void UpdateReferencingSheet(
            ViewSection selectedViewport)
            BuiltInParameter bip
            = BuiltInParameter.VIEW_DISCIPLINE;

              Parameter discipline
            = selectedViewport.get_Parameter( bip );

              int disciplineNo = discipline.AsInteger();

              Document doc = selectedViewport.Document;

              Transaction transaction = new Transaction( doc );

              if( TransactionStatus.Started
            == transaction.Start( "Updating the model" ) )
            //switch( disciplineNo )
            //  case 1:
            //    discipline.Set( 2 );
            //    break;
            //  default:
            //    discipline.Set( 1 );
            //    break;
            //discipline.Set( disciplineNo );

            discipline.Set( 1 == disciplineNo ? 2 : 1 );
Exemple #2
        public void CreateFilledRegion(Document doc, ViewSection intElev, BoundingBoxXYZ roombb)
            List <CurveLoop> filledRegionBoundaries = FilledRegionBoundary(intElev);
            ElementId        filledRegionTypeId     = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
                                                      .Select(f => f as FilledRegionType)
                                                      .Where(f => f != null &&
                                                             f.BackgroundPatternColor.Red == 255 &&
                                                             f.BackgroundPatternColor.Blue == 255 &&
                                                             f.BackgroundPatternColor.Green == 255 &&
                                                             f.IsMasking == true)
                                                      .Select(f => f.Id)

            FilledRegion region = FilledRegion.Create(doc, filledRegionTypeId, intElev.Id, filledRegionBoundaries);
            // set inside and outside lineweight

            Element lineStyle = FilledRegion.GetValidLineStyleIdsForFilledRegion(doc)
                                .Select(id => doc.GetElement(id))
                                .Where(el => el.Name.Contains("05") && el.Name.ToLower().Contains("solid"))

        /// <summary>
        /// 选择立面
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ViewSection SellectViewSection(string name)
            List <ViewSection> viewSections = CollectViewSections();
            ViewSection        viewSection  = viewSections.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(name)).ToList()[0];

        public Room GetElevRoom(ViewSection ie, List <Room> phasedRooms, Document doc)
            XYZ cbmin = ie.CropBox.get_Bounds(0);
            XYZ cbmax = ie.CropBox.get_Bounds(1);

            XYZ viewPoint = new XYZ(
                (cbmax.X + cbmin.X) / 2,

            double[][] transform = Matrix.transform2matrix(ie.CropBox.Transform);
            Matrix.print("VS Transform", transform, Debug);
            double[]   viewPointVector  = Matrix.xyz2matrix(viewPoint);
            double[][] transformInv     = Matrix.invert(transform);
            double[]   viewPointVectorT = Matrix.dot(transformInv, viewPointVector);
            XYZ        viewPointT       = Matrix.matrix2xyz(viewPointVectorT);

            XYZ offsetOrigin = new XYZ
                viewPointT.X + ie.Origin.X,
                viewPointT.Y + ie.Origin.Y,

            foreach (Room r in phasedRooms)
                if (r.IsPointInRoom(offsetOrigin))

            throw new Exception("No room located at point" + offsetOrigin);
Exemple #5
        public Tuple <XYZ, XYZ> GetElevEndpoints(ViewSection view)
            XYZ vpMin = view.CropBox.Min;
            XYZ vpMax = view.CropBox.Max;

            Debug("vpMin " + vpMin);
            Debug("vpMax " + vpMax);

            XYZ endpoint1 = new XYZ(

            XYZ endpoint2 = new XYZ(

            Tuple <XYZ, XYZ> viewEndpoints = new Tuple <XYZ, XYZ>(endpoint1, endpoint2);

            Debug("endpoint1 " + endpoint1);
            Debug("endpoint2 " + endpoint2);

        public XYZ GetViewSectionNormal(Document doc, ElevationMarker marker)
            ViewSection elevViewSection = (ViewSection)doc.GetElement(marker.GetViewId(0));

            double[][] transform = Matrix.transform2matrix(elevViewSection.CropBox.Transform);

