public Vector3Half ToVector3Half()
                Vector3Half ret = new Vector3Half();

                if (exp != 0)
                    float f = (float)Math.Pow(2.0, exp - (int)(128 + 8));
                    ret.x = (Half)(red * f);
                    ret.y = (Half)(green * f);
                    ret.z = (Half)(blue * f);
        public override T Import <T>(System.IO.Stream source, string source_name, ResourceManager man)
            Glorg2.Graphics.OpenGL.Texture2D res;
            var    rd = new StreamReader(source, false);
            string line = rd.ReadLine();
            string format = "";
            int    width = -1, height = -1;
            int    exposure = 0;
            Match  m;

            if (line != "#?RADIANCE")
                throw new FormatException("Unrecognized HDR format");
            while (true)
                line = rd.ReadLine();
                int index = line.IndexOf('=');
                if (index > 0)
                    string name  = line.Substring(0, index);
                    string value = line.Substring(index + 1);
                    if (name == "EXPOSURE")
                        exposure = int.Parse(value);
                    else if (name == "FORMAT")
                        format = value;
                else if ((m = reg.Match(line)).Success)
                    width  = int.Parse(m.Groups["XValue"].Value);
                    height = int.Parse(m.Groups["YValue"].Value);
            if (width == -1 || height == -1)
                throw new FormatException("Could not figure out the size of the HDR image");

            Vector3Half[] data = new Vector3Half[width * height];

            if (format == "32-bit_rgbe" || (width < 8 || width > 0x7FFFF))
                ReadRgbe(source, data);
            else if (format == "32-bit_rle_rgbe")
                ReadRgbeRle(source, data, width, height);
            else if (format == "32-bit_rle_xyzw")
                throw new NotSupportedException(format + " not supported.");

            res = new Graphics.OpenGL.Texture2D(width, height, Graphics.OpenGL.InternalFormat.Rgb16, Graphics.OpenGL.PixelDataType.Float, Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType.Rgb, source_name);
            return(res as T);