Exemple #1
    public MyPhysics Physics;        //Physics Component
    //Used to Initialise Bullet
    public void Init(BulletInit Initiate)
        //Get Components
        Physics        = GetComponent <MyPhysics>();        //Gets Physics component from object (Makes sure physics is up to date)
        Transformation = GetComponent <myTransformation>(); //Gets Transformation Component from object (Makes sure transformation is up to date)

        //Reset Timeout
        timeoutDestructor = 0;

        //Set Scale
        Transformation.Scale = new MyVector3(2, 2, 2);

        //Set Physical Mass
        Physics.Mass = Initiate.mass;

        //Set Rotation And Translation
        Transformation.Translation = Initiate.GunPosition;

        //Apply a force in the direction of the gun and times it by the firing speed
        Physics.Force += VectorMaths.EulerAnglesToDirection(new MyVector3(Initiate.GunRotation.x, -Initiate.GunRotation.y, 0)) * Initiate.FireSpeed;
        Physics.Bouncy = true;
        //Force Bullet to be alive
        Alive = true;
Exemple #2
    //used to zoom the camera into the sun to show off the AABB on the space ship
    //uses the custom LERP function to bring the camera between the start position and the sun

    void Update()
        GameObject   controller   = GameObject.Find("SpeedController");
        SpeedControl spController = controller.GetComponent <SpeedControl>();

        speedScalar = spController.Speed;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad1))
            PlanetSelect = GameObject.Find("Sun");

            IsFollowing  = true;
            returntobase = false;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad0))
            returntobase = true;

            IsFollowing = false;

        if (IsFollowing == true & returntobase == false)
            Vector3 temp   = PlanetSelect.transform.position;
            Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(temp.x, temp.y + 30, temp.z - 50);
            transform.position = VectorMaths.LERP(transform.position, newPos, Time.deltaTime);
        if (IsFollowing == false & returntobase == true)
            Vector3 temp1 = new Vector3(0, 200, -400);
            transform.position = VectorMaths.LERP(transform.position, temp1, Time.deltaTime);
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        VectorMaths script = (VectorMaths)target;

        Vector3 calculatedVector = script.CalculatedVec, StartPoint = Vector3.zero;

        script.UsingTransform = GUILayout.Toggle(script.UsingTransform, "Use Transforms");

        if (script.UsingTransform)
            script.PointA_Trans = (Transform)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Point A", script.PointA_Trans, typeof(Transform), true);
            script.PointB_Trans = (Transform)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Point B", script.PointB_Trans, typeof(Transform), true);

            if (!Application.isPlaying)
            script.PointA_Vec = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Point A", script.PointA_Vec);
            script.PointB_Vec = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Point B", script.PointB_Vec);

            if (!Application.isPlaying)

        GUILayout.Label("Vector is : " + calculatedVector);
        GUILayout.Label("Vector Length is: " + calculatedVector.magnitude);
Exemple #4
 public void Rotate(float degrees)
     for (int i = 0; i < lander.Length; i++)
         lander[i] = VectorMaths.Pivot(new Vector2f(), degrees, VectorMaths.GetDistance(center, lander[i]), i);
    public static bool Collide(BoundingCapsule capsule, BoundingCircle otherCircle)
        float CombinedRadius    = capsule.Radius + otherCircle.Radius;
        float DistanceFromFloat = Mathf.Sqrt(VectorMaths.SqDistanceFromFloat(capsule.A, capsule.B, otherCircle.CentrePoint));

        return(DistanceFromFloat <= CombinedRadius);
Exemple #6
    public static bool LineIntersection(AABB Box, Vector3 StartPoint, Vector3 EndPoint, out Vector3 IntersectionPoint)
        //Define initial lowest and highest values
        float Lowest  = 0.0f;
        float Highest = 1.0f;

        //Default Value for intersection point
        IntersectionPoint = Vector3.zero;

        //Intersection Checks on every axis
        if (!IntersectingAxis(Vector3.right, Box, StartPoint, EndPoint, ref Lowest, ref Highest))
        if (!IntersectingAxis(Vector3.up, Box, StartPoint, EndPoint, ref Lowest, ref Highest))
        if (!IntersectingAxis(Vector3.forward, Box, StartPoint, EndPoint, ref Lowest, ref Highest))

