Exemple #1
        public void UploadVideo_ShouldCreateVideo()
            var videoRepositoryMock   = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock        = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();

            Video video = null;

            videoRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.Add(It.IsAny <Video>()))
            .Callback <Video>(r => video = r);;

            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            VideoServices videoService = new VideoServices(videoRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, commentRepositoryMock.Object);

            VidconfileUser user = new VidconfileUser();

            byte[] videoData    = new byte[2];
            string thumbnailUrl = "far";
            string description  = "hi";
            string title        = "fasd";

            videoService.UploadVideo(user, videoData, description, thumbnailUrl, title);

            Assert.Same(user, video.Uploader);
            Assert.Same(videoData, video.VideoData);
            Assert.Same(thumbnailUrl, video.ThumbnailUrl);
            Assert.Same(description, video.Description);
            Assert.Same(title, video.Title);

            videoRepositoryMock.Verify(x => x.Add(It.IsAny <Video>()), Times.Once());
            unitOfWorkMock.Verify(x => x.Commit(), Times.Once());
Exemple #2
        public IActionResult AddComment(AddCommentApiModel commentModel)
            Guid cl = Guid.Parse(this.User.Claims
                                 .FirstOrDefault(x => !x.Properties.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Value == "nameid").Equals(default(KeyValuePair <string, string>)))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commentModel.CommentText))
                return(NotFound("Comment can't be empty"));

            VidconfileUser user = this.userServices.GetUserById(cl);

            if (user == null)

            Video video = this.videoServices.GetVideoById(commentModel.VideoId);

            if (video == null)
                return(NotFound("Video is not found"));

            var commentRes = this.commentServices.AddComment(video, user, commentModel.CommentText);

            GetAllCommentsApiModel model = this.mapper.Map <GetAllCommentsApiModel>(commentRes);

        public void UploadVideo(VidconfileUser uploader, byte[] videoData, string description, string thumbnailUrl, string title)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                throw new NullReferenceException("description cannot be null");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbnailUrl))
                throw new NullReferenceException("thumbnailUrl cannot be null");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                throw new NullReferenceException("title cannot be null");

            Video video = new Video();

            video.Uploader     = uploader ?? throw new NullReferenceException("uploader cannot be null");
            video.Title        = title;
            video.ThumbnailUrl = thumbnailUrl;
            video.Description  = description;
            video.VideoData    = videoData ?? throw new NullReferenceException("videoData cannot be null");
            video.Created      = DateTime.Now;


Exemple #4
        public void GetUserByVideoId_ShouldGetUser()
            var videoRepositoryMock       = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock            = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock     = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();
            var userRepositoryMock        = new Mock <IRepository <VidconfileUser> >();
            var passwordHasherMock        = new Mock <IPasswordHasher>();
            var subscribeToSubscriberMock = new Mock <IRepository <SubscribeToSubscribers> >();

            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            var video = new Video();

            video.Id = id;

            VidconfileUser user = new VidconfileUser();

            video.Uploader = user;

            var videos = new List <Video>();


            videoRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.All(s => s.Uploader))

            VidconfileUserServices userService =
                new VidconfileUserServices(userRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, passwordHasherMock.Object,
                                           videoRepositoryMock.Object, subscribeToSubscriberMock.Object);

            var res = userService.GetUserByVideoId(id);

            Assert.Same(user, res);
            videoRepositoryMock.Verify(x => x.All(s => s.Uploader), Times.Once);
Exemple #5
        public void Register(string username, string password, string profilePhotoUrl)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                throw new NullReferenceException("username cannot be null");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                throw new NullReferenceException("password cannot be null");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(profilePhotoUrl))
                throw new NullReferenceException("profilePhotoUrl cannot be null");

            PasswordHashModel hashModel = this.passwordHasher.CreatePasswordHash(password);

            var user = new VidconfileUser();

            user.PasswordHash = hashModel.PasswordHash;
            user.PasswordSalt = hashModel.PasswordSalt;

            user.Username        = username;
            user.ProfilePhotoUrl = profilePhotoUrl;


Exemple #6
        public IActionResult Login(LoginUserApiModel loginUser)
            VidconfileUser user = this.userServices.Login(loginUser.Username, loginUser.Password);

            if (user == null)

            var claims = new[]
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.Id.ToString()),
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.Username)

