Exemple #1
        private void boundsChange(Vector1D offsetX, Vector1D offsetY, Vector1D width, Vector1D height)
            InnerBoundsChange(ref offsetX, ref offsetY, ref width, ref height);

            this.offset = new Vector2D(offsetX, offsetY);
            this.size   = new Vector2D(width, height);
        public static void Build(string dot, string outputpath, bool open)
            Vector2D pagesize;
            var nodes = Node.GetNodes(dot, out pagesize);
            var links = Link.GetLinks(dot, nodes);

            PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
            var page = doc.Pages.Add(new Page(pagesize));

            var space = new Vector1D(0.15, UnitsOfMeasure.Centimeters);

            for (int i = 0; i < links.Length; i++)
                var link = links[i];

                var allTo = links.Where(x => x.To == link.To).ToList();
                var allFrom = links.Where(x => x.From == link.From).ToList();

                var p1 = new Vector2D(link.From.Center.X, link.From.GateRect.Bottom);
                var p3 = new Vector2D(link.To.Center.X, link.To.BoxRect.Top);

                p1.X += allFrom.IndexOf(link) * space - ((allFrom.Count - 1) * space) / 2;

                page.Objects.Add(new Connector(p1, p3 - p1, link.From.Center.X));

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)

            doc.Create(outputpath, open);
Exemple #3
        public void Vector1MulTest()
            Vector1D a = new Vector1D(0.5);
            Vector1D b = new Vector1D(0.5);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.25, a * b);
Exemple #4
        public static void Build(string dot, string outputpath, bool open)
            Vector2D pagesize;
            var      nodes = Node.GetNodes(dot, out pagesize);
            var      links = Link.GetLinks(dot, nodes);

            PDFDocument doc  = new PDFDocument();
            var         page = doc.Pages.Add(new Page(pagesize));

            var space = new Vector1D(0.15, UnitsOfMeasure.Centimeters);

            for (int i = 0; i < links.Length; i++)
                var link = links[i];

                var allTo   = links.Where(x => x.To == link.To).ToList();
                var allFrom = links.Where(x => x.From == link.From).ToList();

                var p1 = new Vector2D(link.From.Center.X, link.From.GateRect.Bottom);
                var p3 = new Vector2D(link.To.Center.X, link.To.BoxRect.Top);

                p1.X += allFrom.IndexOf(link) * space - ((allFrom.Count - 1) * space) / 2;

                page.Objects.Add(new Connector(p1, p3 - p1, link.From.Center.X));

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)

            doc.Create(outputpath, open);
Exemple #5
        private void boundsChange(Vector1D offsetX, Vector1D offsetY, Vector1D width, Vector1D height)
            InnerBoundsChange(ref offsetX, ref offsetY, ref width, ref height);

            this.offset = new Vector2D(offsetX, offsetY);
            this.size = new Vector2D(width, height);
Exemple #6
 protected override sealed void InnerBoundsChange(ref Vector1D offsetX, ref Vector1D offsetY, ref Vector1D width, ref Vector1D height)
     if (height != this.Height)
         width = height * HEIGHT_TO_WIDTH;
     else if (width != this.Width)
         height = width * WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT;
Exemple #7
 public void CurveFromTo(Vector1D x1, Vector1D y1, Vector1D x3, Vector1D y3)
Exemple #8
 public void Arc(Vector1D x1, Vector1D y1, Vector1D x2, Vector1D y2, float startAngle, float extentAngle)
         (float)y2.Value(UnitsOfMeasure.Points), startAngle, extentAngle);
Exemple #9
 public void CurveTo(Vector1D x2, Vector1D y2, Vector1D x3, Vector1D y3)
Exemple #10
        public void Vector1AddTest()
            Vector1D expected = new Vector1D(1);
            Vector1D a        = new Vector1D(0.5);
            Vector1D b        = new Vector1D(0.5);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.x, (a + b).x);
Exemple #11
        public void Vector1SubTest()
            Vector1D expected = new Vector1D(0);
            Vector1D a        = new Vector1D(0.5);
            Vector1D b        = new Vector1D(0.5);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.x, (a - b).x);
Exemple #12
 protected sealed override void InnerBoundsChange(ref Vector1D offsetX, ref Vector1D offsetY, ref Vector1D width, ref Vector1D height)
     if (height != this.Height)
         width = height * HEIGHT_TO_WIDTH;
     else if (width != this.Width)
         height = width * WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT;
Exemple #13
 public void MoveAbsolute(Vector1D zoom, Vector1D speed)
         new PTZVector()
         panTilt = null, zoom = zoom
         speed != null ? new PTZSpeed()
         zoom = speed
     } : null
Exemple #14
 public void MoveContinuous(Vector2D panTilt, Vector1D zoom)
         new PTZSpeed()
         panTilt = panTilt, zoom = zoom
         unit => { },
         err => {
Exemple #15
        private FontInfo(string name, float size, FontStyle style, iTextSharp.text.Font iFont)
            this.name = name;
            this.size = size;
            this.style = style;
            this.iFont = iFont;

