Exemple #1
        public void ShouldReturnFalseForIncorrectDateformat()
            string[] testValues = new string[] { "11032018", "some text", string.Empty };

            foreach (string item in testValues)
Exemple #2
        public void ShouldReturnFalseForIncorrectEmail()
            string[] testValues = new string[] { "jan.kowalski", "jan@kowalski", "jan@kowalski@com" };

            foreach (string item in testValues)
Exemple #3
        public void ShouldReturnFalseForIncorrectMobilePhone()
            string[] testValues = new string[] { "+48696588", "+4869658813", "+486965881", "+48 696 588", "+48 696 588 13", "+48 696 588 1", "some text", string.Empty };

            foreach (string item in testValues)
Exemple #4
        public void ShouldReturnTrueForCorrectMobilePhone()
            string[] testValues = new string[] { "+48696588133", "48696588133", "48 696 588 133", "+48 696 588 133", "+48 696 588 133" };

            foreach (string item in testValues)
        public void ShouldReturnTrueForCorrectPolishZipCode()
            string[] testValues = new string[] { "30-816", "75-123", "23-315" };

            foreach (string item in testValues)
Exemple #6
        public void ShouldReturnFalseForIncorrectWebPageName()
            string[] testValues = new string[] { "test.com.pl", "test.com", "some random text", string.Empty };

            foreach (string item in testValues)
Exemple #7
        public void ShouldReturnTrueForCorrectWebPageName()
            string[] testValues = new string[] { "www.test.com", "http://test.com", "https://test.com", "http://www.test.com", "https://www.test.com", "www.test.com.pl", "http://test.com.pl", "https://test.com.pl", "http://www.test.com.pl", "https://www.test.com.pl" };

            foreach (string item in testValues)
        public void ShouldReturnFalseForIncorrectPolishZipCode()
            string[] testValues = new string[] { "30816", "308-16" };

            foreach (string item in testValues)
Exemple #9
        public void ShouldReturnTrueForCorrectEmail()
            string[] testValues = new string[] { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" };

            foreach (string item in testValues)
Exemple #10
        public void ShouldReturnTrueForCorrectDateformat()
            string[] testValues = new string[] { "11/03/2018", "11-3-2018", "11 03 2018", "11.03.2018", "11-03-2018" };

            foreach (string item in testValues)
        public void ValidateRegex_Test_NullContext_ExpectedException()

            //set matchpattern to nanp format of xxx-xxx-xxxx
            string matchPattern = @"^[2-9]\d{2}-\d{3}-\d{4}$";

            //set string to validate to a valid phone number
            string stringToValidate = "334-867-5309";

            //create our mocks
            var serviceMock         = new Mock <IOrganizationService>();
            var factoryMock         = new Mock <IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
            var tracingServiceMock  = new Mock <ITracingService>();
            var workflowContextMock = new Mock <IWorkflowContext>();

            //set up a mock service to act like the CRM organization service
            IOrganizationService service = serviceMock.Object;

            //set up a mock workflowcontext
            var workflowUserId           = Guid.NewGuid();
            var workflowCorrelationId    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var workflowInitiatingUserId = Guid.NewGuid();

            workflowContextMock.Setup(t => t.InitiatingUserId).Returns(workflowInitiatingUserId);
            workflowContextMock.Setup(t => t.CorrelationId).Returns(workflowCorrelationId);
            workflowContextMock.Setup(t => t.UserId).Returns(workflowUserId);
            var workflowContext = workflowContextMock.Object;

            //set up a mock tracingservice - will write output to console for now. maybe should store somewhere and read for asserts later?
            tracingServiceMock.Setup(t => t.Trace(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <object[]>())).Callback <string, object[]>((t1, t2) => Console.WriteLine(t1, t2));
            var tracingService = tracingServiceMock.Object;

            //set up a mock servicefactory
            factoryMock.Setup(t => t.CreateOrganizationService(It.IsAny <Guid>())).Returns(service);
            var factory = factoryMock.Object;

