private void InitializeMap()
            // Create a Map control.
            MapControl map = new MapControl()
                Dock             = DockStyle.Fill,
                CoordinateSystem = new CartesianMapCoordinateSystem(),
                CenterPoint      = new CartesianPoint(-100, -50),
                MaxZoomLevel     = 3,
                MinZoomLevel     = 1


            #region #CreateLayer
            // Create a vector layer and add it to the map.
            VectorItemsLayer hotelLayer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                Data      = CreateData(),
                Colorizer = CreateColorizer()
            #endregion #CreateLayer

            #region #AddLegend
            // Add a legend to the map.
            map.Legends.Add(new ColorListLegend()
                Header = "Room Type",
                Layer  = hotelLayer
            #endregion #AddLegend
Exemple #2
        void InitializeMap()
            // Create a map control and add it to the form.
            MapControl map = new MapControl()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill


            // Create a layer to display vector data.
            VectorItemsLayer itemsLayer = new VectorItemsLayer();


            // Generate a data storage for the layer.
            itemsLayer.Data = CreateData();

            // Create a colorizer for the layer.
            itemsLayer.Colorizer = CreateColorizer();

            // Create a legend for the layer.

            // Specify tooltips for the map.
            map.ToolTipController = new ToolTipController()
                AllowHtmlText = true
        public SCMap AddLayerVectorFile(string vectorFile, LayerVectorFileOptions options = null)
            options ??= new LayerVectorFileOptions();

            var map = Map;

            var layer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                AllowEditItems     = false,
                EnableHighlighting = false,
                EnableSelection    = false

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Name))
                layer.Name = options.Name;

            vectorFile = Project.Current.MapPath(vectorFile);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vectorFile) || !File.Exists(vectorFile))
                throw new Exception($"Cannot find file: {vectorFile}");

            var fileType = options.FileType ?? VectorFileType.Auto;

            if (fileType == VectorFileType.Auto)
                var ext = Path.GetExtension(vectorFile);
                fileType = ext?.ToLower() switch
                    ".kml" => VectorFileType.KML,
                    ".shp" => VectorFileType.SHP,
                    ".svg" => VectorFileType.SVG,
                    _ => throw new Exception("Cannot determine file type. Set property FileType to KML, SHP or SVG.")
            var data = fileType switch
                VectorFileType.KML => (FileDataAdapterBase) new KmlFileDataAdapter(),
                VectorFileType.SHP => (FileDataAdapterBase) new ShapefileDataAdapter(),
                VectorFileType.SVG => (FileDataAdapterBase) new SvgFileDataAdapter(),
                _ => throw new Exception("Cannot determine file type. Set property FileType to KML, SHP or SVG."),

            data.FileUri = new Uri($"file://{vectorFile}");

            if (map.CoordinateSystem != null && map.CoordinateSystem is CartesianMapCoordinateSystem)
                data.SourceCoordinateSystem = new CartesianSourceCoordinateSystem();

            layer.Data = data;

            CurrentLayer = layer;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a map control with initial settings and add it to the form.
            MapControl map = new MapControl()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, ZoomLevel = 4, CenterPoint = new GeoPoint(43, 15)


            // Create a layer to load image tiles from OpenStreetMap.
            ImageLayer tileLayer = new ImageLayer();

            tileLayer.DataProvider = new BingMapDataProvider();

            // Create a layer to display vector items.
            VectorItemsLayer itemsLayer = new VectorItemsLayer();


            // Create a storage for map items and generate them.
            MapItemStorage storage = new MapItemStorage();

            MapItem[] capitals = GetCapitals();
            itemsLayer.Data = storage;
        private void InitializeMap()
            // Create a map and add it to the form.
            MapControl map = new MapControl()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill


            // Create an adapter to load data from shapefile.
            Uri baseUri = new Uri(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
            ShapefileDataAdapter adapter = new ShapefileDataAdapter()
                FileUri = new Uri(baseUri, filename)

            // Create a vector items layer and it to the map.
            VectorItemsLayer vectorLayer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                Data = adapter

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a map control, set its dock style and add it to the form.
            MapControl map = new MapControl();

            map.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            // Create a vector items layer and add it to the map.
            VectorItemsLayer itemsLayer = new VectorItemsLayer();


            MapItemStorage storage = new MapItemStorage();

            itemsLayer.Data = storage;
            // Generate map polygons.