            this.ascenderHeight = GetAscenderHeight(iFont);
            this.descenderHeight = GetDescenderHeight(iFont);
            this.baseHeight = GetBaseHeight(iFont);
            this.height = GetLineHeight(iFont);
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StrokeObject"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="offset">The offset of the <see cref="StrokeObject" />.</param>
 /// <param name="size">The size of the <see cref="StrokeObject" />.</param>
 public StrokeObject(Vector2D offset, Vector2D size)
     : base(offset, size)
     this.border = Color.Black;
     this.width = new Vector1D(1, UnitsOfMeasure.Points);
        public void GotoPreset()
            string presetToken = null;

            Media.Profile profile = null;
            RunTest(() =>
                PTZConfigurationOptions options;
                profile = GetPTZProfile(_ptzNodeToken, out options);
                Assert((profile != null) && (profile.PTZConfiguration != null), Resources.ErrorNoPTZProfile, Resources.StepValidatePTZProfile);

                string reason;
                Assert(ValidatePTZConfigurationOptions(options, profile.PTZConfiguration.token, out reason), reason, Resources.StepValidatePTZConfigOptions_Title);

                //absolute or relative move should be supported - use generic space for position or translation
                bool absoulteMoveSupported = Features.Contains(Feature.PTZAbsolute);
                PTZVector vector           = new PTZVector();

                Space2DDescription pantiltSpace = null;
                Space1DDescription zoomSpace    = null;
                if (Features.Contains(Feature.PTZAbsolutePanTilt) || Features.Contains(Feature.PTZRelativePanTilt))
                    pantiltSpace = absoulteMoveSupported ? options.Spaces.AbsolutePanTiltPositionSpace.FirstOrDefault(s => string.Compare(s.URI, _absolutePanTiltSpace, true) == 0) :
                                   options.Spaces.RelativePanTiltTranslationSpace.FirstOrDefault(s => string.Compare(s.URI, _relativePanTiltSpace, true) == 0);
                    vector.PanTilt       = new Vector2D();
                    vector.PanTilt.space = pantiltSpace.URI;
                    vector.PanTilt.x     = pantiltSpace.XRange.Min;
                    vector.PanTilt.y     = pantiltSpace.YRange.Min;
                if (Features.Contains(Feature.PTZAbsoluteZoom) || Features.Contains(Feature.PTZRelativeZoom))
                    zoomSpace = absoulteMoveSupported ? options.Spaces.AbsoluteZoomPositionSpace.FirstOrDefault(s => string.Compare(s.URI, _absoluteZoomSpace, true) == 0) :
                                options.Spaces.RelativeZoomTranslationSpace.FirstOrDefault(s => string.Compare(s.URI, _relativeZoomSpace, true) == 0);
                    vector.Zoom       = new Vector1D();
                    vector.Zoom.space = zoomSpace.URI;
                    vector.Zoom.x     = zoomSpace.XRange.Min;

                if (absoulteMoveSupported)
                    AbsoluteMove(profile.token, vector, null);
                    RelativeMove(profile.token, vector, null);
                RunStep(() => { Thread.Sleep(10000); }, string.Format("Waiting 10 seconds for camera to move"));

                string presetName = "Test";
                presetToken       = SetPreset(profile.token, presetName, null);

