Exemple #1
        //TODO: With platform intrinsics, we could improve the 'horizontal' parts of these functions.
        public void ComputeAngularExpansionData(out float maximumRadius, out float maximumAngularExpansion)
            Vector <float> maximumRadiusSquaredWide = default;
            Vector <float> minimumRadiusSquaredWide = new Vector <float>(float.MaxValue);

            for (int i = 0; i < Points.Length; ++i)
                Vector3Wide.LengthSquared(Points[i], out var candidate);
                maximumRadiusSquaredWide = Vector.Max(candidate, maximumRadiusSquaredWide);
                minimumRadiusSquaredWide = Vector.Min(candidate, minimumRadiusSquaredWide);
            var minimumRadiusWide = Vector.SquareRoot(minimumRadiusSquaredWide);
            var maximumRadiusWide = Vector.SquareRoot(maximumRadiusSquaredWide);

            maximumRadius = maximumRadiusWide[0];
            float minimumRadius = minimumRadiusWide[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < Vector <float> .Count; ++i)
                var maxCandidate = maximumRadiusWide[i];
                var minCandidate = minimumRadiusWide[i];
                if (maxCandidate > maximumRadius)
                    maximumRadius = maxCandidate;
                if (minCandidate < minimumRadius)
                    minimumRadius = minCandidate;
            maximumAngularExpansion = maximumRadius - minimumRadius;
Exemple #2
            public void Test(Random random, int innerIterations)
                RotationBetweenNormalsTestSIMD.GenerateRandomNormalizedVector(random, out var v1);
                Vector3Wide.Negate(v1, out var v2);

                for (int i = 0; i < innerIterations; ++i)
                    QuaternionWide.GetQuaternionBetweenNormalizedVectors(v1, v2, out var v1ToV2);
                    QuaternionWide.GetQuaternionBetweenNormalizedVectors(v2, v1, out var v2ToV1);
                    QuaternionWide.ConcatenateWithoutOverlap(v1ToV2, v2ToV1, out var concatenated);
                    QuaternionWide.TransformWithoutOverlap(v1, v1ToV2, out var v1TransformedToV2);
                    QuaternionWide.TransformWithoutOverlap(v2, v2ToV1, out var v2TransformedToV1);
                    QuaternionWide.TransformWithoutOverlap(v1, concatenated, out var v1TransformedToV1);

                    Vector3Wide.Subtract(v1TransformedToV2, v2, out var v1ToV2Error);
                    Vector3Wide.LengthSquared(v1ToV2Error, out var v1ToV2ErrorLength);
                    Vector3Wide.Subtract(v2TransformedToV1, v1, out var v2ToV1Error);
                    Vector3Wide.LengthSquared(v2ToV1Error, out var v2ToV1ErrorLength);
                    Vector3Wide.Subtract(v1TransformedToV1, v1, out var v1ToV1Error);
                    Vector3Wide.LengthSquared(v1ToV1Error, out var v1ToV1ErrorLength);
                    const float epsilon = 1e-6f;
                        Vector.LessThanAll(v1ToV2ErrorLength, new Vector <float>(epsilon)) &&
                        Vector.LessThanAll(v2ToV1ErrorLength, new Vector <float>(epsilon)) &&
                        Vector.LessThanAll(v1ToV1ErrorLength, new Vector <float>(epsilon)));
Exemple #3
 public static void GenerateRandomNormalizedVector(Random random, out Vector3Wide normal)
     GenerateRandomVectorCandidate(random, out normal);
     while (true)
         Vector3Wide.LengthSquared(normal, out var lengthSquared);
         if (Vector.LessThanAny(lengthSquared, new Vector <float>(0.0001f)))
             GenerateRandomVectorCandidate(random, out normal);
     Vector3Wide.Normalize(normal, out normal);
Exemple #4
        public void Test(
            ref CapsuleWide a, ref CapsuleWide b, ref Vector <float> speculativeMargin,
            ref Vector3Wide offsetB, ref QuaternionWide orientationA, ref QuaternionWide orientationB, int pairCount,
            out Convex2ContactManifoldWide manifold)
            //Compute the closest points between the two line segments. No clamping to begin with.
            //We want to minimize distance = ||(a + da * ta) - (b + db * tb)||.
            //Taking the derivative with respect to ta and doing some algebra (taking into account ||da|| == ||db|| == 1) to solve for ta yields:
            //ta = (da * (b - a) + (db * (a - b)) * (da * db)) / (1 - ((da * db) * (da * db))
            QuaternionWide.TransformUnitXY(orientationA, out var xa, out var da);
            QuaternionWide.TransformUnitY(orientationB, out var db);
            Vector3Wide.Dot(da, offsetB, out var daOffsetB);
            Vector3Wide.Dot(db, offsetB, out var dbOffsetB);
            Vector3Wide.Dot(da, db, out var dadb);
            //Note potential division by zero when the axes are parallel. Arbitrarily clamp; near zero values will instead produce extreme values which get clamped to reasonable results.
            var ta = (daOffsetB - dbOffsetB * dadb) / Vector.Max(new Vector <float>(1e-15f), Vector <float> .One - dadb * dadb);
            //tb = ta * (da * db) - db * (b - a)
            var tb = ta * dadb - dbOffsetB;

