private async void PropertyDialog_Loading(FrameworkElement sender, object args) { if (Item.StorageType == StorageItemTypes.File) { IncludeArea.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; FileName = Item.Name; Path = Item.Path; FileType = $"{Item.DisplayType} ({Item.Type})"; CreateTime = Item.CreationTimeRaw.ToString("F"); ChangeTime = Item.ModifiedTimeRaw.ToString("F"); FileSize = Item.Size + " (" + Item.SizeRaw.ToString("N0") + $" {Globalization.GetString("Device_Capacity_Unit")})"; if (Item is HyperlinkStorageItem LinkItem) { LinkTargetArea.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ExtraDataArea.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; TargetPath = LinkItem.LinkTargetPath; } else { if (await Item.GetStorageItem().ConfigureAwait(true) is StorageFile File) { if (File.ContentType.StartsWith("video", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { VideoProperties Video = await File.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); ExtraData.Text = $"{Globalization.GetString("FileProperty_Resolution")}: {((Video.Width == 0 && Video.Height == 0) ? Globalization.GetString("UnknownText") : $"{Video.Width}×{Video.Height}")}{Environment.NewLine}{Globalization.GetString("FileProperty_Bitrate")}: {(Video.Bitrate == 0 ? Globalization.GetString("UnknownText") : (Video.Bitrate / 1024f < 1024 ? Math.Round(Video.Bitrate / 1024f, 2).ToString("0.00") + " Kbps" : Math.Round(Video.Bitrate / 1048576f, 2).ToString("0.00") + " Mbps"))}{Environment.NewLine}{Globalization.GetString("FileProperty_Duration")}: {ConvertTimsSpanToString(Video.Duration)}";
public void Dispose() { EventsHelper.CanRaiseEvent = false; CompositionTarget.Rendering -= CompositionTargetRendering; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( new Action( delegate { FreeEvents(); if (IsPlaying) { Stop(); } AudioProperties.Dispose(); VideoProperties.Dispose(); LogProperties.Dispose(); AudioOutputDevices.Dispose(); VlcContext.InteropManager.MediaPlayerInterops.ReleaseInstance.Invoke(VlcContext.HandleManager.MediaPlayerHandles[this]); VlcContext.HandleManager.MediaPlayerHandles.Remove(this); myVideoLockCallbackHandle.Free(); myVideoSetFormatHandle.Free(); myVideoCleanupHandle.Free(); })); }
private async void media_MediaOpened_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { endposition.Text = ((media.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.Hours < 10) ? ("0" + media.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.Hours.ToString()) : media.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.Hours.ToString()) + ":" + ((media.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.Minutes < 10) ? ("0" + media.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.Minutes.ToString()) : (media.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.Minutes.ToString())) + ":" + ((media.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.Seconds < 10) ? ("0" + media.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.Seconds.ToString()) : (media.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.Seconds.ToString())); vproperties = await sfile.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); if (FirstInstanceProperty.VideoPlayer.count == 0 && !Constants.isvideofileactivated) { InitializeHandles(); } MediaControl.AlbumArt = new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/video.jpg"); MediaControl.ArtistName = vproperties.Publisher.ToString(); setuptimer(); seekbar.Maximum = Math.Round(media.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); seekbar.StepFrequency = CalculateStepFrequency(media.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan); PlayPause.IsEnabled = true; PlayPause.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Mute.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; seekbar.IsEnabled = true; togglefullscreen.IsEnabled = true;; keyshortcuts.Text = name; MediaControl.IsPlaying = isplaying; MediaControl.TrackName = sfile.DisplayName; loading.IsActive = false; } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyUser(ex); } }