            XYZ cbMinT = Matrix.matrix2xyz(Matrix.dot(transform, Matrix.xyz2matrix(elevViewSection.CropBox.Min)));
            XYZ cbMaxT = Matrix.matrix2xyz(Matrix.dot(transform, Matrix.xyz2matrix(elevViewSection.CropBox.Max)));

            XYZ elevViewSectionCoordEndPoint1 = new XYZ(

            XYZ elevViewSectionCoordEndPoint2 = new XYZ(

            double[][] inverse = Matrix.invert(transform);
            XYZ        cbEP1   = Matrix.matrix2xyz(Matrix.dot(inverse, Matrix.xyz2matrix(elevViewSectionCoordEndPoint1)));
            XYZ        cbEP2   = Matrix.matrix2xyz(Matrix.dot(inverse, Matrix.xyz2matrix(elevViewSectionCoordEndPoint2)));
            // these points are already in the model coordiante system so no need to translate

            XYZ elevViewSectionNormal = cbEP2.Subtract(cbEP1);

        private int CalculateVerticalTranslation(NSNotification notification, out bool shouldHideTopSection)
            nfloat screenHeight        = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height;
            nfloat navigationBarHeight = this.GetNavigationBarHeight();

            NSValue keyboardFrame  = (NSValue)notification.UserInfo.ObjectForKey(UIKeyboard.FrameEndUserInfoKey);
            nfloat  keyboardHeight = keyboardFrame.CGRectValue.Height;

            nfloat availableSpace   = screenHeight - keyboardHeight - navigationBarHeight - this.bottomPadding;
            nfloat fieldGroupHeight = this.GetCombinedSectionHeight();

            ViewSection topMostVisibleSection = this.topSection;

            if (fieldGroupHeight > availableSpace)
                shouldHideTopSection  = true;
                topMostVisibleSection = this.bottomSection;
                fieldGroupHeight      = this.bottomSection.Height;
                shouldHideTopSection = false;

            nfloat offset = 0;

            if (fieldGroupHeight < availableSpace)
                offset = (availableSpace - fieldGroupHeight) / 2.0f - this.bottomPadding;

            nfloat distanceFromTop = navigationBarHeight + offset;

            return((int)Math.Ceiling(distanceFromTop - topMostVisibleSection.TopView.Frame.Top));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create vertical dimensioning, cf.
        /// http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/revit-api-forum/how-can-i-create-dimension-line-that-is-not-parallel-to-detail/m-p/6801271
        /// </summary>
        void CreateVerticalDimensioning(ViewSection viewSection)
            Document doc = viewSection.Document;

            XYZ point3 = new XYZ(417.8, 80.228, 46.8);
            XYZ point4 = new XYZ(417.8, 80.811, 46.3);

            Line geomLine3 = Line.CreateBound(point3, point4);
            Line dummyLine = Line.CreateBound(XYZ.Zero, XYZ.BasisY);

            using (Transaction tx = new Transaction(doc))

                DetailLine line3 = doc.Create.NewDetailCurve(
                    viewSection, geomLine3) as DetailLine;

                DetailLine dummy = doc.Create.NewDetailCurve(
                    viewSection, dummyLine) as DetailLine;

                ReferenceArray refArray = new ReferenceArray();
                XYZ  dimPoint1 = new XYZ(417.8, 80.118, 46.8);
                XYZ  dimPoint2 = new XYZ(417.8, 80.118, 46.3);
                Line dimLine3  = Line.CreateBound(dimPoint1, dimPoint2);

                Dimension dim = doc.Create.NewDimension(
                    viewSection, dimLine3, refArray);

        void UpdateReferencingSheet(
            ViewSection selectedViewport)
            BuiltInParameter bip
                = BuiltInParameter.VIEW_DISCIPLINE;

            Parameter discipline
                = selectedViewport.get_Parameter(bip);

            int disciplineNo = discipline.AsInteger();