            //We cannot simply clamp the ta and tb values to the capsule line segments. Instead, project each line segment onto the other line segment, clamping against the target's interval.
            //That new clamped projected interval is the valid solution space on that line segment. We can clamp the t value by that interval to get the correctly bounded solution.
            //The projected intervals are:
            //B onto A: +-BHalfLength * (da * db) + da * offsetB
            //A onto B: +-AHalfLength * (da * db) - db * offsetB
            var absdadb      = Vector.Abs(dadb);
            var bOntoAOffset = b.HalfLength * absdadb;
            var aOntoBOffset = a.HalfLength * absdadb;
            var aMin         = Vector.Max(-a.HalfLength, Vector.Min(a.HalfLength, daOffsetB - bOntoAOffset));
            var aMax         = Vector.Min(a.HalfLength, Vector.Max(-a.HalfLength, daOffsetB + bOntoAOffset));
            var bMin         = Vector.Max(-b.HalfLength, Vector.Min(b.HalfLength, -aOntoBOffset - dbOffsetB));
            var bMax         = Vector.Min(b.HalfLength, Vector.Max(-b.HalfLength, aOntoBOffset - dbOffsetB));

            ta = Vector.Min(Vector.Max(ta, aMin), aMax);
            tb = Vector.Min(Vector.Max(tb, bMin), bMax);

            Vector3Wide.Scale(da, ta, out var closestPointOnA);
            Vector3Wide.Scale(db, tb, out var closestPointOnB);
            Vector3Wide.Add(closestPointOnB, offsetB, out closestPointOnB);
            //Note that normals are calibrated to point from B to A by convention.
            Vector3Wide.Subtract(closestPointOnA, closestPointOnB, out manifold.Normal);
            Vector3Wide.Length(manifold.Normal, out var distance);
            var inverseDistance = Vector <float> .One / distance;

            Vector3Wide.Scale(manifold.Normal, inverseDistance, out manifold.Normal);
            //In the event that the line segments are touching, the normal doesn't exist and we need an alternative. Any direction along the local horizontal (XZ) plane of either capsule
            //is valid. (Normals along the local Y axes are not guaranteed to be as quick of a path to separation due to nonzero line length.)
            var normalIsValid = Vector.GreaterThan(distance, new Vector <float>(1e-7f));

            Vector3Wide.ConditionalSelect(normalIsValid, manifold.Normal, xa, out manifold.Normal);

            //In the event that the two capsule axes are coplanar, we accept the whole interval as a source of contact.
            //As the axes drift away from coplanarity, the accepted interval rapidly narrows to zero length, centered on ta and tb.
            //We rate the degree of coplanarity based on the angle between the capsule axis and the plane defined by the opposing segment and contact normal:
            //sin(angle) = dot(da, (db x normal)/||db x normal||)
            //Finally, note that we are dealing with extremely small angles, and for small angles sin(angle) ~= angle,
            //and also that fade behavior is completely arbitrary, so we can directly use squared angle without any concern.
            //angle^2 ~= dot(da, (db x normal))^2 / ||db x normal||^2
            //Note that if ||db x normal|| is zero, then any da should be accepted as being coplanar because there is no restriction. ConditionalSelect away the discontinuity.
            Vector3Wide.CrossWithoutOverlap(db, manifold.Normal, out var planeNormal);
            Vector3Wide.LengthSquared(planeNormal, out var planeNormalLengthSquared);
            Vector3Wide.Dot(da, planeNormal, out var numeratorUnsquared);
            var squaredAngle = Vector.ConditionalSelect(Vector.LessThan(planeNormalLengthSquared, new Vector <float>(1e-10f)), Vector <float> .Zero, numeratorUnsquared * numeratorUnsquared / planeNormalLengthSquared);