private async void PropertyDialog_Loading(FrameworkElement sender, object args) { if (SItem is StorageFile || Item?.StorageType == StorageItemTypes.File) { IncludeArea.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; StorageFile file; if (Item != null) { FileName = Item.Name; Path = Item.Path; FileType = $"{Item.DisplayType} ({Item.Type})"; file = (StorageFile)await Item.GetStorageItem().ConfigureAwait(true); if (Item is HyperlinkStorageItem LinkItem) { LinkTargetArea.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; TargetPath = LinkItem.TargetPath; } } else { file = (StorageFile)SItem; FileType = $"{file.DisplayType} ({file.FileType})"; } CreateTime = file.DateCreated.ToString("F"); if (file.ContentType.StartsWith("video")) { VideoProperties Video = await file.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); ExtraData.Text = $"{Globalization.GetString("FileProperty_Resolution")}: {((Video.Width == 0 && Video.Height == 0) ? "Unknown" : $"{Video.Width}×{Video.Height}")}{Environment.NewLine}{Globalization.GetString("FileProperty_Bitrate")}: {(Video.Bitrate == 0 ? "Unknown" : (Video.Bitrate / 1024f < 1024 ? Math.Round(Video.Bitrate / 1024f, 2).ToString("0.00") + " Kbps" : Math.Round(Video.Bitrate / 1048576f, 2).ToString("0.00") + " Mbps"))}{Environment.NewLine}{Globalization.GetString("FileProperty_Duration")}: {ConvertTimsSpanToString(Video.Duration)}";
private async Task <Dictionary <string, string> > GetProperties(StorageFile temporaryFile, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { StorageItemContentProperties properties = temporaryFile.Properties; MusicProperties musicProperties = await properties.GetMusicPropertiesAsync(); VideoProperties videoProperties = await properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); BasicProperties basicProperties = await temporaryFile.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); CancelTask(cancellationToken); Dictionary <string, string> tempDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); tempDictionary["Display Name"] = temporaryFile.DisplayName; tempDictionary["File Type"] = temporaryFile.FileType; tempDictionary["Current Folder Path"] = temporaryFile.FolderRelativeId; tempDictionary["Size"] = string.Format("{0:0.00}", (Convert.ToDouble(basicProperties.Size) / 1048576d)) + " Mb"; tempDictionary["Creation Date"] = temporaryFile.DateCreated.ToString(); tempDictionary["Modified Date"] = basicProperties.DateModified.ToString(); tempDictionary["Audio Bit Rate"] = musicProperties.Bitrate + " bps"; tempDictionary["Length"] = videoProperties.Duration.ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss"); tempDictionary["Frame Width"] = videoProperties.Width + ""; tempDictionary["Frame Height"] = videoProperties.Height + ""; tempDictionary["Orientation"] = videoProperties.Orientation + ""; tempDictionary["Total Bit Rate"] = videoProperties.Bitrate + " bps"; CancelTask(cancellationToken); return(tempDictionary); }
async private void AddItemsToListView(StorageFile file) { listContent listItem = new listContent(); = file.Name; VideoProperties properties = await file.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); if (properties.Duration.ToString().Split(".") != null) { string[] trimTimeSpan = properties.Duration.ToString().Split("."); listItem.duration = trimTimeSpan[0]; Debug.WriteLine("Trimmed : " + trimTimeSpan[0]); } else { listItem.duration = properties.Duration.ToString(); Debug.WriteLine("Not: " + listItem.duration); } playlist.Items.Add(listItem); // files.Items.Add(file.Name); if (!fileData.ContainsKey(file.Name)) { fileData.Add(file.Name, file); } }
private async Task displayvideos(ObservableCollection <StorageFile> dispvideo) { foreach (var file in dispvideo) { VideoProperties property = await file.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); StorageItemThumbnail thumbb = await file.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.VideosView, 230, ThumbnailOptions.ResizeThumbnail); var videoname = file.Name; var coverimage = new BitmapImage(); coverimage.SetSource(thumbb); var conuttt = dispvideo.Count(); var video = new Videoprop(); totalvideono.Text = string.Format("Total Videos: {0}", conuttt); video.ID = id; video.videoname = videoname; video.videotitle = property.Title; video.videoartist = property.Subtitle; video.videoalbum = property.Publisher; video.albumcover = coverimage; video.videofile = file; Videos.Add(video); id++; } }
