Exemple #1
    // The list of throttles is ordered under the assumption that you iterate
    // over the vessel as follows:
    //      foreach part in vessel.parts:
    //          foreach rcsModule in part.Modules.OfType<ModuleRCS>:
    //              ...
    // Note that rotation balancing is not supported at the moment.
    public void GetThrottles(Vessel vessel, VesselState state, Vector3 direction,
                             out double[] throttles, out List <RCSSolver.Thruster> thrustersOut)
        thrustersOut = callerThrusters;

        Vector3 rotation = Vector3.zero;

        var rcsBalancer = VesselExtensions.GetMasterMechJeb(vessel).rcsbal;

        // Update vessel info if needed.
        CheckVessel(vessel, state);

        Vector3      dir = direction.normalized;
        RCSSolverKey key = new RCSSolverKey(ref dir, rotation);

        if (thrusters.Count == 0)
            throttles = double0;
        else if (direction == Vector3.zero)
            throttles = originalThrottles;
        else if (results.TryGetValue(key, out throttles))
            // This task hasn't been calculated. We'll handle that here.
            // Meanwhile, TryGetValue() will have set 'throttles' to null, but
            // we'll make it a 0-element array instead to avoid null checks.
            throttles = double0;

            if (pending.Contains(key))
                // We've submitted this key before, so we need to check the
                // results queue.
                while (resultsQueue.Count > 0)
                    SolverResult sr = (SolverResult)resultsQueue.Dequeue();
                    results[sr.key] = sr.throttles;
                    if (sr.key == key)
                        throttles = sr.throttles;
                // This task was neither calculated nor pending, so we've never
                // submitted it. Do so!
                tasks.Enqueue(new SolverTask(key, dir, rotation));

        // Return a copy of the array to make sure ours isn't modified.
        throttles = (double[])throttles.Clone();
Exemple #2
        internal static bool InitTypes()
            AssemblyLoader.loadedAssemblies.TypeOperation(t => {
                switch (t.FullName)
                case "MuMech.MechJebCore":
                    type = t;
                    getComputerModule = t.GetMethod("GetComputerModule", new Type[] { typeof(string) });

                    bool unused = AscentAutopilot.InitTypes(t) || ComputerModule.InitTypes(t) || EditableVariables.InitTypes(t) || Operation.InitTypes(t) || TimeSelector.InitTypes(t) || VesselExtensions.InitTypes(t);

            return(type != null);
Exemple #3
    private void CheckVessel(Vessel vessel, VesselState state)
        bool changed = false;

        var rcsBalancer = VesselExtensions.GetMasterMechJeb(vessel).rcsbal;

        if (vessel.parts.Count != lastPartCount)
            lastPartCount = vessel.parts.Count;
            changed       = true;

        // Make sure all thrusters are still enabled, because if they're not,
        // our calculations will be wrong.
        for (int i = 0; i < thrusters.Count; i++)
            if (!thrusters[i].partModule.isEnabled)
                changed = true;

        // Likewise, make sure any previously-disabled RCS modules are still
        // disabled.
        foreach (var pm in lastDisabled)
            if (pm.isEnabled)
                changed = true;

        // See if the CoM has moved too much.
        Rigidbody rootPartBody = vessel.rootPart.rigidbody;

        if (rootPartBody != null)
            // But how much is "too much"? Well, it probably has something to do
            // with the ship's moment of inertia (MoI). Let's say the distance
            // 'd' that the CoM is allowed to shift without a reset is:
            //      d = moi * x + c
            // where 'moi' is the magnitude of the ship's moment of inertia and
            // 'x' and 'c' are tuning parameters to be determined.
            // Using a few actual KSP ships, I burned RCS fuel (or moved fuel
            // from one tank to another) to see how far the CoM could shift
            // before the the rotation error on translation became annoying.
            // I came up with roughly:
            //      d         moi
            //      0.005    2.34
            //      0.04    11.90
            //      0.07    19.96
            // I then halved each 'd' value, because we'd like to address this
            // problem -before- it becomes annoying. Least-squares linear
            // regression on the (moi, d/2) pairs gives the following (with
            // adjusted R^2 = 0.999966):
            //      moi = 542.268 d + 1.00654
            //      d = (moi - 1) / 542
            // So the numbers below have some basis in reality. =)

            // Assume MoI magnitude is always >=2.34, since that's all I tested.
            comErrorThreshold = (Math.Max(state.MoI.magnitude, 2.34) - 1) / 542;

            Vector3 comState   = state.CoM;
            Vector3 rootPos    = state.rootPartPos;
            Vector3 com        = WorldToVessel(vessel, comState - rootPos);
            double  thisComErr = (lastCoM - com).magnitude;
            maxComError     = Math.Max(maxComError, thisComErr);
            _comError.value = thisComErr;
            if (_comError > comErrorThreshold)
                lastCoM = com;
                changed = true;

        if (!changed)

        // Something about the vessel has changed. We need to reset everything.


        // ModuleRCS has no originalThrusterPower attribute, so we have
        // to explicitly reset it.

        // Rebuild the list of thrusters.
        var ts = new List <RCSSolver.Thruster>();

        foreach (Part p in vessel.parts)
            foreach (ModuleRCS pm in p.Modules.OfType <ModuleRCS>())
                if (!pm.isEnabled)
                    // Keep track of this module so we'll know if it's enabled.
                else if (p.Rigidbody != null && !pm.isJustForShow)
                    Vector3 pos = VesselRelativePos(state.CoM, vessel, p);

                    // Create a single RCSSolver.Thruster for this part. This
                    // requires some assumptions about how the game's RCS code will
                    // drive the individual thrusters (which we can't control).

                    Vector3[]  thrustDirs   = new Vector3[pm.thrusterTransforms.Count];
                    Quaternion rotationQuat = Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation);
                    for (int i = 0; i < pm.thrusterTransforms.Count; i++)
                        thrustDirs[i] = (rotationQuat * -pm.thrusterTransforms[i].up).normalized;

                    ts.Add(new RCSSolver.Thruster(pos, thrustDirs, p, pm));
        originalThrottles = new double[ts.Count];
        zeroThrottles     = new double[ts.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < ts.Count; i++)
            originalThrottles[i] = ts[i].originalForce;
            zeroThrottles[i]     = 0;

        thrusters = ts;
 public override float ErrorFromSetPoint(float setPoint)
     return(VesselExtensions.AngleSubtract(ProcessVariable, setPoint));