protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            #region Extract Workflow Argument Values

            // The file path of the nuget.exe - if null or empty then
            //  assume nuget is "installed" on the build server and in the path
            var nuGetExeFilePath = NuGetExeFilePath.Get(context);

            // The path of the nuspec file
            var nuSpecFilePath = NuSpecFilePath.Get(context);

            // The folder location of the files to be packed
            var basePath = BasePath.Get(context);

            // The folder location of the files to be packed
            var outputDirectory = OutputDirectory.Get(context);

            // The destination location if deployment is to be done
            var versionNumber = VersionNumber.Get(context);

            // command line options to append (as is) to the nuget command line
            var additionalOptions = AdditionalOptions.Get(context);


            context.WriteBuildMessage(string.Format("In CallNuGetPackageCommandLine:"), BuildMessageImportance.High);
            context.WriteBuildMessage(string.Format("nuGetExeFilePath: {0}", nuGetExeFilePath), BuildMessageImportance.High);
            context.WriteBuildMessage(string.Format("basePath: {0}", basePath), BuildMessageImportance.High);
            context.WriteBuildMessage(string.Format("outputDirectory: {0}", outputDirectory), BuildMessageImportance.High);
            context.WriteBuildMessage(string.Format("versionNumber: {0}", versionNumber), BuildMessageImportance.High);
            context.WriteBuildMessage(string.Format("additionalOptions: {0}", additionalOptions), BuildMessageImportance.High);

            // Don't assume that DI will have happened.  If the value is null then create the default object.);)
            if (NuGetProcess == null)
                NuGetProcess = new NuGetProcess();

            // Call the method that will do the work
            var results = NuGetPackaging(nuGetExeFilePath, nuSpecFilePath, outputDirectory, basePath, versionNumber, additionalOptions, context);

            // Send the result back to the workflow
            NuGetPackagingResult.Set(context, results);