Exemple #1
        private void AddVolunteers(Person person, Organization organization)
            TaskGroup group = new TaskGroup(TaskGroupType.Volunteers);

            Volunteers volunteers = Volunteers.GetOpen();

            foreach (Volunteer volunteer in volunteers)
                if (volunteer.Owner.Identity == person.Identity)
                    group.Tasks.Add(new TaskVolunteer(volunteer));

            if (group.Tasks.Count > 0)
Exemple #2
        public static void TimeoutVolunteers()
            Volunteers volunteers = Volunteers.GetOpen();
            DateTime   threshold  = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30);

            foreach (Volunteer volunteer in volunteers)
                if (volunteer.OpenedDateTime < threshold)
                    // timed out

                    OfficerChain officers = OfficerChain.FromOrganizationAndGeography(Organization.PPSE,

                    new MailTransmitter(Strings.MailSenderName, Strings.MailSenderAddress,
                                        "Volunteer Timed Out: [" + volunteer.Geography.Name + "]",
                                        String.Empty, officers, true).Send();

                    volunteer.Close("Timed out");
        public static void TimeoutVolunteers()
            Volunteers volunteers = Volunteers.GetOpen();
            DateTime   threshold  = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30);

            foreach (Volunteer volunteer in volunteers)
                if (volunteer.OpenedDateTime < threshold)
                    // timed out

                    /* -- wtf, Volunteer doesn't have an Org component? Well, will change anyway with Swarmops role structure
                     * OfficerChain officers = OfficerChain.FromOrganizationAndGeography(volunteer.,
                     *                                                                volunteer.Geography);
                     * new MailTransmitter(Strings.MailSenderName, Strings.MailSenderAddress,
                     *                                         "Volunteer Timed Out: [" + volunteer.Geography.Name + "]",
                     *                                         String.Empty, officers, true).Send(); */

                    volunteer.Close("Timed out");
Exemple #4
    protected void PopulateGrids(bool rebuildOthersGrid)
        Volunteers allVolunteers = Volunteers.GetOpen();
        int        currentUserId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);

        Person    viewingPerson = Person.FromIdentity(currentUserId);
        Authority authority     = viewingPerson.GetAuthority();

        Volunteers geoVolunteers            = new Volunteers();
        Volunteers directReportVolunteers   = new Volunteers();
        Volunteers vicesAndAdminsVolunteers = new Volunteers();
        Volunteers ownerVolunteers          = new Volunteers();

        Geographies authGeos       = this.GetAuthorityArea();
        People      directReports  = GetDirectReports();
        People      vicesAndAdmins = this.GetVicesAndAdmins();

        // Build lookup tables

        Dictionary <int, bool> geoLookup                 = new Dictionary <int, bool>();
        Dictionary <int, bool> directReportLookup        = new Dictionary <int, bool>();
        Dictionary <int, bool> vicesAndAdminsLookup      = new Dictionary <int, bool>();
        Dictionary <int, bool> leadsVicesAndAdminsLookup = new Dictionary <int, bool>();

        foreach (Geography geo in authGeos)
            geoLookup[geo.Identity] = true;

        foreach (Person person in directReports)
            directReportLookup[person.Identity] = true;

        foreach (Person person in vicesAndAdmins)
            vicesAndAdminsLookup[person.Identity] = true;

        // Build volunteer lists
        Dictionary <int, Organization> viewerOrgDict = new Dictionary <int, Organization>();

        Organizations viewerOrgsList = authority.GetOrganizations(RoleTypes.AllLocalRoleTypes);

        foreach (Organization o in viewerOrgsList)
            viewerOrgDict[o.Identity] = o;

        //Volunteers filteredVolunteers = new Volunteers();

        //foreach (Volunteer volunteer in allVolunteers)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        Person p = volunteer.Person;
        //        filteredVolunteers.Add(volunteer);
        //    }
        //    catch
        //    {
        //    }

        //allVolunteers = filteredVolunteers;

        foreach (Volunteer volunteer in allVolunteers)
                bool hasAuthority = false;
                // Only show geoVolunteers that volounteered for an org where viewer have a role.
                // (This is currently always PP)
                // Unless it is directly assigned.

                foreach (VolunteerRole rle in volunteer.Roles)
                    if (viewerOrgDict.ContainsKey(rle.OrganizationId))
                        hasAuthority = true;

                if (hasAuthority && geoLookup.ContainsKey(volunteer.Geography.Identity))

                    /* Fix for the viewing users volunteers showing up in more than one list */
                    // BROKEN FIX -- this caused only one volunteer to be displayed, EVER, and delayed
                    // volunteer processing by several days -RF

                // If directly assigned to me show regardless of org.
                if (volunteer.OwnerPersonId == currentUserId)

                if (hasAuthority && directReportLookup.ContainsKey(volunteer.OwnerPersonId))

                if (hasAuthority && vicesAndAdminsLookup.ContainsKey(volunteer.OwnerPersonId))

        if (rebuildOthersGrid)
            this.GridOther.DataSource = geoVolunteers;
        this.GridLeadGeography.DataSource = vicesAndAdminsVolunteers;
        this.GridReports.DataSource       = directReportVolunteers;
        this.GridOwner.DataSource         = ownerVolunteers;
Exemple #5
        public string SwedishCityMapOrgStrengthLookupReplacer(Match match)
            // Five groups: "color" and "id" are the keys, "start", "middle" and "end" are what to paste in between.

