/// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Form.Load"/> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            if (DesignMode)

            // Use the version immediately after the live version
            _version = ManagerSettings.Instance.LiveVersion + 1;

            lblVersion.Text = _version.ToString();

                // Load the filters from the previous version and use that for the default filter
                var prevVersionPath = VersionHelper.GetVersionFileListPath(_version - 1);
                if (File.Exists(prevVersionPath))
                    var pv = VersionFileList.CreateFromFile(prevVersionPath);

                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var f in pv.Filters)

                    txtIgnoreFilter.Text = sb.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                txtIgnoreFilter.Text = string.Empty;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// When overridden in the derived class, handles synchronizing the given version.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fu">The <see cref="IFileUploader"/> to use.</param>
        /// <param name="v">The version to synchronize.</param>
        /// <param name="reEnqueue">True if the <paramref name="v"/> should be re-enqueued so it can be re-attempted.
        /// If the method throws an <see cref="Exception"/>, the <paramref name="v"/> will be re-enqueued no matter what.</param>
        /// <returns>The error string, or null if the synchronization was successful.</returns>
        protected override string DoSync(IFileUploader fu, int v, out bool reEnqueue)
            fu.SkipIfExists = false;

            reEnqueue = false;

            var remoteFileListFilePath     = PathHelper.GetVersionString(v) + ".txt";
            var remoteFileListHashFilePath = PathHelper.GetVersionString(v) + ".hash";

            // Ensure the live version is written. This is a very small but very important file, so just write it during
            // every synchronization.
            fu.UploadAsync(_settings.LiveVersionFilePath, MasterServerReader.CurrentVersionFilePath);

            // Also ensure the master server and file server lists are up-to-date. Again, we will just do this every time we
            // check to sync since they are relatively small lists but very important to keep up-to-date.
            fu.UploadAsync(_settings.FileServerListFilePath, MasterServerReader.CurrentDownloadSourcesFilePath);
            fu.UploadAsync(_settings.MasterServerListFilePath, MasterServerReader.CurrentMasterServersFilePath);

            // Load the VersionFileList for the version to check
            var vflPath = VersionHelper.GetVersionFileListPath(v);

            if (!File.Exists(vflPath))
                // Version doesn't exist at all
                while (fu.IsBusy)

            // Test the creation of the VersionFileList to ensure its valid

            // Try to download the version's file list hash
            var vflHash = fu.DownloadAsString(remoteFileListHashFilePath);

            // Check if the hash file exists on the server
            if (vflHash != null)
                // Check if the hash matches the current version's hash
                var expectedVflHash = File.ReadAllText(VersionHelper.GetVersionFileListHashPath(v));
                if (vflHash != expectedVflHash)
                    // We don't need to delete anything since we make the MasterServer overwrite instead
                    // Hash existed and was correct - good enough for us! But first, wait for uploads to finish...
                    while (fu.IsBusy)

                // Hash didn't exist at all, so we will have to update. As long as SkipIfExists is set to true, files
                // that already exist will be skipped, so we will only end up uploading the new files. In any case, its
                // the same process either way.

            // Upload the files
            fu.UploadAsync(VersionHelper.GetVersionFileListPath(v), remoteFileListFilePath);
            fu.UploadAsync(VersionHelper.GetVersionFileListHashPath(v), remoteFileListHashFilePath);

            // Wait for uploads to finish
            while (fu.IsBusy)

            // All done!
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnChangeLiveVersion control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        static void btnChangeLiveVersion_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Check that the next version even exists
            var nextVersion = _settings.LiveVersion + 1;

            if (!Directory.Exists(VersionHelper.GetVersionPath(nextVersion)) ||
                    "Cannot change the live version since you are already at the latest version." + Environment.NewLine +
                    "If you want to change the live version, create a new version first.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Ensure the next version's contents are valid
            catch (Exception ex)
                const string errmsg =
                    "The file listing file for the next version exists, but it is corrupt." +
                    " Please use Create New Version to recreate the next version then try again.{0}Inner Exception:{0}{1}";
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format(errmsg, Environment.NewLine, ex), "Corrupt file listing file", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Confirm change
            if (
                MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you wish to update the live version?", "Update live version?",
                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)

