Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Main running method for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Commandline arguments to the application.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the application error code.</returns>
        private int Run(string[] args)
                // parse the command line

                // exit if there was an error parsing the command line (otherwise the logo appears after error messages)
                if (this.messageHandler.EncounteredError)

                if (0 == this.inputFiles.Count)
                    this.showHelp = true;

                if (this.showLogo)
                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

                    Console.WriteLine("Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Validator version {0}", assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved.");

                if (this.showHelp)
                    Console.WriteLine(" usage:  smoke.exe [-?]  databaseFile [databaseFile ...]");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -cub         additional .cub file containing ICEs to run");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -ext         extension assembly or \"class, assembly\"");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -nodefault   do not add the default .cub files for .msi and .msm files");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -nologo      skip printing smoke logo information");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -notidy      do not delete temporary files (useful for debugging)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sice:<ICE>  suppress an internal consistency evaluator (ICE)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sw<N>       suppress warning with specific message ID");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -v           verbose output");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -wx          treat warnings as errors");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -?           this help information");
                    Console.WriteLine("Environment variables:");
                    Console.WriteLine("   WIX_TEMP   overrides the temporary directory used for validation");
                    Console.WriteLine("For more information see: http://wix.sourceforge.net");


                validator.TempFilesLocation = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP");

                // load any extensions
                bool validatorExtensionLoaded = false;
                foreach (string extension in this.extensionList)
                    WixExtension wixExtension = WixExtension.Load(extension);

                    ValidatorExtension validatorExtension = wixExtension.ValidatorExtension;
                    if (null != validatorExtension)
                        if (validatorExtensionLoaded)
                            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "cannot load linker extension: {0}.  light can only load one link extension and has already loaded link extension: {1}.", validatorExtension.GetType().ToString(), validator.Extension.ToString()), "ext");

                        validator.Extension      = validatorExtension;
                        validatorExtensionLoaded = true;

                // set the message handlers
                validator.Extension.Message += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);

                // disable ICE33 by default

                // set the suppressed ICEs
                string[] suppressICEArray = new string[this.suppressICEs.Count];
                this.suppressICEs.CopyTo(suppressICEArray, 0);
                validator.SuppressedICEs = suppressICEArray;

                foreach (string inputFile in this.inputFiles)
                    // set the default cube file
                    Assembly assembly     = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                    string   appDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly.Location);

                    if (this.addDefault)
                        switch (Path.GetExtension(inputFile).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                        case ".msm":
                            validator.AddCubeFile(Path.Combine(appDirectory, "mergemod.cub"));

                        case ".msi":
                            validator.AddCubeFile(Path.Combine(appDirectory, "darice.cub"));

                            throw new Exception("Unknown input file format - expected a .msi or .msm file.");

                    // print friendly message saying what file is being validated

                        if (this.tidy)
                            if (!validator.DeleteTempFiles())
                                Console.WriteLine("Warning, failed to delete temporary directory: {0}", validator.TempFilesLocation);
                            Console.WriteLine("Temporary directory located at '{0}'.", validator.TempFilesLocation);
            catch (WixException we)
                this.messageHandler.Display(this, we.Error);
            catch (Exception e)
                this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.UnexpectedException(e.Message, e.GetType().ToString(), e.StackTrace));
                if (e is NullReferenceException || e is SEHException)

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Main running method for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Commandline arguments to the application.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the application error code.</returns>
        private int Run(string[] args)
                // parse the command line

                // exit if there was an error parsing the command line (otherwise the logo appears after error messages)
                if (this.messageHandler.EncounteredError)

                if (0 == this.inputFiles.Count)
                    this.showHelp = true;

                if (this.showLogo)

                if (this.showHelp)

                foreach (string parameter in this.invalidArgs)
                    this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixWarnings.UnsupportedCommandLineArgument(parameter));
                this.invalidArgs = null;

                validator.TempFilesLocation = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP");

                // load any extensions
                bool validatorExtensionLoaded = false;
                foreach (string extension in this.extensionList)
                    WixExtension wixExtension = WixExtension.Load(extension);