        //Calculate Intersection point using interpolation
        //Not the only method
        IntersectionPoint = VectorMaths.VectorLerp(StartPoint, EndPoint, Lowest);
Exemple #7
 //Physics actions
 public override void StateFixedActions()
     if (m_patrollingNodes.Count != 0)
         VectorMaths.RigidbodyXVelocity(m_rbCharacter, m_patrollingNodes[m_currentNode].transform.position - transform.position, m_forwardVelocity);
Exemple #8
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        switch (TransType)
        case 'P':
            gravityPosition.Position = gravityPos.actualposition;

        case 'M':
            gravityPosition.Position = gravityPosM.actualposition;

        ShipPos = shippy.Transform.Position;

        Vector3 Direction = ShipPos - gravityPosition.Position;

        float Magnitude = VectorMaths.VectorMagnitude(ShipPos);

        if (Magnitude != 0) //Prevent dividing by 0
            RealGravityForce = GravityForce * (Distance / Magnitude);
        shippy.Rig.force += Direction * RealGravityForce * Time.deltaTime; //Realistically this should only occur if the ship was within this range and if outside it would go the opposite direction
        //This doesn't matter in the content of this however.
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (firsttime == false)
            Transformation = GetComponent <myTransformation>();          //Gets the transformations
            Physics        = GetComponent <MyPhysics>();                 //Gets the physic Component
            Physics.Bouncy = true;                                       //Sets the objects to be dynamic
            Physics.Mass   = FindObjectOfType <Sniper>().Mass;           //sets mass to 1.01f
            Physics.Force  = new MyVector3(0, 0, 0);                     //Sets force to 0
            Physics.Force += VectorMaths.EulerAnglesToDirection(new MyVector3(Transformation.Rotation.x, -Transformation.Rotation.y, 0)) * FindObjectOfType <Sniper>().FireSpeed;
            ForceApplied   = Physics.Force;                              //Sets Force Applied to physics force
            firsttime      = true;                                       //Sets first time true

            Origin = Transformation.Translation;                         //Sets Origin to the position the object started at
        Transformation.Scale = new MyVector3(20, 20, 20);                //Sets the scale of the object
        Transformation       = GetComponent <myTransformation>();        //Gets transformation component
        Physics     = GetComponent <MyPhysics>();                        //Gets the physic component
        DeltaTimer += Time.deltaTime;                                    //Increase Delta Timer by delta time
        float Distance = (Origin - Transformation.Translation).Length(); //Distance from Origin to Object as length

        if (DeltaTimer > 60)
            Destroy(this.gameObject); //Destroy the game object
            Destroy(this);            //Destroy this component
        if (Distance > 15000)
            Destroy(this.gameObject); //Destroy the game object
            Destroy(this);            //Destroy this component
    public static bool LineIntersection(myAABB box, Vector3 StartPoint, Vector3 EndPoint, out Vector3 IntersectionPoint)
        //define initial lowest and highest
        float Lowest  = 0.0f;
        float Highest = 1.0f;

        //default value for intersection point is needed
        IntersectionPoint = Vector3.zero;

        //we do an intersection check on every axis by resuing the IntersectingAxis function
        if (!IntersectingAxis(Vector3.right, box, StartPoint, EndPoint, ref Lowest, ref Highest))
        if (!IntersectingAxis(Vector3.up, box, StartPoint, EndPoint, ref Lowest, ref Highest))
        if (!IntersectingAxis(Vector3.forward, box, StartPoint, EndPoint, ref Lowest, ref Highest))
        //caulculate intersection point through interpolation
        IntersectionPoint = VectorMaths.LERP(StartPoint, EndPoint, Lowest);
Exemple #11
    //overridden operator for multiplying two quaternions
    public static Quat operator *(Quat R, Quat S)
        Quat RS = new Quat(0, Vector3.zero);

        RS.w = S.w * R.w - VectorMaths.DotProduct(S.GetAxis(), R.GetAxis());
        RS.SetAxis(S.w * R.GetAxis() + R.w * S.GetAxis() + VectorMaths.CrossProduct(R.GetAxis(), S.GetAxis()));
Exemple #12
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector2 V = VectorMaths.SubtractVectors(Obj1, Obj2);

        MyDistance      = Length(V);
        UnitiesDistance = V.magnitude;
Exemple #13
    //A Segement start, B Segement end, C Other Point
    public static float SqDistanceFromPointToSegment(Vector3 A, Vector3 B, Vector3 C)
        Vector3 AC = (C - A);
        Vector3 AB = (B - A);
        float   squaredDistance = VectorMaths.LengthSq(AC) - (VectorMaths.DotProduct(AC, AB, false) * (VectorMaths.DotProduct(AC, AB, false)) / VectorMaths.LengthSq(AB));