/// <summary> /// Set up the needed properties. In this case, the duration. /// </summary> private async Task <NBVideo> SetupPropertiesAsync() { StorageFile file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(path); VideoProperties properties = await file.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); Duration = properties.Duration; return(this); }
public LocalVideo(VideoProperties videoProps) { Title = CleanText(videoProps.Title); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(videoProps.Publisher)) { Author = CleanText(videoProps.Publisher); } Duration = videoProps.Duration; }
public async static Task <string> GetVideoDuration(StorageFile file) { VideoProperties properties = await file.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); if (properties != null) { string[] trimTimeSpan = properties.Duration.ToString().Split("."); return(trimTimeSpan[0]); } return("0"); }
private async void BrowseBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FolderPicker pk = new FolderPicker(); pk.FileTypeFilter.Add("*"); var vfolder = await pk.PickSingleFolderAsync(); if (vfolder != null) { folder = vfolder; } if (folder != null) { IReadOnlyList <StorageFile> files = await folder.GetFilesAsync(); Images.Clear(); int n = 0; int cnt = files.Count(); foreach (StorageFile fp in files) { ImageItem img = new ImageItem(); if (fp.Path.EndsWith(".jpg") || fp.Path.EndsWith(".jpeg") || fp.Path.EndsWith(".JPG") || fp.Path.EndsWith(".JPEG")) { img.path = fp; img.thmb = new BitmapImage(); ImageProperties imageProperties = await fp.Properties.GetImagePropertiesAsync(); img.timeTaken = imageProperties.DateTaken; img.thmb.SetSource(await fp.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.PicturesView)); img.IsVideo = false; img.get_blurriness(); Images.Add(img); } if (fp.Path.EndsWith(".mp4") || fp.Path.EndsWith(".m4v") || fp.Path.EndsWith(".avi") || fp.Path.EndsWith(".MP4") || fp.Path.EndsWith(".M4V") || fp.Path.EndsWith(".AVI")) { img.path = fp; img.thmb = new BitmapImage(); VideoProperties videoProperties = await fp.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); img.Duration = videoProperties.Duration; img.thmb.SetSource(await fp.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.VideosView)); img.IsVideo = true; //img.get_blurriness(); Images.Add(img); } n++; PGBar.Value = 100 * n / cnt; } PGBar.Value = 0; } }
protected void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { AudioProperties.Dispose(); VideoProperties.Dispose(); LogProperties.Dispose(); AudioOutputDevices.Dispose(); FreeEvents(); VlcContext.InteropManager.MediaPlayerInterops.ReleaseInstance.Invoke(VlcContext.HandleManager.MediaPlayerHandles[this]); VlcContext.HandleManager.MediaPlayerHandles.Remove(this); } }
public async void GetAllImagesAsync() { ImageList.Clear(); VideoImageList.Clear(); var folder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder; var allFiles = await folder.GetFilesAsync(); foreach (var file in allFiles) { if (file.FileType.Equals(".jpg") || file.FileType.Equals(".png") || file.FileType.Equals(".jpeg")) { ImageProperties imageProperties = await file.Properties.GetImagePropertiesAsync(); StorageItemThumbnail storageItemThumbnail = await file.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.PicturesView, 200, ThumbnailOptions.UseCurrentScale); var Picture = new BitmapImage(); Picture.SetSource(storageItemThumbnail); Images p = new Images { Name = file.Name, imageFileName = file.Name, Collection = Picture }; var imageid = await FileHelper.GetImageIDAsync(p, FILE_NAME); p.ID = imageid; ImageList.Add(p); } if (file.FileType.Equals(".mp4")) { VideoProperties videoProperties = await file.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); StorageItemThumbnail storageItemThumbnail = await file.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.VideosView, 200, ThumbnailOptions.UseCurrentScale); var video = new BitmapImage(); video.SetSource(storageItemThumbnail); Images v = new Images { Name = file.Name, videoFileName = file.Name, Collection = video }; var videoid = await FileHelper.GetImageIDAsync(v, FILE_NAME); v.ID = videoid; VideoImageList.Add(v); } } }
