Exemple #1
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        //if( other.name == "fingerPtr")
        //Debug.Log ("Object entered the trigger " + other.name);

        // send a message to cubeManager

        // distroy our selfs when colliding with boxes
Exemple #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (HomeSwitch.GetTouching())
            //get the name of the brick
            boxName = VectorsScr.getBoxName();                  // get the name from VectorsScr
            string[] digit = boxName.Split(',');                // split the name of the box by the ,
            int      boxIndex;
            Int32.TryParse(digit[1], out boxIndex);             // change the sting to an int

            //move that brick up to 1.5
            if (boxIndex >= 0 && boxIndex <= grid.myField.fieldSize)

            //then move the rest of the bricks around it up to 1

            // then move the bricks around the rest of the brick up to .5
        //once were no longer touching the screen cubeMan will take over again with normal movments