public void Descendants_ByKey_ArgumentComparerIsInvoked()
            // Get a valid tree.
            var tree = TestTreeFactory.GetSimpleTree();

            // Create a mock IComparer.
            Mock <IEqualityComparer <Node <int> > > mockComparer = new Mock <IEqualityComparer <Node <int> > >();

            .Setup(mock => mock.Equals(It.IsAny <Node <int> >(), It.IsAny <Node <int> >()))

            // Create a VirtualForest.
            IVirtualForest <Node <int> > vt = VirtualForest.New(new NodeWalker <int>(), tree);

            // Create a key to use for comparison.  Any key is fine.
            Node <int> key = new Node <int>(0);

            // Execute Descendants.
            vt.Descendants(key, mockComparer.Object).Roots.ToArray();

            // Verify that the VirtualForest's comparer was used.
            //mockComparer.Verify(x => x.Equals(It.IsAny<Node<int>>(), It.IsAny<Node<int>>()), Times.Exactly(vt.GetDegree()));
        public void ChildrenByKey_ArgumentComparerIsInvoked()
            // Get a valid tree.
            var tree = TestTreeFactory.GetSimpleTree();

            // Create a mock IComparer.
            Mock <IEqualityComparer <Node <int> > > mockComparer = new Mock <IEqualityComparer <Node <int> > >();

            .Setup(mock => mock.Equals(It.IsAny <Node <int> >(), It.IsAny <Node <int> >()))

            // Create a VirtualForest.
            IVirtualForest <Node <int> > vt = VirtualForest.New(new NodeWalker <int>(), tree);

            // Create a key to use for comparison.  Any key is fine.
            Node <int> key = new Node <int>(0);

            // Execute the Children.
            vt.Children(key, mockComparer.Object).Roots.ToArray();

            // Verify that the comparer argument was used.
            mockComparer.Verify(x => x.Equals(key, It.IsAny <Node <int> >()), Times.AtLeastOnce);