                //move to another position
                Vector2D oldPanTilt = vector.PanTilt;
                if (oldPanTilt != null)
                    vector.PanTilt       = new Vector2D();
                    vector.PanTilt.space = oldPanTilt.space;
                    vector.PanTilt.x     = pantiltSpace.XRange.Max;
                    vector.PanTilt.y     = pantiltSpace.YRange.Max;
                Vector1D oldZoom = vector.Zoom;
                if (oldZoom != null)
                    vector.Zoom       = new Vector1D();
                    vector.Zoom.space = oldZoom.space;
                    vector.Zoom.x     = zoomSpace.XRange.Max;
                if (absoulteMoveSupported)
                    AbsoluteMove(profile.token, vector, null);
                    RelativeMove(profile.token, vector, null);
                RunStep(() => { Thread.Sleep(10000); }, string.Format("Waiting 10 seconds for camera to move"));

                GotoPreset(profile.token, presetToken, null);
                RunStep(() => { Thread.Sleep(10000); }, string.Format("Waiting 10 seconds for camera to move"));

                PTZStatus status = GetPTZStatus(profile.token);
                vector.PanTilt   = oldPanTilt;
                vector.Zoom      = oldZoom;
                if (status.Position != null)
                    CheckPTZPosition(status.Position, vector, vector);
                    Assert(_operator.GetYesNoAnswer(string.Format("Is camera in position [{0}]?", PositionToString(vector))),
                           "Camera is in wrong position",
                           "Camera position check (manual)");

                RemovePreset(profile.token, presetToken);
                presetToken = null;
                    () =>

                if ((presetToken != null) && (profile != null))
                    RemovePreset(profile.token, presetToken);
        bool AreTheSame(FindPTZPositionResult result1, FindPTZPositionResult result2)
            bool equal = result1.Time == result2.Time &&
                         result1.RecordingToken == result2.RecordingToken &&
                         result1.TrackToken == result2.TrackToken;

            if (equal)
                // ToDo : How to compare PTZ positions ?
                // (is it possible that they will be returned for different space ? )

                bool positionsEqual = true;

                if (result1.Position != null && result2.Position != null)
                    Vector2D panTilt1 = result1.Position.PanTilt;
                    Vector2D panTilt2 = result2.Position.PanTilt;
                    if (panTilt1 != null && panTilt2 != null)
                        positionsEqual = panTilt1.space == panTilt2.space &&
                                         panTilt1.x == panTilt2.x &&
                                         panTilt1.y == panTilt2.y;
                        if (panTilt1 != null || panTilt2 != null)
                            positionsEqual = false;

                    if (positionsEqual)
                        Vector1D zoom1 = result1.Position.Zoom;
                        Vector1D zoom2 = result2.Position.Zoom;
                        if (zoom1 != null && zoom2 != null)
                            positionsEqual = zoom1.space == zoom2.space &&
                                             zoom1.x == zoom2.x;
                            if (zoom1 != null || zoom2 != null)
                                positionsEqual = false;
                    if (result1.Position != null || result2.Position != null)
                        positionsEqual = false;
                    // else both null - OK

                equal = positionsEqual;