            Document doc = selectedViewport.Document;

            Transaction transaction = new Transaction(doc);

            if (TransactionStatus.Started
                == transaction.Start("Updating the model"))
                //switch( disciplineNo )
                //  case 1:
                //    discipline.Set( 2 );
                //    break;
                //  default:
                //    discipline.Set( 1 );
                //    break;
                //discipline.Set( disciplineNo );

                discipline.Set(1 == disciplineNo ? 2 : 1);
Exemple #10
        private static bool DuplicateReferenceCallouts(View fromView, View toView)
            bool result = false;

                Document fromDoc = fromView.Document;
                Document toDoc   = toView.Document;

                CopyPasteOptions copyPasteOptions = new CopyPasteOptions();
                copyPasteOptions.SetDuplicateTypeNamesHandler(new HideAndAcceptDuplicateTypeNamesHandler());

                ICollection <ElementId> referenceCalloutIds = fromView.GetReferenceCallouts();
                if (referenceCalloutIds.Count > 0)
                    foreach (ElementId eId in referenceCalloutIds)
                        XYZ  firstPoint  = null;
                        XYZ  secondPoint = null;
                        bool cornerFound = GetCalloutCornerPoints(fromDoc, eId, out firstPoint, out secondPoint);

                        Element callout = fromDoc.GetElement(eId);
                        if (null != callout)
                            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(toDoc, "Duplicate Reference Callout"))

                                    FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(toDoc);
                                    List <ViewDrafting>      views     = collector.OfClass(typeof(ViewDrafting)).ToElements().Cast <ViewDrafting>().ToList();
                                    var viewFound = from view in views where view.Name == callout.Name select view;
                                    if (viewFound.Count() > 0)
                                        ViewDrafting referenceView = viewFound.First();
                                        ViewSection.CreateReferenceCallout(toDoc, toView.Id, referenceView.Id, firstPoint, secondPoint);

                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    string message = ex.Message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = ex.Message;
                //MessageBox.Show("Failed to duplicate reference callouts.\n"+ex.Message, "Duplicate Reference Callouts", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                errorMessage.AppendLine(toView.Name + ": errors in duplicating reference callouts");
Exemple #11
        public static GCViewLive CreateSectionAtFaceParameter(GCRevitDocument doc, Face face, UV param, double viewCropDim, double viewDepth)
            var viewTypeId = GetSectionType(doc, StandardSectionViewFamilyTypeName).Id;
            var boundBox   = GenerateBoundingBoxFromFaceAndParameter(face, param, viewCropDim, viewDepth);

            return(GCViewLive.CreateGCViewLive(ViewSection.CreateSection(doc.Document, viewTypeId, boundBox)));
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a filled region for the elevatin using the previously found boundaries
        /// and the user selected filled region type and line style
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">UI Document</param>
        /// <param name="intElev">Interior Elevation</param>
        /// <param name="filledRegionId">Id of user selected filled region</param>
        /// <param name="lineStyle">Id of user selected line style</param>
        public void CreateFilledRegion(Document doc, ViewSection intElev, ElementId filledRegionId, ElementId lineStyle)
            List <CurveLoop> filledRegionBoundaries = FilledRegionBoundary(intElev);

            FilledRegion region = FilledRegion.Create(doc, filledRegionId, intElev.Id, filledRegionBoundaries);

        public void SetCropBox(Document doc, ElevationMarker marker, Wall w)
            ViewSection    extElev = (ViewSection)doc.GetElement(marker.GetViewId(0));
            BoundingBoxXYZ eecb    = extElev.CropBox;

            XYZ cbboundsmin = extElev.CropBox.Min;
            XYZ cbboundsmax = extElev.CropBox.Max;

            LocationCurve wallCurve = w.Location as LocationCurve;
            XYZ           wmin      = wallCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(0);
            XYZ           wallEP2   = wallCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(1);

