public Process MakeDebugYoutubeProcessAndReturnIt(VideoData video) { string levelPath = VideoLoader.GetLevelPath(video.level); if (!Directory.Exists(levelPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(levelPath); } string videoFileName = video.title; // Strip invalid characters foreach (var c in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) { videoFileName = videoFileName.Replace(c, '-'); } videoFileName = videoFileName.Replace('\\', '-'); videoFileName = videoFileName.Replace('/', '-'); video.videoPath = videoFileName + ".mp4"; Plugin.logger.Info("Name Created"); // Download the video via youtube-dl var ytProcess = new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/Youtube-dl/youtube-dl.exe", Arguments = "" + video.URL + " -f \"" + VideoQualitySetting.Format(quality) + "\"" + // Formats " --no-cache-dir" + // Don't use temp storage $" -o \"{EscapeStringForPythonStringFormatter(videoFileName)}.%(ext)s\"" + " --no-playlist" + // Don't download playlists, only the first video " --no-part" + // Don't store download in parts, write directly to file (hasFFMPEG ? " --recode-video mp4" : "" ) + //Try to recode the video if ffmpeg is installed to fix issue with improper encoding " --no-mtime" + //Video last modified will be when it was downloaded, not when it was uploaded to youtube " --socket-timeout 10" + //Retry if no response in 10 seconds Note: Not if download takes more than 10 seconds but if the time between any 2 messages from the server is 10 seconds " --no-continue" //overwrite existing file and force re-download , RedirectStandardOutput = false, RedirectStandardError = false, UseShellExecute = true, CreateNoWindow = true, WorkingDirectory = levelPath }, EnableRaisingEvents = true, //I think these are added only after Process Started //PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.RealTime, //PriorityBoostEnabled = true }; YouTubeDownloader.externalProcesses.Add(ytProcess); return(ytProcess); }
private static void CreateSettingsUI() { var subMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("VideoPlayer"); var showVideoSetting = subMenu.AddBool("Show Video"); showVideoSetting.GetValue += delegate { return(ScreenManager.showVideo); }; showVideoSetting.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ScreenManager.showVideo = value; ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.PluginName, "ShowVideo", ScreenManager.showVideo); }; var placementSetting = subMenu.AddList("Screen Position", VideoPlacementSetting.Modes()); placementSetting.GetValue += delegate { return((float)ScreenManager.Instance.placement); }; placementSetting.SetValue += delegate(float value) { ScreenManager.Instance.SetPlacement((VideoPlacement)value); ModPrefs.SetInt(Plugin.PluginName, "ScreenPositionMode", (int)ScreenManager.Instance.placement); }; placementSetting.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(VideoPlacementSetting.Name((VideoPlacement)value)); }; var qualitySetting = subMenu.AddList("Video Download Quality", VideoQualitySetting.Modes()); qualitySetting.GetValue += delegate { return((float)YouTubeDownloader.Instance.quality); }; qualitySetting.SetValue += delegate(float value) { YouTubeDownloader.Instance.quality = (VideoQuality)value; ModPrefs.SetInt(Plugin.PluginName, "VideoDownloadQuality", (int)YouTubeDownloader.Instance.quality); }; qualitySetting.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(VideoQualitySetting.Name((VideoQuality)value)); }; var autoDownloadSetting = subMenu.AddBool("Auto Download"); autoDownloadSetting.GetValue += delegate { return(VideoLoader.Instance.autoDownload); }; autoDownloadSetting.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { VideoLoader.Instance.autoDownload = value; ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.PluginName, "AutoDownload", ScreenManager.showVideo); }; }
private Settings() { config = new Config("MVP"); placementMode = VideoPlacementSetting.FromName( config.GetString("Positions", "Video Placement", "") ); qualityMode = VideoQualitySetting.FromName( config.GetString("Modes", "Video Quality", "") ); }
public Process MakeYoutubeProcessAndReturnIt(VideoData video) { string levelPath = VideoLoader.GetLevelPath(video.level); if (!Directory.Exists(levelPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(levelPath); } string videoFileName = video.title; // Strip invalid characters foreach (var c in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) { videoFileName = videoFileName.Replace(c, '-'); } videoFileName = videoFileName.Replace('\\', '-'); videoFileName = videoFileName.Replace('/', '-'); video.videoPath = videoFileName + ".mp4"; // Download the video via youtube-dl var ytProcess = new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/Youtube-dl/youtube-dl.exe", Arguments = "" + video.URL + " -f \"" + VideoQualitySetting.Format(quality) + "\"" + // Formats " --no-cache-dir" + // Don't use temp storage " -o \"" + levelPath + $"\\{videoFileName}.%(ext)s\"" + " --no-playlist" + // Don't download playlists, only the first video " --no-part" + // Don't store download in parts, write directly to file (hasFFMPEG ? " --recode-video mp4" : ""), RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true }, EnableRaisingEvents = true }; return(ytProcess); }