void OnTargetFound(TargetAbstractBehaviour behaviour) { Debug.Log("Found: " + Target.Id + " (" + Target.Name + ")"); if (previousTarget != Target.Name) { previousTarget = Target.Name; var videoComponents = GetComponentsInChildren <VideoPlayer>(true); foreach (var component in videoComponents) { string videoURL = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + Target.Name + ".mp4"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(videoURL)) { component.targetTexture = new RenderTexture(1, 1, 0); component.source = VideoSource.Url; component.url = videoURL; VideoProperties videoProperties = GetVideoProperties(component.url); component.Prepare(); previousPlayer = component; component.prepareCompleted += (VideoPlayer source) => { previousTarget = Target.Name; float videoWidth = source.texture.width; float videoHeight = source.texture.height; Debug.Log("Rotation: " + videoProperties.rotation); component.transform.localScale = new Vector3(videoWidth / Mathf.Max(videoWidth, videoHeight) * VIDEO_SCALING, videoHeight / Mathf.Max(videoWidth, videoHeight) * VIDEO_SCALING, 1f); component.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(X_VIDEO_ROTATION, 0, -1 * videoProperties.rotation); // Lay the video flat component.Play(); if (timeStamps.ContainsKey(Target.Name)) { component.time = timeStamps[previousTarget]; } }; Debug.Log("Playing from: " + Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + Target.Name + ".mp4"); } else { Debug.Log("File does not exists"); } } } else { previousPlayer.Play(); previousPlayer.time = videoTime; } }
// 通过 StorageFolder.Properties 的 GetImagePropertiesAsync(), GetVideoPropertiesAsync(), GetMusicPropertiesAsync(), GetDocumentPropertiesAsync() 方法获取文件的属性 private async Task ShowProperties4(StorageFile storageFile) { StorageItemContentProperties storageItemContentProperties = storageFile.Properties; ImageProperties imageProperties = await storageItemContentProperties.GetImagePropertiesAsync(); // 图片属性 VideoProperties videoProperties = await storageItemContentProperties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); // 视频属性 MusicProperties musicProperties = await storageItemContentProperties.GetMusicPropertiesAsync(); // 音频属性 DocumentProperties documentProperties = await storageItemContentProperties.GetDocumentPropertiesAsync(); // 文档属性 lblMsg.Text += "image width:" + imageProperties.Width; lblMsg.Text += Environment.NewLine; lblMsg.Text += "image height:" + imageProperties.Height; lblMsg.Text += Environment.NewLine; }
//CommandBar /** * Video Title */ public async void SetVideoTitle(StorageFile storageFile) { if (storageFile != null) { VideoProperties videoProperties = await storageFile.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); if (videoProperties.Title == "") { title.Text = storageFile.Name; } else { title.Text = videoProperties.Title; } } }
public static MediaEncodingProfile CreateVideoEncodingProfileFromProps(VideoProperties props) { var width = (double)props.Width; var height = (double)props.Height; double maxWidth = App.RoamingSettings.Read(VIDEO_WIDTH, 854); double maxHeight = App.RoamingSettings.Read(VIDEO_HEIGHT, 480); Drawing.ScaleProportions(ref width, ref height, maxWidth, maxHeight); var bitrate = App.RoamingSettings.Read(VIDEO_BITRATE, 1_115_000u); if (width == 0) { width = maxWidth; } if (height == 0) { height = maxHeight; } var profile = new MediaEncodingProfile() { Container = new ContainerEncodingProperties() { Subtype = MediaEncodingSubtypes.Mpeg4 }, Video = new VideoEncodingProperties() { Width = (uint)(Math.Round(width / 2.0) * 2), Height = (uint)(Math.Round(height / 2.0) * 2), Subtype = MediaEncodingSubtypes.H264, Bitrate = bitrate }, Audio = new AudioEncodingProperties() { Bitrate = App.RoamingSettings.Read(AUDIO_BITRATE, 192u), BitsPerSample = 16, ChannelCount = 2, SampleRate = App.RoamingSettings.Read(AUDIO_SAMPLERATE, 44100u), Subtype = MediaEncodingSubtypes.Aac } }; return(profile); }