            Parameter wallHeight = w.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.WALL_USER_HEIGHT_PARAM);
            XYZ       wmax       = new XYZ
                wallEP2.Z + wallHeight.AsDouble()

            double[][] transform    = Matrix.transform2matrix(eecb.Transform);
            double[][] transformInv = Matrix.invert(transform);

            double[] wMinMatrix  = Matrix.xyz2matrix(wmin);
            double[] wMinTMatrix = Matrix.dot(transform, wMinMatrix);
            XYZ      wMinT       = Matrix.matrix2xyz(wMinTMatrix);

            double[] wMaxMatrix  = Matrix.xyz2matrix(wmax);
            double[] wMaxTMatrix = Matrix.dot(transform, wMaxMatrix);
            XYZ      wMaxT       = Matrix.matrix2xyz(wMaxTMatrix);

            double[] originMatrix  = Matrix.xyz2matrix(eecb.Transform.Origin);
            double[] originTMatrix = Matrix.dot(transform, originMatrix);
            XYZ      originT       = Matrix.matrix2xyz(originTMatrix);

            XYZ wMinTOrdered;
            XYZ wMaxTOrdered;

            Utility.ReorderMinMax(wMinT, wMaxT, out wMinTOrdered, out wMaxTOrdered);

            XYZ wbbboundsmin = new XYZ(
                wMinTOrdered.X - originT.X,
                wMinTOrdered.Y - originT.Y,
            XYZ wbbboundsmax = new XYZ(
                wMaxTOrdered.X - originT.X,
                wMaxTOrdered.Y - originT.Y - 0.01,

            eecb.set_Bounds(0, wbbboundsmin);
            eecb.set_Bounds(1, wbbboundsmax);

            extElev.CropBox        = eecb;
            extElev.CropBoxVisible = false;
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Implement this method as an external command for Revit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandData">An object that is passed to the external application
        /// which contains data related to the command,
        /// such as the application object and active view.</param>
        /// <param name="message">A message that can be set by the external application
        /// which will be displayed if a failure or cancellation is returned by
        /// the external command.</param>
        /// <param name="elements">A set of elements to which the external application
        /// can add elements that are to be highlighted in case of failure or cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>Return the status of the external command.
        /// A result of Succeeded means that the API external method functioned as expected.
        /// Cancelled can be used to signify that the user cancelled the external operation
        /// at some point. Failure should be returned if the application is unable to proceed with
        /// the operation.</returns>
        public Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData,
                                                ref string message, Autodesk.Revit.DB.ElementSet elements)
                m_project = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;

                // Get the selected element and store it to data member.
                if (!GetSelectedElement())
                    message = m_errorInformation;

                // Create a BoundingBoxXYZ instance which used in NewViewSection() method
                if (!GenerateBoundingBoxXYZ())
                    message = m_errorInformation;

                // Create a section view.
                Transaction transaction = new Transaction(m_project.Document, "CreateSectionView");
                //ViewSection section = m_project.Document.Create.NewViewSection(m_box);
                ElementId       DetailViewId = new ElementId(-1);
                IList <Element> elems        = new FilteredElementCollector(m_project.Document).OfClass(typeof(ViewFamilyType)).ToElements();
                foreach (Element e in elems)
                    ViewFamilyType v = e as ViewFamilyType;

                    if (v != null && v.ViewFamily == ViewFamily.Detail)
                        DetailViewId = e.Id;
                ViewSection section = ViewSection.CreateDetail(m_project.Document, DetailViewId, m_box);
                if (null == section)
                    message = "Can't create the ViewSection.";

                // Modify some parameters to make it look better.

