public void Step() { ValidateCurrentCell(); if (path == null || path.points.Count == 0) { return; } float distance = Vector3.Distance(path.points[currentWayPointID], transform.position); transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, path.points[currentWayPointID], Time.deltaTime * TravelSpeed); // rotation? //var rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(path.points[currentWayPointID] - transform.position); //transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotation, Time.deltaTime * rotationSpeed); if (distance <= reachDistance) { currentWayPointID++; } if (currentWayPointID >= path.points.Count) { path = null; currentWayPointID = 0; OnTravelOver?.Invoke(); } }
public Moving(Unit unit, List <HexCell> pathToTravel) : base(unit) { Vector3Path vectorPath = Vector3Path.CreateFromHexPath(pathToTravel); unit.Traveller.TravelVectorPath(vectorPath); unit.Traveller.OnTravelOver += unit.Stop; CheckForSpriteFlip(unit, pathToTravel[pathToTravel.Count - 1].Position); animator.SetBool("isMoving", true); }
public bool CreatePathFromChildren() { if (nameOfPath == "") { Debug.LogError("No name set for path to be generated by " +; Selection.activeGameObject = this.gameObject; return(false); } int childrenAmount = transform.childCount; if (childrenAmount == 0) { Debug.LogError("Path needs at least one position " +; Selection.activeGameObject = this.gameObject; return(false); } Vector3Path newPathObject = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Vector3Path>(); Vector3[] newPath = new Vector3[childrenAmount]; for (int i = 0; i < childrenAmount; i++) { newPath[i] = localCoordinates ? localToTransform.InverseTransformPoint(transform.GetChild(i).position) : transform.GetChild(i).position; } string filePath = "Assets/Scripts/ScriptableObjects/Vector3Paths/" + nameOfPath + (localCoordinates ? "Local" : "World") + ".asset"; Vector3Path assetCheck = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Vector3Path>(filePath); if (assetCheck != null) { assetCheck.path = newPath; assetCheck.localCoordinates = localCoordinates; Debug.LogWarning("Override of existing path"); Selection.activeObject = assetCheck; } else { newPathObject.path = newPath; newPathObject.localCoordinates = localCoordinates; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newPathObject, filePath); Debug.LogWarning("New path created"); Selection.activeObject = newPathObject; } return(true); }
public static Vector3Path CreateFromHexPath(List <HexCell> hexPath) { Vector3Path vectorPath = new Vector3Path(); //foreach (HexCell cell in hexPath) //{ // vectorPath.points.Add(cell.Position); //} vectorPath.points.Add(hexPath[0].Position); for (int i = 0; i < hexPath.Count - 1; i++) { Vector3 betweenEdges = (hexPath[i].Position + hexPath[i + 1].Position) * 0.5f; vectorPath.points.Add(betweenEdges); } vectorPath.points.Add(hexPath[hexPath.Count - 1].Position); return(vectorPath); }
public static Tweener <float, Transform> tweenTransformByPath( this Transform t, float from, float to, Vector3Path path, Ease ease, float duration ) => a(TweenOps.float_.tween(from, to, false, ease, duration), t, TweenMutators.path(path));
public static TweenMutator <float, Transform> path(Vector3Path path) => (percentage, transform, relative) => { var point = path.evaluate(percentage, constantSpeed: true); transform.position = point; };
public void TravelVectorPath(Vector3Path pathToTravel) { path = pathToTravel; currentWayPointID = 0; }