Exemple #1
 static partial void ValidateObjectExtension(ref ValidationErrorsBuilder e, PropertySignature p)
     if (p.Getter is null && p.Setter is null)
         e.AddErr("Getter or setter must specified", "getter");
         e.AddErr("Setter or getter must specified", "setter");
     if (p.Getter is object)
         if (!p.Getter.Params.IsEmpty)
             e.AddErr("Getter must have no parameters", "getter", "params");
Exemple #2
 static partial void ValidateObjectExtension(ref ValidationErrorsBuilder e, MethodParameter p)
     if (p.Type == TypeSignature.Void)
         e.AddErr($"Method parameter must not have a type void.", "type");
Exemple #3
        static partial void ValidateObjectExtension(ref ValidationErrorsBuilder e, MethodDef obj)
            if (obj.Implements.IsDefault)
                e.AddErr("default(ImmutableArray<...>) is not allowed value", "implements");

            var sgn = obj.Signature;

            if (obj.Body is object && obj.Body.Type() != sgn.ResultType)
                e.Add(ValidationErrors.Create($"Method body was expected to return {sgn.ResultType}, not {obj.Body.Type()}").Nest("body")); // TODO: expression type validation
            var isWithoutBody = obj.Signature.IsAbstract || obj.Signature.DeclaringType.Kind == "interface";

            if (obj.Body is null && !isWithoutBody)
                e.Add(ValidationErrors.Create($"Method is not abstract, so it must contain a body."));
            if (obj.Body is object && isWithoutBody)
                e.Add(ValidationErrors.Create($"Method is abstract, so it must not contain a body. Did you intent to use MethodDef.InterfaceDef?"));

            if (!isWithoutBody)
                if (obj.ArgumentParams.IsDefault)
                    e.AddErr("default(ImmutableArray<...>) is not allowed value", "argumentParams");

                var expectedArgs = obj.Signature.Params.Select(p => p.Type).ToImmutableArray();
                if (!sgn.IsStatic)
                    expectedArgs = expectedArgs.Insert(0, sgn.DeclaringType.SpecializeByItself());
                if (obj.ArgumentParams.Length != expectedArgs.Length)
                    e.Add(ValidationErrors.Create($"Expected {expectedArgs.Length} arguments, got {obj.ArgumentParams.Length}: {FmtToken.FormatArray(obj.ArgumentParams)}").Nest("length").Nest("argumentParams"));

                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(obj.ArgumentParams.Length, expectedArgs.Length); i++)
                    if (obj.ArgumentParams[i].Type.UnwrapReference() != expectedArgs[i].UnwrapReference())
                        e.Add(ValidationErrors.Create($"Argument type {expectedArgs[i]} was expected instead of {obj.ArgumentParams[i].Type}.")

                if (!sgn.IsStatic)
                    var firstArgument = obj.ArgumentParams.First();
                    if (sgn.DeclaringType.IsValueType)
                        if (TypeReference.ByReferenceType(sgn.DeclaringType.SpecializeByItself()) != firstArgument.Type)
                            e.AddErr($"Method on value type should have this of a reference type: {firstArgument.Type}&", "argumentParams", "0", "type");

            // TODO: deep validate expression in the context