/// <summary>
        /// Shows a small panel with a summary of errors. Intended for inclusion at the top of
        /// each GUI panel.
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowStatusSummaryGUI()
            int totalOKCount      = Validations.CountOK;
            int notIgnoredOKCount = Validations.GetOKs(ignoredTests).Count();

            int totalWarningCount      = Validations.CountWarning;
            int notIgnoredWarningCount = Validations.GetWarnings(ignoredTests).Count();

            int totalErrorCount      = Validations.CountError;
            int notIgnoredErrorCount = Validations.GetErrors(ignoredTests).Count();

            string title = "Errors: " + notIgnoredErrorCount + " + (" + (totalErrorCount - notIgnoredErrorCount) + " ignored)\n";

            title += "Warnings: " + notIgnoredWarningCount + " + (" + (totalWarningCount - notIgnoredWarningCount) + " ignored)\n";
            title += "OK: " + totalOKCount;

            MessageType type = MessageType.Info;

            ValidationResult result;

            if (notIgnoredErrorCount > 0)
                type               = MessageType.Error;
                result             = Validations.GetHighestPriorityErrorOrWarning(ignoredTests);
                titleContent.image = iconError;
            else if (notIgnoredWarningCount > 0)
                type               = MessageType.Warning;
                result             = Validations.GetHighestPriorityErrorOrWarning(ignoredTests);
                titleContent.image = iconWarning;
                title  = "Everything looks to be set up correctly.\n";
                title += (totalErrorCount - notIgnoredErrorCount) + " ignored errors.\n";
                title += (totalWarningCount - notIgnoredWarningCount) + " ignored warnings.\n";
                titleContent.image = iconOK;
                result             = null;

            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(title, type);

            if (result != null)