                // If everything goes right, give successful information and return succeeded.
                TaskDialog.Show("Revit", "Create view section succeeded.");
            catch (Exception e)
                message = e.Message;
Exemple #15
        private static ElementId SectionFromTwoPoints(Document doc, XYZ p1, XYZ p2, double height, double elevation, double view_depth)
            //Convert all numeric values to internal units
            height     = UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(height, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
            elevation  = UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(elevation, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
            view_depth = UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(view_depth, DisplayUnitType.DUT_MILLIMETERS);

            //Filtered the document and get the view section, get its ID
            FilteredElementCollector filter = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);

            Element view1 = filter.OfClass(typeof(ViewFamilyType))
                            .Cast <ViewFamilyType>()
                            .First(x => x.ViewFamily == ViewFamily.Section);

            ElementId viewId = view1.Id;

            //Create a bounding box on the origin

            BoundingBoxXYZ bBox = new BoundingBoxXYZ();

            bBox.Min = new XYZ(0, 0, 0);
            bBox.Max = new XYZ(p1.DistanceTo(p2), height, view_depth);

            //Cartesian transform for the BBox, from 0,0,0 to line initial point
            Transform t = new Transform(Transform.Identity);

            XYZ bb_x = (p2 - p1).Normalize();
            XYZ bb_y = XYZ.BasisZ;
            XYZ bb_z = bb_x.CrossProduct(bb_y);

            t.Origin = new XYZ(p1.X, p1.Y, elevation);
            t.BasisX = bb_x;
            t.BasisY = bb_y;
            t.BasisZ = bb_z;

            bBox.Transform = t;
            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Create cross section"))

                ViewSection sec = ViewSection.CreateSection(doc, viewId, bBox);

            // catch
            // {
            //     return null;
            // }
Exemple #16
        public List <Wall> GetWallsInView(Document doc, ViewSection view)
            List <Wall> walls = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, view.Id)
                                .Cast <Wall>()

        void g()
            ElementId SectionId = GetViewTypeIdByViewType(

            ViewSection NyViewSectionR
                = ViewSection.CreateSection(
                      doc.Document, SectionId, bbNewSectionR);
 public ElevationViewProperties(ElevationViewProperties evp)
     m_view        = evp.ViewObj;
     viewName      = evp.ViewName;
     viewId        = evp.ViewId;
     viewIndex     = evp.ViewIndex;
     createdByWall = evp.CreatedByWall;
     wallId        = evp.WallId;
        internal static IEnumerator <Type> Process(System.Configuration.Configuration config)
            ViewSection viewsection = config.GetSection("RegisterViews") as ViewSection;

            if (viewsection.IsNotNull())
                foreach (View view in viewsection.Views)
                    yield return(Type.GetType(view.Class));
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Private constructor
        /// </summary>
        private SectionView(BoundingBoxXYZ bbox)

            ViewSection vd = CreateSectionView(bbox);



            ElementBinder.CleanupAndSetElementForTrace(Document, this.InternalElement);
 public void AssignName(ViewSection intElev, String intElevNewName)
     //assign name when "okay" is pressed
         intElev.Name = intElevNewName;
            public static ViewSection CreateSectionAtBottomAndRight(Document doc, Element StructuralFrame, double bottomorleftoffset, double ToporRightoffset)
                IList <Parameter> param1 = new List <Parameter>();
                IList <XYZ>       points = (StructuralFrame.Location as LocationCurve).Curve.Tessellate();
                XYZ p1 = points[0], p2 = points[1];
                // XYZ v = p1 - p2;
                double vec_ang1 = 360 - Math.Round(Converter.R2D((p2 - p1).AngleOnPlaneTo(XYZ.BasisX, XYZ.BasisZ)));

                vec_ang1 = (vec_ang1 == 360) ? 0.0 : vec_ang1;
                XYZ       pt1       = StructuralFrame.get_BoundingBox(doc.ActiveView).Min;
                XYZ       pt2       = StructuralFrame.get_BoundingBox(doc.ActiveView).Max;
                double    len       = (p2 - p1).GetLength() * 0.5;
                ElementId BeamSymid = StructuralFrame.GetTypeId();
                Element   BeamSym   = doc.GetElement(BeamSymid);
                double    wid       = BeamSym.GetParameters("Beam Width")[0].AsDouble();
                double    ht        = pt2.Z - pt1.Z;

