxelType
                Name = "BrownTileFloor",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth = 20,
                CanRamp = false,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "stone_particle"
            RegisterType(brownTileFloor, brownTileCube);

            VoxelType blueTileFloor = new VoxelType
                Name = "BlueTileFloor",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth = 20,
                CanRamp = false,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "stone_particle"
            RegisterType(blueTileFloor, blueTileCube);

            VoxelType cobblestoneFloor = new VoxelType
                Name = "CobblestoneFloor",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth = 20,
                CanRamp = false,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "stone_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true
            RegisterType(cobblestoneFloor, cobblestoneCube);
            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 8), new Point(5, 2), new Point(5, 2), cobblestoneFloor.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType stockpileType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Stockpile",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth = 20,
                CanRamp = false,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "stone_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true
            RegisterType(stockpileType, plankCube);

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 9), new Point(4, 0), new Point(4, 0), stockpileType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType plankType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Plank",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Wood,
                StartingHealth = 20,
                ReleasesResource = true,
                CanRamp = true,
                RampSize = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable = true,
                ParticleType = "stone_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 9), new Point(4, 0), new Point(4, 0), plankType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType magicType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Magic",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.0f,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Mana,
                StartingHealth = 1,
                ReleasesResource = true,
                CanRamp = false,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "star_particle",
                ExplosionSound = ContentPaths.Audio.wurp,
                HasTransitionTextures = false,
                EmitsLight = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 10), new Point(15, 10), new Point(15, 10), magicType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType scaffoldType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Scaffold",
                StartingHealth = 20,
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Wood,
                ReleasesResource = false,
                CanRamp = false,
                RampSize = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable = true,
                ParticleType = "stone_particle"

            VoxelType grassType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Grass",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.1f,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Dirt,
                StartingHealth = 10,
                ReleasesResource = true,
                CanRamp = true,
                RampSize = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "dirt_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true,
                IsSoil = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 3), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0), grassType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType frostType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Frost",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.1f,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Dirt,
                StartingHealth = 10,
                ReleasesResource = true,
                CanRamp = true,
                RampSize = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "dirt_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 4), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0), frostType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType desertGrass = new VoxelType
                Name = "DesertGrass",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.1f,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Sand,
                StartingHealth = 10,
                ReleasesResource = true,
                CanRamp = true,
                RampSize = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "sand_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 6), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 1), desertGrass.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType jungleGrass = new VoxelType
                Name = "JungleGrass",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.1f,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Dirt,
                StartingHealth = 10,
                ReleasesResource = true,
                CanRamp = true,
                RampSize = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "dirt_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 5), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0), jungleGrass.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType dirtType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Dirt",
                ReleasesResource = true,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Dirt,
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.3f,
                StartingHealth = 10,
                RampSize = 0.5f,
                CanRamp = true,
                IsBuildable = true,
                ParticleType = "dirt_particle",
                IsSoil = true

            VoxelType stoneType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Stone",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.5f,
                ReleasesResource = true,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Stone,
                StartingHealth = 30,
                IsBuildable = true,
                ParticleType = "stone_particle"

            VoxelType bedrockType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Bedrock",
                StartingHealth = 255,
                IsBuildable = false,
                IsInvincible = true

            VoxelType waterType = new VoxelType
                Name = "water",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                IsBuildable = false,
                StartingHealth = 255

            VoxelType sandType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Sand",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth = 5,
                CanRamp = true,
                RampSize = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "sand_particle"

            VoxelType ironType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Iron",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.99f,
                ReleasesResource = true,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Iron,
                StartingHealth = 80,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "stone_particle"

            ResourceSpawns["Iron"] = new ResourceSpawnRate
                VeinSize = 0.2f,
                VeinSpawnThreshold = 0.9f,
                MinimumHeight = -100,
                MaximumHeight = 100,
                Probability = 0.5f

            VoxelType coalType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Coal",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.99f,
                ReleasesResource = true,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Coal,
                StartingHealth = 75,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "stone_particle"

            ResourceSpawns["Coal"] = new ResourceSpawnRate
                VeinSize = 0.085f,
                VeinSpawnThreshold = 0.9f,
                MinimumHeight = -100,
                MaximumHeight = 100,
                Probability = 0.5f

            VoxelType goldType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Gold",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ReleasesResource = true,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Gold,
                StartingHealth = 90,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "stone_particle"

            ResourceSpawns["Gold"] = new ResourceSpawnRate
                VeinSize = 0.07f,
                VeinSpawnThreshold = 0.8f,
                MinimumHeight = -150,
                MaximumHeight = 15,
                Probability = 0.6f

            VoxelType manaType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Mana",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ReleasesResource = true,
                ResourceToRelease = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Mana,
                StartingHealth = 200,
                IsBuildable = false,
                ParticleType = "stone_particle"

            ResourceSpawns["Mana"] = new ResourceSpawnRate
                VeinSize = 0.05f,
                VeinSpawnThreshold = 0.85f,
                MinimumHeight = -800,
                MaximumHeight = 8,
                Probability = 0.5f

