public static DataValueEditor CreateDataValueEditor(string name)
        var valueType = ValueTypes.IsValue(name) ? name : ValueTypes.String;

        return(new DataValueEditor(
                   Mock.Of <ILocalizedTextService>(),
                   Mock.Of <IShortStringHelper>(),
                   new JsonNetSerializer(),
                   Mock.Of <IIOHelper>(),
                   new DataEditorAttribute(name, name, name)
            ValueType = valueType
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public override LabelConfiguration FromConfigurationEditor(
        IDictionary <string, object?>?editorValues,
        var newConfiguration = new LabelConfiguration();

        // get the value type
        // not simply deserializing Json because we want to validate the valueType
        if (editorValues is not null && editorValues.TryGetValue(
                out var valueTypeObj) &&
            valueTypeObj is string stringValue)
            // validate
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stringValue) && ValueTypes.IsValue(stringValue))
                newConfiguration.ValueType = stringValue;
