public Vehicle(string vehicleRego, VehicleClass vehicleClass, string make, string model, int year, int numSeats, TransmissionType transmissionType, FuelType fuelType, bool GPS, bool sunRoof, double dailyRate, string colour) { //private variables _vehicleRego = vehicleRego; _vehicleClass = vehicleClass; _make = make; _model = model; _year = year; _numSeats = numSeats; _transmissionType = transmissionType; _fuelType = fuelType; _GPS = GPS; _sunRoof = sunRoof; _dailyRate = dailyRate; _colour = colour; vehicleRegoPub = vehicleRego; _GPSat = GPS; _sunRoofat = sunRoof; //getters/setters _VehicleRego = vehicleRego; _VehicleClass = vehicleClass; _Make = make; _Model = model; _Year = year; _NumSeats = numSeats; _Transmissiontype = transmissionType; _FuelType = fuelType; _gps = GPS; _SunRoof = sunRoof; _DailyRate = dailyRate; _Colour = colour; }
void DockShip(VehicleClass _vehicle) { dockedShips.Add(_vehicle); if (dockedShips.Count == 1) { SelectShipTab(_vehicle); editorFromShopButton.SetActive(true); } helpResourcesText.gameObject.SetActive(false); bool isNew = true; foreach (ShipSelector sellector in shipSelectors) { if (sellector.Vehicle == _vehicle) { sellector.gameObject.SetActive(true); isNew = false; break; } } if (isNew) { AddShipSelector(_vehicle); shipEditor.CreateShipEditor(_vehicle); } else { shipEditor.RefreshTabs(); } }
public VehicleTest(int id, VehicleClass vc, string mk, string md, string eng, int wh, int dr, int vt) { Id = id; VehicleClass = vc; Image = vc.ToString(); VehicleClassType = vc.ToString(); Make = mk; Model = md; Engine = eng; Wheels = wh; Doors = dr; VehicleType = vt; this.Name = mk + " - " + md + " - " + eng; if (vt == (int)CarType.Sedan) { this.Name += " (Sedan)"; } else if (vt == (int)CarType.HatchBack) { this.Name += " (Hatch)"; } else if (vt == (int)BikeType.Road) { this.Name += " (Road Bike)"; } else if (vt == (int)BikeType.OffRoad) { this.Name += " (Off-Road Bike)"; } }
private static void CreateDictionary() { int runs = 0; dict = new Dictionary <VehicleClass, List <VehicleHash> >(); foreach (VehicleHash vehicleHash in Enum.GetValues(typeof(VehicleHash))) { runs++; //Debug.WriteLine("Runs " + runs); Model model = new Model(vehicleHash); VehicleClass vehClass = Vehicle.GetModelClass(model); //Debug.WriteLine("line 31" + vehicleHash.ToString()); if (dict.TryGetValue(vehClass, out List <VehicleHash> list)) { //Debug.WriteLine("line 34"); if (list.Contains(vehicleHash)) { //Debug.WriteLine("Tried to add existing " + vehicleHash.ToString() + " to existing list of " + vehClass.ToString()); continue; } //Debug.WriteLine("Added " + vehicleHash.ToString() + " to existing list of " + vehClass.ToString()); list.Add(vehicleHash); } else { //Debug.WriteLine("line 45"); var newList = new List <VehicleHash>(); newList.Add(vehicleHash); dict.Add(vehClass, newList); //Debug.WriteLine("Added " + vehicleHash.ToString() + " to new list of " + vehClass.ToString()); } } }
void UndockShip(VehicleClass _vehicle) { dockedShips.Remove(_vehicle); foreach (ShipSelector selector in shipSelectors) { if (selectedVehicle == _vehicle) { selectedVehicle = null; } if (selector.Vehicle == _vehicle) { selector.gameObject.SetActive(false); DisableResourceList(); } } if (dockedShips.Count <= 0) { currentCapacityText.text = "0"; maxCapacityText.text = "0"; helpResourcesText.gameObject.SetActive(true); editorFromShopButton.SetActive(false); shipEditor.CloseTab(); } else { //shipEditor.RefreshTabs(); SelectShipTab(dockedShips[0]); if (shipEditor.ActiveShip == _vehicle) { shipEditor.GoToShipEditor(dockedShips[0]); } } }
public void InstallPart(VehicleClass _vehicle) { switch (partType) { case PartType.Drill: _vehicle.InstallPart((PartDrill)installedPart); break; case PartType.Cabin: _vehicle.InstallPart((PartCabin)installedPart); break; case PartType.Engine: _vehicle.InstallPart((PartEngine)installedPart); break; case PartType.Wheels: _vehicle.InstallPart((PartWheel)installedPart); break; case PartType.Upgrade: _vehicle.InstallPart((PartUpgrade)installedPart); break; } }