            // Specify the tooltip content.
            itemsLayer.ToolTipPattern = "{" + powerAttrName + "}";

            // Create a custom colorizer.
            itemsLayer.Colorizer = new CustomColorizer();
Exemple #7
        private void InitializeMap()
            // Create a map control with initial settings and add it to the form.
            MapControl map = new MapControl()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill


            // Create a vector items layer.
            VectorItemsLayer itemsLayer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                Colorizer = CreateColorizer(),
                Data      = CreateData()


            // Create a legend.
            map.Legends.Add(new ColorListLegend()
                Layer = itemsLayer
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a map control with initial settings and add it to the form.
            MapControl map = new MapControl()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill


            // Create a layer to load image tiles from OpenStreetMap.
            ImageTilesLayer tileLayer = new ImageTilesLayer();

            tileLayer.DataProvider = new OpenStreetMapDataProvider();

            // Create a vector items layer.
            VectorItemsLayer itemsLayer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                Data      = CreateData(),
                Colorizer = CreateColorizer()


            // Create a legend.
            map.Legends.Add(new ColorListLegend()
                Layer = itemsLayer
        protected override void UpdateMap()
            if (WKT == null || WKT.Length <= 0)

            var map = MapContext.Map;

            var layer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                AllowEditItems     = false,
                EnableHighlighting = false,
                EnableSelection    = false

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name))
                layer.Name = Name;

            var storage = new SqlGeometryItemStorage();
            int counter = 1;

            foreach (var wkt in WKT)
                storage.Items.Add(SqlGeometryItem.FromWkt(wkt, counter++));

            layer.Data = storage;


            MapContext.CurrentLayer = layer;
Exemple #10
        LayerBase CreateVectorLayer(object data)
            ListSourceDataAdapter adapter = new ListSourceDataAdapter()
                DataSource         = data,
                DefaultMapItemType = MapItemType.Custom

            adapter.Mappings.Latitude  = "Latitude";
            adapter.Mappings.Longitude = "Longitude";

            adapter.AttributeMappings.Add(new MapItemAttributeMapping()
                Name = "Name", Member = "Name"
            adapter.AttributeMappings.Add(new MapItemAttributeMapping()
                Name = "Year", Member = "Year"
            adapter.AttributeMappings.Add(new MapItemAttributeMapping()
                Name = "Description", Member = "Description"

            VectorItemsLayer layer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                Data               = adapter,
                ItemImageIndex     = 0,
                EnableSelection    = false,
                EnableHighlighting = false,
                ToolTipPattern     = "<b>{Name} ({Year})</b>\n{Description}"

Exemple #11
        private void InitMap()
            VectorItemsLayer     vlayer = (VectorItemsLayer)this.mapControl1.Layers["ShapefileLayer"];
            ShapefileDataAdapter data   = new ShapefileDataAdapter();

            data.FileUri = new Uri(string.Format("file:///{0}/Countries.shp", Environment.CurrentDirectory));
            vlayer.Data  = data;
Exemple #12
        private void AddPushpin(GeoPoint geoPoint)
            MapPushpin pin = new MapPushpin();

            pin.Location = geoPoint;

