Exemple #1
 public VehicleDoorOpenRatioChangedArgs(Vehicle vehicle, VehicleDoor door, float ratio, uint time)
     this.Vehicle = vehicle;
     this.Door    = door;
     this.Ratio   = ratio;
     this.Time    = time;
        private static void OpenRandomDoor(Vehicle veh)
            VehicleDoor[] doors       = veh.GetDoors();
            VehicleDoor   vehicleDoor = (VehicleDoor)(int)doors[Database.Random.Next(doors.Length)];

            veh.OpenDoor(vehicleDoor, false, true);
Exemple #3
        private static void OpenRandomDoor(Vehicle veh)
            VehicleDoor[] values = veh.GetDoors();
            VehicleDoor   rand   = values[Database.Random.Next(values.Length)];

            veh.OpenDoor(rand, false, true);
        private void CreateScene(Vector3 spawnPoint)
            Random rand            = new Random();
            int    index           = rand.Next(VehiclesToSelectFrom.Length);
            string randomModelName = VehiclesToSelectFrom[index];

            brokenVehicle = new Vehicle(randomModelName, spawnPoint);
            brokenVehicle.IsPersistent = true;
            VehicleDoor hood = brokenVehicle.Doors[4];

            hood.IsOpen            = true;
            vehicleBlip            = brokenVehicle.AttachBlip();
            vehicleBlip.IsFriendly = true;

            /// Finds a point on the side of the road and moves the vehicle to that point. Using this method:
            /// BOOL _GET_ROAD_SIDE_POINT_WITH_HEADING(float x, float y, float z, float heading, Vector3* outPosition);
            NativeFunction.Natives.xA0F8A7517A273C05 <bool>(
                spawnPoint.X + 20.0f, spawnPoint.Y + 20.0f, spawnPoint.Z, brokenVehicle.Heading, out Vector3 outPosition);
            vehicleDesiredPosition = outPosition;

            driver                      = brokenVehicle.CreateRandomDriver();
            driverBlip                  = driver.AttachBlip();
            driverBlip.IsFriendly       = true;
            driver.IsPersistent         = true;
            driver.BlockPermanentEvents = true;
            driver.Tasks.DriveToPosition(vehicleDesiredPosition, 30.0f, VehicleDrivingFlags.FollowTraffic);
            brokenVehicle.EngineHealth = 100.0f;
Exemple #5
 public VehicleDoorStateChangedArgs(Vehicle vehicle, VehicleDoor door, VehicleDoorState state, bool spawnFlyingComponent)
     this.Vehicle = vehicle;
     this.Door    = door;
     this.State   = state;
     this.SpawnFlyingComponent = spawnFlyingComponent;
        private async void OnEnterVehicle(int vehHandle, int seat)
            var veh = new Vehicle(vehHandle);

            if (await Input.WaitForKeyRelease(Control.VehicleExit, ControlModifier.None, 500))
                Log.Debug($"Enter vehicle key was long pressed. Aborting closest door enter");

            if (veh.Handle != 0 && doorToSeat.Values.Contains((VehicleSeat)seat))
                Log.Verbose($"Entering vehicle with handle {vehHandle}");

                var playerPos = Cache.PlayerPed.Position;
                var vehDoors  = veh.Doors.GetAll();

                var         closestDoorDistance = 10000.0f;
                VehicleDoor closestDoor         = null;

                foreach (var door in vehDoors)
                    if (doorIndexBones.ContainsKey(door.Index))
                        var doorBone   = doorIndexBones[door.Index];
                        var bonePos    = veh.Bones[doorBone].Position;
                        var distToBone = playerPos.DistanceToSquared(bonePos);

                        if (distToBone < closestDoorDistance)
                            closestDoorDistance = distToBone;
                            closestDoor         = door;

                if (closestDoor != null)
                    Log.Verbose($"Found a close door ({closestDoor.Index})");

                    if (!veh.IsSeatFree(doorToSeat[closestDoor.Index]))

                    Log.Verbose($"Close door ({closestDoor.Index}) was free. Entering");


