Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine(@"|                                            |");
            Console.WriteLine(@"|          ***Petrole Pump***                |");
            Console.WriteLine(@"|                                            |");

            Console.WriteLine("\n***Welcome To Petrole Pump***");
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter login details to continue!");
            Console.Write("Username: "******"Password: "******"admin" && password != "1234") //if username and password did not matched
                Console.WriteLine("Username or Password is incorrect!");

            VehicleContainer vc      = new VehicleContainer(); //calculate vehicle container
            Station          station = new Station(3.5f);      //calculate station

            IO.init(vc, station);                              //init input and output

            while (true)
                int input = IO.getInput();                    //get the input
                if (input == 0)                               //if inout is 0 means it is logout
                    break;                                    //get out of loop
                if (input != -1 && (input > 0 && input < 10)) //if the user input correct number
                    Vehicle v = vc.getVehicleToServed();      //get the vehicle to serve
                    station.serveVehicle(v, input);           //serve the vehicle to pump

            Console.WriteLine("Thank you for working on Petrole Pump!");
            Console.WriteLine("Todays total earning: ", station.Commission, "£"); //get total comissioned
 public void RemoveVehicle(int vehicleId)
 public IEnumerable <Vehicle> GetStoreVehicles(int storeId)
 public Vehicle ModifyVehicle(Vehicle vehicle)
 public IEnumerable <Vehicle> GetAll()
 public Vehicle GetById(int vehicleId)
Exemple #7
 public void setVehicle(VehicleContainer s)
     vehicle = s.transferVehicle();
 public Vehicle AddVehicle(Vehicle vehicle)
Exemple #9
 private static bool updating;                                   //lock to check the console update process is started or not, if started then lock it else update the console
 public static void init(VehicleContainer _vc, Station _station) //initialize the class
     vc       = _vc;
     station  = _station;
     updating = false;
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// HACK: For the Stockholm case.
 /// </summary>
 public void trackVehicleScore(VehicleContainer element, ScoreContainer scoreContainer)
     vehicleScores.Add(new Tuple <VehicleContainer, ScoreContainer>(element, scoreContainer));
        public bool CheckRequestData(VehicleContainer inputModel)
            ///////////////////////// процедура приема (сначала пишется файл - 7 строк, затем обработка для распихивания по таблицам)
            ConnectStr conStrKl1 = new ConnectStr();

            cstrU1 = conStrKl1.StP;
            if (inputModel.ID < 2832035 || inputModel.ID >= 2832037)
                using (MySqlConnection sqlConnectionT1 = new MySqlConnection(cstrU1))
                    long IP = Convert.ToInt64(inputModel.ID);
                    MySqlTransaction transaction = sqlConnectionT1.BeginTransaction();

                    string NamF = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss") + "_" + inputModel.CreatedBy.PlatformId + "_" + inputModel.ID;
                    ////string NamF = DateTime.Now + "_" + inputModel.ID;
                    //using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(@"C:\Users\cherednikov\Desktop\АКТЫ\" + NamF.ToString() + ".xml", FileMode.CreateNew))

                    using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(@"F:\archiv\XML\" + NamF.ToString() + ".xml", FileMode.CreateNew))
                        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(VehicleContainer));
                        serializer.Serialize(stream, inputModel);
                    //string aaa = @"C:\Users\cherednikov\Desktop\АКТЫ\" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                    string aaa = @"F:\archiv\XML\" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                    //CopyFolderYesterdayFiles(@"C:\Users\cherednikov\Desktop\АКТЫ", aaa);
                    CopyFolderYesterdayFiles(@"F:\archiv\XML", aaa);
                    KlSch = new string[4];
                    int j = 0;
                    ////////////////////////////////////  класс-схема и индекс  //////////////////////////////////////
                    foreach (Classification Cl in inputModel.Classification)
                        KlSch[j] = Cl.Index.ToString();
                        j        = j + 1;
                        KlSch[j] = Cl.Schema.ToString();
                        j        = j + 1;

                    using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(St1(inputModel), sqlConnectionT1))
                        if (sqlConnectionT1.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)

                    PDK = new string[inputModel.AxleCount, 30];

                    foreach (AxleContainer a in inputModel.Axles)
                        using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(StrAxel(a, IP), sqlConnectionT1))
                            if (sqlConnectionT1.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)