public async Task LoadFromFolder(StorageFolder storageFolder) { IReadOnlyList <StorageFile> fileList = await storageFolder.GetFilesAsync(); const ThumbnailMode thumbnailMode = ThumbnailMode.MusicView; foreach (StorageFile f in fileList) { if (videoFormat.FindIndex(x => x.Equals(f.FileType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) != -1) { const uint size = 100; using (StorageItemThumbnail thumbnail = await f.GetThumbnailAsync(thumbnailMode, size)) { // Also verify the type is ThumbnailType.Image (album art) instead of ThumbnailType.Icon // (which may be returned as a fallback if the file does not provide album art) if (thumbnail != null && (thumbnail.Type == ThumbnailType.Image || thumbnail.Type == ThumbnailType.Icon)) { BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(); bitmapImage.SetSource(thumbnail); MediaFile o1 = new VideoFile(); VideoProperties videoProperties = await f.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); Image i = new Image(); i.Source = bitmapImage; o1.Thumb = i; o1.Title = f.Name; if (videoProperties.Title != "") { o1.Title = videoProperties.Title; } o1.Name = f.Name; o1.Path = f.Path; videoFiles.Add((VideoFile)o1); autoList.Add(o1.Title); } } } } IReadOnlyList <StorageFolder> folderList = await storageFolder.GetFoldersAsync(); foreach (var i in folderList) { await LoadFromFolder(i); } }
public VideoReader(String filePath) { try { reader = new VideoFileReader(); reader.Open(filePath); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } properties = new VideoProperties(); properties.Width = reader.Width; properties.Height = reader.Height; properties.FrameCount = reader.FrameCount; properties.FrameRate = reader.FrameRate; }
public async Task <bool> DeleteVideoAsync(VideoProperties properties) { //Async delete operation that waits until the file system has deleted the file. var fi = new FileInfo(PhysicalFilePath(properties.VirtualFilePath)); if (fi.Exists) { fi.Delete(); fi.Refresh(); while (fi.Exists) { await Task.Delay(100); fi.Refresh(); } return(true); } return(false); }
public StorageVideo(StorageFile file, BasicProperties basic, VideoProperties props, MediaEncodingProfile profile) : base(file) { _basic = basic; Properties = props; Profile = profile; videoDuration = props.Duration.TotalMilliseconds; originalSize = (long)basic.Size; originalWidth = (int)props.Width; originalHeight = (int)props.Height; originalBitrate = bitrate = (int)props.Bitrate; //(trackBitrate / 100000 * 100000); if (bitrate > 900000) { bitrate = 900000; } }
public async Task <VideoProperties> StoreVideoAsync(Stream sourceStream, VideoProperties properties, long expectedLength, CancellationToken token) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(properties.ContainerExt)) { properties.ContainerExt = "unkwn"; } properties.VirtualFilePath = $"{Path.GetRandomFileName()}.{properties.ContainerExt}"; string physicalFilePath = PhysicalFilePath(properties.VirtualFilePath); bool fileOk = true; try { if (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { using FileStream f = new FileStream(physicalFilePath, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 4096, true); await sourceStream.CopyToAsync(f, token); } } finally { fileOk = !token.IsCancellationRequested; if (fileOk) { properties.FileSize = new FileInfo(physicalFilePath).Length; if (properties.FileSize < expectedLength) { fileOk = false; } } if (!fileOk) { await DeleteVideoAsync(properties); } } if (!fileOk) { return(null); } return(properties); }
public StorageVideo(StorageFile file, BasicProperties basic, VideoProperties props, MediaEncodingProfile profile) : base(file, basic) { _fullRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, props.GetWidth(), props.GetHeight()); _basic = basic; Properties = props; Profile = profile; videoDuration = props.Duration.TotalMilliseconds; originalSize = (long)basic.Size; originalWidth = (int)props.GetWidth(); originalHeight = (int)props.GetHeight(); originalBitrate = bitrate = (int)props.Bitrate; //(trackBitrate / 100000 * 100000); if (bitrate > 900000) { bitrate = 900000; } LoadPreview(); }
public static uint GetWidth(this VideoProperties props) { return(props.Orientation == VideoOrientation.Rotate180 || props.Orientation == VideoOrientation.Normal ? props.Width : props.Height); }
