public VectorData GetVector(IProcessingTextBlock normalBlock, NormalizationType normalization) { var normal = styleFactory.ConstructTextBlock(normalBlock.Sentences); DataTree tree; switch (anomalyVectorType) { case AnomalyVectorType.Full: tree = new DataTree(normal, MapFull); break; case AnomalyVectorType.Inquirer: tree = normal.InquirerFinger.InquirerProbabilities; break; case AnomalyVectorType.SentimentCategory: tree = GetTree(normal); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("AnomalyVectorType"); } VectorData vector = tree.CreateVector(normalization); return(vector); }
public void ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData_ValidArgs() { var samplePoints = new[] { Point.ByCoordinates(0, 2, 4), Point.ByCoordinates(0, 7, 4), Point.ByCoordinates(0, 19, 4) }; var sampleValues = new[] { Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 2, 4), Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 7, 4), Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 19, 4) }; var data = VectorData.ByPointsAndValues( samplePoints, sampleValues); var doc = Document.Current; var grid = VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData(doc.ActiveView, data); Assert.NotNull(grid); }
public void ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData_BadArgs() { var samplePoints = new[] { Point.ByCoordinates(0, 2, 4), Point.ByCoordinates(0, 7, 4), Point.ByCoordinates(0, 19, 4) }; var sampleValues = new[] { Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 2, 4), Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 7, 4), Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 19, 4) }; var data = VectorData.ByPointsAndValues( samplePoints, sampleValues); var doc = Document.Current; Assert.Throws(typeof(System.ArgumentNullException), () => VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData(null, data)); Assert.Throws(typeof(System.ArgumentNullException), () => VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData(doc.ActiveView, null)); }
void ReceiverOmap_MsgReceived(DspMessage msg) { switch (msg.Type) { case MsgType.MsgType_Data_VectorData: var vector = msg.GetDataAsStruct <DSPMsg_VectorData>(); if ((DataSaveType)vector.SaveType != DataSaveType.TimeSave) { var vectors = new VectorData[8]; foreach (var vec in VectorsQueue) { vectors[vec.ChannelId - 4] = vec; } DatasReceived(vectors); VectorsQueue.Clear(); } break; case MsgType.MsgType_Data_WaveData: WavesQueue.Enqueue(DSPMsg_WaveData.ParseWave(msg)); if (WavesQueue.Count >= ChannelCount) { var waves = new WaveData[8]; foreach (var wave in WavesQueue) { waves[wave.ChannelId - 4] = wave; } DatasReceived(waves); WavesQueue.Clear(); } break; } }
public InstrDecoder(Opcode opcode, InstrClass iclass, VectorData vectorData, params Mutator[] mutators) { this.opcode = opcode; this.iclass = iclass; this.vectorData = vectorData; this.mutators = mutators; }
public LiftPositions(Vector3 bottom, Vector3 top, float rotationBottom, float rotationTop) { this.bottom = bottom; = top; this.rotationBottom = rotationBottom; this.rotationTop = rotationTop; }
public override void OnOperationRequest(OperationRequest operationRequest, SendParameters sendParameters, ClientPeer peer) { VectorData pos = DictTool.GetProtoByDtoData <VectorData>(operationRequest.Parameters, ParameterCode.Position); //MyGameServer.LogInfo("x = "+ pos.X + "y= " + pos.Y + "z = " + pos.Z); peer.posData = pos; }
public static VectorAnalysisDisplay ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData(View view, VectorData data, string name = "", string description = "", Type unitType = null) { if (view == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("view"); } if (data == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("data"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { name = Properties.Resources.AnalysisResultsDefaultName; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { description = Properties.Resources.AnalysisResultsDefaultDescription; } return(new VectorAnalysisDisplay(view.InternalView, data, name, description, unitType)); }