            RegisterType(grassType, grassCube);
            RegisterType(frostType, frostCube);
            RegisterType(desertGrass, grassCube);
            RegisterType(jungleGrass, grassCube);
            RegisterType(emptyType, null);
            RegisterType(dirtType, dirtCube);
            RegisterType(stoneType, stoneCube);
            RegisterType(waterType, waterCube);
            RegisterType(sandType, sandCube);
            RegisterType(ironType, ironCube);
            RegisterType(goldType, goldCube);
            RegisterType(manaType, manaCube);
            RegisterType(plankType, plankCube);
            RegisterType(scaffoldType, scaffoldCube);
            RegisterType(bedrockType, bedrockCube);
            RegisterType(coalType, coalCube);
            RegisterType(magicType, magicCube);

            foreach (VoxelType type in VoxelType.TypeList)
                Types[type.Name] = type;
Exemple #43
 public static bool IsWood(VoxelType voxeltype)
     return((int)voxeltype >= (int)VoxelType.TEAK_WOOD && (int)voxeltype <= (int)VoxelType.REDWOOD);
Exemple #44
 public static void PlaceType(VoxelType type, Voxel voxel)
     voxel.Type = type;
     voxel.Water = new WaterCell();
     voxel.Health = voxel.Type.StartingHealth;
Exemple #45
 public static bool IsGroundOrFungus(VoxelType voxeltype)
     return(voxeltype == VoxelType.ROCK || voxeltype == VoxelType.GROUND || voxeltype == VoxelType.WHITEROT_FUNGUS || voxeltype == VoxelType.NOBLEROT_FUNGUS);
Exemple #46
    void CreateVoxel(GridCoord coord, VoxelType type)
        var voxel = gridGOs[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z];

        if (voxel == null)
            voxel = (GameObject)Instantiate(voxelGO, coord.WorldPosition, Quaternion.identity);
            gridGOs[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z] = voxel;


        if (type == VoxelType.Black)
            var black = voxel.AddComponent<BlackVoxel>();
            black.Initialize(this, coord);
Exemple #47
 public Voxel(Int32 pCode, VoxelType t)
     PositionCode = pCode;
     Type         = t;
Exemple #48
 void AdjustFillCount(VoxelType from, VoxelType to)
     if (from != to)
         if (to == VoxelType.Empty)
         else if (from == VoxelType.Empty)
Exemple #49
 public static String[] GetStrength(VoxelType voxeltype)
     String[] result = { strength[(int)voxeltype, 0], strength[(int)voxeltype, 1] };
 public VoxelTemplate(string name, bool isAir, VoxelType type)
     this.name = name;
     this.isAir = isAir;
     this.type = type;
Exemple #51
 public MapConfig()
     PhysicalEnvironment = new PhysicalEnvironment();
     GroundVoxelType     = new VoxelType();
        static Color GetTopColor(VoxelType type)
            switch (type)
                case VoxelType.Ground:
                    return new Color(0f, 0.5f + ((float)Helper.Random.NextDouble() * 0.1f), 0f);
                case VoxelType.Tree:
                    return new Color(0.4f + ((float)Helper.Random.NextDouble() * 0.1f), 0.1f + ((float)Helper.Random.NextDouble() * 0.05f), 0.05f);
                case VoxelType.Leaf:
                    return new Color(0.2f, 0.8f + ((float)Helper.Random.NextDouble() * 0.1f), 0.2f);

            return Color.White;
Exemple #53
 public void SetType(VoxelType type)
     TypeDef = VoxelWorld.Inst.VoxelTypeDefs[type];
     Health = TypeDef.MaxHealth;
Exemple #54
 public static BoxPrimitive GetPrimitive(VoxelType type)
         return PrimitiveMap[type];
         return null;
Exemple #55
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiate a voxel.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">X index of the voxel</param>
 /// <param name="y">Y index of the voxel</param>
 /// <param name="z">Z index of the voxel</param>
 /// /// <param name="type">The type of the voxel (Empty, Connection, Block) </param>
 public Voxel(int x, int y, int z, VoxelType type)
     Index = new Vector3Int(x, y, z);
     Type  = type;
Exemple #56
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiate a block voxel with walkable faces assigned
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">X index of the voxel</param>
 /// <param name="y">Y index of the voxel</param>
 /// <param name="z">Z index of the voxel</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the voxel (Empty, Connection, Block) </param>
 /// <param name="parentPattern">Parrent Pattern of the connection</param>
 /// <param name="orientation">Orientation of the block</param>
 /// <param name="walkableFaces">The direction vectors between the center of the block and the climable faces eg. (1,0,0)</param>
 public Voxel(int x, int y, int z, VoxelType type, Vector3Int orientation, Pattern parentPattern, List <Vector3Int> walkableFaces)
     : this(x, y, z, type, orientation, parentPattern)
     WalkableFaces = walkableFaces;
Exemple #57
 public DigBlock(VoxelType VoxelType, Creature Miner)
     this.VoxelType = VoxelType;
     this.Miner     = Miner;
Exemple #58
 public static int GetPrice(VoxelType voxeltype)
Exemple #59
 public static void RegisterType(VoxelType type, BoxPrimitive primitive)
     PrimitiveMap[type] = primitive;
Exemple #60
    public void Set(GridCoord coord, VoxelType type)
        var previousType = grid[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z];
        AdjustFillCount(previousType, type);

        grid[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z] = type;

        CreateVoxel(coord, type);