public async Task TestViolationReportGeneration()
            var ukprn = 12345678;
            var jobId = 100;
            var reportName = "EAS Rule Violation Report";
            var filename = $"12345678_100_EAS Rule Violation Report-12345678-20200801-090000.csv";
            var container = "container";
            var submissionDate = new DateTime(2020, 8, 1, 9, 0, 0);

            var easJobContext = new Mock<IEasJobContext>();

            easJobContext.Setup(jc => jc.FileReference).Returns("Filename");
            easJobContext.Setup(jc => jc.Ukprn).Returns(ukprn);
            easJobContext.Setup(jc => jc.Container).Returns(container);
            easJobContext.Setup(jc => jc.JobId).Returns(jobId);
            easJobContext.Setup(jc => jc.SubmissionDateTimeUtc).Returns(submissionDate);

            var fileNameServiceMock = new Mock<IFileNameService>();
            var csvServiceMock = new Mock<ICsvFileService>();

            fileNameServiceMock.Setup(fns => fns.GetFilename(ukprn, jobId, reportName, It.IsAny<DateTime>(), OutputTypes.Csv)).Returns(filename);

            ViolationReport report = new ViolationReport(fileNameServiceMock.Object, csvServiceMock.Object);

            var result = await report.GenerateReportAsync(easJobContext.Object, new EasCsvRecordBuilder().Build(), new ValidationErrorModelBuilder().Build(), CancellationToken.None);


        public override void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
            if (column.ParsedName.LastWord.Value == "Id" && column.Name != "Id")
                ParsedIdentifier fullTableName = column.ParsedName.GetRange(0, -1);
                ParsedIdentifier nonQualifiedTableName = column.ParsedName.GetRange(1, -1);

                if (nonQualifiedTableName.Words.Count > 1 &&
                    nonQualifiedTableName = nonQualifiedTableName.GetRange(1);

                if (!(_specialReferenceNames.Contains(fullTableName.Value) ||
                    column.Table.Database.TablesByShortName.ContainsKey(fullTableName.Value) ||
                        "The column ends with the word \"Id\" but no table exists that this " +
                        "column should reference.");

            base.CheckColumn(report, column);
 public override void CheckTable(ViolationReport report, Table table)
     if (!table.ParsedName.HasPrefix && table.Name.Name != "Version")
             "The table name does not begin with a recognised table prefix.");
 public override void CheckTable(ViolationReport report, Table table)
     if (table.ParsedName.ContainsOneOfWord(_vagueWords))
         report.AddViolation(table, "The table name includes a word that may make the " +
             "name too vague. Try making the column name more descriptive or precise.");
 public override void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
     if (column.Name == "Id" && column != column.Table.FirstColumn)
             "The column has the name \"Id\", but does not follow the convention of " +
             "placing this field first in the column order.");
 public override void CheckTable(ViolationReport report, Table table)
     if (table.ParsedName.LastWord.Value.EndsWith("s"))
             "The table name appears to be a plural, when all table names should be " +
 public override void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
     if (column.DataType == "float" && !column.ParsedName.ContainsOneOfWord(_floatSuggestingWords))
             "The column uses a float type when the name does not suggest that it is " +
             "a distance, length, weight or fraction. Monetary fields should never use " +
             "the floating point type; use a decimal instead.");
        public override void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
            if (column.DataType != "bit") return;

            if (column.IsNullable)
                    "The column is a nullable bit column, which is only recommended where " +
                    "null is assigned a specific meaning.");
        public override void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
            if (column.Table.Name.Name == "Version") return;

            if (column.DataType == "varchar" || column.DataType == "text")
                    "Do not use the non-unicode data types \"varchar\" or \"text\". Use " +
                    "\"nvarchar\" or \"ntext\" instead.");
        public override void CheckTable(ViolationReport report, Table table)
            foreach (ParsedWord word in table.ParsedName.Words)
                if (!word.IsProperCase)
                    report.AddViolation(table, "The name of the table is not in proper case.");

        public override void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
            foreach (ParsedWord word in column.ParsedName.Words)
                if (!word.IsProperCase)
                    report.AddViolation(column, "The name of the column is not in proper case.");