                ViewFamilyType view = Filter.ElementFiltering(doc, typeof(ViewFamilyType), "Section",
                                                              "Building Section", null) as ViewFamilyType;

                XYZ min     = new XYZ(-len - bottomorleftoffset, pt1.Z - 1, -wid);
                XYZ max     = new XYZ(len + ToporRightoffset, pt2.Z + 1, wid);
                XYZ midpt   = p1 + (p2 - p1) / 2;
                XYZ BeamDir = null;

                if (((vec_ang1 >= 0) && (vec_ang1 <= 135)) || ((vec_ang1 >= 315) && (vec_ang1 <= 360)))
                    BeamDir = (p1 - p2).Normalize();
                    BeamDir = (p2 - p1).Normalize();
                XYZ       up      = XYZ.BasisZ;
                XYZ       viewdir = BeamDir.CrossProduct(up);
                Transform t       = Transform.Identity;

                t.Origin = midpt;
                t.BasisX = BeamDir;
                t.BasisY = up;
                t.BasisZ = viewdir;

                BoundingBoxXYZ sectionBox = new BoundingBoxXYZ();

                sectionBox.Transform = t;
                sectionBox.Min       = min;
                sectionBox.Max       = max;

                ViewSection vsec = ViewSection.CreateSection(doc, view.Id, sectionBox);

            public static ViewSection CreateSectionAtBottomAndRight(Document doc, XYZ Start_Point, XYZ End_Point,
                                                                    BoundingBoxXYZ bb, double MaxBeamWidth, double MaxBeamDepth, double bottomorleftoffset, double ToporRightoffset)
                IList <Parameter> param1 = new List <Parameter>();

                // XYZ v = Start_Point - End_Point;
                double vec_ang1 = 360 - Math.Round(Converter.R2D((End_Point - Start_Point).AngleOnPlaneTo(XYZ.BasisX, XYZ.BasisZ)));

                vec_ang1 = (vec_ang1 == 360) ? 0.0 : vec_ang1;
                XYZ    pt1 = bb.Min;
                XYZ    pt2 = bb.Max;
                double len = (End_Point - Start_Point).GetLength() * 0.5;

                ViewFamilyType view = Filter.ElementFiltering(doc, typeof(ViewFamilyType), "Section",
                                                              "Building Section", null) as ViewFamilyType;

                XYZ min     = new XYZ(-len - bottomorleftoffset, pt1.Z - 1, -MaxBeamWidth);
                XYZ max     = new XYZ(len + ToporRightoffset, pt2.Z + 1, MaxBeamWidth);
                XYZ midpt   = Start_Point + (End_Point - Start_Point) / 2;
                XYZ BeamDir = null;

                if (((vec_ang1 >= 0) && (vec_ang1 <= 135)) || ((vec_ang1 >= 315) && (vec_ang1 <= 360)))
                    BeamDir = (Start_Point - End_Point).Normalize();
                    BeamDir = (End_Point - Start_Point).Normalize();
                XYZ       up      = XYZ.BasisZ;
                XYZ       viewdir = BeamDir.CrossProduct(up);
                Transform t       = Transform.Identity;

                t.Origin = midpt;
                t.BasisX = BeamDir;
                t.BasisY = up;
                t.BasisZ = viewdir;

                BoundingBoxXYZ sectionBox = new BoundingBoxXYZ();

                sectionBox.Transform = t;
                sectionBox.Min       = min;
                sectionBox.Max       = max;

