Exemple #1
        // Called after the machine has successfully vended the item
        private static string VendComplete(string coordinateString)
            // look up previous request with status='vending' in database
            using (klick_vending_machineEntities context = new klick_vending_machineEntities()) {
                VendingRequest request = (
                    from r in context.VendingRequests
                    where (
                        r.Status == STATUS_VENDING_ITEM ||
                        r.Status == STATUS_TAKING_PHOTO ||
                        r.Status == STATUS_PLAYING_SOUND
                    orderby r.RequestDate descending
                    select r).FirstOrDefault();

                // TODO: consider timeout, confirm coordinates, etc
                if (request != null)
                    if (request.Status == STATUS_TAKING_PHOTO)
                    else if (request.Status == STATUS_PLAYING_SOUND)
                        string DefaultSongPath = "song.mp3";
                        PlaySound(GetConfigPath("song", DefaultSongPath));
                    request.VendEndDate = DateTime.Now;
                    request.Status      = STATUS_COMPLETE;

Exemple #2
        public HttpResponseMessage BuyProduct([FromBody] VendingRequest VendingReq)
                string data = string.Empty;
                HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();
                ApiResponse         valRes   = new ApiResponse();
                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conStr"].ConnectionString))
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("usp_buyProduct", conn))
                        SqlDataAdapter adapt = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                        adapt.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                        adapt.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@productNm", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100));
                        adapt.SelectCommand.Parameters["@productNm"].Value = VendingReq.ProductName;
                        adapt.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@actualAmt", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50));
                        adapt.SelectCommand.Parameters["@actualAmt"].Value = VendingReq.ActualAmount;
                        using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (dr.Read())
                                if (dr["STATUS"].Equals("1"))
                                    valRes.ProductName        = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                                    valRes.Change             = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(dr["CHANGE"]), 2).ToString();
                                    valRes.IsValidTransaction = true;
                                    valRes.IsAvailable        = true;
                                    valRes.Message            = "TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL, PLEASE TAKE YOUR PRODUCT";
                                    data     = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(valRes);
                                    response = Request.CreateResponse <ApiResponse>(HttpStatusCode.OK, valRes, "application/json");
                                    valRes.Message            = dr["Message"].ToString();
                                    valRes.ProductName        = string.Empty;
                                    valRes.IsValidTransaction = false;
                                    valRes.Change             = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(dr["CHANGE"]), 2).ToString();
                                    data     = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(valRes);
                                    response = Request.CreateResponse <ApiResponse>(HttpStatusCode.OK, valRes, "application/json");

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new ApiResponse {
                    Change = "-1", Message = ex.Message, IsAvailable = false, IsValidTransaction = false, ProductName = string.Empty
                }, "application/json"));
Exemple #3
        // Called when the user has pushed some coordinates
        private static string RequestItem(string coordinateString)
            // Get the last card scan
            CardScan scan = CardScan.LastCardScan();

            if (scan == null)

            VendingRequest lastRequest = VendingRequest.LastOutstandingRequest();

            string error          = null;
            string successMessage = MSG_VEND_ITEM;
            int    x             = -1;
            int    y             = -1;
            string requestStatus = null;

            using (klick_vending_machineEntities context = new klick_vending_machineEntities())
                CardScanResult scanResult = scan.CardScanResult;

                // create a new vending request
                VendingRequest request = new VendingRequest()
                    CardScanResultID = scanResult.CardScanResultID,
                    Status           = STATUS_PROCESSING,
                    RequestDate      = DateTime.Now,
                    Coordinates      = coordinateString


                    // Error checking block
                    if (lastRequest != null)
                        // We found a vending request with that is either processing or vending within a timeout interval
                        // Cannot vend again at this point
                        error = MSG_ERROR_VENDING_IN_PROGRESS;
                    else if (scan.HasTimedOut)
                        // We've timed out
                        if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(scan.ScanDate).TotalMinutes > 5)
                            // Last scan was a while ago - just tell the user to scan first, so they don't get confused
                            error = MSG_ERROR_NO_CARD;
                            // Display timeout error message
                            error = MSG_ERROR_CARD_TIMEOUT;
                    else if (scanResult.Status != "valid")
                        // Invalid card!
                        error = MSG_ERROR_INVALID_CARD;
                    else if (scan.HasVended(request.VendingRequestID))
                        // We've already vended an item for this card scan. Sneaky!
                        error = MSG_ERROR_ALREADY_VENDED;
                    else if (coordinateString == "TIMEOUT")
                        // Timed out before anything was vended
                        string DefaultTimeoutPath = "smb_warning.wav";
                        PlaySound(GetConfigPath("timeout", DefaultTimeoutPath));
                        error = MSG_ERROR_CARD_TIMEOUT;
                    else if (!GetCoordinates(coordinateString, out x, out y))
                        // Unable to parse coordinates
                        error = MSG_ERROR_INVALID_COORDS;
                        requestStatus = GetItemStatusType(x, y);
                        if (requestStatus == null)
                            error = MSG_ERROR_INVALID_ITEM;

                    request.X = x;
                    request.Y = y;
                catch (Exception e)
                    error = MSG_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAIL;

                if (error == null)
                    // TODO: consider what happens if the message to the Arduino fails?
                    request.Status        = requestStatus;
                    request.VendStartDate = DateTime.Now;

                    // Adjust the success message if necessary
                    if (requestStatus == STATUS_TAKING_PHOTO)
                        successMessage = MSG_TAKING_PHOTO;
                    else if (requestStatus == STATUS_PLAYING_SOUND)
                        successMessage = MSG_PLAYING_SOUND;
                    request.Status       = "failed";
                    request.ErrorMessage = error;


            Logger.WriteLine("Returning! " + (error == null ? MSG_VEND_ITEM : error));

            // Finally, success! Vend it. Or display the error instead if there is one.
            return(error == null ? successMessage : error);