Exemple #1
 public Vector2Edge(Vector2X Start, Vector2X End, FortuneSite Left, FortuneSite Right)
     start = Start;
     end   = End;
     left  = Left;
     right = Right;
        public void V2_Parse()
            Vector2 result = Vector2X.Parse("3.5,-4.2");

            result.X.Should().BeApproximately(3.5f, 1e-6f);
            result.Y.Should().BeApproximately(-4.2f, 1e-6f);
        public void V2_Equals()
            Vector2 a = Vector2.UnitX;
            Vector2 b = Vector2.UnitX * 1.000001f;

            Vector2X.Equals(a, b, 0.0001f).Should().BeTrue();
        internal override Vector2X[] adjustUVs(Vector2X[] uv, Vector2X[] result = null)
            SubTextureX texture = this;

            while (texture != null)
                _transform2X = Transform2X.multiply(_transform2X, texture.transform);
                texture      = texture.parent as SubTextureX;

            Vector2X item;

            if (result == null)
                result = new Vector2X[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                item      = uv[i];
                result[i] = _transform2X.transformVector(item);

        public void V2_ParseScientificNotation()
            Vector2 result = Vector2X.Parse("-1.2e+12,2.4e-18");

            result.X.Should().BeApproximately(-1.2e+12f, 1e-6f);
            result.Y.Should().BeApproximately(2.4e-18f, 1e-6f);
Exemple #6
        public override DisplayObjectX hitTest(Vector2X localVector, bool forTouch = false)
            if (forTouch && (visible == false || touchable == false))
            float localX      = localVector.x;
            float localY      = localVector.y;
            int   numChildren = mChildren.Count;

            DisplayObjectX child;
            DisplayObjectX target;
            Vector2X       transformVector;

            for (int i = numChildren - 1; i >= 0; --i) // front to back!
                child = mChildren[i];
                getTransformationMatrix(child, sHelperTransform);

                transformVector = sHelperTransform.transformVector(localVector);

                target = child.hitTest(transformVector);

                if (target != null)
                    return(forTouch && mTouchGroup ? this : target);

        public void V2_RotateEquals()
            Vector2 a        = new Vector2(3, 4);
            Vector2 b        = a.RotateDegrees(90);
            var     expected = new Vector2(4, -3);

            Vector2X.Equals(b, expected).Should().BeTrue();
        public void updateMousePosition(Vector2X mousePos, Vector2X deltaPos)
            _mouseX      = (int)mousePos.x;
            _mouseY      = (int)mousePos.y;
            _deltaMouseX = (int)deltaPos.x;
            _deltaMouseY = (int)deltaPos.y;

            //string message = string.Format("mx:{0},my:{1},dx:{2},dy:{3}", _mouseX, _mouseY, _deltaMouseX, _deltaMouseY);
        public void Line_SegmentIntersectionLowSymmetry()
            var result = LineAlgorithms.LineSegmentIntersection(
                new Vector2(704, 336), new Vector2(569, 299),
                new Vector2(436, 218), new Vector2(446, 357));

            Vector2X.Equals(result.IntersectionPoint, new Vector2(439.269f, 263.444f), 1e-3f).Should().BeTrue(
                "Intersection was not in correct position.");
Exemple #10
    //Point inside convex polygon
    public static bool InsideConvex(List <Vector2X> polygon, Vector2X point)
        //Check if a triangle or higher n-gon
        if (polygon.Count < 3)

        //n>2 Keep track of cross product sign changes
        var pos = 0;
        var neg = 0;

        for (var i = 0; i < polygon.Count; i++)
            //If point is in the polygon
            if (polygon[i] == point)

            //Form a segment between the i'th point
            var x1 = polygon[i].value.x;
            var y1 = polygon[i].value.y;

            //And the i+1'th, or if i is the last, with the first point
            var i2 = i < polygon.Count - 1 ? i + 1 : 0;

            var x2 = polygon[i2].value.x;
            var y2 = polygon[i2].value.y;

            var x = point.value.x;
            var y = point.value.y;

            //Compute the cross product
            var d = (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) - (y - y1) * (x2 - x1);

            if (d > 0)
            if (d < 0)

            //If the sign changes, then point is outside
            if (pos > 0 && neg > 0)

