Exemple #1
    // given a murderer, weapon and motive, creates a VerbalClue[] containing 6 relevant verbal clues
    public void CreateVerbalClues(string motive, MurderWeapon weapon, NonPlayerCharacter murderer) //UPDATED BY WEDUNNIT
        murdererName = murderer.getNickname();                                                     //UPDATED BY WEDUNNIT
        string weapon_name = weapon.getID();

        VerbalClue disposing_of_weapon = new VerbalClue("Disposing of a Weapon", "I saw " + murdererName + " trying to " +
                                                        "dispose of a " + weapon_name + ". Or was it " + getRandomNonMurderingNPCName(murdererName) + "? I can't remember.");                                                                        //UPDATED BY WEDUNNIT

        VerbalClue old_friends = new VerbalClue("Old Friends", "The victim fell out with with " + getRandomNonMurderingNPCName(murdererName) + " and " + murdererName + " a long time ago " + getMotiveClause(motive));                              //UPDATED BY WEDUNNIT

        VerbalClue old_enemies = new VerbalClue("Old Enemies", "Rumour is that the victim had an unpleasant past with " + murdererName + ".");                                                                                                       //UPDATED BY WEDUNNIT

        VerbalClue last_seen_with = new VerbalClue("Last Seen With", "I saw the victim talking with " + getRandomNonMurderingNPCName(murdererName) + " and " + murdererName + " just a few minutes before their body was discovered.");              //UPDATED BY WEDUNNIT

        VerbalClue altercation = new VerbalClue("An Altercation", "There once was an altercation between" + getRandomNonMurderingNPCName(murdererName) + " and " + murdererName + ", " + getMotiveClause(motive));                                   //UPDATED BY WEDUNNIT

        VerbalClue changed_story = new VerbalClue("Stories Have Changed", murdererName + " told me they last saw the victim before 8pm, but told " + getRandomNonMurderingNPCName(murdererName) + " that they didnt speak to the victim at all..."); //UPDATE BY WEDUNNIT

        verbal_clues = new VerbalClue[6] {
    public void QuestionCharacter(int reference)
        //reference passes the question style reference i.e leftmost button=0, middle=1, rightmost=2
        string        choice;
        List <string> weaknesses;
        string        response;

        choice     = GetQuestioningChoice(reference);
        weaknesses = character.GetWeaknesses();

        if ((weaknesses.Contains(choice)) && (character.getVerbalClue() != null))
        { //If chosen style is a weakness to the character
            VerbalClue clue = character.getVerbalClue();
            if (!NotebookManager.instance.logbook.GetLogbook().Contains(character.getVerbalClue()))
            {                                                      //If the logbook doesnt contain the clue already
                response = "Clue Added: " + clue.getDescription(); //Change the responce and add to the logbook
                response = "Clue Already Obtained";         //Otherwise state the clue is already in the logbook
            response = character.GetResponse(choice); //Otherwise just give the responce
        clueSpeech.text = response;                   //Update the UI Text with the appropriate repsonce
Exemple #3
 public void TestSetup()
     prefab     = new GameObject();
     verbalClue = new VerbalClue(null, null);
     npc        = new NonPlayerCharacter(null, null, null, prefab, weaknesses, null);
     isMurderer = npc.IsMurderer();
     //set verbal clue to empty so all tests work
Exemple #4
    public void SetOwnerTest()
        var verbalClue = new VerbalClue(null, null);
        var owner      = new NonPlayerCharacter(null, null, null, null, null, null);


        Assert.AreSame(verbalClue.GetOwner(), owner);
Exemple #5
 public void TestSetup()
         logbook    = new Logbook();
         verbalClue = new VerbalClue(null, null);
     catch (Exception e)
    public void GetVerbalClueTest()
        var npc        = new NonPlayerCharacter(null, null, null, null, null, null);
        var verbalClue = new VerbalClue(null, null);


        Assert.AreSame(verbalClue, npc.getVerbalClue());
Exemple #7
    public void AddVerbalClueToLogbookTest()
        var logbook    = new Logbook();
        var verbalClue = new VerbalClue(null, null);