            SymmetricSecurityKey key = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(this.config.GetSection(AppSettingsConstants.Token).Value));

            var creds = new SigningCredentials(key, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha512Signature);

            var tokenDescriptor = new SecurityTokenDescriptor()
                Subject            = new ClaimsIdentity(claims),
                Expires            = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                SigningCredentials = creds

            var tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();

            var token = tokenHandler.CreateToken(tokenDescriptor);

                token = tokenHandler.WriteToken(token)
        public void AddComment_ShouldAdd()
            var videoRepositoryMock   = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock        = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();
            var userRepositoryMock    = new Mock <IRepository <VidconfileUser> >();

            Comment value = null;

            commentRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.Add(It.IsAny <Comment>()))
            .Callback <Comment>(x => value = x);

            CommentServices commentService =
                new CommentServices(commentRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, userRepositoryMock.Object, videoRepositoryMock.Object);

            Video          video       = new Video();
            VidconfileUser user        = new VidconfileUser();
            string         commentText = "asdasd";

            commentService.AddComment(video, user, commentText);

            Assert.Same(video, value.Video);
            Assert.Same(user, value.Author);
            Assert.Same(commentText, value.CommentText);

            commentRepositoryMock.Verify(x => x.Add(value), Times.Once);
            unitOfWorkMock.Verify(x => x.Commit(), Times.Once);
Exemple #8
        public VidconfileUser Login(string username, string password)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                throw new NullReferenceException("username cannot be null or empty");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                throw new NullReferenceException("password cannot be null or empty");

            VidconfileUser user = this.userRepository
                                  .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == username);

            if (user == null)

            if (this.passwordHasher.VerifyPasswordHash(password, user.PasswordHash, user.PasswordSalt) == false)

Exemple #9
        public void SubscribeFromTo(VidconfileUser from, VidconfileUser to)
            if (from == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("from cannot be null");

            if (to == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("to cannot be null");

            if (this.IsSubscribed(from, to))
                throw new ArgumentException("the user is already subscribed");

            var subscriberToSubscribers = new SubscribeToSubscribers();

            subscriberToSubscribers.SubscriberId = from.Id;

            subscriberToSubscribers.SubscribedToId = to.Id;


Exemple #10
        public int GetSubscriberCount(VidconfileUser user)
            if (user == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("user cannot be null");

            var count = this.subscribeToSubscribersRepository.All()
                        .Where(x => x.SubscribedToId == user.Id).Count();

Exemple #11
        public VidconfileUser GetUserByVideoId(Guid videoId)
            Video video = this.videoRepository.All(x => x.Uploader)
                          .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == videoId);

            if (video == null)

            VidconfileUser user = video.Uploader;

        public IActionResult GetUser(Guid id)
            VidconfileUser user = this.userServices.GetUserByIdWithVideos(id);

            if (user == null)
                return(NotFound("User not found"));

            GetUserApiModel model = this.mapper.Map <GetUserApiModel>(user);

            model.SubscriberCount = this.userServices.GetSubscriberCount(user);

Exemple #13
        public void SubscribeFromTo_ShouldSubscribe()
            var videoRepositoryMock       = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock            = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock     = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();
            var userRepositoryMock        = new Mock <IRepository <VidconfileUser> >();
            var passwordHasherMock        = new Mock <IPasswordHasher>();
            var subscribeToSubscriberMock = new Mock <IRepository <SubscribeToSubscribers> >();

            Guid fromId = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid toId   = Guid.NewGuid();

            VidconfileUser from = new VidconfileUser();
            VidconfileUser to   = new VidconfileUser();

            from.Id = fromId;
            to.Id   = toId;

            var sb = new SubscribeToSubscribers();

            sb.SubscribedToId = toId;
            sb.SubscriberId   = Guid.Empty;

            SubscribeToSubscribers res = null;

            subscribeToSubscriberMock.Setup(x => x.All())
            .Returns(new List <SubscribeToSubscribers>()

            subscribeToSubscriberMock.Setup(x => x.Add(It.IsAny <SubscribeToSubscribers>()))
            .Callback <SubscribeToSubscribers>(x => res = x)

            VidconfileUserServices userService =
                new VidconfileUserServices(userRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, passwordHasherMock.Object,
                                           videoRepositoryMock.Object, subscribeToSubscriberMock.Object);

            userService.SubscribeFromTo(from, to);

            unitOfWorkMock.Verify(x => x.Commit(), Times.Once);

            Assert.Equal(toId, res.SubscribedToId);
            Assert.Equal(fromId, res.SubscriberId);
        public IActionResult EditProfile(EditProfileApiModel model)
            Guid cl = Guid.Parse(this.User.Claims
                                 .FirstOrDefault(x => !x.Properties.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Value == "nameid").Equals(default(KeyValuePair <string, string>)))