                    Cache.PlayerPed.Task.EnterVehicle(veh, doorToSeat[closestDoor.Index]);
Exemple #7
        public void VehicleSpawn(Vector3 position, float heading)
            int maxVehicles = Population.maxVehicles;

            if (IsCityZone(Game.Player.Character.Position))
                maxVehicles = Population.maxVehicles * 2;
            if (((this.vehicleCount < maxVehicles) && ((position != Vector3.Zero) && (Extensions.DistanceBetweenV3(position, this.startingLoc) >= minSpawnDistance))) && (Extensions.DistanceBetweenV3(position, Game.Player.Character.Position) >= minSpawnDistance))
                Vehicle vehicle = Extensions.SpawnVehicle(GetRandomVehicleModel(), position, heading);
                vehicle.EngineHealth = (RandoMath.CachedRandom.Next(0, 100) > 10) ? 0f : 1000f;
                vehicle.DirtLevel    = 14f;
                VehicleDoor[] doors = vehicle.GetDoors();
                int           num3  = 0;
                while (true)
                    if (num3 >= 5)
                        int item = 0;
                        while (true)
                            if (item >= 3)
                            List <int>      theList   = new List <int>();
                            InputArgument[] arguments = new InputArgument[] { vehicle.Handle, item };
                            if (Function.Call <bool>(Hash._0x46E571A0E20D01F1, arguments))
                            if (theList.Count > 0)
                                int             randomElementFromList = RandoMath.GetRandomElementFromList <int>(theList);
                                InputArgument[] argumentArray2        = new InputArgument[] { vehicle.Handle, randomElementFromList };
                                Function.Call(Hash._0x9E5B5E4D2CCD2259, argumentArray2);
                    VehicleDoor randomElementFromArray = RandoMath.GetRandomElementFromArray <VehicleDoor>(doors);
                    vehicle.OpenDoor(randomElementFromArray, false, true);
Exemple #8
 public static string GetVehicleDoorBoneName(VehicleDoor door) => GetVehicleDoorBoneName(door.Index);
 public static Task SetDoorStateAsync(this IVehicle vehicle, VehicleDoor door, VehicleDoorState state) =>
 AltVAsync.Schedule(() => vehicle.SetDoorStateExt(door, state));
 public static Task <VehicleDoorState> GetDoorStateAsync(this IVehicle vehicle, VehicleDoor door) =>
 AltVAsync.Schedule(() => vehicle.GetDoorStateExt(door));
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets a vehicles door to a state
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vehicle">The vehicle</param>
 /// <param name="door">The door</param>
 /// <param name="state">The state</param>
 public static void SetDoorState(this IVehicle vehicle, VehicleDoor door, VehicleDoorState state) =>
 vehicle.SetDoorState((byte)door, (byte)state);
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the current door state of a vehicles door
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vehicle">The vehicle</param>
 /// <param name="door">The door</param>
 /// <returns>The door state</returns>
 public static VehicleDoorState GetDoorState(this IVehicle vehicle, VehicleDoor door) =>
        public static void CallVehicleDrop(string VehicleModel)
            // Drop setup
            if (PlaySound)
            Model VModel = new Model(VehicleModel);
            Model CModel = new Model(Config.PlaneModel);

            if (!VModel.IsValid || !CModel.IsValid)

            // Drop continuation. This is only reached if the models were valid

            Vector3 PlanePos     = Game.Player.Character.Position + Game.Player.Character.UpVector * 80f + Game.Player.Character.ForwardVector * -35f;
            Vector3 ContainerPos = Game.Player.Character.Position + Game.Player.Character.UpVector * 75f + Game.Player.Character.ForwardVector * 10f;

            // Vehicle spawning and adjustments
            Vehicle CargoPlane = World.CreateVehicle(CModel, PlanePos);

            CargoPlane.Heading = (Game.Player.Character.Position - CargoPlane.Position).ToHeading();
            VehicleDoor CargoDoor  = CargoPlane.Doors.ToArray().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Index == VehicleDoorIndex.Trunk);
            VehicleDoor CargoDoor2 = CargoPlane.Doors.ToArray().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Index == VehicleDoorIndex.BackLeftDoor);

            if (CargoDoor != null)
                CargoDoor.Open(true, true);
            if (CargoDoor2 != null)
                CargoDoor2.Open(true, true);

            // Cargoplane pilot
            Vector3 FlyTo      = Util.LerpByDistance(CargoPlane.Position, Game.Player.Character.Position, 5000f);
            Ped     CargoPilot = CargoPlane.CreatePedOnSeat(VehicleSeat.Driver, new Model("s_m_m_pilot_02"));