public VehicleModel(string model, int makeId, VehicleClass vClass) { VehicleClass = vClass; MakeId = makeId; Model = model; }
public CarshopVehicleModel(string name, VehicleHash hash, VehicleClass category, decimal cost, CarshopType type) { Name = name; Hash = hash; Category = category; Cost = cost; CarshopTypes = type; }
public int GetDropdownValue(Dropdown dropdown) { print("dropdown changed"); dropdownChosen = dropdown.value; vehicleToTransfer = vehiclesToTrade[dropdown.value]; RefreshTradeInventory(); return(dropdown.value); }
public void GoToShipEditor(int index) { editorTabs[openEditorIndex].transform.gameObject.SetActive(false); editorTabs[index].transform.gameObject.SetActive(true); editorTabs[index].RefreshComponents(); helpText.gameObject.SetActive(false); openEditorIndex = index; selectedShip = editorTabs[index].vehicle; }
void AddShipSelector(VehicleClass _vehicle) { GameObject newSelector = Instantiate(shipSelectorPrefab, dockedShipsGroup.transform); ShipSelector selector = newSelector.GetComponent <ShipSelector>(); selector.Vehicle = _vehicle; selector.Shop = this; shipSelectors.Add(selector); }
public void AddVehicleToCarshop(Client sender, VehicleHash hash, VehicleClass vehicleClass, decimal cost, string type, string type2 = "Empty") { if (!sender.HasRank(ServerRank.AdministratorRozgrywki2)) { sender.SendWarning("Nie posiadasz uprawnień do tworzenia pojazdu w salonie."); return; } if (Vehicles.Any(v => v.Hash == hash)) { sender.SendError("Podany pojazd jest już dodany."); return; } MoneyValidator validator = new MoneyValidator(); if (!validator.IsValid(cost)) { sender.SendError("Wprowadzona kwota gotówki jest nieprawidłowa."); return; } CarshopType endType = CarshopType.Empty; CarshopType endType2 = CarshopType.Empty; var carshopTypes = ((CarshopType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(CarshopType))).ToList(); if (carshopTypes.All(carshopType => carshopType.GetDescription() != type && carshopType.GetDescription() != type2)) { sender.SendError("Wprowadzony typ salonu jest nieprawidłowy."); } foreach (CarshopType item in carshopTypes) { if (item.GetDescription() == type) { endType = item; } if (item.GetDescription() == type2) { endType2 = item; } } if (endType2 != CarshopType.Empty) { endType = endType | endType2; } CarshopVehicleModel vehicle = new CarshopVehicleModel(hash.ToString(), hash, vehicleClass, cost, endType) { CreatorForumName = sender.GetAccountEntity().DbModel.Name }; XmlHelper.AddXmlObject(vehicle, Path.Combine(Utils.XmlDirectory, "CarshopVehicles"), vehicle.Name); }
private async void Main() { List <VehicleClass> vehClassesWithoutCruiseControl = new List <VehicleClass> { VehicleClass.Cycles, VehicleClass.Motorcycles, VehicleClass.Planes, VehicleClass.Helicopters, VehicleClass.Boats, VehicleClass.Trains }; while (true) { await Delay(0); if (LocalVehicle == null) { continue; } _vehClass = LocalVehicle.ClassType; _cruiseSpeed = LocalVehicle.Speed; if (LocalVehicle.IsInWater || !LocalVehicle.IsEngineRunning || LocalVehicle.Driver != LocalPed || LocalPed.IsDead || LocalVehicle.IsInAir || LocalVehicle.HasCollided || LocalVehicle.SteeringScale >= 0.675f || LocalVehicle.SteeringScale <= -0.675f || IsKeyJustPressed(InputGroups.S, Controls.S) || _cruiseSpeed * 2.23694 + 0.5 < 20 || _cruiseSpeed * 2.23694 + 0.5 > 150 || vehClassesWithoutCruiseControl.IndexOf(_vehClass) != -1 || HasTireBurst(LocalVehicle, 0) || HasTireBurst(LocalVehicle, 1) || HasTireBurst(LocalVehicle, 2) || HasTireBurst(LocalVehicle, 3) || HasTireBurst(LocalVehicle, 4) || HasTireBurst(LocalVehicle, 5) || HasTireBurst(LocalVehicle, 45) || HasTireBurst(LocalVehicle, 47) || IsKeyJustPressed(InputGroups.HANDBRAKE, Controls.HANDBRAKE) || LocalVehicle.CurrentGear == 0) { _cruiseControl = false; continue; } if (API.IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, _toggleCruiseControlKey) || IsKeyJustPressed(InputGroups.CONTROLLER_DPAD_UP, Controls.CONRTOLLER_DPAD_UP) && IsKeyJustPressed(InputGroups.CONTROLLER_X, Controls.CONTROLLER_X)) { if (!