            VidconfileUser user = this.userServices.GetUserById(cl);

            if (user == null)
                return(BadRequest("User does not exist"));

            this.userServices.EditProfile(user, model.AuthorProfilePhotoUrl);

Exemple #15
        public bool IsSubscribed(VidconfileUser from, VidconfileUser to)
            if (from == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("from cannot be null");

            if (to == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("to cannot be null");

            bool isSubscribed = this.subscribeToSubscribersRepository.All()
                                .FirstOrDefault(x => x.SubscribedToId == to.Id && x.SubscriberId == from.Id) != null;

Exemple #16
        public void EditProfile(VidconfileUser user, string newProfilePhotoUrl)
            if (user == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("user cannot be null");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newProfilePhotoUrl))
                throw new NullReferenceException("newProfilePhotoUrl cannot be null");

            user.ProfilePhotoUrl = newProfilePhotoUrl;


Exemple #17
        public void GetSubscriberCount_NullUser_ShouldThrow()
            var videoRepositoryMock       = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock            = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock     = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();
            var userRepositoryMock        = new Mock <IRepository <VidconfileUser> >();
            var passwordHasherMock        = new Mock <IPasswordHasher>();
            var subscribeToSubscriberMock = new Mock <IRepository <SubscribeToSubscribers> >();

            VidconfileUser user = new VidconfileUser();

            VidconfileUserServices userService =
                new VidconfileUserServices(userRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, passwordHasherMock.Object,
                                           videoRepositoryMock.Object, subscribeToSubscriberMock.Object);

            string result = Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => userService.GetSubscriberCount(null))

            Assert.Equal("user cannot be null", result);
        public void AddComment_NullVideo_ShouldThrow()
            var videoRepositoryMock   = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock        = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();
            var userRepositoryMock    = new Mock <IRepository <VidconfileUser> >();

            CommentServices commentService =
                new CommentServices(commentRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, userRepositoryMock.Object, videoRepositoryMock.Object);

            Video          video       = new Video();
            VidconfileUser user        = new VidconfileUser();
            string         commentText = "asdasd";

            string message = Assert
                             .Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => commentService.AddComment(null, user, commentText))

            Assert.Equal("video cannot be null", message);
Exemple #19
        public Comment AddComment(Video video, VidconfileUser author, string commentText)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commentText))
                throw new NullReferenceException("commentText cannot be null or empty");

            Comment comment = new Comment();

            comment.Video       = video ?? throw new NullReferenceException("video cannot be null");
            comment.Author      = author ?? throw new NullReferenceException("author cannot be null");
            comment.Created     = DateTime.Now;
            comment.CommentText = commentText;



Exemple #20
        public void EditProfile_ShouldUpdate()
            var videoRepositoryMock       = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock            = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock     = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();
            var userRepositoryMock        = new Mock <IRepository <VidconfileUser> >();
            var passwordHasherMock        = new Mock <IPasswordHasher>();
            var subscribeToSubscriberMock = new Mock <IRepository <SubscribeToSubscribers> >();

            Guid userId = Guid.NewGuid();

            VidconfileUser user = new VidconfileUser();

            string photoUrl = "asd";

            subscribeToSubscriberMock.Setup(x => x.All())
            .Returns(new List <SubscribeToSubscribers>()
                new SubscribeToSubscribers()
                    SubscribedToId = userId
                new SubscribeToSubscribers()
                    SubscribedToId = userId
                }, new SubscribeToSubscribers()
                    SubscribedToId = userId

            VidconfileUserServices userService =
                new VidconfileUserServices(userRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, passwordHasherMock.Object,
                                           videoRepositoryMock.Object, subscribeToSubscriberMock.Object);

            userService.EditProfile(user, photoUrl);

            Assert.Equal(photoUrl, user.ProfilePhotoUrl);
            userRepositoryMock.Verify(x => x.Update(user), Times.Once);
            unitOfWorkMock.Verify(x => x.Commit(), Times.Once);
Exemple #21
        public void UnsubscribeFromTo_NullTo_ShouldThrow()
            var videoRepositoryMock       = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock            = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock     = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();
            var userRepositoryMock        = new Mock <IRepository <VidconfileUser> >();
            var passwordHasherMock        = new Mock <IPasswordHasher>();
            var subscribeToSubscriberMock = new Mock <IRepository <SubscribeToSubscribers> >();