                ViewSection vsec = ViewSection.CreateSection(doc, view.Id, sectionBox);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the KeyboardLayoutHideSectionAnimation class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topViews">A list of views representing the top section of the screen layout and will be hidden based on screen space and keyboard state.</param>
        /// <param name="bottomViews">A list of views that are below the top views and intended to be moved based on the keyboard state.</param>
        /// <param name="bottomPadding">An optional amount of padding to apply to the bottom of the views when moving them vertical.</param>
        public KeyboardLayoutHideSectionAnimation(
            IEnumerable <UIView> topViews,
            IEnumerable <UIView> bottomViews,
            int bottomPadding = 0)
            Throw.IfArgumentNull(topViews, "topViews");
            Throw.IfArgumentNull(bottomViews, "bottomViews");

            this.topSection    = new ViewSection(topViews);
            this.bottomSection = new ViewSection(bottomViews);

            this.bottomPadding = bottomPadding;
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取剖面视图在模型坐标系下的 BoundingBoxXYZ(默认是局部坐标系的)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewSection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BoundingBoxXYZ GetViewSectionBBox(this ViewSection viewSection)
            BoundingBoxXYZ bbox = viewSection.CropBox;

            var min = bbox.Transform.OfPoint(bbox.Min);
            var max = bbox.Transform.OfPoint(bbox.Max);

            BoundingBoxXYZ newBBox = new BoundingBoxXYZ();

            newBBox.Max = max;
            newBBox.Min = min;

Exemple #26
        private static ViewSection CreateSectionView(BoundingBoxXYZ bbox)

            IEnumerable <ViewFamilyType> viewFamilyTypes = from elem in new
                                                           let type = elem as ViewFamilyType
                                                                      where type.ViewFamily == ViewFamily.Section
                                                                      select type;

            //create a new view
            ViewSection view = ViewSection.CreateSection(dynRevitSettings.Doc.Document, viewFamilyTypes.First().Id, bbox);

Exemple #27
        public static void AlignSectionsOnSheet(Document doc, List <ElementId> viewsIds, ViewSheet sheet)
            //test reverse viewids


            //Get scale value of first view

            ViewSection sec1  = doc.GetElement(viewsIds[0]) as ViewSection;
            int         scale = sec1.Scale;

            //Get sheet id
            ElementId sheetId = sheet.Id;

            //Get length of views
            List <double> lengths = new List <double>();

            foreach (ElementId idview in viewsIds)
                Element     viewEl  = doc.GetElement(idview);
                ViewSection viewsec = viewEl as ViewSection;
                double      length  = viewsec.CropBox.Max.X - viewsec.CropBox.Min.X;
                lengths.Add((length / scale));

            double x_coord = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < viewsIds.Count(); i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    x_coord = 0;

                    x_coord += (lengths[i - 1] + lengths[i]) / 2.0;

                using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Place section in sheet"))
                    XYZ      point = new XYZ(x_coord, 0, 0);
                    Viewport v     = Viewport.Create(doc, sheetId, viewsIds[i], point);
        private void ApplyTemplateSettings()
                if (toolSettings.ViewTemplateId != -1)
                    ViewSection viewSection = m_doc.GetElement(new ElementId(toolSettings.ViewTemplateId)) as ViewSection;
                    if (null != viewSection)
                        ICollection <ElementId> parameterIds = viewSection.GetTemplateParameterIds();
                        int viewScaleImperial = (int)BuiltInParameter.VIEW_SCALE_PULLDOWN_IMPERIAL;
                        int viewScaleMetric   = (int)BuiltInParameter.VIEW_SCALE_PULLDOWN_METRIC;
                        int viewScale         = (int)BuiltInParameter.VIEW_SCALE;

                        var selectedIds = from paramId in parameterIds where paramId.IntegerValue == viewScaleImperial || paramId.IntegerValue == viewScaleMetric || paramId.IntegerValue == viewScale select paramId;
                        if (selectedIds.Count() > 0)
                            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(m_doc, "SetViewTemplate"))
                                    if (toolSettings.ScaleByTemplate)
                                        toolSettings.CustomScale = viewSection.Scale;

                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to include or exclude View Scale parameter from the view template.\n" + ex.Message, "View Template", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to apply template settings.\n" + ex.Message, "Elevation Creator : ApplyTemplateSettings", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
Exemple #29
        private static ViewBox getSectionViewBox(ViewSection vs)
            ViewBox box = new ViewBox();

