Exemple #1
        public static string parse_var_assignment(string line, ref vmodifiers vmod)
            string p = "";

            line = Utils.next_token(line);
            if (line.Length == 0)
            p = line;
            while (true)
                string p2 = "";
                Variable.variable_flavor flavor = new Variable.variable_flavor();
                p2 = Variable.parse_variable_definition(p, ref flavor);

                // If this is a variable assignment, we're done.
                if (p2 != null)

                // It's not a variable; see if it's a modifier.
                p2 = Utils.end_of_token(p);

                if (p.StartsWith("export"))
                    vmod.export_v = true;
                else if (p.StartsWith("override"))
                    vmod.override_v = true;
                else if (p.StartsWith("private"))
                    vmod.private_v = true;
                else if (p.StartsWith("define"))
                    // We can't have modifiers after 'define'
                    vmod.define_v = true;
                    p             = Utils.next_token(p2);
                else if (p.StartsWith("undefine"))
                    /* We can't have modifiers after 'undefine' */
                    vmod.undefine_v = true;
                    p = Utils.next_token(p2);
                    /* Not a variable or modifier: this is not a variable assignment.  */

                /* It was a modifier.  Try the next word.  */
                p = Utils.next_token(p2);
                if (p == null || p == "")

            /* Found a variable assignment or undefine.  */
            vmod.assign_v = true;
Exemple #2
        /* Execute a `define' directive.
         * The first line has already been read, and NAME is the name of the variable to be defined.  The following lines remain to be read.  */
        public static Variable.variable do_define(string name, Variable.variable_origin origin)
            Variable.variable_flavor flavor = new Variable.variable_flavor();
            int    nlevels    = 1;
            string definition = "";
            string p          = "";
            string var        = "";

            p = Variable.parse_variable_definition(name, ref flavor);
            if (p == null)
                // No assignment token, so assume recursive.
                flavor = Variable.variable_flavor.f_recursive;
                if (Utils.next_token(p).Length != 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Extraneous text after 'define' directive - (" + (new StackFrame()).GetFileName() + " - " + (new StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber() + ")");

                name = name.Trim();
                // Chop the string before the assignment token to get the name.
                name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - ((flavor == Variable.variable_flavor.f_recursive) ? 1 : 2));

            // Expand the variable name and find the beginning (NAME) and end.
            var  = Variable.ExpandString(name);
            name = Utils.next_token(var);

            if (name.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Empty variable name - (" + (new StackFrame()).GetFileName() + " - " + (new StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber() + ")");

            name = name.Trim();

            // Now read the value of the variable.
            while (true)
                int    len;
                string line = ReadLine();

                // If there is nothing left to be eval'd, there's no 'endef'!!
                if (line == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Missing 'endef', unterminated 'define'");

                // If the line doesn't begin with a tab, test to see if it introduces another define, or ends one.  Stop if we find an 'endef'
                if (line[0] != TAB_CHAR)
                    p   = Utils.next_token(line);
                    len = p.Length;

                    // If this is another 'define', increment the level count.
                    if ((len == 6 || (len > 6 && Utils.isblank(p[6]))) && (p.Substring(0, 6) == "define"))
                    // If this is an 'endef', decrement the count.  If it's now 0, we've found the last one.
                    else if ((len == 5 || (len > 5 && Utils.isblank(p[5]))) && (p.Substring(0, 5) == "endef"))
                        p = p.Substring(5);
                        if (Utils.next_token(p).Length != 0)
                            MessageBox.Show("Extraneous text after 'endef' directive - (" + (new StackFrame()).GetFileName() + " - " + (new StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber() + ")");

                        if (--nlevels == 0)
                // Add this line to the variable definition and separate lines with a newline.
                definition += line + "\n";

            // We've got what we need; define the variable.
            return(Variable.do_variable_definition(name, definition, origin, flavor, 0));