Exemple #19
 /// <summary>
 /// When implemented in a derived class, ensures that the offset and size values specified for an object are "acceptable".
 /// This method will be executed when changes are made to an objects size or offset, before the actual change is applied to the object.
 /// When this method exits the object is updated with the parameter values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="offsetX">The new x-coordinate of the objects local offset.</param>
 /// <param name="offsetY">The new y-coordinate of the objects local offset.</param>
 /// <param name="width">The new width of the object.</param>
 /// <param name="height">The new height of the object.</param>
 protected virtual void InnerBoundsChange(ref Vector1D offsetX, ref Vector1D offsetY, ref Vector1D width, ref Vector1D height)
Exemple #20
 public Vector4D(Vector1D x, Vector1D y, Vector1D width, Vector1D height)
     this.offset = new Vector2D(x, y);
     this.size   = new Vector2D(width, height);
Exemple #21
 public GateObject(Vector1D gateHeight)
     : base(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(gateHeight, gateHeight))
     BorderWidth = new Vector1D(2, UnitsOfMeasure.Points);
Exemple #22
 public OrGate(Vector1D gateHeight)
     : base(gateHeight)
Exemple #23
 public void Mark(Vector2D v, Vector1D radius)
     Mark(v, radius, Color.Black);
Exemple #24
        public void Vector1Length()
            Vector1D a = new Vector1D(-1);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, a.Length());
Exemple #25
        public void Mark(Vector2D v, Vector1D radius, Color color)
            cb.SetColorStroke(new iTextSharp.text.Color(color));

            MoveTo(v.X - radius, v.Y);
            LineTo(v.X + radius, v.Y);
            MoveTo(v.X, v.Y - radius);
            LineTo(v.X, v.Y + radius);
Exemple #26
 public void MoveTo(Vector1D x, Vector1D y)
Exemple #27
 public void Rectangle(Vector1D x, Vector1D y, Vector1D width, Vector1D height)
Exemple #28
 public Connector(Vector2D offset, Vector2D size, Vector1D centerX)
     : base(offset, size)
     this.centerX = centerX;
     BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
Exemple #29
 public Connector(Vector2D offset, Vector2D size, Vector1D centerX)
     : base(offset, size)
     this.centerX = centerX;
     BorderColor  = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
Exemple #30
 public GateObject(Vector1D gateHeight)
     : base(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(gateHeight, gateHeight))
     BorderWidth = new Vector1D(2, UnitsOfMeasure.Points);
Exemple #31
 public AndGate(Vector1D gateHeight)
     : base(gateHeight)
Exemple #32
        public void GotoPreset()
            string  presetToken = null;
            Profile profile     = null;

            RunTest(() =>
                       "No Absolute or Relative movement is supported",
                       "Check that Absolute or Relative movement is supported");

                PTZConfigurationOptions options;
                profile = GetPTZProfile(_ptzNodeToken, out options);
                Assert((profile != null) && (profile.PTZConfiguration != null), Resources.ErrorNoPTZProfile, Resources.StepValidatePTZProfile);

                string reason;
                Assert(ValidatePTZConfigurationOptions(options, profile.PTZConfiguration.NodeToken, out reason), reason, Resources.StepValidatePTZConfigOptions_Title);

                //absolute or relative move should be supported - use generic space for position or translation
                bool absoluteMoveSupported = Features.Contains(Feature.PTZAbsolute);

                // pantilt movement is used if correcponding Pan/Tilt is supported
                bool panTilt = (absoluteMoveSupported && Features.ContainsFeature(Feature.PTZAbsolutePanTilt)) ||
                               (!absoluteMoveSupported && Features.ContainsFeature(Feature.PTZRelativePanTilt));

                bool absoluteZoom = absoluteMoveSupported && Features.Contains(Feature.PTZAbsoluteZoom);
                bool relativeZoom = !absoluteMoveSupported && Features.Contains(Feature.PTZRelativeZoom);

                bool zoom = absoluteZoom || relativeZoom;

                PTZVector vector = new PTZVector();