            VidconfileUser from = new VidconfileUser();
            VidconfileUser to   = new VidconfileUser();

            VidconfileUserServices userService =
                new VidconfileUserServices(userRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, passwordHasherMock.Object,
                                           videoRepositoryMock.Object, subscribeToSubscriberMock.Object);

            string msg = Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => userService.UnsubscribeFromTo(from, null))

            Assert.Equal("to cannot be null", msg);
Exemple #22
        public void EditProfile_PhotoNull_ShouldThrow()
            var videoRepositoryMock       = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock            = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock     = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();
            var userRepositoryMock        = new Mock <IRepository <VidconfileUser> >();
            var passwordHasherMock        = new Mock <IPasswordHasher>();
            var subscribeToSubscriberMock = new Mock <IRepository <SubscribeToSubscribers> >();

            Guid userId = Guid.NewGuid();

            VidconfileUser user = new VidconfileUser();

            string photoUrl = "asd";

            subscribeToSubscriberMock.Setup(x => x.All())
            .Returns(new List <SubscribeToSubscribers>()
                new SubscribeToSubscribers()
                    SubscribedToId = userId
                new SubscribeToSubscribers()
                    SubscribedToId = userId
                }, new SubscribeToSubscribers()
                    SubscribedToId = userId

            VidconfileUserServices userService =
                new VidconfileUserServices(userRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, passwordHasherMock.Object,
                                           videoRepositoryMock.Object, subscribeToSubscriberMock.Object);

            string msg = Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => userService.EditProfile(user, null))

            Assert.Equal("newProfilePhotoUrl cannot be null", msg);
        public IActionResult IsSubscribed(Guid isSubscribedUser)
            Guid cl = Guid.Parse(this.User.Claims
                                 .FirstOrDefault(x => !x.Properties.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Value == "nameid").Equals(default(KeyValuePair <string, string>)))

            VidconfileUser userFrom = this.userServices.GetUserById(cl);
            VidconfileUser userTo   = this.userServices.GetUserById(isSubscribedUser);

            if (userFrom == null || userTo == null)
                return(BadRequest("User to unsubscribe to does not exist"));

            bool isSubscribed = this.userServices.IsSubscribed(userFrom, userTo);

Exemple #24
        public void GetSubscriberCount_ShouldGet()
            var videoRepositoryMock       = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock            = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock     = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();
            var userRepositoryMock        = new Mock <IRepository <VidconfileUser> >();
            var passwordHasherMock        = new Mock <IPasswordHasher>();
            var subscribeToSubscriberMock = new Mock <IRepository <SubscribeToSubscribers> >();

            VidconfileUser user = new VidconfileUser();

            Guid userId = Guid.NewGuid();

            user.Id = userId;

            subscribeToSubscriberMock.Setup(x => x.All())
            .Returns(new List <SubscribeToSubscribers>()
                new SubscribeToSubscribers()
                    SubscribedToId = userId
                new SubscribeToSubscribers()
                    SubscribedToId = userId
                }, new SubscribeToSubscribers()
                    SubscribedToId = userId

            VidconfileUserServices userService =
                new VidconfileUserServices(userRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, passwordHasherMock.Object,
                                           videoRepositoryMock.Object, subscribeToSubscriberMock.Object);

            int subs = userService.GetSubscriberCount(user);

            Assert.Equal(3, subs);
Exemple #25
        public void UnsubscribeFromTo_AlreadySubscribed_ShouldThrow()
            var videoRepositoryMock       = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock            = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock     = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();
            var userRepositoryMock        = new Mock <IRepository <VidconfileUser> >();
            var passwordHasherMock        = new Mock <IPasswordHasher>();
            var subscribeToSubscriberMock = new Mock <IRepository <SubscribeToSubscribers> >();

            Guid fromId = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid toId   = Guid.NewGuid();

            VidconfileUser from = new VidconfileUser();
            VidconfileUser to   = new VidconfileUser();

            from.Id = fromId;
            to.Id   = toId;

            var sb = new SubscribeToSubscribers();

            sb.SubscribedToId = toId;
            sb.SubscriberId   = Guid.Empty;

            subscribeToSubscriberMock.Setup(x => x.All())
            .Returns(new List <SubscribeToSubscribers>()

            VidconfileUserServices userService =
                new VidconfileUserServices(userRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, passwordHasherMock.Object,
                                           videoRepositoryMock.Object, subscribeToSubscriberMock.Object);

            string msg = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => userService.UnsubscribeFromTo(from, to))

