/// <summary>
 /// Změna vybrané položky v comboBoxu veterinárních záznamů
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void VeterinarySelectComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
     if (veterinarySelectComboBox.SelectedItem != null)
         editRecord = (Veterinary)veterinarySelectComboBox.SelectedItem;
Exemple #2
        public JsonResult RegisterVeterinary(RegisterVeterinaryJsonObject json)
            var newVeterinary = new Veterinary();
            var msg           = "error";

            if (context.User.Find(json.VeterinaryId) != null)
                using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
                    newVeterinary.VeterinaryId    = json.VeterinaryId;
                    newVeterinary.Name            = json.Name;
                    newVeterinary.PresentationVid = json.DescripVid;
                    newVeterinary.PhoneNumber     = json.PhoneNumber;
                    newVeterinary.Latitude        = json.Latitude;
                    newVeterinary.Longitude       = json.Longitude;
                    newVeterinary.OpeningHours    = json.OpeningHours;
                    newVeterinary.Rate            = json.Rating;
                msg = "done";
            return(Json(new { status = msg, veterinary = json }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #3
        public bool AddBooking(int animalId, int veterinaryId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            bool booked = false;

            using (var db = new ZooContext())
                Animal animal = db.Animal.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == animalId);

                Veterinary vet = db.Veterinary.SingleOrDefault(v => v.Id == veterinaryId);

                Booking booking = new Booking()
                    Animal     = animal,
                    Veterinary = vet,
                    StartDate  = startDate,
                    EndDate    = endDate,



                booked = true;

        public IActionResult PutVeterinary([FromRoute] long id, [FromBody] Veterinary veterinary)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            if (id != veterinary.Id)

            //_context.Entry(veterinary).State = EntityState.Modified;

            //    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            //catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
            //    if (!VeterinaryExists(id))
            //    {
            //        return NotFound();
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        throw;
            //    }

Exemple #5
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            Veterinary veterinary = db.Veterinaries.Find(id);

Exemple #6
        public IActionResult Veterinary(int id)
            Veterinary vet = _dbContext.Veterinaries.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Id == id);
            // ViewBag.vet = vet;
            var model = vet;

Exemple #7
 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Description")] Veterinary veterinary)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(veterinary).State = EntityState.Modified;
Exemple #8
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,Description")] Veterinary veterinary)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

        public IActionResult PostVeterinary([FromBody] Veterinary veterinary)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            //await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetVeterinary", new { id = veterinary.Id }, veterinary));
Exemple #10
        // GET: Veterinaries/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Veterinary veterinary = db.Veterinaries.Find(id);

            if (veterinary == null)
Exemple #11
        public static RegisterVeterinaryJsonObject from(Veterinary v)
            RegisterVeterinaryJsonObject vjson = new RegisterVeterinaryJsonObject();

            vjson.VeterinaryId = v.VeterinaryId;
            vjson.Name         = v.Name;
            vjson.DescripVid   = v.PresentationVid;
            vjson.PhoneNumber  = v.PhoneNumber;
            vjson.Longitude    = Convert.ToDecimal(v.Longitude);
            vjson.Latitude     = Convert.ToDecimal(v.Latitude);
            vjson.OpeningHours = v.OpeningHours;
            vjson.Rating       = Convert.ToDecimal(v.Rate);
Exemple #12
 private void ValidateRequriedBookingFields(DateTime date, Veterinary vet, AnimalSimple animal)
     if (date < DateTime.Now)
         throw new InvalidBookingDateTimeException("Den angivna tiden har passerat");
     if (vet == null)
         throw new RequiredFieldsNullException("Ingen veterinär har valts för bokningen");
     if (animal == null)
         throw new RequiredFieldsNullException("Inget djur har valts för bokningen");
Exemple #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IVeterinary veterenary = new Veterinary();
            string menuChoice = string.Empty;

            Console.WriteLine("[H] About company\n[R] Put new animal in clinic\n[L] Show list of animals\n[D] Discharge animal \n[E] Examination in clinic \n[Q] Quit\n");

                Console.WriteLine("Enter your choice please, it must be H, R, L, D, E or Q");
                menuChoice = (Console.ReadLine()).ToUpper();

                switch (menuChoice)
                    case "H":
                    case "R":
                    case "L":
                    case "D":
                    case "E":
            } while (menuChoice!="Q");

 public bool Update(Veterinary model)
     return(_VeterinaryDAL.Update(model) > 0);
 public bool Insert(Veterinary model)
     return(_VeterinaryDAL.Add(model) > 0);
        public bool DeleteByID(int entityID)
            Veterinary Veterinary = Get(entityID);

 public bool Delete(Veterinary model)
     return(_VeterinaryDAL.Delete(model) > 0);
Exemple #18
        protected override void Seed(ZooContext context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.
            //  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
            //  to avoid creating duplicate seed data.
            // Add first the Entities on the "one" side