/// <summary> /// Create a Vector Analysis Display in the current view /// </summary> /// <param name="view"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <param name="resultsName"></param> /// <param name="description"></param> /// <param name="unitType"></param> private VectorAnalysisDisplay(Autodesk.Revit.DB.View view, VectorData data, string resultsName, string description, Type unitType) { var sfm = GetSpatialFieldManagerFromView(view); TransactionManager.Instance.EnsureInTransaction(Document); sfm.Clear(); sfm.SetMeasurementNames(new List <string>() { Properties.Resources.Dynamo_AVF_Data_Name }); var primitiveIds = new List <int>(); InternalSetSpatialFieldManager(sfm); var primitiveId = SpatialFieldManager.AddSpatialFieldPrimitive(); InternalSetSpatialFieldValues(primitiveId, data, resultsName, description, unitType); primitiveIds.Add(primitiveId); TransactionManager.Instance.TransactionTaskDone(); }
public InstrDecoder(Mnemonic opcode, InstrClass iclass, VectorData vectorData, params Mutator <AArch64Disassembler>[] mutators) { this.opcode = opcode; this.iclass = iclass; this.vectorData = vectorData; this.mutators = mutators; }
public PrefabData(string category, uint id, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale) { this.category = category; = id; this.position = position; this.rotation = rotation; this.scale = scale; }
private bool IsTriangleUnder(int pos1, int pos2, int pos3) { VectorData pos1V3 = vertexGlobalPos.Find((VectorData a) => { return(a.index == pos1); }); VectorData pos2V3 = vertexGlobalPos.Find((VectorData a) => { return(a.index == pos2); }); VectorData pos3V3 = vertexGlobalPos.Find((VectorData a) => { return(a.index == pos3); }); return(pos1V3.isUnderTerrain && pos2V3.isUnderTerrain && pos3V3.isUnderTerrain); }
public EnvData(int ad, SelectedObjectData sk, SelectedObjectData ac, Camera cam) { action_dim = ad; obs_dim = 10; //dummy variable score_keeper = sk; action_controller = ac; camera_p = new VectorData(cam.transform.position); camera_hpr = new VectorData(cam.transform.rotation.eulerAngles); }
public void VectorAnalysisDataByPointsAndResults_ValidArgs() { var vad = VectorData.ByPointsAndValues(TestPoints(), TestVectorResults()); Assert.NotNull(vad); Assert.NotNull(vad.ValueLocations); Assert.NotNull(vad.Values); Assert.AreEqual(vad.Values.Count, 3); }
protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); OnInitialized += SimManager.OnMapLoaded; if (FilterHeight > 1) { VectorData.GetFeatureSubLayerAtIndex(0)?.filterOptions.AddNumericFilterGreaterThan("height", FilterHeight); } }
public VectorRegisterOperand( PrimitiveType dt, RegisterStorage reg, VectorData elementType) : this(dt, reg, elementType, -1) { this.VectorRegister = reg; this.ElementType = elementType; this.Index = -1; }
public SpawnRandomizer(AsteroidObjectList list) { use_randomizer = list.use_spawn_randomizer; number = list.spawn_number; plane_position = new VectorData(list.transform.position); plane_normal = new VectorData(list.transform.TransformVector(new Vector3(0, 1, 0)).normalized); plane_u = new VectorData(list.transform.TransformVector(new Vector3(1, 0, 0)).normalized); x = list.spawn_x; y = list.spawn_y; }
public VectorRegisterOperand( PrimitiveType dt, RegisterStorage reg, VectorData elementType, int index) : base(dt) { this.VectorRegister = reg; this.ElementType = elementType; this.Index = index; }
public PhysicsOptionsData(AsteroidObject obj) { name = obj.material.material_name; position = new VectorData(obj.gameObject.transform.position); rotation = new VectorData(obj.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles); scale = new VectorData(obj.gameObject.transform.lossyScale); velocity = new VectorData(obj.velocity); rigid = true; mass = obj.mass; }
public override double CalculateDistance(VectorData a, VectorData b) { double sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < a.Data.Count(); i++) { sum += Math.Pow((a.Data.Skip(i).First() - b.Data.Skip(i).First()), 2); } return Math.Sqrt(sum); }