                    Im = new string[15];
                    co = 0;
                    foreach (BinaryContainer b in inputModel.Binaries)
                        string BS = @"F:\\archivACT\\Photo\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + @"\\" + IP.ToString() + "_" + b.CreatedBy.PlatformId.ToString() + "_" + b.Created.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + "_" + co.ToString();

                        if (b.Name != "Video")
                            if (b == null)
                            Im[co] = b.ID.ToString();
                            co     = co + 1;
                            CO     = CO + 1;
                            // b.Data;
                            //if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(@"C:\Users\cherednikov\Desktop\АКТЫ\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + @"\"))
                            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(@"F:\archivACT\Photo\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + @"\"))
                                //System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:\Users\cherednikov\Desktop\АКТЫ\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + @"\");
                                System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(@"F:\archivACT\Photo\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + @"\");
                            // System.DrawingCore.Image imgg = byteArrayToImage(b.Data);
                            //string BS = @"C:\Users\cherednikov\Desktop\АКТЫ\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + @"\"+IP.ToString()+"_"+b.CreatedBy.PlatformId.ToString()+"_"+b.Created.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + "_" + co.ToString();
                            BS = @"F:\\archivACT\\Photo\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + @"\\" + IP.ToString() + "_" + b.Name.ToString() + "_" + b.CreatedBy.PlatformId.ToString() + "_" + b.Created.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + "_" + CO.ToString();

                            //Bitmap aa = byteArrayToImage(b.Data);
                            //aa.Save(@"C:\Users\cherednikov\Desktop\АКТЫ\123.png", System.DrawingCore.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                            File.WriteAllBytes(BS + ".png", b.Data);

                            //aa.Save(BS + ".png", System.DrawingCore.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                            ////imgg.Save(BS + "_" + co + ".Jpeg", System.DrawingCore.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                            //BinStr = @BS.ToString();
                            using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(StrBinryN(b, IP, BS + ".png"), sqlConnectionT1))
                                if (sqlConnectionT1.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
                            //using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(StrBinry(b, IP), sqlConnectionT1))
                            //    if (sqlConnectionT1.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
                            //    { sqlConnectionT1.Open(); }
                            //    cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery();
                            Im[co] = b.ID.ToString();
                            co     = co + 1;
                            CO     = CO + 1;
                            File.WriteAllBytes(@"F:\\archivACT\\Photo\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + @"\\" + IP.ToString() + "_" + b.CreatedBy.PlatformId.ToString() + "_" + b.Created.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + "_" + co.ToString() + ".avi", b.Data);
                            using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(StrBinryN(b, IP, @"F:\\archivACT\\Photo\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + @"\\" + IP.ToString() + "_" + b.CreatedBy.PlatformId.ToString() + "_" + b.Created.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + "_" + CO.ToString() + ".avi"), sqlConnectionT1))
                                if (sqlConnectionT1.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
                            //using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(StrBinry(b, IP), sqlConnectionT1))
                            //    if (sqlConnectionT1.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
                            //    { sqlConnectionT1.Open(); }
                            //    cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery();

                    using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(StrPROEZD(inputModel, IP), sqlConnectionT1))
                        if (sqlConnectionT1.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)


        private string StrPROEZD(VehicleContainer inputModel, long IP)
            double Ll = 0; double LL = 0; double LA = 0;

            if (inputModel.LocationLatitude != "NaN")
                Ll = Convert.ToDouble(inputModel.LocationLatitude);
                Ll = 0;
            if (inputModel.LocationLongitude != "NaN")
                LL = Convert.ToDouble(inputModel.LocationLongitude);
                LL = 0;
            if (inputModel.LocationAltitude != "NaN")
                LA = Convert.ToDouble(inputModel.LocationAltitude);
                LA = 0;