                    ValidatorExtension validatorExtension = wixExtension.ValidatorExtension;
                    if (null != validatorExtension)
                        if (validatorExtensionLoaded)
                            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, SmokeStrings.EXP_CannotLoadLinkerExtension, validatorExtension.GetType().ToString(), validator.Extension.ToString()), "ext");

                        validator.Extension      = validatorExtension;
                        validatorExtensionLoaded = true;

                // set the message handlers
                validator.Extension.Message += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);

                // disable ICE33 and ICE66 by default

                // set the ICEs
                string[] iceArray = new string[this.ices.Count];
                this.ices.CopyTo(iceArray, 0);
                validator.ICEs = iceArray;

                // set the suppressed ICEs
                string[] suppressICEArray = new string[this.suppressICEs.Count];
                this.suppressICEs.CopyTo(suppressICEArray, 0);
                validator.SuppressedICEs = suppressICEArray;

                // Load the pdb and assign the Output to the validator
                if (null != pdbPath)
                    string pdbFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(pdbPath);
                    Pdb    pdb         = Pdb.Load(pdbFullPath, false, false);
                    this.validator.Output = pdb.Output;

                foreach (string inputFile in this.inputFiles)
                    // set the default cube file
                    Assembly assembly     = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                    string   appDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly.Location);

                    if (this.addDefault)
                        switch (Path.GetExtension(inputFile).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                        case msm:
                            validator.AddCubeFile(Path.Combine(appDirectory, "mergemod.cub"));

                        case msi:
                            validator.AddCubeFile(Path.Combine(appDirectory, "darice.cub"));

                            throw new WixException(WixErrors.UnexpectedFileExtension(inputFile, ".msi, .msm"));

                    // print friendly message saying what file is being validated
                    Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                        this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.UnauthorizedAccess(Path.GetFullPath(inputFile)));
                        this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixVerboses.ValidatedDatabase(stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds));

                        if (this.tidy)
                            if (!validator.DeleteTempFiles())
                                Console.WriteLine(SmokeStrings.WAR_FailedToDeleteTempDir, validator.TempFilesLocation);
                            Console.WriteLine(SmokeStrings.INF_TempDirLocatedAt, validator.TempFilesLocation);
            catch (WixException we)
                this.messageHandler.Display(this, we.Error);
            catch (Exception e)
                this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.UnexpectedException(e.Message, e.GetType().ToString(), e.StackTrace));
                if (e is NullReferenceException || e is SEHException)

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Main running method for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Commandline arguments to the application.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the application error code.</returns>
        private int Run(string[] args)
            Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Binder binder = null;
            Linker            linker     = null;
            Localizer         localizer  = null;
            SectionCollection sections   = new SectionCollection();
            ArrayList         transforms = new ArrayList();

                // parse the command line

                // exit if there was an error parsing the command line (otherwise the logo appears after error messages)
                if (this.messageHandler.EncounteredError)

                if (0 == this.inputFiles.Count)
                    this.showHelp = true;
                else if (null == this.outputFile)
                    if (1 < this.inputFiles.Count)
                        throw new ArgumentException("must specify output file when using more than one input file", "-out");

                    this.outputFile = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(this.inputFiles[0]), ".wix"); // we'll let the linker change the extension later

                if (this.showLogo)
                    Assembly lightAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

                    Console.WriteLine("Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Linker version {0}", lightAssembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved.");