        //If no change in direction, then on same side of all segments, and thus inside
        private static void ProjectionTest(Vector2 v, Vector2 direction, Vector2 expected)
            Vector2 result = v.ProjectionOn(direction);

            var perp = v - result;

            Vector2.Dot(direction, perp).Should().BeApproximately(0, 1e-5f);

            Vector2X.Equals(result, expected).Should().BeTrue(
                $"Projection of {v} on {direction} should yield {expected} but got {result} instead.");
Exemple #12
        public void StarBuild_SixPointedStarCenter()
            var center = new Vector2(10, 12);

            var star = new StarBuilder().BuildStar(6, 8, 4, center, 1);


            var avg = star.Points.Average();

            Vector2X.Equals(center, avg, 1e-6f).Should().BeTrue($"Expected {center}, actual {avg}");
Exemple #13
        public void Poly_Rotate()
            var a = RectangleX.FromLTRB(0, 0, 10, 5).ToPolygon();
            var b = a.RotateDegrees(90, new Vector2(10, 5));


            b.Any(x => Vector2X.Equals(x, new Vector2(5, 5), 1e-5f)).Should().BeTrue();
            b.Any(x => Vector2X.Equals(x, new Vector2(10, 5), 1e-5f)).Should().BeTrue();
            b.Any(x => Vector2X.Equals(x, new Vector2(10, 15), 1e-5f)).Should().BeTrue();
            b.Any(x => Vector2X.Equals(x, new Vector2(5, 15), 1e-5f)).Should().BeTrue();
        public void V2_FromPolar()
            Vector2 a = Vector2X.FromPolar(1, MathF.PI * 0.5f);
            Vector2 b = Vector2X.FromPolar(1, MathF.PI * 1.0f);
            Vector2 c = Vector2X.FromPolar(1, MathF.PI * 1.5f);
            Vector2 d = Vector2X.FromPolar(1, MathF.PI * 2.0f);

            Vector2X.Equals(a, Vector2.UnitY, .000001f);
            Vector2X.Equals(b, Vector2.UnitX, .000001f);
            Vector2X.Equals(c, Vector2.UnitY, .000001f);
            Vector2X.Equals(d, Vector2.UnitX, .000001f);
Exemple #15
    //Jitters a line segment of 2 Vector2
    public static List <Vector2X> Jitter(Vector2X start, Vector2X end, int divisions, float magnitude)
        //Create list and add start
        List <Vector2X> jitter = new List <Vector2X>();


        float vecX = end.value.x - start.value.x;
        float vecY = end.value.y - start.value.y;

        //Distance of points
        float distance = Mathf.Sqrt(vecX * vecX + vecY * vecY);

        //Jitter distance
        float jitterDistance = distance / divisions;

        //Normalized Vector
        float dirX = vecX / distance;
        float dirY = vecY / distance;

        float normalX = dirY;
        float normalY = -dirX;

        //Division step
        float divisionX = dirX * jitterDistance;
        float divisionY = dirY * jitterDistance;

        //For each division
        for (int i = 1; i < divisions; i++)
            //Begin at first point
            float finalX = start.value.x;
            float finalY = start.value.y;

            //Move N divisions
            finalX += i * divisionX;
            finalY += i * divisionY;

            //Move randomly in perpendicular
            finalX += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-magnitude, magnitude) * normalX;
            finalY += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-magnitude, magnitude) * normalY;

            //Add new point
            jitter.Add(new Vector2X(finalX, finalY));

        //Add last point

        public void Line_SegmentIntersectionHighSymmetry()
            var result = LineAlgorithms.LineSegmentIntersection(

            result.U1.Should().BeApproximately(0.5f, 0.0001f);
            result.U2.Should().BeApproximately(0.5f, 0.0001f);
            Vector2X.Equals(Vector2.Zero, result.IntersectionPoint).Should().BeTrue("Lines should intersect at origin");
Exemple #17
        private Polygon ParsePolygon(string value)
            var pointStrings = value.Split(' ');

            Polygon result = new Polygon();

            foreach (var pt in pointStrings)