            //get new validateregex object
            ValidateRegex valRegex = new ValidateRegex();

            var invoker = new WorkflowInvoker(valRegex);

            invoker.Extensions.Add <ITracingService>(() => tracingService);
            //below line commented out to generate exception
            //invoker.Extensions.Add<IWorkflowContext>(() => workflowContext);
            invoker.Extensions.Add <IOrganizationServiceFactory>(() => factory);

            var inputs = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "MatchPattern", matchPattern },
                { "StringToValidate", stringToValidate }

            //ACT (assertion is implied)
        public void ValidateRegex_Test_NullContext_ExpectedException()

            //set matchpattern to nanp format of xxx-xxx-xxxx
            string matchPattern = @"^[2-9]\d{2}-\d{3}-\d{4}$";

            //set string to validate to a valid phone number
            string stringToValidate = "334-867-5309";

            //create our mocks
            var serviceMock = new Mock<IOrganizationService>();
            var factoryMock = new Mock<IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
            var tracingServiceMock = new Mock<ITracingService>();
            var workflowContextMock = new Mock<IWorkflowContext>();

            //set up a mock service to act like the CRM organization service
            IOrganizationService service = serviceMock.Object;

            //set up a mock workflowcontext
            var workflowUserId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var workflowCorrelationId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var workflowInitiatingUserId = Guid.NewGuid();

            workflowContextMock.Setup(t => t.InitiatingUserId).Returns(workflowInitiatingUserId);
            workflowContextMock.Setup(t => t.CorrelationId).Returns(workflowCorrelationId);
            workflowContextMock.Setup(t => t.UserId).Returns(workflowUserId);
            var workflowContext = workflowContextMock.Object;

            //set up a mock tracingservice - will write output to console for now. maybe should store somewhere and read for asserts later?
            tracingServiceMock.Setup(t => t.Trace(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<object[]>())).Callback<string, object[]>((t1, t2) => Console.WriteLine(t1, t2));
            var tracingService = tracingServiceMock.Object;

            //set up a mock servicefactory
            factoryMock.Setup(t => t.CreateOrganizationService(It.IsAny<Guid>())).Returns(service);
            var factory = factoryMock.Object;

            //get new validateregex object
            ValidateRegex valRegex = new ValidateRegex();

            var invoker = new WorkflowInvoker(valRegex);
            invoker.Extensions.Add<ITracingService>(() => tracingService);
            //below line commented out to generate exception
            //invoker.Extensions.Add<IWorkflowContext>(() => workflowContext);
            invoker.Extensions.Add<IOrganizationServiceFactory>(() => factory);

            var inputs = new Dictionary<string, object>
            { "MatchPattern", matchPattern},
            { "StringToValidate", stringToValidate }

            //ACT (assertion is implied)
Exemple #13
        public void ShouldReturnFalseForEmptyObject()
            object testValue = new object();

        public void ZipCode_ShouldReturnFalseForValueType()
            decimal testValue = 30816;

        public void ZipCode_ShouldReturnFalseForEmptyObject()
            object testValue = new object();

        public void ValidateRegex_Test_NullContext_TryCatch()

            //set matchpattern to nanp format of xxx-xxx-xxxx
            string matchPattern = @"^[2-9]\d{2}-\d{3}-\d{4}$";

            //set string to validate to a valid phone number
            string stringToValidate = "334-867-5309";

            //create our mocks
            var serviceMock = new Mock<IOrganizationService>();
            var factoryMock = new Mock<IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
            var tracingServiceMock = new Mock<ITracingService>();
            var workflowContextMock = new Mock<IWorkflowContext>();

            //set up a mock service to act like the CRM organization service
            IOrganizationService service = serviceMock.Object;

            //set up a mock workflowcontext
            var workflowUserId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var workflowCorrelationId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var workflowInitiatingUserId = Guid.NewGuid();

            workflowContextMock.Setup(t => t.InitiatingUserId).Returns(workflowInitiatingUserId);
            workflowContextMock.Setup(t => t.CorrelationId).Returns(workflowCorrelationId);
            workflowContextMock.Setup(t => t.UserId).Returns(workflowUserId);
            var workflowContext = workflowContextMock.Object;