Exemple #14
 public float Bolttimer;                                    //Timer for bolt
 void Start()
     FireSpeed        = 100;                                                            //Set firing speed to 100
     Mass             = 20;                                                             //Set mass to 20
     ForwardDirection = VectorMaths.EulerAnglesToDirection(new MyVector2(0, 0));        //Convert pitch and yaw into a direction
     RightDirection   = VectorMaths.VectorCrossProduct(MyVector3.up, ForwardDirection); //Get cross product of up and forward direction
     RightDirection   = VectorMaths.VectorNormalized(RightDirection);                   //Normalise Right direction so if the player looks directly up they can still move left and right
     MassSlider.value = 1.01F;                                                          //Set mass to be 1.01
    private static float distanceChecker(Vector3 spherePosition, Vector3 halfOfBoundary, Transform boundaries)
    {   //calcuation for distance
        Vector3 distanceDifference = VectorMaths.vectorSubtraction3D(spherePosition, boundaries.position);
        float   rightResult        = Mathf.Pow(sqDistToBoundarie(distanceDifference, boundaries.right, halfOfBoundary.x), 2);
        float   upResult           = Mathf.Pow(sqDistToBoundarie(distanceDifference, boundaries.up, halfOfBoundary.y), 2);
        float   leftResult         = Mathf.Pow(sqDistToBoundarie(distanceDifference, boundaries.forward, halfOfBoundary.z), 2);

        return(Mathf.Sqrt(rightResult + upResult + leftResult));
    //Physics actions
    public override void StateFixedActions()
        VectorMaths.RigidbodyXVelocity(m_rbCharacter, transform.position - m_target.transform.position, m_forwardVelocity);

        if (m_rbCharacter.velocity.x > 0)
            m_enemyBase.m_characterModel.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        else if (m_rbCharacter.velocity.x < 0)
            m_enemyBase.m_characterModel.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 180.0f, 0.0f);
    void FixedUpdate()
        ExplosionStrength = FindObjectOfType <ExplosionStrengthText>().slider.value;         //Set Strength to be slider value
        ExplosionRadius   = FindObjectOfType <ExplosionRadiusText>().slider.value;           //Set radius to be slider value
        ExplosionBounds = new BoundingCircle(Transformation.Translation, ExplosionRadius);   //Set bounds of explosion
        Transformation  = GetComponent <myTransformation>();                                 //Get Transformation component of object
        BoundingCircle Bounds = new BoundingCircle(new MyVector3(0, 0, 0), ExplosionRadius); //Bounds Of explosion

        Bounds             = ExplosionBounds as BoundingCircle;                              //Set bounds to be xplosion bounds
        Bounds.CentrePoint = Transformation.Translation;                                     //Make sure centre point is position of expplosion

        Object = FindObjectsOfType <MyPhysics>();                                            //Find all physic objects
        for (int i = 0; i < Object.Length; i++)
            if (Bounds.Intersects(Object[i].Transformation.BoundObject))
                float Radius = float.MinValue; //Set radius to be minium value
                if (Object[i].Transformation.BoundObject is AABB)
                    AABB Box1 = Object[i].Transformation.BoundObject as AABB; //Get the object collision box

                    if (Box1.MaxExtent.x > Radius)
                        Radius = Box1.MaxExtent.x; //Set radius to be max extent x
                    if (Box1.MaxExtent.y > Radius)
                        Radius = Box1.MaxExtent.y; //Set radius to be max extent y
                    if (Box1.MaxExtent.z > Radius)
                        Radius = Box1.MaxExtent.z; //Set radius to be max extent z
                if (Object[i].Transformation.BoundObject is BoundingCircle)
                    BoundingCircle Sphere1 = Object[i].Transformation.BoundObject as BoundingCircle; //Get the object bounding sphere
                    Radius = Sphere1.Radius;                                                         //Set radius to be object radius

                ExplosionForce   = VectorMaths.VectorNormalized(Object[i].Transformation.Translation - Transformation.Translation) * ExplosionStrength; //Set force of explosion to be normalised of object postion - explosion position
                Object[i].Force += ExplosionForce;                                                                                                      //Increase object force by explosion force
                CentreOfMass     = Transformation.Translation;                                                                                          //SEt centre of mass to explosion point