            //if ( inputModel.LocationLatitude. != null)
            //         //"" + inputModel.LocationLongitude + ", " +
            //         //"" + inputModel.LocationAltitude + ", " +)
            //{ }
            return("INSERT INTO vehiclecontainer_r ("
                   + "ParentType, "
                   + " ParentID, "
                   + " PlatformId, "
                   + " ComponentId, "
                   + " Created, "
                   + " Checksum, "
                   + " Captions, "
                   + " Credence, "
                   + " CredenceExceeded, "
                   + " Lane, "
                   + " Direction, "
                   + " Speed, "
                   + " SpeedDifference, "
                   + " Length, "
                   + " Width, "
                   + " Height, "
                   + " PositionLeft, "
                   + " PositionRight, "
                   + " ClassScheme, "
                   + " Class, "
                   + " ClassScheme2, "
                   + " Class2, "
                   + " ClassScheme3, "
                   + " Class3, "
                   + " Units, "
                   + " WheelBase, "
                   + " Weight, "
                   + " WeightLimit, "
                   + " Overweight, "
                   + " AxleCount, "
                   + " Plate, "
                   + " PlateConfidence, "
                   + " PlateValid, "
                   + " PlateRear, "
                   + " PlateRearConfidence, "
                   + " Country, "
                   + " CountryConfidence, "
                   + " AdrFrontEmpty, "
                   + " AdrFrontKemler, "
                   + " AdrFrontUn, "
                   + " AdrFrontConfidence, "
                   + " AdrRearEmpty, "
                   + " AdrRearKemler, "
                   + " AdrRearUn, "
                   + " AdrRearConfidence, "
                   + " IsOverweightGross, "
                   + " IsOverweightPartial, "
                   + " IsExceededLength, "
                   + " IsExceededWidth, "
                   + " IsExceededHeight, "
                   + " IsOverspeed, "
                   + " IsWrongDirection, "
                   + " IsNonStandard, "
                   + " OperatingRangeExceededSpeed, "
                   + " OperatingRangeExceededWeight, "
                   + " Divert, "
                   + " Diverted, "
                   + " ID_wim, "
                   + " VehicleTypeName, "
                   + " IDVStup, " +
                   " LocationLatitude, " +
                   " LocationLongitude, " +
                   " LocationAltitude, " +
                   "IsOverweightGroup )"
                   + " VALUES(" +
                   "" + Convert.ToInt32(inputModel.CreatedBy.BGuidType) + ", " +
                   "" + Convert.ToInt32(inputModel.CreatedBy.KeyMark) + ", " +
                   "" + Convert.ToInt64(inputModel.CreatedBy.PlatformId) + ", " +
                   "" + Convert.ToInt64(inputModel.CreatedBy.ID) + ", " +
                   "REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE('" + inputModel.Created.ToString("u") + "','-',''),' ',''),':',''),'Z',''), " +
                   "'" + bit(Convert.ToString(inputModel.Checksum), 10, 16) + "', " +
                   "'" + inputModel.Captions[0] + "', " +
                   "" + inputModel.Credence + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.CodeInt + ", " +  //CredenceExceeded
                   "" + inputModel.LaneNumber + ", " +
                   "" + Convert.ToInt16(inputModel.Direction) + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.Speed + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.SpeedDifference + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.Length + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.Width + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.Height + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.PositionLeft + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.PositionRight + ", " +
                   "'" + KlSch[1] + "', " +  //inputModel.Classification.Where(s=>s.Schema=="EUR13").FirstOrDefault()?.Schema ?? "No"
                   "" + Convert.ToInt32(KlSch[0]) + ", " +
                   "'" + KlSch[3] + "', " +  //inputModel.Classification.Where(s=>s.Schema=="EUR13").FirstOrDefault()?.Schema ?? "No"
                   "" + Convert.ToInt32(KlSch[2]) + ", " +
                   "" + co + ", " +
                   "(SELECT MAX(binarycontainer_n.id) AS expr1 FROM binarycontainer_n WHERE binarycontainer_n.ID_PR = " + IP + " GROUP BY binarycontainer_n.ID_PR), " +
                   //"'" + KlSch[3] ??"" + "', " +
                   //"" + Convert.ToInt32(KlSch[2]) ?? 0 + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.Units + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.WheelBase + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.Weight + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.WeightLimit + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.Overweight + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.AxleCount + ", " +
                   "'" + inputModel.Plate + "', " +
                   "" + inputModel.PlateConfidence + ", " +
                   "'" + inputModel.PlateValid.ToString() + "', " +
                   "'" + inputModel.PlateRear + "', " +
                   "" + inputModel.PlateRearConfidence + ", " +
                   "'" + inputModel.CountryCode + "', " +
                   "" + inputModel.CountryConfidence + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.AdrFrontEmpty + ", " +
                   "'" + inputModel.AdrFrontKemler + "', " +
                   "'" + inputModel.AdrFrontUn + "', " +
                   "" + inputModel.AdrFrontConfidence + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.AdrRearEmpty + ", " +
                   "'" + inputModel.AdrRearKemler + "', " +
                   "'" + inputModel.AdrRearUn + "', " +
                   "" + inputModel.AdrRearConfidence + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.IsOverweightGross + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.IsOverweightPartial + ", " +