_cruiseControl) { Debug.Write($"[TOASTYSCRUISECONTROL] - KEYBIND: { _toggleCruiseControlKey }."); SetSpeed(); _cruiseControl = true; } else { _cruiseControl = false; } } if (_cruiseControl && IsKeyPressed(InputGroups.W, Controls.W)) { _cruiseControl = false; AcceleratingToNewSpeed(); } } }
public static List <VehicleHash> GetVehsForVehicleClass(VehicleClass vehicleClass) { if (dict != null && dict.TryGetValue(vehicleClass, out List <VehicleHash> vehicleList)) { return(vehicleList); } CreateDictionary(); dict.TryGetValue(vehicleClass, out List <VehicleHash> vehList); return(vehList); }
public Car_O(int _carNum, string _brand, string _model, string _year, string _color, State _status, VehicleClass _class) { CarNum = _carNum; Brand = _brand; Model = _model; Year = _year; Color = _color; Status = _status; Class = _class; }
public void RefreshUI(VehicleClass vehicle) { shipName.text = vehicle.ShipName; UpdateParts(vehicle); UpdateWorkers(vehicle); RefreshInventoryUI(vehicle); }
public bool IsDocked(VehicleClass _vehicle) { foreach (VehicleClass _dockedShip in dockedShips) { if (_vehicle == _dockedShip) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public void CancelSelectedTargets() { foreach (Transform _vehicle in playerShips) { VehicleClass _vehicleClass = _vehicle.GetComponent <VehicleClass>(); if (_vehicleClass.Selected) { _vehicleClass.MovementScript.ClearPath(); } } }
public void EnableTrade(VehicleClass baseVehicle, VehicleClass[] tradingVehicles) { referenceVehicle = baseVehicle; vehiclesToTrade = tradingVehicles; tradeMenu.SetActive(true); disableTradeButton.SetActive(true); selfInvMenu.SetActive(true); PopulateDropdown(tradeOptionsDropdown, tradingVehicles); vehicleToTransfer = vehiclesToTrade[0]; RefreshTradeInventory(); RefreshTradeInventory(); }
public static VehicleHash GetRandomVehicleByClass(VehicleClass vClass) { VehicleHash[] hashes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(VehicleHash)) as VehicleHash[]; if (hashes != null) { hashes = (from h in hashes where VehicleExtended.GetModelClass(h) == vClass select h).ToArray(); return(hashes[Random.Next(hashes.Length)]); } return(GTA.Native.VehicleHash.ZType); }
public void cmd_V(Client player, string input) { string[] param = input.Split(null); if (param[0] == "lista") { Dictionary <int, int> vehicles = VehicleClass.ListPlayerVehicles(player); if (vehicles.Count > 0) { string json = API.toJson(vehicles); API.triggerClientEvent(player, "vehicle_select", json); } else { API.sendNotificationToPlayer(player, "Nie posiadasz żadnego pojazdu."); return; } } if (param[0] == "zamknij" || param[0] == "z") { NetHandle vehicle = VehicleClass.GetNearestVehicle(player.position, 5f); if (!VehicleClass.IsPlayerHasPermForVehicle(player, vehicle)) { API.sendNotificationToPlayer(player, "Nie jesteś właścicielem tego pojazdu."); return; } bool lk = !API.getVehicleLocked(vehicle); API.setVehicleLocked(vehicle, lk); API.sendNotificationToPlayer(player, (lk ? "Zamknąłeś" : "Otworzyłeś") + " pojazd!"); } if (param[0] == "zaparkuj") { if (!API.isPlayerInAnyVehicle(player)) { API.sendNotificationToPlayer(player, "Nie znajdujesz się w żadnym pojeździe."); return; } NetHandle vehicle = API.getPlayerVehicle(player); VehicleClass vc = API.getEntityData(vehicle, "data"); if (!VehicleClass.IsPlayerHasPermForVehicle(player, vehicle)) { API.sendNotificationToPlayer(player, "Nie jesteś właścicielem tego pojazdu."); return; } VehicleClass.ParkVehicle(vehicle); API.sendNotificationToPlayer(player, "Pomyślnie zaparkowano pojazd."); } }