protected override void Awake() { if (PotatoMode) { Options.extentOptions.extentType = MapExtentType.RangeAroundCenter; } base.Awake(); if (FilterHeight > 1) { VectorData.GetFeatureSubLayerAtIndex(0)?.filterOptions.AddNumericFilterGreaterThan("height", FilterHeight); } }
public override void DefaultRequest() { VectorData vectorData = new VectorData() { X = pos.x, Y = pos.y, Z = pos.z }; Dictionary <byte, object> data = DictTool.GetDtoDataByProto(vectorData, ParameterCode.Position); Debug.Log("SyncPositionRequest send " + OpCode.ToString()); PhotonEngine.Peer.OpCustom((byte)OpCode, data, true); }
public void RefreshPanel() { HorizPipeLengthInput.text = ""; MakePipeLengthInput.text = ""; JingXieJiaoInput.text = ""; VerticalPipeLenghtInput.text = ""; TotalPipeLengthInput.text = ""; if (vectorDatas != null) { for (int i = 0; i < vectorDatas.Count; i++) { VectorData vecData = vectorDatas[i]; DestroyImmediate(vecData.gameObject); } vectorDatas.Clear(); } }
private static int Bitsize(VectorData data) { switch (data) { case VectorData.I8: return(8); case VectorData.I16: return(16); case VectorData.I32: return(32); case VectorData.I64: return(64); case VectorData.F16: return(16); case VectorData.F32: return(32); case VectorData.F64: return(64); } return(0); }
public ConstraintData(AsteroidConstraint constraint, List <AsteroidObject> asteroidObjectList) { obj_id1 = asteroidObjectList.FindIndex(a => a == constraint.object1); obj_id2 = asteroidObjectList.FindIndex(a => a == constraint.object2); type = (int)constraint.type; var1 = constraint.var1; var2 = constraint.var2; var3 = constraint.var3; pos1 = new VectorData(constraint.object1.transform.position); hpr1 = new VectorData(constraint.object1.transform.rotation.eulerAngles); if (constraint.object2) { pos2 = new VectorData(constraint.object2.transform.position); hpr2 = new VectorData(constraint.object2.transform.rotation.eulerAngles); } }
public void VectorAnalysisDataByPointsAndResults_BadArgs() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>( () => VectorData.ByPointsAndValues( null, TestVectorResults())); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>( () => VectorData.ByPointsAndValues( TestPoints(), null)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>( () => VectorData.ByPointsAndValues( new [] { Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0) }, TestVectorResults())); }
private static int Bitsize(VectorData data) { switch (data) { case VectorData.I8: return(8); case VectorData.I16: return(16); case VectorData.I32: return(32); case VectorData.I64: return(64); case VectorData.F16: return(16); case VectorData.F32: return(32); case VectorData.F64: return(64); } Debug.Assert(false, "Impossiburu"); return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Set the spatial field values for the current spatial field primitive. The two /// input sequences should be of the same length. /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <param name="schemaName"></param> /// <param name="description"></param> /// <param name="unitType"></param> private void InternalSetSpatialFieldValues(int primitiveId, VectorData data, string schemaName, string description, Type unitType) { var valList = data.Values.Select(v => new VectorAtPoint(new List <XYZ> { v.ToXyz() })); TransactionManager.Instance.EnsureInTransaction(Document); var sampleValues = new FieldValues(valList.ToList()); // Convert the sample points to a special Revit Type var samplePts = new FieldDomainPointsByXYZ(data.ValueLocations.Select(p => p.ToXyz()).ToList()); // Get the analysis results schema var schemaIndex = GetAnalysisResultSchemaIndex(schemaName, description, unitType); // Update the values SpatialFieldManager.UpdateSpatialFieldPrimitive(primitiveId, samplePts, sampleValues, schemaIndex); TransactionManager.Instance.TransactionTaskDone(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a Vector Analysis Display in the current view /// </summary> /// <param name="view"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <param name="resultsName"></param> /// <param name="description"></param> /// <param