Exemple #1
        public static string DisplayName(this VentilationSystem ventilationSystem)
            if (ventilationSystem is null)

            List <string> names = new List <string>();


            if (ventilationSystem.TryGetValue(VentilationSystemParameter.SupplyUnitName, out string supplyUnitName))

            if (ventilationSystem.TryGetValue(VentilationSystemParameter.ExhaustUnitName, out string exhaustUnitName))

            names.RemoveAll(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x));

            return(string.Join("_", names));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates TBD.zones in given TBD.Buiding based on provided spaces and profileLibrary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="building">TBD.Buidling</param>
        /// <param name="spaces">SAM Analytical Spaces</param>
        /// <param name="profileLibrary">ProfileLibrary which contains information about profiles used in spaces</param>
        /// <param name="includeHDD">Include Heating Design Day in the process</param>
        /// <returns>TBD.zones have been used in update process</returns>
        public static bool UpdateZones(this TBD.Building building, AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster, ProfileLibrary profileLibrary, bool includeHDD = false)
            if (building == null || adjacencyCluster == null || profileLibrary == null)

            List <Space> spaces = adjacencyCluster?.GetSpaces();

            if (spaces == null || spaces.Count == 0)

            //Zone Dictionary <- Dictionary constains zone.name as a key and TBD.zone as Value. Dictionary helps to match TBD.zone with SAM.Analytical.Space
            Dictionary <string, TBD.zone> dictionary_Zones = building.ZoneDictionary();

            if (dictionary_Zones == null)

            //Space Dictionary <- Dictionary constains Space.Name as a key and SAM.Analytical.Space as Value. Assumption: InternalCondition Name equals to Space Name. It also holds names for HDD Spaces/InternalConditions
            Dictionary <string, Space> dictionary_Spaces = new Dictionary <string, Space>();

            foreach (Space space in spaces)
                string name = space.Name;
                if (name == null)

                dictionary_Spaces[name] = space;
                if (includeHDD)
                    dictionary_Spaces[space.Name + " - HDD"] = space;

            //Removes Internal Conditions with given names. Names are taken from Space Name (assumption Space Name equals InternalCondtion Name)
            RemoveInternalConditions(building, dictionary_Spaces.Keys);

            List <TBD.zone> result = new List <TBD.zone>();

            foreach (Space space in spaces)
                string name = space?.Name;
                if (name == null)

                //Matching Space with TBD.zone via name
                TBD.zone zone = null;
                if (!dictionary_Zones.TryGetValue(name, out zone) || zone == null)

                zone = building.UpdateZone(zone, space, profileLibrary);

                VentilationSystem ventilationSystem = adjacencyCluster.GetRelatedObjects <VentilationSystem>(space)?.FirstOrDefault();
                if (ventilationSystem != null)
                    string ventilationSystemTypeName = (ventilationSystem.Type as VentilationSystemType)?.Name;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ventilationSystemTypeName))
                        TBD.ZoneGroup zoneGroup = Query.ZoneGroups(building)?.Find(x => ventilationSystemTypeName.Equals(x.name));
                        if (zoneGroup == null)
                            zoneGroup      = building.AddZoneGroup();
                            zoneGroup.name = ventilationSystemTypeName;
                            zoneGroup.type = (int)TBD.ZoneGroupType.tbdHVACZG;

                        if (zoneGroup != null)

                //Update TBD.zone using data stored in space and ProfileLibrary

                //Include HDD if includeHDD input set to true
                if (includeHDD)
                    building.UpdateZone_HDD(zone, space, profileLibrary);

            //Updating Builidng Information
            building.description = string.Format("Delivered by SAM https://github.com/HoareLea/SAM [{0}]", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"));

            TBD.GeneralDetails generaldetails = building.GetGeneralDetails();
            if (generaldetails != null)
                if (generaldetails.engineer1 == "")
                    generaldetails.engineer1 = System.Environment.UserName;
                else if (generaldetails.engineer1 != System.Environment.UserName)
                    generaldetails.engineer2 = System.Environment.UserName;

                if (generaldetails.externalPollutant == 315) //600
                    generaldetails.externalPollutant = 415;
                generaldetails.TerrainType = TBD.TerrainType.tbdCity;

            //Returning TBD.zones have been used in update process
            return(result != null && result.Count > 0);