private IEnumerator DownloadVideo() { downloading = true; if (!updated) { yield return(new WaitUntil(() => updated)); } VideoDownload download = videoQueue.Peek(); VideoData video =; if (video.downloadState == DownloadState.Cancelled || download.downloadAttempts > MaxRetries) { // skip videoQueue.Dequeue(); if (videoQueue.Count > 0) { // Start next download DownloadVideo(); } else { // queue empty downloading = false; yield break; } } StopCoroutine(Countdown(download)); video.downloadState = DownloadState.Downloading; downloadProgress?.Invoke(video); download.Update(); string levelPath = VideoLoader.GetLevelPath(video.level); if (!Directory.Exists(levelPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(levelPath); } string videoFileName = video.title; // Strip invalid characters foreach (var c in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) { videoFileName = videoFileName.Replace(c, '-'); } videoFileName = videoFileName.Replace('\\', '-'); videoFileName = videoFileName.Replace('/', '-'); video.videoPath = videoFileName + ".mp4"; // Download the video via youtube-dl ydl = new Process(); ydl.StartInfo.FileName = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Youtube-dl\\youtube-dl.exe"; ydl.StartInfo.Arguments = "" + video.URL + " -f \"" + VideoQualitySetting.Format(quality) + "\"" + // Formats " --no-cache-dir" + // Don't use temp storage " -o \"" + levelPath + $"\\{videoFileName}.%(ext)s\"" + " --no-playlist" + // Don't download playlists, only the first video " --no-part"; // Don't store download in parts, write directly to file ydl.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; ydl.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; ydl.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; ydl.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; ydl.EnableRaisingEvents = true; ydl.Start(); // Hook up our output to console ydl.BeginOutputReadLine(); ydl.BeginErrorReadLine(); ydl.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data != null) { Regex rx = new Regex(@"(\d*).\d%+"); Match match = rx.Match(e.Data); if (match.Success) { video.downloadProgress = float.Parse(match.Value.Substring(0, match.Value.Length - 1)) / 100; downloadProgress?.Invoke(video); download.Update(); } } }; ydl.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data.Length < 3) { return; } //to do: check these errors are problems - redownload or skip file when an error occurs //video.downloadState = DownloadState.Cancelled; downloadProgress?.Invoke(video); download.Update(); }; ydl.Exited += (sender, e) => { StopCoroutine(Countdown(download)); if (video.downloadState == DownloadState.Cancelled) { VideoLoader.Instance.DeleteVideo(video); } else { video.downloadState = DownloadState.Downloaded; VideoLoader.SaveVideoToDisk(video); StartCoroutine(VerifyDownload(video)); } videoQueue.Dequeue(); if (videoQueue.Count > 0) { // Start next download DownloadVideo(); } else { // queue empty downloading = false; } ydl.Dispose(); }; }
private void DownloadVideo() { VideoData video = videoQueue.Peek(); if (video.downloadState == DownloadState.Cancelled) { // skip videoQueue.Dequeue(); if (videoQueue.Count > 0) { // Start next download DownloadVideo(); } else { // queue empty downloading = false; return; } } downloading = true; video.downloadState = DownloadState.Downloading; downloadProgress?.Invoke(video); string levelPath = VideoLoader.GetLevelPath(video.level); if (!Directory.Exists(levelPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(levelPath); } // Download the video via youtube-dl ydl = new Process(); string videoFileName = video.title; // Strip invalid characters foreach (var c in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) { videoFileName = videoFileName.Replace(c, '-'); } video.videoPath = videoFileName + ".mp4"; ydl.StartInfo.FileName = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/Youtube-dl/youtube-dl.exe"; ydl.StartInfo.Arguments = "" + video.URL + " -f \"" + VideoQualitySetting.Format(quality) + "\"" + // Formats " --no-cache-dir" + // Don't use temp storage " -o \"" + levelPath + $"\\{videoFileName}.%(ext)s\"" + " --no-playlist" + // Don't download playlists, only the first video " --no-part"; // Don't store download in parts, write directly to file ydl.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; ydl.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; ydl.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; ydl.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; ydl.EnableRaisingEvents = true; ydl.Start(); // Hook up our output to console ydl.BeginOutputReadLine(); ydl.BeginErrorReadLine(); ydl.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data != null) { //[download] 81.8% of 40.55MiB at 4.80MiB/s ETA 00:01 //[download] Resuming download at byte 48809440 // Regex rx = new Regex(@"(\d+).\d%+"); Match match = rx.Match(e.Data); if (match.Success) { video.downloadProgress = float.Parse(match.Value.Substring(0, match.Value.Length - 2)) / 100; downloadProgress?.Invoke(video); } Console.WriteLine(e.Data); } }; ydl.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine(e.Data); //to do: check these errors problems - redownload or skip file when an error occurs }; ydl.Exited += (sender, e) => { // to do: check that the file was indeed downloaded correctly if (video.downloadState == DownloadState.Cancelled) { VideoLoader.Instance.DeleteVideo(video); } else { video.downloadState = DownloadState.Downloaded; VideoLoader.SaveVideoToDisk(video); StartCoroutine(VerifyDownload(video)); } videoQueue.Dequeue(); if (videoQueue.Count > 0) { // Start next download DownloadVideo(); } else { // queue empty downloading = false; } }; }