                if (this.showHelp)
                    Console.WriteLine(" usage:  light.exe [-?] [-b basePath] [-nologo] [-out outputFile] objectFile [objectFile ...]");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -ai        allow identical rows, identical rows will be treated as a warning");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -au        (experimental) allow unresolved references, will not create a valid output");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -b         base path to locate all files (default: current directory)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -bf        bind files into a wixout (only valid with -xo option)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -cc        path to cache built cabinets (will not be deleted after linking)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -ct <N>    number of threads to use when creating cabinets (default: %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -cultures:<cultures>  semicolon-delimited list of localized string cultures to load from libraries");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -cub       additional .cub file containing ICEs to run");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -d<name>=<value>  define a wix variable");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -ext       extension assembly or \"class, assembly\"");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -fv        add a 'fileVersion' entry to the MsiAssemblyName table (rarely needed)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -loc <loc.wxl>  read localization strings from .wxl file");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -nologo    skip printing light logo information");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -notidy    do not delete temporary files (useful for debugging)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -out       specify output file (default: write to current directory)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -pedantic  show pedantic messages");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -reusecab  reuse cabinets from cabinet cache");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sa        suppress assemblies: do not get assembly name information for assemblies");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sacl      suppress resetting ACLs (useful when laying out image to a network share)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sadmin    suppress default admin sequence actions");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sadv      suppress default adv sequence actions");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sdut      suppress dropping unreal tables to the output image (default with -xo)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sice:<ICE>  suppress an internal consistency evaluator (ICE)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sma       suppress processing the data in MsiAssembly table");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sf        suppress files: do not get any file information (equivalent to -sa and -sh)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sh        suppress file info: do not get hash, version, language, etc");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sl        suppress layout");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -ss        suppress schema validation of documents (performance boost)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sui       suppress default UI sequence actions");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sv        suppress intermediate file version mismatch checking");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sval      suppress MSI/MSM validation");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sw<N>     suppress warning with specific message ID");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -ts        tag sectionId attribute on rows (default with -xo)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -tsa       tag sectionId attribute on rows, generating when null (default with -xo)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -usf <output.xml>  unreferenced symbols file");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -v         verbose output");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -wx        treat warnings as errors");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -xo        output xml instead of MSI format");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -?         this help information");
                    Console.WriteLine("Environment variables:");
                    Console.WriteLine("   WIX_TEMP   overrides the temporary directory used for cab creation, msm exploding, ...");
                    Console.WriteLine("Common extensions:");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .wxi    - Windows installer Xml Include file");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .wxl    - Windows installer Xml Localization file");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .wxs    - Windows installer Xml Source file");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .wixlib - Windows installer Xml Library file (in XML format)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .wixobj - Windows installer Xml Object file (in XML format)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .wixout - Windows installer Xml Output file (in XML format)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .msi - Windows installer Product Database");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .msm - Windows installer Merge Module");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .msp - Windows installer Patch");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .mst - Windows installer Transform");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .pcp - Windows installer Patch Creation Package");
                    Console.WriteLine("For more information see: http://wix.sourceforge.net");


                // create the linker, binder, and validator
                linker = new Linker();
                binder = new Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Binder();

                linker.AllowIdenticalRows        = this.allowIdenticalRows;
                linker.AllowUnresolvedReferences = this.allowUnresolvedReferences;
                linker.Cultures = this.cultures;
                linker.UnreferencedSymbolsFile      = this.unreferencedSymbolsFile;
                linker.ShowPedanticMessages         = this.showPedanticMessages;
                linker.SuppressDroppingUnrealTables = this.suppressDroppingUnrealTables;
                linker.SuppressMsiAssemblyTable     = this.suppressMsiAssemblyTable;
                linker.WixVariableResolver          = this.wixVariableResolver;

                // set the sequence suppression options
                linker.SuppressAdminSequence     = this.suppressAdminSequence;
                linker.SuppressAdvertiseSequence = this.suppressAdvertiseSequence;
                linker.SuppressUISequence        = this.suppressUISequence;

                linker.SectionIdOnRows    = this.sectionIdOnRows;
                linker.GenerateSectionIds = this.generateSectionIds;

                // default the number of cabbing threads to the number of processors if it wasn't specified
                if (0 == this.cabbingThreadCount)
                    string numberOfProcessors = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS");

                        if (null != numberOfProcessors)
                            this.cabbingThreadCount = Convert.ToInt32(numberOfProcessors, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);