private void OnFileChangedInternal(StorageFile storageFile) { Photos.Children.Clear(); LeftTransform.X = -MaxTranslateX; LeftOpacityBorderTransform.X = -465.0; Left.IsHitTestVisible = false; RightTransform.X = MaxTranslateX; RightOpacityBorderTransform.X = 465.0; Right.IsHitTestVisible = false; _videoProperties = null; _composition = null; TrimRight = null; TrimLeft = null; _lastPosition = null; _isManipulating = false; if (storageFile != null) { Telegram.Api.Helpers.Execute.BeginOnThreadPool(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0), async () => { _videoProperties = storageFile.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync().AsTask().Result; if (_videoProperties == null) return; Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { Left.IsHitTestVisible = true; Right.IsHitTestVisible = true; }); _composition = new MediaComposition(); var clip = await MediaClip.CreateFromFileAsync(storageFile); _composition.Clips.Add(clip); var scaleFactor = 100.0 / Math.Min(_videoProperties.Width, _videoProperties.Height); var thumbnailWidth = _videoProperties.Orientation == VideoOrientation.Normal || _videoProperties.Orientation == VideoOrientation.Rotate180 ? (int)(_videoProperties.Width * scaleFactor) : (int)(_videoProperties.Height * scaleFactor); var thumbnailHeight = _videoProperties.Orientation == VideoOrientation.Normal || _videoProperties.Orientation == VideoOrientation.Rotate180 ? (int)(_videoProperties.Height * scaleFactor) : (int)(_videoProperties.Width * scaleFactor); for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { var timeStamp = new TimeSpan(_videoProperties.Duration.Ticks / 9 * i); var photo = await _composition.GetThumbnailAsync(timeStamp, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight, VideoFramePrecision.NearestKeyFrame); Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { var stream = photo.AsStream(); var bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(); var image = new Image { CacheMode = new BitmapCache(), Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill, Width = 50.0, Height = 50.0, Source = bitmapImage }; Photos.Children.Add(image); bitmapImage.SetSource(stream); }); } }); } }
private static void GetVideoProperties(ICollection <StorageFileProperty> results, VideoProperties props) { var title = props.Title; var subTitle = props.Subtitle; var duration = props.Duration; var bitRate = props.Bitrate; var height = props.Height; var width = props.Width; var latitude = props.Latitude.ToString(); var longitude = props.Longitude.ToString(); if (!title.IsEmpty()) { if (results.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Title") == null) { results.Add(new StorageFileProperty("Title", title)); } } if (!subTitle.IsEmpty()) { if (results.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Subtitle") == null) { results.Add(new StorageFileProperty("Subtitle", subTitle)); } } if (duration != TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0)) { var val = duration.ToString("G"); if (!val.IsEmpty()) { if (results.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Duration") == null) { results.Add(new StorageFileProperty("Duration", val)); } } } if (bitRate != 0) { if (results.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Bitrate") == null) { results.Add(new StorageFileProperty("Bitrate", bitRate)); } } if (height != 0 || width != 0) { if (results.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Height") == null) { results.Add(new StorageFileProperty("Height", height)); } if (results.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Width") == null) { results.Add(new StorageFileProperty("Width", width)); } } if (!latitude.IsEmpty()) { if (results.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "GPS latitude") == null) { results.Add(new StorageFileProperty("GPS latitude", latitude)); } } if (!longitude.IsEmpty()) { if (results.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "GPS longitude") == null) { results.Add(new StorageFileProperty("GPS longitude", longitude)); } } }