        //To add verbalClue to logbook

        //The logbook contains the the verbalClue
Exemple #8
    public void GetLengthOfLogbookTest()
        var logbook    = new Logbook();
        var verbalClue = new VerbalClue(null, null);

        //To add verbalClue to logbook

        //The logbook is has length one
        Assert.AreEqual(logbook.GetListLength(), 1);
Exemple #9
    public void GetOwnerTest()
        var verbalClue = new VerbalClue(null, null);
        var owner      = new NonPlayerCharacter(null, null, null, null, null, null);

        //Try to rename the GameObject
        var fetchedOwner = verbalClue.GetOwner();

        //The object has a new name
        Assert.AreSame(fetchedOwner, owner);
Exemple #10
    public void ResetLogbookTest()
        var logbook    = new Logbook();
        var verbalClue = new VerbalClue(null, null);

        //To add verbalClue to logbook

        //The logbook is empty
Exemple #11
    public void QuestionCharacter(int reference)
        //reference passes the question style reference i.e leftmost button=0, middle=1, rightmost=2
        string response;
        string choice;

        choice = GetQuestioningChoice(reference);
        if (character.CanBeQuestionned())               //ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT
            List <string> weaknesses;
            weaknesses = character.GetWeaknesses();

            if ((weaknesses.Contains(choice)) && (character.getVerbalClue() != null))                 //If chosen style is a weakness to the character
                VerbalClue clue = character.getVerbalClue();
                if (!NotebookManager.instance.logbook.GetLogbook().Contains(character.getVerbalClue())) //If the logbook doesnt contain the clue already
                    response = "Clue Added: " + clue.getDescription();                                  //Change the responce and add to the logbook
                    GameMaster.instance.UnblockAllCharacters();                                         //ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT
                    if (GameObject.Find("Multiplayer Manager Object") != null)
                        MultiplayerManager.instance.GetTurnManager().IncrementActionCounter();                         // For turn switching in multiplayer.
                    response = "Clue Already Obtained";                                         //Otherwise state the clue is already in the logbook
                response = character.GetResponse(choice);                               //Otherwise just give the responce
        else                                                                            //If the character blocks questioning //ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT
            response = character.GetResponse(choice + "ButBlocked");                    //Gets relevent reply //ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT

        clueSpeech.text = response;             //Update the UI Text with the appropriate repsonce
    public void AddToSelectedClues(int reference)
        //Adds the selected clue passed by reference in the inspector. Called when a toggle button value changes

        //If toggled on
        if (clueToggles [reference].isOn == true)
            if (reference < inventory.GetInventory().Count)                             //If clue reference is an item
                Item clue = inventory.GetInventory() [reference];
                selectedCluesItem.Add(clue);                                                            //Add to selected Item clues
                VerbalClue clue = logbook.GetLogbook() [reference - inventory.GetInventory().Count];
                selectedCluesVerbal.Add(clue);                                                          //Otherwise must be a VerbalClue so add to selected VerbalClues
            //If toggled off:
            if (reference < inventory.GetInventory().Count)                             //If clue reference is an item
                Item clue = inventory.GetInventory() [reference];
                selectedCluesItem.Remove(clue);                                                         //Remove clue from selected item clues
                VerbalClue clue = logbook.GetLogbook() [reference - inventory.GetInventory().Count];
                selectedCluesVerbal.Remove(clue);                                                       //Otherwise must be a VerbalClue so remove from selected VerbalClues

        if ((selectedCluesItem.Count + selectedCluesVerbal.Count) == requiredNumberOfClues)           //If a total of (3) clues are selected make the submit button interactable
            submitButton.interactable = true;
            submitButton.interactable = false;                                                                                                                       //Otherwise make uninteratable
        clueTitle.text = "Select " + requiredNumberOfClues + " Clues (" + (selectedCluesItem.Count + selectedCluesVerbal.Count) + "/" + requiredNumberOfClues + ")"; //Update title text
    public void ShowClueInfomation(int index)
        //Check if the clue is in the given range.
        if (index < inventory.GetInventory().Count + logbook.GetLogbook().Count)
            //Detect if it is an item
            if (index < inventory.GetInventory().Count)
                Item clue = inventory.GetInventory() [index];
                clueNameText.text        = clue.getID();
                clueDescriptionText.text = clue.getDescription();
                clueImage.sprite         = clue.GetSprite();