                            if (0 >= this.cabbingThreadCount)
                                throw new WixException(WixErrors.IllegalEnvironmentVariable("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS", numberOfProcessors));
                        else // default to 1 if the environment variable is not set
                            this.cabbingThreadCount = 1;
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        throw new WixException(WixErrors.IllegalEnvironmentVariable("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS", numberOfProcessors));
                    catch (FormatException)
                        throw new WixException(WixErrors.IllegalEnvironmentVariable("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS", numberOfProcessors));
                binder.CabbingThreadCount = this.cabbingThreadCount;

                binder.SuppressAclReset = this.suppressAclReset;
                binder.SetMsiAssemblyNameFileVersion = this.setMsiAssemblyNameFileVersion;
                binder.SuppressAssemblies            = this.suppressAssemblies;
                binder.SuppressFileHashAndInfo       = this.suppressFileHashAndInfo;

                if (this.suppressFiles)
                    binder.SuppressAssemblies      = true;
                    binder.SuppressFileHashAndInfo = true;

                binder.SuppressLayout      = this.suppressLayout;
                binder.TempFilesLocation   = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP");
                binder.WixVariableResolver = this.wixVariableResolver;

                validator.TempFilesLocation = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP");

                if (null != this.cabCachePath || this.reuseCabinets)
                    // ensure the cabinet cache path exists if we are going to use it
                    if (null != this.cabCachePath && !Directory.Exists(this.cabCachePath))

                if (null != this.basePaths)
                    foreach (string basePath in this.basePaths)

                // load any extensions
                bool binderExtensionLoaded    = false;
                bool validatorExtensionLoaded = false;
                foreach (string extension in this.extensionList)
                    WixExtension wixExtension = WixExtension.Load(extension);


                    if (null != wixExtension.BinderExtension)
                        if (binderExtensionLoaded)
                            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "cannot load binder extension: {0}.  light can only load one binder extension and has already loaded binder extension: {1}.", wixExtension.BinderExtension.GetType().ToString(), binder.Extension.ToString()), "ext");

                        binder.Extension      = wixExtension.BinderExtension;
                        binderExtensionLoaded = true;

                    ValidatorExtension validatorExtension = wixExtension.ValidatorExtension;
                    if (null != validatorExtension)
                        if (validatorExtensionLoaded)
                            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "cannot load linker extension: {0}.  light can only load one link extension and has already loaded link extension: {1}.", validatorExtension.GetType().ToString(), validator.Extension.ToString()), "ext");

                        validator.Extension      = validatorExtension;
                        validatorExtensionLoaded = true;

                // set the message handlers
                linker.Message += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);
                binder.Message += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);
                validator.Extension.Message += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);

                Output output = null;

                // instantiate the localizer and load any localization files
                if (0 < this.localizationFiles.Count || null != this.cultures || !this.outputXml)
                    localizer = new Localizer();

                    localizer.Message += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);

                    // load each localization file
                    foreach (string localizationFile in this.localizationFiles)
                        Localization localization = Localization.Load(localizationFile, linker.TableDefinitions, this.suppressSchema);


                    // immediately stop processing if any errors were found
                    if (this.messageHandler.EncounteredError)

                // loop through all the believed object files
                foreach (string inputFile in this.inputFiles)
                    string dirName           = Path.GetDirectoryName(inputFile);
                    string inputFileFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(inputFile);

                    if (!this.sourcePaths.Contains(dirName))

                    // try loading as an object file
                        Intermediate intermediate = Intermediate.Load(inputFileFullPath, linker.TableDefinitions, this.suppressVersionCheck, this.suppressSchema);
                        continue; // next file
                    catch (WixNotIntermediateException)
                        // try another format

                    // try loading as a library file
                        Library library = Library.Load(inputFileFullPath, linker.TableDefinitions, this.suppressVersionCheck, this.suppressSchema);

                        // load the localization files for the selected cultures
                        if (null != this.cultures)
                            Localization localization = library.GetLocalization(this.cultures);

                            if (null != localization)

                        continue; // next file
                    catch (WixNotLibraryException)
                        // try another format

                    // try loading as an output file
                    output = Output.Load(inputFileFullPath, this.suppressVersionCheck, this.suppressSchema);