private async Task GatherSubFolderAndFiles(StorageFolder folder, Directory parent, bool singleVideo = false) { LogMessage.AppendLine($"***********************"); LogMessage.AppendLine($"Folder: {folder.Name}"); bool folderHasImage = false; foreach (var file in await folder.GetFilesAsync()) { if (ImageExtensions.Contains(file.FileType.ToUpper()) && !folderHasImage) { var copy = await file.CopyAsync(await Cache.GetThumbnailFolder()); await copy.RenameAsync(Cache.GetName(parent.Id.Value)); folderHasImage = true; } if (AllowedExtension.Contains(file.FileType.ToUpper())) { LogMessage.AppendLine($" {file.Name}"); VideoProperties videoProperties = await file.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync(); var title = videoProperties.Title; var fileName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) ? file.Name : title; var video = new Video() { Name = file.DisplayName, Parent = parent, Path = file.Path, FileName = fileName, ParentDirId = parent.Id.Value, Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Markers = new List <Markers>(), }; var thumbnail = await file.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.VideosView); using (var reader = new DataReader(thumbnail.GetInputStreamAt(0))) { await reader.LoadAsync((uint)thumbnail.Size); var buffer = new byte[(int)thumbnail.Size]; reader.ReadBytes(buffer); Cache.SaveThumbnail(buffer, video.Id.Value); } parent.Videos.Add(video); if (singleVideo) { return; } } } foreach (var subFolder in await folder.GetFoldersAsync()) { if (subFolder.Name.ToLower() == "sample" || subFolder.Name.ToLower() == "subtitles" || subFolder.Name.ToLower() == "subs") { continue; } var directory = new Directory() { Name = subFolder.Name, Parent = parent, Path = subFolder.Path, Id = Guid.NewGuid(), ParentDirId = parent.Id.Value }; parent.Directories.Add(directory); await GatherSubFolderAndFiles(subFolder, directory); } }
public static async Task <TLPhotoSizeBase> GetVideoThumbnailAsync(StorageFile file, VideoProperties props, VideoTransformEffectDefinition effect) { double originalWidth = props.GetWidth(); double originalHeight = props.GetHeight(); if (effect != null && !effect.CropRectangle.IsEmpty) { file = await CropAsync(file, effect.CropRectangle); originalWidth = effect.CropRectangle.Width; originalHeight = effect.CropRectangle.Height; } TLPhotoSizeBase result; var fileLocation = new TLFileLocation { VolumeId = TLLong.Random(), LocalId = TLInt.Random(), Secret = TLLong.Random(), DCId = 0 }; var desiredName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg", fileLocation.VolumeId, fileLocation.LocalId, fileLocation.Secret); var desiredFile = await FileUtils.CreateTempFileAsync(desiredName); using (var fileStream = await OpenReadAsync(file)) using (var outputStream = await desiredFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite)) { var decoder = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(fileStream); double ratioX = (double)90 / originalWidth; double ratioY = (double)90 / originalHeight; double ratio = Math.Min(ratioX, ratioY); uint width = (uint)(originalWidth * ratio); uint height = (uint)(originalHeight * ratio); var transform = new BitmapTransform(); transform.ScaledWidth = width; transform.ScaledHeight = height; transform.InterpolationMode = BitmapInterpolationMode.Linear; if (effect != null) { transform.Flip = effect.Mirror == MediaMirroringOptions.Horizontal ? BitmapFlip.Horizontal : BitmapFlip.None; } var pixelData = await decoder.GetSoftwareBitmapAsync(decoder.BitmapPixelFormat, decoder.BitmapAlphaMode, transform, ExifOrientationMode.RespectExifOrientation, ColorManagementMode.DoNotColorManage); var propertySet = new BitmapPropertySet(); var qualityValue = new BitmapTypedValue(0.77, PropertyType.Single); propertySet.Add("ImageQuality", qualityValue); var encoder = await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync(BitmapEncoder.JpegEncoderId, outputStream); encoder.SetSoftwareBitmap(pixelData); await encoder.FlushAsync(); result = new TLPhotoSize { W = (int)width, H = (int)height, Size = (int)outputStream.Size, Type = string.Empty, Location = fileLocation }; } return(result); }
public Stream GetVideo(VideoProperties properties) => new FileStream(PhysicalFilePath(properties.VirtualFilePath), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 4096, true);
public static uint GetHeight(this VideoProperties props) { return(props.Orientation is VideoOrientation.Rotate180 or VideoOrientation.Normal ? props.Height : props.Width); }