            VectorItemsLayer layer = (VectorItemsLayer)[2];

        void LoadMapShape(string shapeFile, VectorItemsLayer vectorLayer, List <MapItem> mapItems, ShapefileDataAdapter shapeAdapter)
            string shapeDfb = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(shapeFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(shapeFile) + ".dbf");

            using (FileStream fsShp = new FileStream(shapeFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) {
                using (FileStream fsDb = new FileStream(shapeDfb, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) {
                    shapeAdapter.LoadFromStream(fsShp, fsDb);
Exemple #14
        private void InitMapControl()
            VectorItemsLayer itemsLayer = new VectorItemsLayer();
            MapItemStorage   storage    = new MapItemStorage();
            List <MapItem>   stations   = Getstations();

            itemsLayer.Data = storage;
Exemple #15
        private LayerBase CreateLayer(int distanceRadius, int minZoom, int maxZoom)
            VectorItemsLayer layer = new VectorItemsLayer();

            layer.Name             = "Layer" + distanceRadius;
            layer.MinZoomLevel     = minZoom;
            layer.MaxZoomLevel     = maxZoom;
            layer.Data             = CreateMapItemStorage(distanceRadius);
            layer.ViewportChanged += layer_ViewportChanged;
Exemple #16
        public SCMap AddLayerSql(string connectionName, string query, LayerSqlOptions options = null)
            options ??= new LayerSqlOptions();

            var map = this.Map;

            var layer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                AllowEditItems     = false,
                EnableHighlighting = false,
                EnableSelection    = false

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Name))
                layer.Name = options.Name;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ShapeTitlesPattern))
                layer.ShapeTitlesPattern    = options.ShapeTitlesPattern;
                layer.ShapeTitlesVisibility = VisibilityMode.Visible;
                layer.ShapeTitlesVisibility = VisibilityMode.Hidden;

            var connections = DBConnections.LoadConnections();
            var connection  = connections.FindConnection(connectionName);

            if (connection == null)
                throw new Exception($"Cannot find connection '{connectionName}'.");
            if (!ConnectionFactory.IsMSSQLServer(connection.Provider))
                throw new Exception("DBMS must be Microsoft SQL Server.");

            var adapter = new SqlGeometryDataAdapter
                ConnectionString  = connection.ConnectionString,
                SqlText           = query,
                SpatialDataMember = options.SpatialColumn

            layer.Data = adapter;

            CurrentLayer = layer;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            cbData.DataSource = mapData;

            VectorItemsLayer layer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                Data = adapter

            layer.ItemStyle.Fill = Color.FromArgb(40, 255, 128, 0);
            layer.DataLoaded    += layer_DataLoaded;
        void CreatePushPin(Point hitPoint)
            VectorItemsLayer layer = (VectorItemsLayer)map.Layers[1];
            GeoPoint         pos   = layer.ScreenToGeoPoint(hitPoint);
            int    number          = layer.Items.Count + 1;
            string txt             = number.ToString();
            string positionStr     = string.Format("#{0} ({1:n2}, {2:n2})", number, pos.Latitude, pos.Longitude);

            layer.Items.Add(new MapPushpin()
                Text = txt, Location = pos, ToolTipPattern = positionStr
Exemple #19
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            mapControl.CenterPoint = new GeoPoint(37.54164, 126.84035);
            mapControl.ZoomLevel   = 13;
            VectorItemsLayer itemsLayer = new VectorItemsLayer();

            MapItemStorage storage  = new MapItemStorage();
            List <MapItem> capitals = GetCapitals();

            itemsLayer.Data = storage;
Exemple #20
        protected override void UpdateMap()
            var map = MapContext.Map;

            var layer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                AllowEditItems     = false,
                EnableHighlighting = false,
                EnableSelection    = false

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name))
                layer.Name = Name;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShapeTitlesPattern))
                layer.ShapeTitlesPattern    = ShapeTitlesPattern;
                layer.ShapeTitlesVisibility = VisibilityMode.Visible;
                layer.ShapeTitlesVisibility = VisibilityMode.Hidden;

            var connections = DBConnections.LoadConnections();
            var connection  = connections.FindConnection(ConnectionName);

            if (connection == null)
                throw new Exception($"Cannot find connection '{ConnectionName}'.");
            if (!ConnectionFactory.IsMSSQLServer(connection.Provider))
                throw new Exception("DBMS must be Microsoft SQL Server.");

            var adapter = new SqlGeometryDataAdapter
                ConnectionString  = connection.ConnectionString,
                SqlText           = Query,
                SpatialDataMember = SpatialColumn

            layer.Data = adapter;