            //Convert the squared angle to a lerp parameter. For squared angle from 0 to lowerThreshold, we should use the full interval (1). From lowerThreshold to upperThreshold, lerp to 0.
            const float lowerThresholdAngle = 0.01f;
            const float upperThresholdAngle = 0.05f;
            const float lowerThreshold      = lowerThresholdAngle * lowerThresholdAngle;
            const float upperThreshold      = upperThresholdAngle * upperThresholdAngle;
            var         intervalWeight      = Vector.Max(Vector <float> .Zero, Vector.Min(Vector <float> .One, (new Vector <float>(upperThreshold) - squaredAngle) * new Vector <float>(1f / (upperThreshold - lowerThreshold))));
            //If the line segments intersect, even if they're coplanar, we would ideally stick to using a single point. Would be easy enough,
            //but we don't bother because it's such a weird and extremely temporary corner case. Not really worth handling.
            var weightedTa = ta - ta * intervalWeight;

            aMin = intervalWeight * aMin + weightedTa;
            aMax = intervalWeight * aMax + weightedTa;

            Vector3Wide.Scale(da, aMin, out manifold.OffsetA0);
            Vector3Wide.Scale(da, aMax, out manifold.OffsetA1);
            //In the coplanar case, there are two points. We need a method of computing depth which gives a reasonable result to the second contact.
            //Note that one of the two contacts should end up with a distance equal to the previously computed segment distance, so we're doing some redundant work here.
            //It's just easier to do that extra work than it would be to track which endpoint contributed the lower distance.
            //Unproject the final interval endpoints from a back onto b.
            //dot(offsetB + db * tb0, da) = ta0
            //tb0 = (ta0 - daOffsetB) / dadb
            //distance0 = dot(a0 - (offsetB + tb0 * db), normal)
            //distance1 = dot(a1 - (offsetB + tb1 * db), normal)
            Vector3Wide.Dot(db, manifold.Normal, out var dbNormal);
            Vector3Wide.Subtract(manifold.OffsetA0, offsetB, out var offsetB0);
            Vector3Wide.Subtract(manifold.OffsetA1, offsetB, out var offsetB1);
            //Note potential division by zero. In that case, treat both projected points as the closest point. (Handled by the conditional select that chooses the previously computed distance.)
            var inverseDadb  = Vector <float> .One / dadb;
            var projectedTb0 = Vector.Max(bMin, Vector.Min(bMax, (aMin - daOffsetB) * inverseDadb));
            var projectedTb1 = Vector.Max(bMin, Vector.Min(bMax, (aMax - daOffsetB) * inverseDadb));

            Vector3Wide.Dot(offsetB0, manifold.Normal, out var b0Normal);
            Vector3Wide.Dot(offsetB1, manifold.Normal, out var b1Normal);
            var capsulesArePerpendicular = Vector.LessThan(Vector.Abs(dadb), new Vector <float>(1e-7f));
            var distance0      = Vector.ConditionalSelect(capsulesArePerpendicular, distance, b0Normal - dbNormal * projectedTb0);
            var distance1      = Vector.ConditionalSelect(capsulesArePerpendicular, distance, b1Normal - dbNormal * projectedTb1);
            var combinedRadius = a.Radius + b.Radius;

            manifold.Depth0 = combinedRadius - distance0;
            manifold.Depth1 = combinedRadius - distance1;

            //Apply the normal offset to the contact positions.
            var negativeOffsetFromA0 = manifold.Depth0 * 0.5f - a.Radius;
            var negativeOffsetFromA1 = manifold.Depth1 * 0.5f - a.Radius;

            Vector3Wide.Scale(manifold.Normal, negativeOffsetFromA0, out var normalPush0);
            Vector3Wide.Scale(manifold.Normal, negativeOffsetFromA1, out var normalPush1);
            Vector3Wide.Add(manifold.OffsetA0, normalPush0, out manifold.OffsetA0);
            Vector3Wide.Add(manifold.OffsetA1, normalPush1, out manifold.OffsetA1);
            manifold.FeatureId0 = Vector <int> .Zero;
            manifold.FeatureId1 = Vector <int> .One;
            var minimumAcceptedDepth = -speculativeMargin;

            manifold.Contact0Exists = Vector.GreaterThanOrEqual(manifold.Depth0, minimumAcceptedDepth);
            manifold.Contact1Exists = Vector.BitwiseAnd(
                Vector.GreaterThanOrEqual(manifold.Depth1, minimumAcceptedDepth),
                Vector.GreaterThan(aMax - aMin, new Vector <float>(1e-7f) * a.HalfLength));

            //TODO: Since we added in the complexity of 2 contact support, this is probably large enough to benefit from working in the local space of one of the capsules.
            //Worth looking into later.