 public override void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
     if (column.DataType == "varbinary" || column.DataType == "binary")
         if (column.CharacterOctetLength > 510)
                 "The column is a large binary or varbinary column; making it an \"image\" type may " +
                 "increase performance by reducing row sizes.");
 public override void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
     foreach (ParsedWord word in column.ParsedName.Words)
         if (word.Value.IndexOfAny(_vowels) == -1 && !_ignoreWords.Contains(word.Value))
             report.AddViolation(column, string.Format(
                 "The word \"{0}\" in the column name appears to be an abbreviation (it does " +
                 "not contain any vowels, and it is not a very well known abbreviation such as \"GST\" or " +
                 "\"TFN\"). Abbreviations should in general never be used.", word.Value));
 public override void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
     if (column.DataType == "char" || column.DataType == "nchar" ||
         column.DataType == "varchar" || column.DataType == "nvarchar")
         if (column.CharacterMaximumLength == 1)
             report.AddViolation(column, "Avoid one letter character fields. The only " +
                 "common use for them is as yes and no fields, which should use the " +
                 "\"bit\" data type in any case.");
        public override void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
            if (column.ParsedName.ContainsOneOfWord(_booleanWords) && column.DataType != "bit")
                    "The column contains a word suggesting that it is a boolean field, but it " +
                    "does not use the bit data type.");

            if (column.DataType == "bit" && !column.ParsedName.ContainsOneOfWord(_booleanWords))
                    "The column is a boolean field, but does not contain any word suggesting that " +
                    "it is a boolean field. For example, prefixing the field with \"Is\" (if doing " +
                    "so is grammatically correct) may make the use of the field clearer.");
        public override void CheckTable(ViolationReport report, Table table)
            if (table.Columns.Count <= 5) return;

            int nullFieldCount = 0;

            foreach (Column column in table.Columns.Values)
                if (column.IsNullable) nullFieldCount++;

            if ((double)nullFieldCount / (double)table.Columns.Count > 0.7)
                    "More than 70% of the fields in this table are nullable. This may indicate " +
                    "that nullable fields are not being used properly.");
        private void InsertViolation(object parameter)
            if (ValidateEmployee(EmployeeId))
                if (Description != null)
                    using (KongBuBankEntities db = new KongBuBankEntities())
                        Employee employee = db.Employees.Find(EmployeeId);
                        int      score    = CalculateViolation();
                        employee.ViolationScore += score;

                        ViolationReport report = new ViolationReport();
                        report.ViolationId = "VR" + IdFormat(Count("ViolationReport") + 1);
                        report.EmployeeId  = employee.EmployeeId;
                        report.Score       = score;
                        report.Description = Description;
                        report.Date        = DateTime.Now;
                        report.IsActive    = true;


                        CurrentEmployee = employee;

                        MessageBox.Show("Violation Score Added! [" + CurrentEmployee.ViolationScore + "]", "Success");

                        if (CurrentEmployee.ViolationScore > VIOLATIONTHRESHOLD)
                            MessageBox.Show("Violation Threshold Exceeded. Please send firing request to Manager!", "Warning");
                    MessageBox.Show("Description must be filled!", "Error");
        public override void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
            if (column.ParsedName.LastWord.Value == "Enum" && column.DataType != "int")
                report.AddViolation(column, "Columns with names ending in \"Enum\" should " +
                    "always use the data type \"int\".");

            if (column.ParsedName.ContainsWord("Fraction") && column.DataType != "float")
                report.AddViolation(column, "Columns containing the word \"Fraction\" should " +
                    "always use the data type \"float\".");

            if (column.ParsedName.ContainsOneOfWord(_percentageWords))
                report.AddViolation(column, "Columns should not contain the word \"Percentage\" " +
                    "or similar words. Prefer using the \"Fraction\" convention; include the " +
                    "word \"Fraction\" and use a floating point type with values between zero " +
                    "and one to represent a fraction.");
 public override void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in _preferredWords)
         if (column.ParsedName.ContainsWord(pair.Key))
             report.AddViolation(column, string.Format(
                 "The column contains the word \"{0}\", which should not be used. Prefer the " +
                 "word {1} instead.", pair.Key, pair.Value));
Exemple #20
 public virtual void CheckColumn(ViolationReport report, Column column)
Exemple #21
 public virtual void CheckDatabase(ViolationReport report, Database database)
Exemple #22
 public virtual void CheckTable(ViolationReport report, Table table)