                //Otherwise it must be a Verbal Clue
                VerbalClue clue = logbook.GetLogbook() [index - inventory.GetInventory().Count];
                clueNameText.text        = clue.getID();
                clueDescriptionText.text = clue.getDescription();
                clueImage.sprite         = questionMark;
Exemple #14
    // Creates two lists of clues, one containing 3 verbal clues (two relevant, one useless) and one containing 6 item clues (2 relevent, 4 useless).
    public void BuildCluePools(string motive, NonPlayerCharacter murderer, MurderWeapon weapon)
        // one of the relevant item clues is the murder weapon, there is only ever one MurderWeapon item present in the game.

        int verbalClueWithMotive = Random.Range(0, 2);                  // UPDATED BY WEDUNNIT either 'old friends' or 'altercation' for the first verbal clue

        verbal_clue_pool.Add(verbal_clues [verbalClueWithMotive]);      //ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT
        relevant_verbal_clues.Add(verbal_clues [verbalClueWithMotive]); //ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT

        int verbalClueWithWeapon = Random.Range(2, 6);                  // UPDATED BY WEDUNNIT any of the remaining verbal clues for the second verbal clue

        verbal_clue_pool.Add(verbal_clues [verbalClueWithWeapon]);
        relevant_verbal_clues.Add(verbal_clues [verbalClueWithWeapon]);

        switch (murdererName)           //REFACTORED BY WEDUNNIT
        case "Salty Seadog":
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [4]);              // shattered glass
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [4]);

        case "mimes":
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [0]);              // beret
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [0]);

        case "Money Bags":
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [2]);              // gloves
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [2]);

        case "Outlaw":
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [8]);              // tripwire
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [8]);

        case "Legionnaire":
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [3]);              // wine
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [3]);

        case "Dodgy Dealer":
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [7]);              // spellbook
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [7]);

        case "Superhero":
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [19]);                        //Dumbbells     //ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [19]);                   //ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT

        case "Mad scientist":
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [18]);                        // glasses	//ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [18]);                   //ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT

        case "Telechubbie":
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [15]);                //purse			//ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [15]);           //ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT

        case "Reginald M IV":
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [17]);                //monocle			//ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [17]);           //ADDITION BY WEDUNNIT

            throw new System.ArgumentException(murdererName + " does not have any clues associated with them.");

        // add the 4 irrelevant verbal clues
        while (item_clue_pool.Count() < 6)
            int index = Random.Range(0, item_clues.Count() - 1);
            if (item_clue_pool.Contains(item_clues [index]) == false)
                item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [index]);

        // add 'red herring' verbal clue
        int    weapon_index       = Random.Range(0, weapons.Count() - 1);
        string red_herring_weapon = weapons [weapon_index].getID();

        while (red_herring_weapon == weapon.getID())
            weapon_index       = Random.Range(0, weapons.Count() - 1);
            red_herring_weapon = weapons [weapon_index].getID();
        int    npc_index             = Random.Range(0, npcs.Count() - 1);
        string red_herring_character = npcs [npc_index].getCharacterID();

        while (red_herring_character == murderer.getCharacterID())
            npc_index             = Random.Range(0, npcs.Count() - 1);
            red_herring_character = npcs [npc_index].getCharacterID();

        // create and then choose one of two irrelevant verbal clues
        VerbalClue police_failure = new VerbalClue("Lack of Evidence", "The police think the victim was killed using a " + red_herring_weapon + ", but they can’t find evidence of one.");

        VerbalClue shifty_looking = new VerbalClue("Looking Shifty", "I think I saw " + red_herring_character + " acting suspiciously.");

