// ================================================================================
        // ListView row animation helper
        // ================================================================================

         * This method animates all other views in the ListView container (not including ignoreView)
         * into their final positions. It is called after ignoreView has been removed from the
         * adapter, but before layout has been run. The approach here is to figure out where
         * everything is now, then allow layout to run, then figure out where everything is after
         * layout, and then to run animations between all of those start/end positions.

        public void animateRemoval(ListView listview, View viewToRemove)
            int firstVisiblePosition = listview.FirstVisiblePosition;

            for (int i = 0; i < listview.ChildCount; ++i)
                View child = listview.GetChildAt(i);
                if (child != viewToRemove)
                    int  pos    = firstVisiblePosition + i;
                    long itemId = adapter.GetGroupId(pos);
                    if (!mItemIdTopMap.ContainsKey(itemId))
                        mItemIdTopMap.Add(itemId, child.Top);
                        mItemIdTopMap[itemId] = child.Top;
            // Delete the item from the adapter
            int position = listView.GetPositionForView(viewToRemove);


            ViewTreeObserver observer = listview.ViewTreeObserver;

            observer.AddOnPreDrawListener(new CustomOnPreDrawListener(listview, observer, adapter, mItemIdTopMap, moveView));
Exemple #2
        private void Init()
            Inflate(Context, Resource.Layout.tooltip, this);

            _topPointerView    = FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.tooltip_pointer_up);
            _contentHolder     = (ViewGroup)FindViewById(Resource.Id.tooltip_contentholder);
            _tooltipTextView   = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.tooltip_contenttv);
            _bottomPointerView = FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.tooltip_pointer_down);
            _shadowView        = FindViewById(Resource.Id.tooltip_shadow);

         * This method determines whether the hover cell has been shifted far enough
         * to invoke a cell swap. If so, then the respective cell swap candidate is
         * determined and the data set is changed. Upon posting a notification of the
         * data set change, a layout is invoked to place the cells in the right place.
         * Using a ViewTreeObserver and a corresponding OnPreDrawListener, we can
         * offset the cell being swapped to where it previously was and then animate it to
         * its new position.
        void handleCellSwitch()
            observeDeltaY = mLastEventY - mDownY;
            int deltaYTotal = mHoverCellOriginalBounds.Top + mTotalOffset + observeDeltaY;

            View belowView  = getViewForID(mBelowItemId);
            View mobileView = getViewForID(mMobileItemId);
            View aboveView  = getViewForID(mAboveItemId);

            bool isBelow = (belowView != null) && (deltaYTotal > belowView.Top);
            bool isAbove = (aboveView != null) && (deltaYTotal < aboveView.Top);

            if (isBelow || isAbove)
                observeSwitchItemID = isBelow ? mBelowItemId : mAboveItemId;
                View switchView   = isBelow ? belowView : aboveView;
                int  originalItem = GetPositionForView(mobileView);

                if (switchView == null)

                swapElements(mCheeseList, originalItem, GetPositionForView(switchView));


                mDownY = mLastEventY;

                observeSwitchViewStartTop = switchView.Top;

                mobileView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
                switchView.Visibility = ViewStates.Invisible;


                observer = ViewTreeObserver;