            // Cargoplane AI
            Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_FORWARD_SPEED, CargoPlane, 50f);
            Function.Call(Hash.TASK_PLANE_MISSION, CargoPilot, CargoPlane, 0, 0, FlyTo.X, FlyTo.Y, FlyTo.Z, 4, 100f, 0f, 90f, 0, 200f);

            // Container drop
            Prop Container = World.CreateProp(Globals.ContainerModel, ContainerPos, true, false);

            Container.HasGravity = true;
            Container.ApplyForce(new Vector3(0f, 0f, -35f));
            while (!Container.HasCollided)

            // Hit sound
            if (PlaySound)

            // Ensure the container is fully stopped
            Vector3 ContainerLastPos;

                ContainerLastPos = Container.Position;
            }while (Container.Position.DistanceTo(ContainerLastPos) > 0.1f);

            // Container opening
            Function.Call(Hash.REQUEST_NAMED_PTFX_ASSET, "proj_indep_firework_v2");
            Function.Call(Hash.USE_PARTICLE_FX_ASSET, "proj_indep_firework_v2");
            int ptfx = Function.Call <int>(Hash.START_PARTICLE_FX_NON_LOOPED_ON_ENTITY, "scr_firework_indep_ring_burst_rwb", Container, 0f, 0f, Container.Model.Dimensions.rearBottomLeft.X * 1f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 2f, true, true, true);

            Function.Call(Hash.SET_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_ALPHA, ptfx, 0.5f);
            Function.Call(Hash.SET_PARTICLE_FX_LOOPED_COLOUR, ptfx, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1f, true);
            Vector3 SpawnPos = Container.Position;


            // Vehicle moving
            Vehicle NewVehicle = World.CreateVehicle(VModel, SpawnPos);

            NewVehicle.IsPersistent = false;

            // Cleanup
            if (!Config.FunMode)
            if (PlaySound)
            public void OnActiveUpdate()
                if (controller.IsPlayer)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ControlsToDisable.Length; i++)
                        NativeFunction.Natives.DisableControlAction(0, (int)ControlsToDisable[i]);

                    if (NativeFunction.Natives.IsDisabledControlPressed <bool>(0, (int)GameControl.Attack))
                        // TODO: extract code to method, and allow AI peds to use the saw
                        Vector3 start = saw.LeftPosition + saw.RightVector * 0.2f;
                        Vector3 end   = start - saw.RightVector * 0.25f;

                        HitResult hitResult = World.TraceCapsule(start, end, 0.15f, TraceFlags.IntersectEverything, controller.Ped, saw);

                        Util.DrawLine(start, end, System.Drawing.Color.Red);
                        Util.DrawMarker(28, start, Vector3.Zero, Rotator.Zero, new Vector3(0.05f), System.Drawing.Color.Red);

                        if (hitResult.Hit && hitResult.HitEntity)
                            if (hitResult.HitEntity != currentEntity)
                                currentEntity = hitResult.HitEntity;
                                isVehicle     = currentEntity is Vehicle;
                                isPed         = !isVehicle && currentEntity is Ped;
                                isObject      = !isVehicle && !isPed;
                                vehicleDoors  = isVehicle ? ((Vehicle)currentEntity).GetDoors() : null;
                                closestVehicleDoorBoneName    = null;
                                closestVehicleDoorIndex       = -1;
                                vehicleDoorDetachedPercentage = 0.0f;
                                if (breakingPercentageBar != null)
                                    breakingPercentageBar = null;

                            Util.DrawMarker(2, currentEntity.AbovePosition + currentEntity.UpVector * 1.25f, Vector3.Zero, new Rotator(180f, 0f, 0f), new Vector3(0.5f), System.Drawing.Color.Red, true);

                            if ((Game.GameTime - lastParticleStartGameTime) > gameTimeForNextParticleStart)
                                if (isVehicle)
                                    Util.StartParticleFxNonLoopedOnEntity("des_fib_floor", "ent_ray_fbi5a_ramp_metal_imp", saw, new Vector3(-0.715f, 0.005f, 0f), new Rotator(0f, 0f, 25f), 0.75f);
                                    Util.StartParticleFxNonLoopedOnEntity("des_fib_floor", "ent_ray_fbi5a_ramp_metal_imp", saw, new Vector3(-0.715f, 0.005f, 0f), new Rotator(0f, 0f, 155f), 0.75f);
                                else if (isPed)
                                    // "cut_solomon5", "cs_sol5_blood_head_shot"
                                    // "cut_michael2", "liquid_splash_blood"
                                    Util.StartParticleFxNonLoopedOnEntity("cut_solomon5", "cs_sol5_blood_head_shot", saw, new Vector3(-0.715f, 0.005f, 0f), new Rotator(0f, 0f, 25f), MathHelper.GetRandomSingle(2.0f, 4.25f));
                                    Util.StartParticleFxNonLoopedOnEntity("cut_solomon5", "cs_sol5_blood_head_shot", saw, new Vector3(-0.715f, 0.005f, 0f), new Rotator(0f, 0f, 155f), MathHelper.GetRandomSingle(2.0f, 4.25f));

