Exemple #1
    void GetRelativeVolume(VoiceChatPacket packet, out float maxAmplitude, out int highVolumeFrequency, out int minFrequency, out int maxFrequency)
        float[] sample = null;
        VoiceChatUtils.Decompress(new NSpeex.SpeexDecoder(NSpeex.BandMode.Narrow), packet, out sample);

        // clear fftBuffer
        for (int i = 0; i < fftBuffer.Length; ++i)
            fftBuffer[i] = 0;
        Array.Copy(sample, 0, fftBuffer, 0, sample.Length);
        Exocortex.DSP.Fourier.FFT(fftBuffer, fftBuffer.Length / 2, Exocortex.DSP.FourierDirection.Forward);

        highVolumeFrequency = -1;
        minFrequency        = -1;
        maxFrequency        = -1;
        maxAmplitude        = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < fftBuffer.Length; ++i)
            if (fftBuffer[i] > maxAmplitude)
                maxAmplitude        = fftBuffer[i];
                highVolumeFrequency = i;
            if (minFrequency == -1 && fftBuffer[i] > 0)
                minFrequency = i;
            if (fftBuffer[i] > 0)
                maxFrequency = i;
Exemple #2
    public void PlayRecording(int voiceLen)
        if (source == null)
        int size = VoiceChatSettings.Instance.SampleSize;

        voiceLen = voiceLen / compressLen * size;
        VoiceChatPacket packet = new VoiceChatPacket();

        packet.Compression = VoiceChatSettings.Instance.Compression;
        packet.Data        = VoiceChatBytePool.Instance.Get();
        packet.Length      = compressLen;
        for (int i = 0; i < voiceLen; i += size)
            float[] sample = null;
            Array.Copy(cacheData, i, packet.Data, 0, size);
            int length = VoiceChatUtils.Decompress(speexDec, packet, out sample);
            Array.Copy(sample, 0, data, i, length);
        source.clip.SetData(data, 0);
        // isPlaying = true;
Exemple #3
        public void OnNewSample(VoiceChatPacket newPacket)
            // Set last time we got something
            lastRecvTime = Time.time;

            packetsToPlay.Add(newPacket.PacketId, newPacket);

            if (packetsToPlay.Count < 10)

            var pair   = packetsToPlay.First();
            var packet = pair.Value;


            // Decompress
            float[] sample = null;
            int     length = VoiceChatUtils.Decompress(speexDec, packet, out sample);

            // Add more time to received
            received += VoiceChatSettings.Instance.SampleTime;

            // Push data to buffer
            Array.Copy(sample, 0, data, index, length);

            // Increase index
            index += length;

            // Handle wrap-around
            if (index >= audioSource.clip.samples)
                index = 0;

            // Set data
            audioSource.clip.SetData(data, 0);

            //if (!audioSource.isPlaying)
            //    audioSource.Play();

            // If we're not playing
            if (!audioSource.isPlaying)
                // Set that we should be playing
                shouldPlay = true;

                // And if we have no delay set, set it.
                if (playDelay <= 0)
                    playDelay = (float)VoiceChatSettings.Instance.SampleTime * playbackDelay;

Exemple #4
    public void OnNewSample(VoiceChatPacket packet)
        if (!initialized)

        // Store last packet

        // Set last time we got something
        lastRecvTime = Time.time;

        // Decompress
        float[] sample = null;
        int     length = VoiceChatUtils.Decompress(speexDec, packet, out sample);

        // Add more time to received
        received += VoiceChatSettings.Instance.SampleTime;

        // Push data to buffer
        Array.Copy(sample, 0, data, index, length);

        // Increase index
        index += length;

        // Handle wrap-around
        if (index >= GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip.samples)
            index = 0;

        // Set data
        GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip.SetData(data, 0);

        // If we're not playing
        if (!GetComponent <AudioSource>().isPlaying)
            // Set that we should be playing
            shouldPlay = true;

            // And if we have no delay set, set it.
            if (playDelay <= 0)
                playDelay = (float)VoiceChatSettings.Instance.SampleTime * playbackDelay;