        VerbalClue[] red_herring_verbal_clues = new VerbalClue[2] {
            police_failure, shifty_looking
        int herring_index = Random.Range(0, 1);

        verbal_clue_pool.Add(red_herring_verbal_clues [herring_index]);
Exemple #15
    // Creates two lists of clues, one containing 3 verbal clues (two relevant, one useless) and one containing 6 item clues (2 relevent, 4 useless).
    public void BuildCluePools(string motive, NonPlayerCharacter murderer, MurderWeapon weapon)
        // one of the relevant item clues is the murder weapon, there is only ever one MurderWeapon item present in the game.

        int pick_motive_clue = Random.Range(0, 1);          // 'old friends' or 'altercation'

        if (motive == "homewrecker")
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
            verbal_clue_pool.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
        else if (motive == "loanshark")
            verbal_clue_pool.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
            relevant_verbal_clues.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
        else if (motive == "promotion")
            verbal_clue_pool.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
            relevant_verbal_clues.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
        else if (motive == "unfriended")
            verbal_clue_pool.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
            relevant_verbal_clues.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
        else if (motive == "blackmail")
            verbal_clue_pool.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
            relevant_verbal_clues.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
        else if (motive == "avenge_friend")
            verbal_clue_pool.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
            relevant_verbal_clues.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
        else if (motive == "avenge_pet")
            verbal_clue_pool.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);
            relevant_verbal_clues.Add(verbal_clues [pick_motive_clue]);

        int pick_weapon_clue = Random.Range(2, 5);

        verbal_clue_pool.Add(verbal_clues [pick_weapon_clue]);
        relevant_verbal_clues.Add(verbal_clues [pick_weapon_clue]);

        if (murderer.getCharacterID() == "Captain Bluebottle")
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [4]);              // shattered glass
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [4]);
        else if (murderer.getCharacterID() == "The Mime Twins")
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [0]);              // beret
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [0]);
        else if (murderer.getCharacterID() == "Sir Worchester")
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [2]);              // gloves
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [2]);
        else if (murderer.getCharacterID() == "Jesse Ranger")
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [8]);              // tripwire
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [8]);
        else if (murderer.getCharacterID() == "Celcius Maximus")
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [3]);              // wine
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [3]);
        else if (murderer.getCharacterID() == "Randolf the Deep Purple")
            item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [7]);              // spellbook
            relevant_item_clues.Add(item_clues [7]);

        // add the 6 irrelevant physical clues - NEW FOR ASSESSMENT 3
        while (item_clue_pool.Count() < 8)
            int index = Random.Range(0, item_clues.Count() - 1);
            if (item_clue_pool.Contains(item_clues [index]) == false)
                item_clue_pool.Add(item_clues [index]);

        // add 'red herring' verbal clue
        int    weapon_index       = Random.Range(0, weapons.Count() - 1);
        string red_herring_weapon = weapons [weapon_index].getID();

        while (red_herring_weapon == weapon.getID())
            weapon_index       = Random.Range(0, weapons.Count() - 1);
            red_herring_weapon = weapons [weapon_index].getID();
        int    npc_index             = Random.Range(0, npcs.Count() - 1);
        string red_herring_character = npcs [npc_index].getCharacterID();

        while (red_herring_character == murderer.getCharacterID())
            npc_index             = Random.Range(0, npcs.Count() - 1);
            red_herring_character = npcs [npc_index].getCharacterID();

        // create and then choose one of two irrelevant verbal clues
        VerbalClue police_failure = new VerbalClue("Lack of Evidence", "The police think the victim was killed " +
                                                   "using a " + red_herring_weapon + ", but they can’t find evidence of one.");

        VerbalClue shifty_looking = new VerbalClue("Looking Shifty", "I think I saw " + red_herring_character + " acting suspiciously.");

        VerbalClue[] red_herring_verbal_clues = new VerbalClue[2] {
            police_failure, shifty_looking
        int herring_index = Random.Range(0, 1);

        verbal_clue_pool.Add(red_herring_verbal_clues [herring_index]);
Exemple #16
    // given a murderer, weapon and motive, creates a VerbalClue[] containing 6 relevant verbal clues
    public void CreateVerbalClues(string motive, MurderWeapon weapon, NonPlayerCharacter murderer)
        string murderer_name = murderer.getNickname();
        string weapon_name   = weapon.getID();