                Space2DDescription pantiltSpace = null;
                Space1DDescription zoomSpace    = null;
                if (panTilt)
                    pantiltSpace = absoluteMoveSupported ? options.Spaces.AbsolutePanTiltPositionSpace.FirstOrDefault(s => string.Compare(s.URI, _absolutePanTiltSpace, true) == 0) :
                                   options.Spaces.RelativePanTiltTranslationSpace.FirstOrDefault(s => string.Compare(s.URI, _relativePanTiltSpace, true) == 0);
                    vector.PanTilt       = new Vector2D();
                    vector.PanTilt.space = pantiltSpace.URI;
                    vector.PanTilt.x     = pantiltSpace.XRange.Min;
                    vector.PanTilt.y     = pantiltSpace.YRange.Min;
                if (zoom)
                    zoomSpace = absoluteMoveSupported ? options.Spaces.AbsoluteZoomPositionSpace.FirstOrDefault(s => string.Compare(s.URI, _absoluteZoomSpace, true) == 0) :
                                options.Spaces.RelativeZoomTranslationSpace.FirstOrDefault(s => string.Compare(s.URI, _relativeZoomSpace, true) == 0);
                    vector.Zoom       = new Vector1D();
                    vector.Zoom.space = zoomSpace.URI;
                    vector.Zoom.x     = zoomSpace.XRange.Min;

                if (absoluteMoveSupported)
                    AbsoluteMove(profile.token, vector, null);
                    RelativeMove(profile.token, vector, null);
                RunStep(() => { Thread.Sleep(10000); }, string.Format("Waiting 10 seconds for camera to move"));

                string presetName = "Test";
                presetToken       = SetPreset(profile.token, presetName, null);

                //move to another position
                Vector2D oldPanTilt = vector.PanTilt;
                if (oldPanTilt != null)
                    vector.PanTilt       = new Vector2D();
                    vector.PanTilt.space = oldPanTilt.space;
                    vector.PanTilt.x     = pantiltSpace.XRange.Max;
                    vector.PanTilt.y     = pantiltSpace.YRange.Max;
                Vector1D oldZoom = vector.Zoom;
                if (oldZoom != null)
                    vector.Zoom       = new Vector1D();
                    vector.Zoom.space = oldZoom.space;
                    vector.Zoom.x     = zoomSpace.XRange.Max;
                if (absoluteMoveSupported)
                    AbsoluteMove(profile.token, vector, null);
                    RelativeMove(profile.token, vector, null);
                RunStep(() => { Thread.Sleep(10000); }, string.Format("Waiting 10 seconds for camera to move"));

                GotoPreset(profile.token, presetToken, null);
                RunStep(() => { Thread.Sleep(10000); }, string.Format("Waiting 10 seconds for camera to move"));

                PTZStatus status = GetPTZStatus(profile.token);
                vector.PanTilt   = oldPanTilt;
                vector.Zoom      = oldZoom;
                if (status.Position != null)
                    CheckPTZPosition(status.Position, vector, vector, pantiltSpace, zoomSpace);

                RemovePreset(profile.token, presetToken);
                presetToken = null;
                    () =>

                if ((presetToken != null) && (profile != null))
                    RemovePreset(profile.token, presetToken);
Exemple #33
 public OrGate(Vector1D gateHeight)
     : base(gateHeight)
Exemple #34
 /// <summary>
 /// When implemented in a derived class, ensures that the offset and size values specified for an object are "acceptable".
 /// This method will be executed when changes are made to an objects size or offset, before the actual change is applied to the object.
 /// When this method exits the object is updated with the parameter values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="offsetX">The new x-coordinate of the objects local offset.</param>
 /// <param name="offsetY">The new y-coordinate of the objects local offset.</param>
 /// <param name="width">The new width of the object.</param>
 /// <param name="height">The new height of the object.</param>
 protected virtual void InnerBoundsChange(ref Vector1D offsetX, ref Vector1D offsetY, ref Vector1D width, ref Vector1D height)
Exemple #35
 public void Ellipse(Vector1D x, Vector1D y, Vector1D width, Vector1D height)
         (float)(x + width).Value(UnitsOfMeasure.Points),
         (float)(y + height).Value(UnitsOfMeasure.Points));
Exemple #36
 public Vector4D(Vector1D x, Vector1D y, Vector1D width,Vector1D height)
     this.offset = new Vector2D(x, y);
     this.size = new Vector2D(width, height);
Exemple #37
 public AndGate(Vector1D gateHeight)
     : base(gateHeight)