public void CreateSelf(VehicleClass _vehicle) { shipName = _vehicle.ShipName; _vehicle.GetPart(out vehicleBase); _vehicle.GetPart(out cabin); _vehicle.GetPart(out drill); _vehicle.GetPart(out engine); _vehicle.GetPart(out wheels); _vehicle.GetPart(out upgrade); crew = new WorkerBase[4]; crew[0] = _vehicle.crew[0]; cost = _vehicle.cost; }
public void RefreshInventoryUI(VehicleClass vehicle) { invCapacityText.text = "Capacity Used: " + vehicle.Inventory.UsedCapacity.ToString("F2") + "/" + vehicle.Inventory.Capacity; invFuelText.text = "Fuel Remaining: " + vehicle.Inventory.GetFuelAmount(); invRationsText.text = "Rations Remaining: " + vehicle.Inventory.GetResourceAmount(ResourceId.Rations); if (vehicle.MovementScript.IsMining) { miningModeText.text = "Mining Mode (M): Active"; } else if (!vehicle.MovementScript.IsMining) { miningModeText.text = "Mining Mode (M): Disabled"; } }
/// <summary> /// Vehicle constructor with params for all Vehicle attributes /// </summary> /// /// <param name="vehicleRego"> vehicles registration number </param> /// <param name="make"> Make of the vehicles </param> /// <param name="model"> Model name </param> /// <param name="year">Year of the Make</param> /// <param name="vehicleClass"> Type of the vehicles </param> /// <param name="numSeats"> Total number of seats </param> /// <param name="transmissionType"> Automatic vs Manual </param> /// <param name="fuelType"> Diesel vs Petrol </param> /// <param name="GPS"> Yes or No </param> /// <param name="sunRoof">Yes or No </param> /// <param name="colour"> Colour of the vehicles </param> /// <param name="dailyRate"> Rental cost per day </param> public Vehicle(string vehicleRego, string make, string model, int year, VehicleClass vehicleClass, int numSeats, TransmissionType transmissionType, FuelType fuelType, bool GPS, bool sunRoof, string colour, double dailyRate) { // Setting the class variables to input param. values Vehicle_Class = vehicleClass; VehicleRego = vehicleRego; Make = make; Model = model; Year = year; NumSeats = numSeats; Transmission_Type = transmissionType; Fuel_Type = fuelType; this.GPS = GPS; SunRoof = sunRoof; DailyRate = dailyRate; Colour = colour; // Setting default values if (NumSeats.Equals(0)) { NumSeats = 1; } if (dailyRate.Equals(0)) { DailyRate = 50; } if (colour.Equals("")) { Colour = "Black"; } if (vehicleClass == Vehicle.VehicleClass.Commercial) { Fuel_Type = Vehicle.FuelType.Diesel; DailyRate = 130; } else if (vehicleClass == Vehicle.VehicleClass.Economy) { Transmission_Type = Vehicle.TransmissionType.Automatic; } else if (vehicleClass == Vehicle.VehicleClass.Family) { DailyRate = 80; } else { GPS = true; SunRoof = true; DailyRate = 120; } } // end Vehicle() constructor
/// <summary> /// </summary> static async void PeriodicCheck() { while (true) { if (Game.PlayerPed.IsInVehicle()) { if (!Function.Call <bool>(Hash.DECOR_EXIST_ON, Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Handle, "Vehicle.Fuel")) { // For very large random float numbers this method does not yield a uniform distribution // But for this magnitude it is perfectly fine float randomFuel = (float)(minRandomFuel + (maxRandomFuel - minRandomFuel) * (random.NextDouble())); Function.Call(Hash._DECOR_SET_FLOAT, Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Handle, "Vehicle.Fuel", randomFuel); } vehicleFuel = Function.Call <float>(Hash._DECOR_GET_FLOAT, Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Handle, "Vehicle.Fuel"); if (!Function.Call <bool>(Hash.DECOR_EXIST_ON, Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Handle, "Vehicle.FuelUsageMultiplier")) { fuelUsageMultiplier = startingMultiplier; //Log.ToChat($"{fuelUsageMultiplier:0.00000}"); VehicleClass VehicleClass = (VehicleClass)Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_CLASS, Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Handle); fuelUsageMultiplier *= (FuelConsumptionClassMultiplier.ContainsKey(VehicleClass) ? FuelConsumptionClassMultiplier[VehicleClass] : 1.0f); fuelUsageMultiplier *= FuelConsumptionModelMultiplier.ContainsKey((VehicleHash)(uint)Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Model.Hash) ? FuelConsumptionModelMultiplier[(VehicleHash)(uint)Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Model.Hash] : 1f; Function.Call(Hash._DECOR_SET_FLOAT, Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Handle, "Vehicle.FuelUsageMultiplier", fuelUsageMultiplier); } if (lastUpdate == -1) { lastUpdate = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_GAME_TIMER); } if (fuelUsageMultiplier < 0) { fuelUsageMultiplier = Function.Call <float>(Hash._DECOR_GET_FLOAT, Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Handle, "Vehicle.FuelUsageMultiplier"); } currentUpdate = Function.Call <int>(Hash.GET_GAME_TIMER); double deltaTime = (currentUpdate - lastUpdate) / 1000f; float vehicleSpeed = Math.Abs(Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Speed); vehicleFuel = Math.Max(0f, vehicleFuel - (float)(deltaTime * fuelUsageMultiplier * vehicleSpeed)); Function.Call(Hash._DECOR_SET_FLOAT, Game.PlayerPed.CurrentVehicle.Handle, "Vehicle.Fuel", vehicleFuel); lastUpdate = currentUpdate; } else { fuelUsageMultiplier = -1; //vehicleFuel = -1; lastUpdate = -1; } isNearFuelPump = ObjectList.Select(o => new Prop(o)).Where(o => FuelPumpModelHashes.Contains((ObjectHash)(uint)o.Model.Hash)).Any(o => o.Position.DistanceToSquared(Game.PlayerPed.Position) < Math.Pow(2 * FuelPumpRange, 2)); await BaseScript.Delay(500); } }
public void GoToShipEditor(VehicleClass _vehicle) { for (int i = 0; i < editorTabs.Count; i++) { if (editorTabs[i].vehicle == _vehicle) { selectedShip = _vehicle; GoToShipEditor(i); } else if (editorTabs[i].gameObject.activeSelf) { editorTabs[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
public static void addVehicleClass(VehicleClass vehicleClass) { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ClasesBase.Properties.Settings.Default.conexion); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO ClaseVehiculo(cv_descripcion) values(@descripcion)"; command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; command.Connection = connection; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@descripcion", vehicleClass.Description); connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); }
void UpdateWorkers(VehicleClass vehicle) { for (int cr = 0; cr < vehicle.Crew.Length; cr++) { if (vehicle.Crew[cr] != null && (equippedWorkerIcons[cr].icon != vehicle.Crew[cr].Portrait || !equippedWorkerIcons[cr].gameObject.activeSelf)) { equippedWorkerIcons[cr].icon.sprite = vehicle.Crew[cr].Portrait; equippedWorkerIcons[cr].gameObject.SetActive(true); } else if (vehicle.Crew[cr] == null && equippedWorkerIcons[cr].gameObject.activeSelf) { equippedWorkerIcons[cr].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
void UpdateParts(VehicleClass vehicle) { vehicle.GetPart(out PartCabin _cabin); vehicle.GetPart(out PartDrill _drill); vehicle.GetPart(out PartWheel _wheels); vehicle.GetPart(out PartEngine _engine); vehicle.GetPart(out PartUpgrade _upgrade); if (_cabin != null && !installedPartsIcons[1].gameObject.activeSelf) { installedPartsIcons[1].gameObject.SetActive(true); installedPartsIcons[1].icon.sprite = _cabin.Icon; } else if (_cabin == null && installedPartsIcons[1].gameObject.activeSelf) { installedPartsIcons[1].gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (_drill != null && !installedPartsIcons[0].gameObject.activeSelf) { installedPartsIcons[0].gameObject.SetActive(true); installedPartsIcons[0].icon.sprite = _drill.Icon; } else if (_drill == null && installedPartsIcons[0].gameObject.activeSelf) { installedPartsIcons[0].gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (_engine != null && !installedPartsIcons[2].gameObject.activeSelf) { installedPartsIcons[2].gameObject.SetActive(true); installedPartsIcons[2].icon.sprite = _engine.Icon; } else if (_engine == null && installedPartsIcons[2].gameObject.activeSelf) { installedPartsIcons[2].gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (_wheels != null && !installedPartsIcons[3].gameObject.activeSelf) { installedPartsIcons[3].gameObject.SetActive(true); installedPartsIcons[3].icon.sprite = _wheels.Icon; } else if (_wheels == null && installedPartsIcons[3].gameObject.activeSelf) { installedPartsIcons[3].gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
public static VehicleHash GetRandomVehicleByClass(VehicleClass vClass) { // ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type Database.\u003C\u003Ec__DisplayClass29_0 cDisplayClass290 = new Database.\u003C\u003Ec__DisplayClass29_0(); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field cDisplayClass290.vClass = vClass; VehicleHash[] values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(VehicleHash)) as VehicleHash[]; if (values == null) { return((VehicleHash) - 1216765807); } // ISSUE: method pointer VehicleHash[] array = ((IEnumerable <VehicleHash>)Enumerable.Where <VehicleHash>((IEnumerable <M0>)values, (Func <M0, bool>) new Func <VehicleHash, bool>((object)cDisplayClass290, __methodptr(\u003CGetRandomVehicleByClass\u003Eb__0)))).ToArray <VehicleHash>(); return((VehicleHash)(int)(uint)array[Database.Random.Next(array.Length)]); }
public VehicleInfo(int _tier, int _speed, VehicleClass _vClass) { this.tier = _tier; this.speed = _speed; this.vClass = _vClass; }
private string GetMasterData() { DBModels.BeeServiceEntities2 context = new DBModels.BeeServiceEntities2(); var vehicleTypes = context.VehicleTypes.Where((e) =>e.Status==0); List<MasterData> lstvehMasterData = new List<MasterData>(); foreach (var vehicleType in vehicleTypes) { MasterData vehMasterData = new MasterData(); vehMasterData.Type = vehicleType.TYPE; vehMasterData.ID = vehicleType.ID; //Adding vehicle classes var vehicleClasses = context.VehicleClasses.Where((e) => e.VehichleTypeID == vehicleType.ID && e.Status == 0); var classes = new List<VehicleClass>(); foreach (var vehicleClass in vehicleClasses) { var vClass = new VehicleClass() { ID = vehicleClass.ID, Name = vehicleClass.Class }; //Adding service types to master data var serviceTypes = context.ServiceTypes.Where((e) => e.VehicleClassID == vehicleClass.ID && e.Status == 0); var Types = new List<ServiceType>(); foreach (var serviceType in serviceTypes) { var sType = new ServiceType() { ID = serviceType.ID, Name = serviceType.ServiceType1, Duration = serviceType.Duration.Value, Cost = serviceType.Cost.Value }; //Adding vehicle Addons var serviceAddOns = context.AddOns.Where((e) => e.ServiceTypeID == sType.ID && e.Status == 0); var addOns = new List<ServiceAddon>(); foreach (var serviceAddOn in serviceAddOns) { addOns.Add(new ServiceAddon() { ID = serviceAddOn.ID, Name = serviceAddOn.AddOn1, Cost = serviceAddOn.Cost.Value, Duration = serviceAddOn.Duration.Value }); } sType.Addons = addOns; Types.Add(sType); } vClass.Services = Types; classes.Add(vClass); } vehMasterData.Classes = classes; lstvehMasterData.Add(vehMasterData); } JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }; string strMasterData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lstvehMasterData, settings); return strMasterData; }
public VehicleInfo() { this.tier = 0; this.speed = 0; this.vClass = VehicleClass.ERROR; }