public void Spawn()                                                                  // method that instantiates targets on sphere
            int vertical = (int)(Mathf.PI / 2 / sphereSettings.Spacing);                     // determining how much targets we need on each meridian

            for (int i = 0; i <= vertical; i++)                                              // running through each meridians
                float r = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI / 2 - i * sphereSettings.Spacing);              // cos value that works as weight of circumference of each parallel form equator to pole
                                                                                             // because on equator you need biggest amount of targets and on pole - only one
                int horizontal = (int)(r * 2 * Mathf.PI / sphereSettings.Spacing);           // so we multiplying this weight by targets we need on each parallel to have weighted
                                                                                             // (evenly spread) amount of targets through all the sphere
                horizontal = horizontal == 0 ? 1 : horizontal;                               // for pole it need to be at least one

                for (int j = 0; j < horizontal; j++)                                         // running through parallels
                    VectorSphere sphericalPos = new VectorSphere(i * sphereSettings.Spacing, //determining position on the sphere with each target
                                                                 j * 2 * Mathf.PI / horizontal, sphereSettings.Radius);

                    var target = Instantiate(targetPrefab, transform);                      // instantiate

                    var targetComponent = target.GetComponent <Target>();
                    // setting speed opposite for neighbouring parallels
                    targetComponent.Init(sphereSettings, sphericalPos, sphereSettings.TargetsSpeed * Mathf.Pow(-1, i) / horizontal);

                    _targetsList.Add(targetComponent);                                            // adding to the list

            TargetsReady = true;
Exemple #2
        public void Init(GameSettings sphereSettings, VectorSphere spherePos, float speed)
            _sphereSettings = sphereSettings;
            _spherePos      = spherePos;
            _speed          = speed;

            // initialize position and look at center
            transform.localPosition = _spherePos.ToCartesian();