            // -------------------------------------------
            // All Entities around Animal
            // -------------------------------------------

            // Habitats table
            var habitats = new Habitat[]
                new Habitat {
                    HabitatId = 1, Name = "Ground"
                new Habitat {
                    HabitatId = 2, Name = "Tree"
                new Habitat {
                    HabitatId = 3, Name = "Sea"

            // For each 'habitat' in the list 'habitats' above,
            // add it to the ICollection Habitats in the context (in other words in the DB)

            // habitats.ForEach(s => context.Habitats.Add(s));

            context.Habitats.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Name, habitats);

            // Save all changes made in the current context 'ZooContext' to the DB!

            // Species Table
            var species = new Species[]
                new Species {
                    Name = "Mammals"
                new Species {
                    Name = "Reptiles"
                new Species {
                    Name = "Birds"

            // species.ForEach(s => context.Species.Add(s));
            context.Species.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Name, species);

            // Diets table
            var diets = new Diet[]
                new Diet {
                    Name = "Vegetarian"
                new Diet {
                    Name = "Carnivor"

            // diets.ForEach(s => context.Diets.Add(s));
            context.Diets.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Name, diets);

            // Origins Table
            var origins = new Origin[]
                new Origin {
                    Name = "Africa"
                new Origin {
                    Name = "Asia"
                new Origin {
                    Name = "North America"
                new Origin {
                    Name = "South America"
                new Origin {
                    Name = "Central America"
                new Origin {
                    Name = "Europe"
                new Origin {
                    Name = "Australia"

            // origins.ForEach(s => context.Origins.Add(s));
            context.Origins.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Name, origins);

            // -------------------------------------------
            // All Entities around Visit
            // -------------------------------------------

            // Diagnosis Table
            var diagnoses = new Diagnosis[]
                new Diagnosis {
                    Description = "Hart failure"
                new Diagnosis {
                    Description = "Low blod pressure"
                new Diagnosis {
                    Description = "Trauma"
                new Diagnosis {
                    Description = "Flu"

            // Add the collection in the Context and then save in the DB
            context.Diagnoses.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Description, diagnoses);

            // Vets Table
            var veterinaries = new Veterinary[]
                new Veterinary {
                    Name = "Francisco Manzano"
                new Veterinary {
                    Name = "Anders Fredriksson"
                new Veterinary {
                    Name = "Lotta Lindeberg"
                new Veterinary {
                    Name = "Helena Lindeberg"

            context.Veterinaries.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Name, veterinaries);

            // Drugs Table
            var drugs = new Drug[]
                new Drug {
                    DrugId = 1, Name = "Drug 1"
                new Drug {
                    DrugId = 2, Name = "Drug 2"
                new Drug {
                    DrugId = 3, Name = "Drug 3"
                new Drug {
                    DrugId = 4, Name = "Drug 4"

            context.Drugs.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Name, drugs);


            // --------------------------------------------
            // Animals
            // --------------------------------------------
            // NOTE! I JUST NEED TO INITIALIZE THE MAIN PROPERTIES and NOT the Navigation Props!
            // IMPORTANT!! To avoid FK conflicts, I need to specify placeholders for the IDs otherwise
            // EF Code First (which assigns by defaul the same value ID=0 to all object) will give error
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11602683/error-seeding-database-foreign-key-issue
            var animals = new Animal[]
                new Animal()
                    AnimalId = 1, Name = "Eagle", Weight = 15.1, IsChildOf = new List <ChildParent>(), IsParentOf = new List <ChildParent>()
                new Animal()
                    AnimalId = 2, Name = "Horse", Weight = 300.3, IsChildOf = new List <ChildParent>(), IsParentOf = new List <ChildParent>()
                new Animal()
                    AnimalId = 3, Name = "Dog", Weight = 15.4, IsChildOf = new List <ChildParent>(), IsParentOf = new List <ChildParent>()
                new Animal()
                    AnimalId = 4, Name = "Cat", Weight = 9.0, IsChildOf = new List <ChildParent>(), IsParentOf = new List <ChildParent>()
                new Animal()
                    AnimalId = 5, Name = "Wale", Weight = 1200.2, IsChildOf = new List <ChildParent>(), IsParentOf = new List <ChildParent>()

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Need to create the relations from the "1" side and add the animals BEFORE savingChanges()
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Eagle links to Diet, Habitat, Origin & Species
            animals[0].Diet    = diets[1];
            animals[0].Origin  = origins[2];
            animals[0].Habitat = habitats[1];
            animals[0].Species = species[2];