                   //"" + inputModel.Overweight + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.IsExceededLength + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.IsExceededWidth + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.IsExceededHeight + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.IsOverspeed + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.IsWrongDirection + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.IsNonStandard + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.OperatingRangeExceededSpeed + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.OperatingRangeExceededWeight + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.Divert + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.Diverted + ", " +
                   "" + IP + ", " +
                   "'" + inputModel.VehicleTypeName + "', " +
                   "" + 0 + ", " +
                   "" + Ll + ", " +
                   "" + LL + ", " +
                   "" + LA + ", " +
                   "" + inputModel.IsOverweightPartialGroup + "); ");
 private string St1(VehicleContainer inputModel)
     return("INSERT INTO vehiclecontainer (ID, "
            + "  PlatformId, "
            + "  ComponentId, "
            + "  SoftwareVersion, "
            + "  CreatedBy, "
            + "  Created, "
            + "  Credence, "
            + "  CredenceExceeded, "
            + "  Lane, "
            + " Direction, "
            + "  Speed, "
            + "  SpeedDifference, "
            + "  Length, "
            + "  Width, "
            + "  Height, "
            + "  PositionLeft, "
            + "  PositionRight, "
            + "  Units, "
            + "  WheelBase, "
            + "  Weight, "
            + "  WeightLimit, "
            + "  Overweight, "
            + "  AxleCount, "
            + "  Plate, "
            + "  PlateConfidence, "
            + "  PlateValid, "
            + "  PlateRearConfidence, "
            + "  PlateRearValid, "
            + "  Country, "
            //+ "  CountrySubdivision, "
            + "  CountryConfidence, "
            + "  AdrFrontEmpty, "
            + "  AdrFrontKemler, "
            + "  AdrFrontUn, "
            + "  AdrFrontConfidence, "
            + "  AdrRearEmpty, "
            + "  AdrRearKemler, "
            + "  AdrRearUn, "
            + "  AdrRearConfidence, "
            + "  IsOverweightGross, "
            + "  IsOverweightPartial, "
            + "  IsExceededLength, "
            + "  IsExceededWidth, "
            + "  IsExceededHeight, "
            + "  IsOverspeed, "
            + "  IsWrongDirection, "
            + "  IsNonStandard, "
            + "  OperatingRangeExceededSpeed, "
            + "  OperatingRangeExceededWeight, "
            + "  Divert, "
            + "  Diverted ) "
            + " VALUES( "
            + "" + inputModel.ID + ", " +
            "'" + inputModel.CreatedBy.PlatformId + "', " +
            "'" + inputModel.CreatedBy.BGuidType + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.CreatedBy.KeyMark + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.CreatedBy.ID + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Created + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Credence + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.CodeInt + "', " +//CredenceExceeded + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.LaneNumber + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Direction + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Speed + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.SpeedDifference + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Length + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Width + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Height + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.PositionLeft + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.PositionRight + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Units + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.WheelBase + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Weight + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.WeightLimit + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Overweight + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.AxleCount + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Plate + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.PlateConfidence + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.PlateValid + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.PlateRearConfidence + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.PlateRearValid + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.CountryCode + "'," +
            //"'" + inputModel.CountrySubdivisionCode + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.CountryConfidence + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.AdrFrontEmpty + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.AdrFrontKemler + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.AdrFrontUn + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.AdrFrontConfidence + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.AdrRearEmpty + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.AdrRearKemler + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.AdrRearUn + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.AdrRearConfidence + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.IsOverweightGross + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.IsOverweightPartial + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.IsExceededLength + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.IsExceededWidth + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.IsExceededHeight + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.IsOverspeed + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.IsWrongDirection + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.IsNonStandard + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.OperatingRangeExceededSpeed + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.OperatingRangeExceededWeight + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Divert + "'," +
            "'" + inputModel.Diverted + "');");