Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called when the game should draw itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param>
        protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

            //So game won't be drawn at Initialization
            if (m_game.m_state != ModelClasses.Game.GameState.Main)
                //to fix z-buffer issue, caused by spriteBatch.Begin()
                GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;

                //camera view sätts här
                m_gameView.Draw(spriteBatch, m_gameAssets, m_game, graphics.GraphicsDevice, m_debugView, m_save, m_elapsedTime);

                if (m_debugMode)

            //Draws Menu default is Main Menu
            m_menu.Draw(spriteBatch, m_gameAssets, m_game, m_debugView, m_save);

            //Can only happen during a game
            if (m_game.m_state == ModelClasses.Game.GameState.Game)
                m_menu.m_menuState = ViewClasses.Menu.Menu.MenuState.None;

                //This is here to draw the grid, and show the grid no matter how the depth is. So it's before the z-buffer issue is fixed
                if (m_game.m_player.m_tryingToBuild && m_game.m_player.m_focusedTarget != null)
                    Vector3?f_point = m_inputController.m_input.GetWorldPosition(graphics.GraphicsDevice, m_game.m_groundPlane, m_game.m_map, m_gameView.m_camera, m_inputController.m_input.m_mouse.m_mouseState.X, m_inputController.m_input.m_mouse.m_mouseState.Y);
                    if (f_point.HasValue)
                        if (m_game.m_player.m_focusedTarget.m_buildBehavior != null)
                            //DRAW TRYING TO BUILD ..  draws ze grid!
                            m_gameView.DrawTryingToBuild(graphics.GraphicsDevice, f_point.Value, m_game.m_map, m_gameView.m_HUD.m_visibleBuildingSize, m_gameView.m_HUD.m_buildingNeedsWO);

            //my function checks bools and performs different things

            //So u can click on the screen ^_^
            m_inputController.DoInputControl(graphics.GraphicsDevice, ref m_game, ref m_gameView, m_debugView, m_menu, m_gameAssets);

            //MIN FUNKTION - Ze Tiger