            Assert.Equal("the user is not subscribed", msg);
        public IActionResult Unsubscribe(Guid userToUnsubscribeTo)
            Guid cl = Guid.Parse(this.User.Claims
                                 .FirstOrDefault(x => !x.Properties.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Value == "nameid").Equals(default(KeyValuePair <string, string>)))

            VidconfileUser userFrom = this.userServices.GetUserById(cl);
            VidconfileUser userTo   = this.userServices.GetUserById(userToUnsubscribeTo);

            if (userFrom == null || userTo == null)
                return(BadRequest("User to unsubscribe to does not exist"));

            if (!this.userServices.IsSubscribed(userFrom, userTo))
                return(BadRequest("You are not subscribed to this user"));

            this.userServices.UnsubscribeFromTo(userFrom, userTo);

Exemple #27
        public void UploadVideo_NullDescription_ShouldThrow()
            var videoRepositoryMock   = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock        = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();

            var videos = new List <Video>();

            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            VideoServices videoService = new VideoServices(videoRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, commentRepositoryMock.Object);

            VidconfileUser user = new VidconfileUser();

            byte[] videoData    = new byte[4];
            string thumbnailUrl = "asd";
            string title        = "test";

            string message = Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => videoService.UploadVideo(user, videoData, null, thumbnailUrl, title))

            Assert.Same("description cannot be null", message);
Exemple #28
        public void Register_ShouldAddUser()
            var videoRepositoryMock       = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock            = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock     = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();
            var userRepositoryMock        = new Mock <IRepository <VidconfileUser> >();
            var passwordHasherMock        = new Mock <IPasswordHasher>();
            var subscribeToSubscriberMock = new Mock <IRepository <SubscribeToSubscribers> >();

            VidconfileUser user = null;

            userRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.Add(It.IsAny <VidconfileUser>()))
            .Callback <VidconfileUser>(x => user = x);

            VidconfileUserServices userService =
                new VidconfileUserServices(userRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, passwordHasherMock.Object,
                                           videoRepositoryMock.Object, subscribeToSubscriberMock.Object);

            string username        = "******";
            string password        = "******";
            string profilePhotoUrl = "nubfas";

            PasswordHashModel hashModel = new PasswordHashModel(new byte[1], new byte[2]);

            passwordHasherMock.Setup(x => x.CreatePasswordHash(password))

            userService.Register(username, password, profilePhotoUrl);

            unitOfWorkMock.Verify(x => x.Commit(), Times.Once);
            userRepositoryMock.Verify(x => x.Add(It.IsAny <VidconfileUser>()), Times.Once);

            Assert.Equal(username, user.Username);
            Assert.Equal(profilePhotoUrl, user.ProfilePhotoUrl);
Exemple #29
        public void Login_NotWrongPassword_ShouldReturnUser()
            var videoRepositoryMock       = new Mock <IRepository <Video> >();
            var unitOfWorkMock            = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();
            var commentRepositoryMock     = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >();
            var userRepositoryMock        = new Mock <IRepository <VidconfileUser> >();
            var passwordHasherMock        = new Mock <IPasswordHasher>();
            var subscribeToSubscriberMock = new Mock <IRepository <SubscribeToSubscribers> >();

            VidconfileUser user = new VidconfileUser();

            string username = "******";
            string password = "******";

            user.Username = username;

            userRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.All())
            .Returns(new List <VidconfileUser>()

            passwordHasherMock.Setup(x => x.VerifyPasswordHash(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <byte[]>(), It.IsAny <byte[]>()))

            VidconfileUserServices userService =
                new VidconfileUserServices(userRepositoryMock.Object, unitOfWorkMock.Object, passwordHasherMock.Object,
                                           videoRepositoryMock.Object, subscribeToSubscriberMock.Object);

            var userRet = userService.Login(username, password);

            passwordHasherMock.Verify(x => x.VerifyPasswordHash(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <byte[]>(), It.IsAny <byte[]>()), Times.Once);

            Assert.Same(user, userRet);
Exemple #30
        public void UnsubscribeFromTo(VidconfileUser from, VidconfileUser to)
            if (from == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("from cannot be null");

            if (to == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("to cannot be null");

            if (!this.IsSubscribed(from, to))
                throw new ArgumentException("the user is not subscribed");

            var subToDelete = this.subscribeToSubscribersRepository.All()
                              .FirstOrDefault(x => x.SubscribedToId == to.Id && x.SubscriberId == from.Id);