        VerbalClue disposing_of_weapon = new VerbalClue("Disposing of a Weapon", "I saw " + murderer_name + " trying to " +
                                                        "dispose of a " + weapon_name + ".");

        string old_friends_description = "The victim and " + murderer_name + " fell out ";
        string motive_clause           = ".";

        if (motive == "homewrecker")
            string partner_gender;
            int    binary = Random.Range(0, 1);
            if (binary == 0)
                partner_gender = "wife";
                partner_gender = "husband";
            motive_clause = "because the victim slept with their " + partner_gender + ".";
        if (motive == "loanshark")
            motive_clause = "because " + murderer_name + " was in debt to the victim.";
        if (motive == "promotion")
            motive_clause = "because they were in competition professionally.";
        if (motive == "unfriended")
            motive_clause = "because the victim unfriended " + murderer_name + " on Facebook.";
        if (motive == "blackmail")
            motive_clause = "because the victim knew " + murderer_name + "'s darkest secret.";

        if (motive == "avenge_friend")
            old_friends_description = "";
            motive_clause           = murderer_name + " holds the victim responsible for a friend's death.";
        if (motive == "avenge_pet")
            string species;
            int    rand = Random.Range(0, 4);
            if (rand == 0)
                species = "parrot";
            else if (rand == 1)
                species = "chihuahua";
            else if (rand == 2)
                species = "iguana";
            else if (rand == 3)
                species = "goldfish";
                species = "rattlesnake";
            string cause_of_death;
            rand = Random.Range(0, 4);
            if (rand == 0)
                cause_of_death = "starvation";
            else if (rand == 1)
                cause_of_death = "loneliness";
            else if (rand == 2)
                cause_of_death = "a broken heart";
            else if (rand == 3)
                cause_of_death = "boredom";
                cause_of_death = "electrocution";
            old_friends_description = "";
            motive_clause           = "The victim was looking after " + murderer_name + "'s " + species + " when it " +
                                      "died of " + cause_of_death + ".";
        old_friends_description += motive_clause;
        VerbalClue old_friends = new VerbalClue("Old Friends", old_friends_description);

        VerbalClue old_enemies = new VerbalClue("Old Enemies", "Rumour is that the victim had an unpleasant " +
                                                "history with " + murderer_name + ".");

        VerbalClue last_seen_with = new VerbalClue("Last Seen With", "I saw the victim alone with " + murderer_name + " just a few " +
                                                   "minutes before their body was discovered.");

        string altercation_description = murderer_name + "and the victim had an altercation about ";

        motive_clause = ".";
        if (motive == "homewrecker")
            string partner_gender;
            int    binary = Random.Range(0, 1);
            if (binary == 0)
                partner_gender = "wife";
                partner_gender = "husband";
            motive_clause = "the victim sleeping with their " + partner_gender + ".";
        if (motive == "loanshark")
            motive_clause = murderer_name + " being in debt to the victim.";
        if (motive == "promotion")
            motive_clause = "them being in competition professionally.";
        if (motive == "unfriended")
            motive_clause = "the victim unfriending them on Facebook.";
        if (motive == "blackmail")
            motive_clause = "the victim having found out their darkest secret.";
        if (motive == "avenge_friend")
            motive_clause = "the death of a mutual friend.";
        if (motive == "avenge_pet")
            motive_clause = murderer_name + "'s pet having died.";

        VerbalClue altercation = new VerbalClue("An Altercation", altercation_description);

        int        random         = Random.Range(0, npcs.Count());
        string     character_name = npcs [random].getCharacterID();
        VerbalClue changed_story  = new VerbalClue("Stories Have Changed", murderer_name + " told me they last saw the " +
                                                   "victim before 8pm, but told " + character_name + " they spoke to the victim after 9pm.");

        verbal_clues = new VerbalClue[6] {
Exemple #17
 public void AddVerbalClueToLogbook(VerbalClue clue)
 public void setVerbalClue(VerbalClue clue)
     verbalClue = clue;
Exemple #19
 public void TestSetup()
     verbalClue = new VerbalClue(null, null);
     owner      = new NonPlayerCharacter(null, null, null, null, null, null);