            MapContext.CurrentLayer = layer;
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Uri baseUri = new Uri(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);

            #region #AutomaticallyLoaded
            data.Add(new MapData()
                Name    = "Automatically loaded coordinate system",
                FileUri = new Uri(baseUri, "../../Shapefiles/Albers/switzerland.shp")
            #endregion #AutomaticallyLoaded
            #region #LoadPrjFile
            data.Add(new MapData()
                Name             = "LoadPrjFile( ) calling loaded coordinate system",
                FileUri          = new Uri(baseUri, "../../Shapefiles/Lambert/Belize.shp"),
                CoordinateSystem = ShapefileDataAdapter.LoadPrjFile(new Uri(
            #endregion #LoadPrjFile
            #region #ManuallyCreated
            data.Add(new MapData()
                Name             = "Manually created coordinate system",
                FileUri          = new Uri(baseUri, "../../Shapefiles/TransverseMercator/israel.shp"),
                CoordinateSystem = new CartesianSourceCoordinateSystem()
                    CoordinateConverter = new UTMCartesianToGeoConverter()
                        Hemisphere = Hemisphere.Northern,
                        UtmZone    = 36
            #endregion #ManuallyCreated

            cbCoordinateSystem.DataSource    = data;
            cbCoordinateSystem.DisplayMember = "Name";

            VectorItemsLayer layer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                Data = adapter
            layer.ItemStyle.Fill = Color.FromArgb(60, 255, 128, 0);
            layer.DataLoaded    += layer_DataLoaded;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a layer to show vector items.
            VectorItemsLayer itemsLayer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                Data      = CreateData(),
                Colorizer = CreateColorizer()


            // Show a color legend.
            mapControl1.Legends.Add(new ColorListLegend()
                Layer = itemsLayer
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SqlGeometryItemStorage storage = new SqlGeometryItemStorage();

            storage.Items.Add(SqlGeometryItem.FromWkt("POINT(-0.1275 51.507222 0 10)", 0));
            storage.Items.Add(SqlGeometryItem.FromWkt("POINT(12.5 41.9 0 10)", 1));
            storage.Items.Add(SqlGeometryItem.FromWkt("POINT(2.3508 48.8567 0 10)", 2));
            storage.Items.Add(SqlGeometryItem.FromWkt("POINT(13.38 52.52 0 10)", 3));
            storage.Items.Add(SqlGeometryItem.FromWkt("POINT(-3.68 40.4 0 10)", 4));

            VectorItemsLayer layer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                Data = storage

            layer.DataLoaded += layer_DataLoaded;
Exemple #24
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            SqlGeometryDataAdapter adapter = new SqlGeometryDataAdapter()
                ConnectionString  = connectionString,
                SqlText           = "SELECT TOP 1000 [id], [GeomCol1],[TextCol] FROM [dbo].[DemoTable]",
                SpatialDataMember = "GeomCol1"
            VectorItemsLayer layer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                Data = adapter,
                ShapeTitlesPattern = "{TextCol}"

            layer.DataLoaded += layer_DataLoaded;
            mapControl1.MapEditor.ShowEditorPanel = true;
            mapControl1.MapEditor.MapItemEdited  += MapEditor_MapItemEdited;
Exemple #25
        public ucChoroplethMapItem()
            VectorItemsLayer baseLayer = new VectorItemsLayer();
            var dataAdapter            = CreateShapefileDataAdapter();

            baseLayer.Data = dataAdapter;
            baseLayer.EnableHighlighting            = false;
            baseLayer.SelectedItemStyle.StrokeWidth = 0;
            VectorItemsLayer fileLayer = new VectorItemsLayer();

            dataAdapter              = CreateShapefileDataAdapter();
            dataAdapter.ItemsLoaded += OnFileLoaded;
            fileLayer.Data           = dataAdapter;
            fileLayer.Colorizer      = CreateGDPColorizer();
            fileLayer.ToolTipPattern = "{NAME}";
Exemple #26
        private void PrepareMap()
            // Create a map control.
            map = new MapControl();

            // Specify the map position on the form.
            map.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            // Add the map control to the window.