Exemple #18
    //Point inside polygon (convex or concave)
    public static bool PointInPolygon(List <Vector2X> poly, Vector2X point)
        bool c = false;
        int  i, j;

        for (i = 0, j = poly.Count - 1; i < poly.Count; j = i++)
            if (((poly[i].value.y > point.value.y) != (poly[j].value.y > point.value.y)) && (point.value.x < (poly[j].value.x - poly[i].value.x) * (point.value.y - poly[i].value.y) / (poly[j].value.y - poly[i].value.y) + poly[i].value.x))
                c = !c;
Exemple #19
        private static Polygon RegularShape(float angle, int pointCount, float size)
            float step = 2 * (float)Math.PI / pointCount;

            Polygon result = new Polygon();

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                result.Add(Vector2X.FromPolar(size, angle));
                angle += step;

Exemple #20
        public void CD_ContactPoint()
            var pa = Diamond;
            var pb = new RectangleF(0.9f, -1, 1, 2).ToPolygon();

            var contactPoint = collider.FindConvexContactPoint(pa, pb);


            Vector2X.Equals(new Vector2(0.1f, 0), contactPoint.PenetrationDepth, 1e-6f).Should().BeTrue(
                $"Penetration depth failed. Expected (0.1, 0) but got {contactPoint.PenetrationDepth}.");

            contactPoint.FirstPolygonContactPoint.Should().Be(new Vector2(1, 0));
            contactPoint.SecondPolygonContactPoint.Should().Be(new Vector2(-0.5f, 0));
        public void V2_ProjectionContract()
            ProjectionTest(new Vector2(1, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));

            for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++)
                const float radius = 2;

                Vector2 v         = Vector2X.FromPolarDegrees(radius, i);
                Vector2 direction = new Vector2(1, 1);
                Vector2 expected = radius * MathF.Cos((i - 45) * MathF.PI / 180) * direction;

                ProjectionTest(v, direction, expected);
Exemple #22
        public virtual DisplayObjectX hitTest(Vector2X localVector, bool forTouch = false)
            if (!forTouch && (!mVisible || !mTouchable))

            // otherwise, check bounding box
            if (getBounds(this).Contains(localVector))
        protected void init(float w, float h)
            vertices           = new Vector3X[4];
            translatorVertices = new Vector3X[4];

            uvs = new Vector2X[4];

            vertices[0] = new Vector3X(0, 0);
            vertices[1] = new Vector3X(w, 0);
            vertices[2] = new Vector3X(w, h);
            vertices[3] = new Vector3X(0, h);

            uvs[0] = new Vector2X(0, 0);
            uvs[1] = new Vector2X(1, 0);
            uvs[2] = new Vector2X(1, -1);
            uvs[3] = new Vector2X(0, -1);
        public ConstraintDerivative Derivative(PhysicalParticle particle, Tuple <PhysicalParticle, PhysicalParticle> pair)
            var contactPoint = collider.FindConvexContactPoint(pair.Item1.TransformedPolygon, pair.Item2.TransformedPolygon);

            if (contactPoint.Contact == false)
                return(new ConstraintDerivative());

            var firstParticle = particle == pair.Item1;

            var sign  = firstParticle ? -1 : 1;
            var force = sign * contactPoint.FirstPolygonNormal;

            var r      = firstParticle ? contactPoint.FirstPolygonContactPoint : contactPoint.SecondPolygonContactPoint;
            var torque = -Vector2X.Cross(r, force);             // minus sign because r points from the center to the contact point instead of the other way.

            return(new ConstraintDerivative(force.X, force.Y, torque));
Exemple #25
        public void CD_ContactPointGradual()
            for (float d = 0.1f; d < 1; d += 0.05f)
                var pa = new Polygon(Diamond.Points.Select(x => 10 * x));
                var pb = new RectangleF(10 - d, -10, 10, 20).ToPolygon();

                var contactPoint = collider.FindConvexContactPoint(pa, pb);


                Vector2X.Equals(new Vector2(d, 0), contactPoint.PenetrationDepth, 1e-6f).Should().BeTrue($"Penetration depth test failed at {d}.");