name="unitType"></param> private VectorAnalysisDisplay(Autodesk.Revit.DB.View view, VectorData data, string resultsName, string description, Type unitType) { SpatialFieldManager sfm; var primitiveIds = new List <int>(); TransactionManager.Instance.EnsureInTransaction(Document); var TraceData = GetElementAndPrimitiveIdFromTrace(); if (TraceData != null) { sfm = TraceData.Item1; primitiveIds = TraceData.Item2; foreach (var idx in primitiveIds) { sfm.RemoveSpatialFieldPrimitive(idx); } primitiveIds.Clear(); } else { sfm = GetSpatialFieldManagerFromView(view); sfm.SetMeasurementNames(new List <string>() { Properties.Resources.Dynamo_AVF_Data_Name }); } InternalSetSpatialFieldManager(sfm); var primitiveId = SpatialFieldManager.AddSpatialFieldPrimitive(); InternalSetSpatialFieldValues(primitiveId, data, resultsName, description, unitType); primitiveIds.Add(primitiveId); InternalSetSpatialPrimitiveIds(primitiveIds); TransactionManager.Instance.TransactionTaskDone(); SetElementAndPrimitiveIdsForTrace(sfm, primitiveIds); }
/// <summary> /// Show a Vector Analysis Display in the Revit view. /// </summary> /// <param name="view">The view into which you want to draw the analysis results.</param> /// <param name="samplePoints">The locations at which you want to create analysis values.</param> /// <param name="samples">The analysis values at the given locations.</param> /// <param name="name">An optional analysis results name to show on the results legend.</param> /// <param name="description">An optional analysis results description to show on the results legend.</param> /// <param name="unitType">An optional Unit type to provide conversions in the analysis results.</param> /// <returns>A VectorAnalysisDisplay object.</returns> public static VectorAnalysisDisplay ByViewPointsAndVectorValues(View view, Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point[] sampleLocations, Vector[] samples, string name = "", string description = "", Type unitType = null) { if (view == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("view"); } if (sampleLocations == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("samplePoints"); } if (samples == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("samples"); } if (sampleLocations.Length != samples.Length) { throw new Exception(Properties.Resources.SamplePointsMismatchError); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { name = Properties.Resources.AnalysisResultsDefaultName; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { description = Properties.Resources.AnalysisResultsDefaultDescription; } var data = VectorData.ByPointsAndValues(sampleLocations, samples); return(new VectorAnalysisDisplay(view.InternalView, data, name, description, unitType)); }
public static void WriteName(int bitSize, RegisterStorage VectorRegister, VectorData ElementType, int Index, MachineInstructionRenderer renderer) { renderer.WriteString(VectorRegister.Name); renderer.WriteChar('.'); switch (ElementType) { case VectorData.I8: if (Index >= 0) { renderer.WriteString("b"); } else if (bitSize == 64) { renderer.WriteString("8b"); } else { renderer.WriteString("16b"); } break; case VectorData.I16: if (Index >= 0) { renderer.WriteString("h"); } else if (bitSize == 64) { renderer.WriteString("4h"); } else { renderer.WriteString("8h"); } break; case VectorData.I32: if (Index >= 0) { renderer.WriteString("s"); } else if (bitSize == 64) { renderer.WriteString("2s"); } else { renderer.WriteString("4s"); } break; case VectorData.I64: if (Index >= 0) { renderer.WriteString("d"); } else if (bitSize == 64) { renderer.WriteString("1d"); } else { renderer.WriteString("2d"); } break; case VectorData.I128: if (Index >= 0) { renderer.WriteString("q"); } else if (bitSize == 64) { renderer.WriteString("1q??"); } else { renderer.WriteString("1q"); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException($"{ElementType}"); } }
public abstract double CalculateDistance(VectorData a, VectorData b);
internal KDNode(VectorData values, int dimension) { Values = values; Dimension = dimension; }