                Distance   = Object[i].Transformation.Translation - Transformation.Translation;                                                         //Distance from object to explosion
                Normalised = VectorMaths.VectorNormalized(Distance);                                                                                    //Normalised Distance

                ImpactPoint       = Normalised * Radius;                                                        //Set impact point to be normalised * radius
                ExplosionTorque   = VectorMaths.VectorCrossProduct(ExplosionForce, CentreOfMass - ImpactPoint); //Toorque os the cross product of explosion force and centre of mass - impact point
                Object[i].torque += ExplosionTorque;                                                            //Torque is increaess by explosion torque
Exemple #18
    public static Quat ConvertToRad(Quat lhs)
        Quat RET = new Quat();

        RET.x = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(lhs.x);
        RET.y = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(lhs.y);
        RET.z = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(lhs.z);
        RET.w = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(lhs.z);
        return(RET); //Create RET
    public bool Intersects(BoundingSphere otherCircle)
        //Square the sum of both radii
        float CombinedRadiusSq = (Radius + otherCircle.Radius) * (Radius + otherCircle.Radius);

        //Check if square distance is less than square radius, return result.
        //True means both objects have intersected
        // return false;
        return(VectorMaths.SqDistanceFromPointToSegment(A, B, otherCircle.CentrePoint3D) <= CombinedRadiusSq);
Exemple #20
        public Vector128 <float> Normalize_Nested()
            JohnVector x = _value;

            for (var i = 0; i < _iter; i++)
                x = VectorMaths.Normalize3D(x);

Exemple #21
    public bool Intersects(BoundingSphere Comparison) //d2 <= (r1 + r2)2 Check if two objects are colliding

        //Create a vector to represent the direction and length in comparison to the other circle
        Vector3 VectorToOther = Comparison.CentrePoint3D - CentrePoint3D;

        //Calculate the combined radio squared;
        float combinedRadiusSqrt = (Comparison.Radius + Radius);

        combinedRadiusSqrt *= combinedRadiusSqrt;

        return(VectorMaths.LengthSq(VectorToOther) <= combinedRadiusSqrt);
    private static float sqDistToBoundarie(Vector3 spherePosition, Vector3 boundariesLine, float tempHalfOfBoundary)
        float excess = 0.0f; //calculates the boundaires Square distance

        if (VectorMaths.dotProduct3D(spherePosition, boundariesLine) < -tempHalfOfBoundary)
            excess = VectorMaths.dotProduct3D(spherePosition, boundariesLine) + tempHalfOfBoundary;
        else if (VectorMaths.dotProduct3D(spherePosition, boundariesLine) > tempHalfOfBoundary)
            excess = VectorMaths.dotProduct3D(spherePosition, boundariesLine) - tempHalfOfBoundary;
    public MyVector3 GetMomentumAtPoint(MyVector3 point)
        MyVector3 momentum = new MyVector3(); //Create momentum

        if (AngularVelocity.Length() > 0)
            MyVector3 pointVelocity = Velocity + VectorMaths.VectorCrossProduct(AngularVelocity, Transformation.Translation - point); //Set point velocity to be velocity + the cross product of the angular velocity and translation - point
            momentum = Mass * pointVelocity;                                                                                          //Set momentum to be mass * point velocity
            momentum = Mass * Velocity; //set momentum to be mass * velcity
        return(momentum);               //Return momentum
    private void Update()
        frictionVector     = velocity * friction;
        spherePosition    += velocity = velocity -= frictionVector; //calculate the friction with the velocity to slow down the ball
        transform.position = spherePosition;

        foreach (Transform boundaires in allBoundaires)
            //check though all the boudaries and see which one collides
            if (CollisionForBoundaries.collisionChecker(spherePosition, 1.0f, boundaires, boundaires.localScale / 2))
                velocity = VectorMaths.vectorReflectionAxisNotAligned(velocity, boundaires);                                                                                                         /*set the velocity once reflexted*/
    public Quat GetRotation()
        //Convert Rotation to radians
        MyVector3 RotationInRadians = new MyVector3();         //Creates Rotation in radians

        RotationInRadians.x = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(Rotation.x); //Converts Rotation x to Radians
        RotationInRadians.y = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(Rotation.y); //Converts Rotation y to Radians
        RotationInRadians.z = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(Rotation.z); //Converts Rotation z to Radians

        //Convert Rotation to Quat
        Quat RET = Quat.EulerToQuat(RotationInRadians);