                Vector2X.Equals(new Vector2(10, 0), contactPoint.FirstPolygonContactPoint, 1e-6f).Should().BeTrue(
                    $"Contact point on diamond failed at {d}. Expected (10, 0) but got {contactPoint.FirstPolygonContactPoint}");
                Vector2X.Equals(new Vector2(-5, 0), contactPoint.SecondPolygonContactPoint, 1e-6f).Should().BeTrue(
                    $"Contact point on rectangle failed at {d}. Expected (-5, 0) but got {contactPoint.SecondPolygonContactPoint}");
Exemple #26
        public void CD_GJK_EPA_GradualPenetrationDepth()
            for (float d = 0.05f; d < 1; d += 0.05f)
                var pa = new Polygon(Diamond.Points.Select(x => 10 * x));
                var pb = new RectangleF(10 - d, -10, 10, 20).ToPolygon();

                var gjk = new GilbertJohnsonKeerthiAlgorithm();

                var simplex = gjk.FindMinkowskiSimplex(pa, pb);
                var epa     = new ExpandingPolytopeAlgorithm();

                var pv = epa.PenetrationDepth(
                    v => GilbertJohnsonKeerthiAlgorithm.PolygonSupport(pa, v),
                    v => GilbertJohnsonKeerthiAlgorithm.PolygonSupport(pb, v),

                simplex.ContainsOrigin.Should().BeTrue($"Collision not detected by Minkowski simplex at {d}.");
                Vector2X.Equals(new Vector2(d, 0), pv.Value, 1e-6f).Should().BeTrue($"Penetration depth test failed at {d}.");
Exemple #27
         * 取得一个索引项的位置;
         * @param i

        protected Vector2X getPosition(int i, bool hasBorder = true)
            Vector2X point = new Vector2X();

            if (_vertical)
                if (_maxDirect == -1)
                    point.x = 0;
                    point.y = _itemBoundHeight * i;
                    point.x = (i / _maxDirect) * _itemBoundWidth;
                    point.y = (i % _maxDirect) * _itemBoundHeight;
                if (_maxDirect == -1)
                    point.x = _itemBoundWidth * i;
                    point.y = 0;
                    point.y = (i / _maxDirect) * _itemBoundHeight;
                    point.x = (i % _maxDirect) * _itemBoundWidth;

            if (hasBorder)
                point.x += _border.left;
                point.y += _border.top;

        private void touchHandle(EventX e)
            Vector2X p      = (Vector2X)e.data;
            float    stageX = p.x;
            float    stageY = p.y;

            switch (e.type)
            case MouseEventX.MOUSE_DOWN:
                mx = mx0 = stageX;
                my = my0 = stageY;

                _stage = stage;

                _stage.addEventListener(MouseEventX.MOUSE_MOVE, touchMoveHandle);
                _stage.addEventListener(MouseEventX.MOUSE_UP, touchHandle);

            case MouseEventX.MOUSE_UP:

                _stage.removeEventListener(MouseEventX.MOUSE_MOVE, touchMoveHandle);
                _stage.removeEventListener(MouseEventX.MOUSE_UP, touchHandle);

                if (_isDragging)
                    touchEnd(stageX - mx, stageY - my, stageX - mx0, stageY - my0);
                    if (hasEventListener(TouchEventX.TOUCH_END))
                        this.dispatchEvent(new TouchEventX(TouchEventX.TOUCH_END, stageX - mx, stageY - my, stageX - mx0, stageY - my0));
                    _isDragging = false;

        private void touchMoveHandle(EventX e)
            Vector2X p      = (Vector2X)e.data;
            float    stageX = p.x;
            float    stageY = p.y;

            float dx = stageX - mx0;
            float dy = stageY - my0;

            if (!_isDragging)
                if (Math.Abs(dx) < draggingDistanceX || Math.Abs(dy) < draggingDistanceY || (dx * dx + dy * dy) < MIN_DISTANCE_SQ)
                _isDragging     = true;
                _draggingTarget = this;

                touchStart(dx, dy);//这里面可能会有需求再变为不可拖;

                if (hasEventListener(TouchEventX.TOUCH_START))
                    this.dispatchEvent(new TouchEventX(TouchEventX.TOUCH_START, 0, 0, dx, dy));

            touchMoving(stageX - mx, stageY - my, dx, dy);
            if (hasEventListener(TouchEventX.TOUCH_START))
                this.dispatchEvent(new TouchEventX(TouchEventX.TOUCH_START, stageX - mx, stageY - my, dx, dy));

            mx = stageX;
            my = stageY;
Exemple #30
 public Vector2Edge(Vector2X Start, Vector2X End)
     start = Start;
     end   = End;