            // Bring the map to the front.

            // Create an image tiles layer and add it to the map.
            ImageLayer tilesLayer = new ImageLayer();


            // Create an information layer and add it to the map.
            InformationLayer infoLayer = new InformationLayer();


            VectorItemsLayer items = new VectorItemsLayer();

            items.Data = new MapItemStorage();

            // Create a Bing data provider and specify the Bing key.
            BingMapDataProvider bingProvider = new BingMapDataProvider();

            tilesLayer.DataProvider = bingProvider;
            bingProvider.BingKey    = yourBingKey;

            // Create a Bing search data provider and specify the Bing key.
            searchProvider                    = new BingSearchDataProvider();
            infoLayer.DataProvider            = searchProvider;
            searchProvider.GenerateLayerItems = false;
            searchProvider.BingKey            = yourBingKey;
            map.ShowSearchPanel               = false;
Exemple #27
        void layer_ViewportChanged(object sender, ViewportChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.IsAnimated)
            VectorItemsLayer layer = (VectorItemsLayer)sender;
            double           minX  = Math.Min(e.TopLeft.GetX(), e.BottomRight.GetX());
            double           maxX  = Math.Max(e.TopLeft.GetX(), e.BottomRight.GetX());
            double           minY  = Math.Min(e.TopLeft.GetY(), e.BottomRight.GetY());
            double           maxY  = Math.Max(e.TopLeft.GetY(), e.BottomRight.GetY());

            foreach (PhotoMapItem item in ((MapItemStorage)layer.Data).Items)
                double lattitude = item.Location.GetY();
                double longitude = item.Location.GetX();
                bool   isVisible = lattitude > minY && lattitude <maxY && longitude> minX && longitude < maxX;
                item.Files.ForEach((file) => { file.VisibleOnMap = isVisible; });
Exemple #28
        private void InitializeMap()
            // Create a Map control and add it to the form.
            MapControl map = new MapControl()
                Dock      = DockStyle.Fill, CenterPoint = new GeoPoint(47, 2),
                ZoomLevel = 4, ToolTipController = new ToolTipController()


            // Create a layer to load image tiles.
            ImageLayer tilesLayer = new ImageLayer()
                DataProvider = new OpenStreetMapDataProvider()


            // Create a layer to display shapes.
            VectorItemsLayer itemsLayer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                // Provide data to generate shape items.
                Data = LoadDataFromXML(dataPath),

                // Enable shape titles.
                ShapeTitlesVisibility = VisibilityMode.Visible,

                // Each shape has a CityName attribute, which stores the capital name.
                // To display this value as a shape title, let's specify the attribute name in braces.
                ShapeTitlesPattern = "{CityName}",

                // To display a Population attribute as a tooltip,
                // let's specify the ToolTipPattern property as follows.
                ToolTipPattern = "Population: {Population}"

        private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            dialog.DefaultExt = ".shp";                    // Default file extension
            dialog.Filter     = "Shape file (.shp)|*.shp"; // Filter files by extension

            if (dialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                VectorItemsLayer vl = this.mapControl1.Layers[0] as VectorItemsLayer;
                if (vl != null)
                    vl.ExportToShp(dialog.FileName, new ShpExportOptions()
                        ExportToDbf = true, ShapeType = ShapeType.PolygonZ
                    MessageBox.Show("Shape File Saved");
                MessageBox.Show("An error occured");
Exemple #30
        public SCMap AddLayerWkt(string[] WKT, LayerWktOptions options = null)
            if (WKT == null || WKT.Length <= 0)

            options ??= new LayerWktOptions();

            var map = Map;

            var layer = new VectorItemsLayer()
                AllowEditItems     = false,
                EnableHighlighting = false,
                EnableSelection    = false

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Name))
                layer.Name = options.Name;

            var storage = new SqlGeometryItemStorage();
            int counter = 1;

            foreach (var wkt in WKT)
                storage.Items.Add(SqlGeometryItem.FromWkt(wkt, counter++));

            layer.Data = storage;

            CurrentLayer = layer;