        //Return rotation
        return(RET); //Create RET
Exemple #26
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        MyPhysics physics = GetComponent <MyPhysics>(); //Get and store the physics component

        timer += Time.deltaTime;                        //Add delta time to timer
        if (timer >= 3)
            if (physics.Collided == true)
                Alive = false; //Set Alive to falsez

        Transformation = GetComponent <myTransformation>(); //Get the object transformation and store it

        if (MyVector3.Length(Target - Transformation.Translation) < 5)
            Transformation.Translation = Target; //Set translation to be target
            if (MyVector3.Length(Target - Transformation.Translation) > 5)
                Transformation.Translation = Target; //Set translation to be target
            if (MyVector3.Length(Target - Transformation.Translation) > 50)
                Speed = 5; //Speed set to 5
            if (MyVector3.Length(Target - Transformation.Translation) > 500)
                Speed = 10; //Speed set to 10
            if (MyVector3.Length(Target - Transformation.Translation) > 5000)
                Speed = 50; //Speed set to 50
            if (MyVector3.Length(Target - Transformation.Translation) > 50000)
                Speed = 100;                                             //Speed set to 100
            MyVector3 Direction = (Target - Transformation.Translation); //Direction = Target - Transllation
            Direction = VectorMaths.VectorNormalized(Direction);         //Direction is equal to direction normalised
            MyVector3 Velocity = Direction * Speed;                      //Velocity = direction * speed
            Transformation.Translation += Velocity;                      //Add Velocity to current translation
Exemple #27
    public Vector3 GetMomentumAtPoint(Vector3 point)
        Vector3 MomentumLocal;

        //If there is any angular velocity //Use your owN?
        if (AngularVelocity.magnitude > 0)
        {                                                                                       //Assume Position is centre of mass
            Vector3 pointVelocity = velocity + VectorMaths.VectorCrossProduct(AngularVelocity, MotherObject.Position - point);

            MomentumLocal = mass * pointVelocity;
        else //Just calculate momentum using normal velocity
            MomentumLocal = mass * velocity;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector3[] TransformedVertices = new Vector3[ModelSpaceVertices.Length];
        angle    += Time.deltaTime * 1;
        Rotation *= new Quat(EulerMaths.DegtoRag(RotationSpeed), VectorMaths.VectorNormalised(new Vector3(0, 1, 0)));
        for (int i = 0; i < TransformedVertices.Length; i++)
            Quat    p      = new Quat(ModelSpaceVertices[i]);
            Quat    newp   = ((Rotation * p) * Rotation.Inverse());
            Vector3 newpos = newp.GetAxisAngle();
            TransformedVertices[i] = newpos;
        MeshFilter MF = GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

        MF.mesh.vertices = TransformedVertices;
Exemple #29
    void RotatePlanet() //Same concept just x it by all the vertices e.t.c
        Vector3[] TransformedVertices = new Vector3[ModelSpaceVertices.Length];
        angle += Time.deltaTime * 50;
        Quat Rotation = new Quat(VectorMaths.DegToRad(angle), VectorMaths.VectorNormalize(new Vector3(1, 1, 1)));

        for (int i = 0; i < TransformedVertices.Length; i++)
            Quat    p      = new Quat(ModelSpaceVertices[i]);
            Quat    newp   = ((Rotation * p) * Rotation.Inverse());
            Vector3 newpos = newp.GetAxisAngle();
            TransformedVertices[i] = newpos;
        // TransformedVertices[0].x = -300;
        MeshFilter MF = GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

        MF.mesh.vertices = TransformedVertices;
    //rotates the vertices of the planet model using the custom-made quaternions
    void Rotate()
        Vector3[] TransformedVertices = new Vector3[ModelSpaceVertices.Length];
        rotAngle += Time.deltaTime * rotSpeed * speedScalar;
        Quat Rotation = new Quat(VectorMaths.DegToRad(rotAngle), VectorMaths.VectorNormalize(new Vector3(1, 1, 1)));

        for (int i = 0; i < TransformedVertices.Length; i++)
            Quat    p      = new Quat(ModelSpaceVertices[i]);
            Quat    newp   = ((Rotation * p) * Rotation.Inverse());
            Vector3 newpos = newp.GetAxisAngle();
            TransformedVertices[i] = newpos;
        // TransformedVertices[0].x = -300;
        MeshFilter MF = GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

        MF.mesh.vertices = TransformedVertices;