                                    NativeFunction.Natives.PlayPain(currentEntity, MathHelper.GetRandomInteger(6, 7), 0, 0);
                                else if (isObject)
                                    // TODO
                                    Util.StartParticleFxNonLoopedOnEntity("des_fib_floor", "ent_ray_fbi5a_ramp_metal_imp", saw, new Vector3(-0.715f, 0.005f, 0f), new Rotator(0f, 0f, 25f), 0.75f);
                                    Util.StartParticleFxNonLoopedOnEntity("des_fib_floor", "ent_ray_fbi5a_ramp_metal_imp", saw, new Vector3(-0.715f, 0.005f, 0f), new Rotator(0f, 0f, 155f), 0.75f);

                                lastParticleStartGameTime    = Game.GameTime;
                                gameTimeForNextParticleStart = (uint)MathHelper.GetRandomInteger(100, 275);

                            if (isVehicle)
                                Vehicle v = (Vehicle)currentEntity;

                                string closestBoneName = null;
                                int    closestIndex    = 0;
                                float  closestDistSqr  = 999999f * 999999f;

                                Vector3 sawPos = saw.LeftPosition;
                                for (int i = 0; i < vehicleDoors.Length; i++)
                                    VehicleDoor d = vehicleDoors[i];

                                    if (!d.IsDamaged)
                                        string  boneName = Util.GetVehicleDoorBoneName(d);
                                        Vector3 pos      = v.GetBonePosition(boneName);

                                        float distSqr = Vector3.DistanceSquared(sawPos, pos);
                                        if (distSqr < closestDistSqr)
                                            closestDistSqr  = distSqr;
                                            closestBoneName = boneName;
                                            closestIndex    = d.Index;


                                if (closestBoneName != null && closestDistSqr < 1.5f * 1.5f)
                                    if (closestVehicleDoorBoneName != closestBoneName)
                                        closestVehicleDoorBoneName    = closestBoneName;
                                        closestVehicleDoorIndex       = closestIndex;
                                        vehicleDoorDetachedPercentage = 0.0f;

                                    if (breakingPercentageBar == null)
                                        breakingPercentageBar = new PercentageBar(closestVehicleDoorBoneName);

                                    vehicleDoorDetachedPercentage   += 0.0825f * Game.FrameTime;
                                    breakingPercentageBar.Percentage = vehicleDoorDetachedPercentage;

                                    Game.DisplaySubtitle("~b~" + vehicleDoorDetachedPercentage);
                                    if (vehicleDoorDetachedPercentage >= 1f)
                                        breakingPercentageBar = null;

                                        API.Functions.OnVehicleDoorRemovedWithSaw(v, closestVehicleDoorIndex, Game.LocalPlayer.Character, true);
                                    if (breakingPercentageBar != null)
                                        breakingPercentageBar = null;
                            else if (isPed)
                                Ped p = (Ped)currentEntity;

                                if (p.IsAlive)
                                    p.Health -= 3;
                            else if (isObject)
                                // TODO
                                // idea: when cutting a garage door, teleport player to a mp garage; would be cool for extinguishing fires in interiors

                    if ((Game.GameTime - gameTimeSincePedStartedAnimation) > 2000 && !NativeFunction.Natives.IsEntityPlayingAnim <bool>(controller.Ped, "weapons@heavy@minigun", "idle_2_aim_right_med", 3)) // TODO: change animation
                        controller.Ped.Tasks.PlayAnimation("weapons@heavy@minigun", "idle_2_aim_right_med", 1.0f, AnimationFlags.SecondaryTask | AnimationFlags.StayInEndFrame | AnimationFlags.UpperBodyOnly);
                        gameTimeSincePedStartedAnimation = Game.GameTime;