            // Horse links
            animals[1].Diet    = diets[1];
            animals[1].Origin  = origins[2];
            animals[1].Habitat = habitats[0];
            animals[1].Species = species[0];

            // Dog links
            animals[2].Diet    = diets[1];
            animals[2].Origin  = origins[5];
            animals[2].Habitat = habitats[0];
            animals[2].Species = species[0];

            // Cat links
            animals[3].Diet    = diets[1];
            animals[3].Origin  = origins[5];
            animals[3].Habitat = habitats[0];
            animals[3].Species = species[0];

            // For wale
            animals[4].Diet    = diets[1];
            animals[4].Origin  = origins[3];
            animals[4].Habitat = habitats[2];
            animals[4].Species = species[0];

            // --------------------
            // Create all visits
            // --------------------
            // NOTE! I JUST NEED TO INITIALIZE THE MAIN PROPERTIES and NOT the Navigation Props!
            // IMPORTANT!! To avoid FK conflicts, I need to specify placeholders for the IDs otherwise
            // EF Code First (which assigns by defaul the same value ID=0 to all object) will give error
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11602683/error-seeding-database-foreign-key-issue
            var visits = new Visit[]
                new Visit {
                    VisitId = 1, Start = new DateTime(2016, 10, 02, 10, 15, 45), End = new DateTime(2016, 10, 02, 12, 10, 00), Drugs = new List <VisitDrug>()
                new Visit {
                    VisitId = 2, Start = new DateTime(2017, 03, 16, 08, 30, 00), End = new DateTime(2017, 03, 16, 09, 30, 00), Drugs = new List <VisitDrug>()
                new Visit {
                    VisitId = 3, Start = new DateTime(2017, 09, 12, 15, 00, 00), End = new DateTime(2017, 09, 12, 16, 30, 00), Drugs = new List <VisitDrug>()

            // -------------------------------------
            // Create the Bridge table VisitDrugs
            // -------------------------------------
            // IMPORTANT!! To avoid FK conflicts, I need to specify placeholders for the IDs otherwise
            // EF Code First (which assigns by defaul the same value ID=0 to all object) will give error
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11602683/error-seeding-database-foreign-key-issue
            VisitDrug[] visitDrugs = new VisitDrug[]
                new VisitDrug {
                    VisitID = visits[0].VisitId, DrugID = drugs[0].DrugId
                new VisitDrug {
                    VisitID = visits[1].VisitId, DrugID = drugs[2].DrugId
                new VisitDrug {
                    VisitID = visits[2].VisitId, DrugID = drugs[1].DrugId

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Need to create the relations from the "1" side and add the visits BEFORE savingChanges()
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Linking Visit to Diagnosis, Drugs, Veterinary, Animal

            // visits[0]
            visits[0].Diagnosis  = diagnoses[0];
            visits[0].Veterinary = veterinaries[0];
            // visits[0].Drugs.Add(drugs[0]);
            visits[0].Animal = animals[0];

            // visits[1]
            visits[1].Diagnosis  = diagnoses[1];
            visits[1].Veterinary = veterinaries[0];
            //  visits[1].Drugs.Add(drugs[2]);
            visits[1].Animal = animals[1];

            // visits[2]
            visits[2].Diagnosis  = diagnoses[2];
            visits[2].Veterinary = veterinaries[1];
            // visits[2].Drugs.Add(drugs[1]);
            visits[2].Animal = animals[2];

            // -------------------------------------
            // Create the Bridge table ChildParents
            // -------------------------------------
            // IMPORTANT!! To avoid FK conflicts, I need to specify placeholders for the IDs otherwise
            // EF Code First (which assigns by defaul the same value ID=0 to all object) will give error
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11602683/error-seeding-database-foreign-key-issue
            ChildParent[] childparents = new ChildParent[]
                new ChildParent {
                    ChildID = animals[0].AnimalId, ParentID = animals[1].AnimalId
                new ChildParent {
                    ChildID = animals[1].AnimalId, ParentID = animals[2].AnimalId
                new ChildParent {
                    ChildID = animals[3].AnimalId, ParentID = animals[2].AnimalId
                new ChildParent {
                    ChildID = animals[4].AnimalId, ParentID = animals[1].AnimalId

            // Add the Animals & Visits to the Context & Save to DB
            context.Animals.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Name, animals);
            //    context.Visits.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Start, visits);
            context.ChildParents.AddOrUpdate(c => new { c.ChildID, c.ParentID }, childparents);
            //    context.VisitDrugs.AddOrUpdate(v => new { v.VisitID, v.DrugID }, visitDrugs);