                // immediately stop processing if any errors were found
                if (this.messageHandler.EncounteredError)

                // set the binder extension information
                foreach (string basePath in this.basePaths)
                binder.Extension.CabCachePath  = this.cabCachePath;
                binder.Extension.ReuseCabinets = this.reuseCabinets;
                foreach (string sourcePath in this.sourcePaths)

                // and now for the fun part
                if (null == output)
                    // tell the linker about the localizer
                    linker.Localizer = localizer;
                    localizer        = null;

                    output = linker.Link(sections, transforms);

                    // if an error occurred during linking, stop processing
                    if (null == output)
                else if (0 != sections.Count)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot link object files (.wixobj) files with an output file (.wixout)");

                // Now that the output object is either linked or loaded, tell the binder extension about it.
                binder.Extension.Output = output;

                // only output the xml if its a patch build or user specfied to only output wixout
                if (this.outputXml || OutputType.Patch == output.Type)
                    string outputExtension = Path.GetExtension(this.outputFile);
                    if (null == outputExtension || 0 == outputExtension.Length || ".wix" == outputExtension)
                        if (OutputType.Patch == output.Type)
                            this.outputFile = Path.ChangeExtension(this.outputFile, ".wixmsp");
                            this.outputFile = Path.ChangeExtension(this.outputFile, ".wixout");
                    output.Save(this.outputFile, (this.bindFiles ? binder.Extension : null), this.wixVariableResolver, binder.TempFilesLocation);
                else // finish creating the MSI/MSM
                    string outputExtension = Path.GetExtension(this.outputFile);
                    if (null == outputExtension || 0 == outputExtension.Length || ".wix" == outputExtension)
                        if (OutputType.Module == output.Type)
                            this.outputFile = Path.ChangeExtension(this.outputFile, ".msm");
                        else if (OutputType.PatchCreation == output.Type)
                            this.outputFile = Path.ChangeExtension(this.outputFile, ".pcp");
                            this.outputFile = Path.ChangeExtension(this.outputFile, ".msi");

                    // tell the binder about the localizer
                    binder.Localizer = localizer;

                    // tell the binder about the validator if validation isn't suppressed
                    if (!this.suppressValidation && (OutputType.Module == output.Type || OutputType.Product == output.Type))
                        // set the default cube file
                        Assembly lightAssembly  = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                        string   lightDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(lightAssembly.Location);
                        if (OutputType.Module == output.Type)
                            validator.AddCubeFile(Path.Combine(lightDirectory, "mergemod.cub"));
                        else // product
                            validator.AddCubeFile(Path.Combine(lightDirectory, "darice.cub"));

                        // disable ICE33 by default

                        // set the suppressed ICEs
                        string[] suppressICEArray = new string[this.suppressICEs.Count];
                        this.suppressICEs.CopyTo(suppressICEArray, 0);
                        validator.SuppressedICEs = suppressICEArray;

                        binder.Validator = validator;

                    binder.Bind(output, this.outputFile);
            catch (WixException we)
                if (we is WixInvalidIdtException)
                    // make sure the IDT files stay around
                    this.tidy = false;

                this.messageHandler.Display(this, we.Error);
            catch (Exception e)
                // make sure the files stay around for debugging
                this.tidy = false;

                this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.UnexpectedException(e.Message, e.GetType().ToString(), e.StackTrace));
                if (e is NullReferenceException || e is SEHException)
                if (null != binder)
                    if (this.tidy)
                        if (!binder.DeleteTempFiles())
                            Console.WriteLine("Warning, failed to delete temporary directory: {0}", binder.TempFilesLocation);
                        Console.WriteLine("Binder temporary directory located at '{0}'.", binder.TempFilesLocation);

                if (null != validator)
                    if (this.tidy)
                        if (!validator.DeleteTempFiles())
                            Console.WriteLine("Warning, failed to delete temporary directory: {0}", validator.TempFilesLocation);
                        Console.WriteLine("Validator temporary directory located at '{0}'.", validator.TempFilesLocation);
