Exemple #1
		/// <description>
		/// Methods for all structures on surfaces in the level view
		/// </description>

		//TODO: once a new structure is created, check its drawing order compared to all other structures allready placed.
		// then rearrange all the structures and place at correct position.
		public void OnStructurePlacedOnSurface(Models.Structures structureModel) {
			Console.Write ("Views.Levels -> OnStructurePlacedOnSurface : placing structure view");

			//Create Game Object
			GameObject gameObject = new GameObject();
			gameObject.name = "Structure_" + structureModel.SurfaceModel.X + "_" + structureModel.SurfaceModel.Y;

			//Set Parent?
			//Views.Surfaces surfaceView = surfaceModelViewMap[structureModel.SurfaceModel];
			gameObject.transform.SetParent (this.transform, true);

			Views.Structures structureView = new Views.Structures (viewLevelInstance, gameObject);

			 * Structure view currently statically assigned road tile
			//load structure sprite based on its string name in the structure name sprite map
			structureView.GameObject.AddComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = SpriteForStructure(structureModel);
			structureView.GameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().sortingOrder = Utility.SortingOrderNumber (level.Width, level.Height, structureModel.SurfaceModel.X, structureModel.SurfaceModel.Y);

			//Position the structure on to its surface
			Vector3 point = Utility.ConvertCartesianToIsometric (new Vector3 (structureModel.SurfaceModel.X, structureModel.SurfaceModel.Y, 0), offset);
			structureView.SetPosition (point.x, point.y, point.z);

			//When this is added check for its position, and then basically redraw all the tiles where overlap may occur.
			structureModelViewMap.Add (structureModel, structureView);

			structureModel.RegisterStructureChangesCallBack (OnStructureChanges);
			Console.Write ("Views.Levels -> OnStructurePlacedOnSurface : structure view placed");