         * <summary>
         *   Registers the callback function that is invoked on every change of advertised value.
         * <para>
         *   The callback is invoked only during the execution of <c>ySleep</c> or <c>yHandleEvents</c>.
         *   This provides control over the time when the callback is triggered. For good responsiveness, remember to call
         *   one of these two functions periodically. To unregister a callback, pass a null pointer as argument.
         * </para>
         * <para>
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <param name="callback">
         *   the callback function to call, or a null pointer. The callback function should take two
         *   arguments: the function object of which the value has changed, and the character string describing
         *   the new advertised value.
         * @noreturn
         * </param>
        public int registerValueCallback(ValueCallback callback)
            string val;

            if (callback != null)
                YFunction._UpdateValueCallbackList(this, true);
                YFunction._UpdateValueCallbackList(this, false);
            this._valueCallbackTemperature = callback;
            // Immediately invoke value callback with current value
            if (callback != null && this.isOnline())
                val = this._advertisedValue;
                if (!(val == ""))
Exemple #2
         * <summary>
         *   Registers the callback function that is invoked on every change of advertised value.
         * <para>
         *   The callback is invoked only during the execution of <c>ySleep</c> or <c>yHandleEvents</c>.
         *   This provides control over the time when the callback is triggered. For good responsiveness, remember to call
         *   one of these two functions periodically. To unregister a callback, pass a null pointer as argument.
         * </para>
         * <para>
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <param name="callback">
         *   the callback function to call, or a null pointer. The callback function should take two
         *   arguments: the function object of which the value has changed, and the character string describing
         *   the new advertised value.
         * @noreturn
         * </param>
        public async Task <int> registerValueCallback(ValueCallback callback)
            string val;

            if (callback != null)
                await YFunction._UpdateValueCallbackList(this, true);
                await YFunction._UpdateValueCallbackList(this, false);
            _valueCallbackMultiAxisController = callback;
            // Immediately invoke value callback with current value
            if (callback != null && await this.isOnline())
                val = _advertisedValue;
                if (!(val == ""))
                    await this._invokeValueCallback(val);
  * <summary>
  *   Registers the callback function that is invoked on every change of advertised value.
  * <para>
  *   The callback is invoked only during the execution of <c>ySleep</c> or <c>yHandleEvents</c>.
  *   This provides control over the time when the callback is triggered. For good responsiveness, remember to call
  *   one of these two functions periodically. To unregister a callback, pass a null pointer as argument.
  * </para>
  * <para>
  * </para>
  * </summary>
  * <param name="callback">
  *   the callback function to call, or a null pointer. The callback function should take two
  *   arguments: the function object of which the value has changed, and the character string describing
  *   the new advertised value.
  * @noreturn
  * </param>
 public int registerValueCallback(ValueCallback callback)
     string val;
     if (callback != null) {
         YFunction._UpdateValueCallbackList(this, true);
     } else {
         YFunction._UpdateValueCallbackList(this, false);
     this._valueCallbackDigitalIO = callback;
     // Immediately invoke value callback with current value
     if (callback != null && this.isOnline()) {
         val = this._advertisedValue;
         if (!(val == "")) {
     return 0;
        public virtual void openFileChooser(ValueCallback<Uri> uploadMsg)

 public virtual void openFileChooser(ValueCallback <Uri> uploadMsg)
        internal void ShowCombo <D>(ComboBox combo, List <D> items, TextCallback <D> text, ValueCallback <D> value, int selectedIndex)

            var data = new List <dynamic>();

            items.ForEach((item) => data.Add(new { Text = text(item), Value = value(item) }));

            combo.DataSource = data;