            Organization org = Organization.FromIdentity(1); // Replace later for more generic

            string resultColorString = "#000000";
            string id = match.Groups["id"].Value;

            // If not constructed for this instance, construct the volunteer cache

            if (this.volunteerCache == null)
                this.volunteerCache = new Dictionary <int, bool>();

                Volunteers volunteers = Volunteers.GetOpen();

                foreach (Volunteer volunteer in volunteers)
                    volunteerCache[volunteer.Geography.Identity] = true;

                Geography geo = Geography.FromOfficialDesignation(1, GeographyLevel.Municipality, id);

                int circuitLeadCount   = 0;
                int cityLeadCount      = 0;
                int cityVolunteerCount = 0;

                RoleLookup lookup = RoleLookup.FromGeographyAndOrganization(geo.Identity, 1);
                if (lookup[RoleType.LocalLead].Count > 0)
                    cityLeadCount = 1;

                    if (lookup[RoleType.LocalDeputy].Count > 0)
                        cityLeadCount = 2;

                if (volunteerCache.ContainsKey(geo.Identity))
                    cityVolunteerCount = 1;

                // Move up to circuit level

                while (!(geo.AtLevel(GeographyLevel.ElectoralCircuit)))
                    geo = geo.Parent;

                lookup = RoleLookup.FromGeographyAndOrganization(geo.Identity, 1);
                if (lookup[RoleType.LocalLead].Count > 0)
                    circuitLeadCount = 1;

                    if (lookup[RoleType.LocalDeputy].Count > 0)
                        circuitLeadCount = 2;

                float saturation = 1.0f;
                float brightness = 0.15f + 0.2f * circuitLeadCount;
                float hue        = cityLeadCount * 60; // red, yellow, green hues at 0°, 60°, 120°

                if (cityLeadCount < 2 && cityVolunteerCount > 0)
                    hue += 30; // There are volunteers? Place at orange (for none) or yellow-green (for one).

                Color color = ColorFromAhsb(255, hue, saturation, brightness);

                resultColorString = String.Format("#{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}", color.R, color.G, color.B);
            catch (Exception)

             * try
             * {
             *  if (lookup.ContainsKey(id))
             *  {
             *      geoId = lookup[id];
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      geoId = Int32.Parse(id);
             *  }
             *  Geography geo = Geography.FromIdentity(geoId);
             *  RoleLookup officers = RoleLookup.FromGeographyAndOrganization(geo.Identity, org.Identity);
             *  bool hasLead = officers[RoleType.LocalLead].Count > 0;
             *  bool hasSecond = officers[RoleType.LocalDeputy].Count > 0;
             *  Geographies geoTree = geo.GetTree();
             *  int cities = 0;
             *  int citiesWithLead = 0;
             *  foreach (Geography localGeo in geoTree)
             *  {
             *      if (localGeo.Identity == geo.Identity)
             *      {
             *          continue;
             *      }
             *      if (localGeo.Name.EndsWith("kommun"))
             *      {
             *          cities++;
             *          officers = RoleLookup.FromGeographyAndOrganization(localGeo.Identity, org.Identity);
             *          if (officers[RoleType.LocalLead].Count > 0)
             *          {
             *              citiesWithLead++;
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             *  int cityLeadPercent = 100;
             *  if (cities > 0)
             *  {
             *      cityLeadPercent = citiesWithLead * 100 / cities;
             *  }
             *  // Determine color
             *  Color color = Color.Red;
             *  if (!hasLead)
             *  {
             *      color = Color.Red;
             *  }
             *  else if (cityLeadPercent > 80 && hasSecond)
             *  {
             *      color = Color.Green;
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      // Find a hue between Orange and Light Green. Say, between 30 and 120.
             *      cityLeadPercent += 30;
             *      if (cityLeadPercent > 120)
             *      {
             *          cityLeadPercent = 120;
             *      }
             *      color = ColorFromAhsb(100, cityLeadPercent, 1.0f, 0.5f);
             *  }
             *  resultColorString = String.Format("#{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}", color.R, color.G, color.B);
             * }
             * catch (Exception)
             * {
             *  // Ignore - color will be black
             * }

            return(match.Groups["start"].Value + resultColorString + match.Groups["middle"].Value + id +