            // If the new version is still being uploaded to the servers, warn the user
            var areServersBusy = _settings.FileServers.Any(x => x.IsBusySyncing);

            if (areServersBusy)
                const string msg =
                    "Are you sure you wish to update the live version? One or more servers (either file or master servers)" +
                    " are still synchronizing. Updating the live version now may leave you in a state where not all of the files" +
                    " are available on all of the servers. It is highly recommended you wait until all synchronization finishes." +
                    "{0}{0}Do you wish to continue? (Canceling is highly recommended!)";
                if (MessageBox.Show(msg, "Continue updating live version?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel)

            // Update the version number on the master servers
            _settings.TrySetLiveVersion(_settings.LiveVersion + 1);

            // Done!
            const string doneMsg =
                "The live version has been successfully updated!" +
                " The master servers will automatically start to update with the new live version number.";

            MessageBox.Show(doneMsg, "Done!", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// When overridden in the derived class, handles synchronizing the given version.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fu">The <see cref="IFileUploader"/> to use.</param>
        /// <param name="v">The version to synchronize.</param>
        /// <param name="reEnqueue">True if the <paramref name="v"/> should be re-enqueued so it can be re-attempted.
        /// If the method throws an <see cref="Exception"/>, the <paramref name="v"/> will be re-enqueued no matter what.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The error string, or null if the synchronization was successful.
        /// </returns>
        protected override string DoSync(IFileUploader fu, int v, out bool reEnqueue)
            reEnqueue = false;

            // Load the VersionFileList for the version to check
            var vflPath = VersionHelper.GetVersionFileListPath(v);

            if (!File.Exists(vflPath))
                // Version doesn't exist at all

            var vfl = VersionFileList.CreateFromFile(vflPath);

            // Try to download the version's file list hash
            var fileListHashPath = GetVersionRemoteFilePath(v, PathHelper.RemoteFileListHashFileName);
            var vflHash          = fu.DownloadAsString(fileListHashPath);

            // Check if the hash file exists on the server
            if (vflHash != null)
                // Check if the hash matches the current version's hash
                var expectedVflHash = File.ReadAllText(VersionHelper.GetVersionFileListHashPath(v));
                if (vflHash != expectedVflHash)
                    // Delete the whole version folder first
                    fu.DeleteDirectory(GetVersionRemoteFilePath(v, null));
                    // Hash existed and was correct - good enough for us!
                // Hash didn't exist at all, so we will have to update. As long as SkipIfExists is set to true, files
                // that already exist will be skipped, so we will only end up uploading the new files. In any case, its
                // the same process either way.

            // Check the hashes of the local files
            foreach (var f in vfl.Files)
                // Get the local file path
                var localPath = VersionHelper.GetVersionFile(v, f.FilePath);

                // Confirm the hash of the file
                var fileHash = Hasher.GetFileHash(localPath);
                if (fileHash != f.Hash)
                    const string errmsg =
                        "The cached hash ({0}) of file `{1}` does not match the real hash ({2}) for version {3}." +
                        " Possible version corruption.";
                    return(string.Format(errmsg, f.Hash, f.FilePath, fileHash, v));

            // Hashes check out, start uploading
            foreach (var f in vfl.Files)
                // Get the local file path
                var localPath = VersionHelper.GetVersionFile(v, f.FilePath);

                var remotePath = GetVersionRemoteFilePath(v, f.FilePath);
                fu.UploadAsync(localPath, remotePath);

            // Wait for uploads to finish
            while (fu.IsBusy)

            // All uploads have finished, so upload the VersionFileList hash
            fu.UploadAsync(VersionHelper.GetVersionFileListHashPath(v), fileListHashPath);

            // All done! That was easy enough, eh? *sigh*