public VolumeWatcher()
            _helper = new VolumeWatcherHelper(this);
            _detector = new DriveDetector();
            _detector.DeviceArrived += delegate(object sender, DriveDetectorEventArgs e) {
                if (e.Drive == _hookeddrive) e.HookQueryRemove = true;
                ev_VolumeChanged(VolumeWatcherEvent.DidMount, e.Drive);
            _detector.DeviceRemoved += delegate(object sender, DriveDetectorEventArgs e) {
                ev_VolumeChanged(VolumeWatcherEvent.DidUnmount, e.Drive);
            _detector.QueryRemove += delegate(object sender, DriveDetectorEventArgs e) {
                // QueryRemove only gets fired if the device is "hooked" (see
                // DriveDetector for explanation) and only one drive can be hooked
                // at a time. may need to fix if this event is needed.
                ev_VolumeChanged(VolumeWatcherEvent.WillUnmount, e.Drive);
            throw new NotSupportedException();
 public VolumeWatcher()
     _helper = new VolumeWatcherHelper(this);