private void TrendSmooth(double[] deseasonSeries, int np, double[] t)
            List <double> virtualDeseasonSeries = VirtualXValuesProvider.GetXValues(deseasonSeries.Length);
            FastLoess     trender = new FastLoess(virtualDeseasonSeries, deseasonSeries, _isTemporal, Nt(np));

            for (int i = 0; i < deseasonSeries.Length; i++)
                t[i] = trender.Y[i];
        private FastLoess LowPassFiltering(double[] c, int np)
            List <double> c1 = MovingAverage(c, np);
            List <double> c2 = MovingAverage(c1, np);
            List <double> c3 = MovingAverage(c2, 3);
            List <double> virtualC3XValues = VirtualXValuesProvider.GetXValues(c3.Count);
            FastLoess     lowPass          = new FastLoess(virtualC3XValues, c3, _isTemporal, Nl(np));


        private bool CycleSubseriesSmooth(double[] detrendedY, int np, double[] c)
            for (int i = 0; i < np; i++)
                _cycleSubSeries[i]    = new List <double>();
                _smoothedSubseries[i] = new List <double>();

            // obtain all the subseries
            for (int i = 0; i < detrendedY.Length; i++)
                int cycleIndex = i % np;

            // smoothing on each subseries
            for (int i = 0; i < _cycleSubSeries.Length; i++)
                List <double> virtualXValues = VirtualXValuesProvider.GetXValues(_cycleSubSeries[i].Count);

                FastLoess model = new FastLoess(virtualXValues, _cycleSubSeries[i], _isTemporal, Ns);

                // add a prior point

                // add a after point
                _smoothedSubseries[i].Add(model.EstimateY(_cycleSubSeries[i].Count * 1.0));

            // c is the smoothed series, with _length + 2Np points.
            int index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < _smoothedSubseries[0].Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _smoothedSubseries.Length; j++)
                    if (_smoothedSubseries[j].Count <= i)
                    if (_smoothedSubseries[j][i].Equals(double.NaN))
                    c[index] = (_smoothedSubseries[j][i]);