            XYZ tmp1  = vs.Origin;
            XYZ right = XYZ.BasisZ.CrossProduct(vs.ViewDirection);

            box.P1 = vs.CropBox.Transform.OfPoint(vs.CropBox.Min);
            box.P2 = vs.CropBox.Transform.OfPoint(vs.CropBox.Max);

            box.TransformationMatrix = vs.CropBox.Transform;
            box.DirectionUp          = vs.UpDirection;
            box.EyePosition          = vs.Origin.Add(vs.ViewDirection.Multiply(10));
            box.DirectionView        = vs.ViewDirection.Negate();
            box.bbox = vs.CropBox;
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Implement this method as an external command for Revit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandData">An object that is passed to the external application
        /// which contains data related to the command,
        /// such as the application object and active view.</param>
        /// <param name="message">A message that can be set by the external application
        /// which will be displayed if a failure or cancellation is returned by
        /// the external command.</param>
        /// <param name="elements">A set of elements to which the external application
        /// can add elements that are to be highlighted in case of failure or cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>Return the status of the external command.
        /// A result of Succeeded means that the API external method functioned as expected.
        /// Cancelled can be used to signify that the user cancelled the external operation
        /// at some point. Failure should be returned if the application is unable to proceed with
        /// the operation.</returns>
        public Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData,
                                                ref string message, Autodesk.Revit.DB.ElementSet elements)
                m_project = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;

                // Get the selected element and store it to data member.
                if (!GetSelectedElement())
                    message = m_errorInformation;

                // Create a BoundingBoxXYZ instance which used in NewViewSection() method
                if (!GenerateBoundingBoxXYZ())
                    message = m_errorInformation;

                // Create a section view.
                Transaction transaction = new Transaction(m_project.Document, "CreateSectionView");
                ViewSection section = m_project.Document.Create.NewViewSection(m_box);
                if (null == section)
                    message = "Can't create the ViewSection.";

                // Modify some parameters to make it look better.

                // If everything goes right, give successful information and return succeeded.
                MessageBox.Show("Create view section succeeded.", "Revit");
            catch (Exception e)
                message = e.Message;
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取剖面视图在平面视图上的范围框的点的序列, Z = minZ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewSection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <XYZ> GetViewSectionPlanePointsLoop(this ViewSection viewSection)
            BoundingBoxXYZ bbox        = viewSection.CropBox;
            Double         farCropDist = viewSection.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_OFFSET_FAR).AsDouble();

            var direct = viewSection.ViewDirection.Normalize();
            var minPt  = bbox.Transform.OfPoint(bbox.Min);
            var maxPt  = bbox.Transform.OfPoint(bbox.Max);

            var p1 = new XYZ(minPt.X, minPt.Y, minPt.Z);
            var p3 = new XYZ(maxPt.X, maxPt.Y, minPt.Z);
            var p2 = p3 - direct * farCropDist;
            var p4 = p1 + direct * farCropDist;

            return(new List <XYZ> {
                p1, p2, p3, p4
 private void Stream( ArrayList data, ViewSection view )
     data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator( typeof( ViewSection ) ) );
       Utils.StreamWithReflection( data, typeof( ViewSection ), view );
       // nothing at this level yet
Exemple #33
        private static ViewBox getSectionViewBox(ViewSection vs)
            ViewBox box = new ViewBox();

            XYZ tmp1 = vs.Origin;
            XYZ right = XYZ.BasisZ.CrossProduct(vs.ViewDirection);

            box.P1 = vs.CropBox.Transform.OfPoint(vs.CropBox.Min);
            box.P2 = vs.CropBox.Transform.OfPoint(vs.CropBox.Max);

            box.TransformationMatrix = vs.CropBox.Transform;
            box.DirectionUp = vs.UpDirection;
            box.EyePosition = vs.Origin.Add(vs.ViewDirection.Multiply(10));
            box.DirectionView = vs.ViewDirection.Negate();
            box.bbox = vs.CropBox;
            return box;