            //set up a mock tracingservice - will write output to console for now. maybe should store somewhere and read for asserts later?
            tracingServiceMock.Setup(t => t.Trace(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<object[]>())).Callback<string, object[]>((t1, t2) => Console.WriteLine(t1, t2));
            var tracingService = tracingServiceMock.Object;

            //set up a mock servicefactory
            factoryMock.Setup(t => t.CreateOrganizationService(It.IsAny<Guid>())).Returns(service);
            var factory = factoryMock.Object;

            //get new validateregex object
            ValidateRegex valRegex = new ValidateRegex();

            var invoker = new WorkflowInvoker(valRegex);
            invoker.Extensions.Add<ITracingService>(() => tracingService);
            //below line commented out to generate exception
            //invoker.Extensions.Add<IWorkflowContext>(() => workflowContext);
            invoker.Extensions.Add<IOrganizationServiceFactory>(() => factory);

            var inputs = new Dictionary<string, object>
            { "MatchPattern", matchPattern},
            { "StringToValidate", stringToValidate }

            //instantiate an expection object we can use to see if we threw the right thing
            Exception expectedException = null;

            catch (Exception ex)
                expectedException = ex;

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(expectedException, typeof(InvalidPluginExecutionException));
            Assert.AreEqual("Failed to retrieve workflow context.", expectedException.Message);
Exemple #17
        public void Webpage_ShouldReturnFalseForEmptyObject()
            object testValue = new object();

Exemple #18
        public void Webpage_ShouldReturnFalseForValueType()
            decimal testValue = 12345;

 /// <summary>
 /// The method validates whether a supplied object is valid against a regex pattern.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objectToValidate">An object to be valdiated against a regex pattern.</param>
 /// <returns>True - if object is valid, false - if object is invalid.</returns>
 public override bool Validate(object objectToValidate)
     return(ValidateRegex.Custom(objectToValidate, pattern));
        public void ValidateRegex_Test_NullContext_TryCatch()

            //set matchpattern to nanp format of xxx-xxx-xxxx
            string matchPattern = @"^[2-9]\d{2}-\d{3}-\d{4}$";

            //set string to validate to a valid phone number
            string stringToValidate = "334-867-5309";

            //create our mocks
            var serviceMock         = new Mock <IOrganizationService>();
            var factoryMock         = new Mock <IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
            var tracingServiceMock  = new Mock <ITracingService>();
            var workflowContextMock = new Mock <IWorkflowContext>();

            //set up a mock service to act like the CRM organization service
            IOrganizationService service = serviceMock.Object;

            //set up a mock workflowcontext
            var workflowUserId           = Guid.NewGuid();
            var workflowCorrelationId    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var workflowInitiatingUserId = Guid.NewGuid();

            workflowContextMock.Setup(t => t.InitiatingUserId).Returns(workflowInitiatingUserId);
            workflowContextMock.Setup(t => t.CorrelationId).Returns(workflowCorrelationId);
            workflowContextMock.Setup(t => t.UserId).Returns(workflowUserId);
            var workflowContext = workflowContextMock.Object;

            //set up a mock tracingservice - will write output to console for now. maybe should store somewhere and read for asserts later?
            tracingServiceMock.Setup(t => t.Trace(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <object[]>())).Callback <string, object[]>((t1, t2) => Console.WriteLine(t1, t2));
            var tracingService = tracingServiceMock.Object;

            //set up a mock servicefactory
            factoryMock.Setup(t => t.CreateOrganizationService(It.IsAny <Guid>())).Returns(service);
            var factory = factoryMock.Object;

            //get new validateregex object
            ValidateRegex valRegex = new ValidateRegex();

            var invoker = new WorkflowInvoker(valRegex);

            invoker.Extensions.Add <ITracingService>(() => tracingService);
            //below line commented out to generate exception
            //invoker.Extensions.Add<IWorkflowContext>(() => workflowContext);
            invoker.Extensions.Add <IOrganizationServiceFactory>(() => factory);

            var inputs = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "MatchPattern", matchPattern },
                { "StringToValidate", stringToValidate }

            //instantiate an expection object we can use to see if we threw the right thing
            Exception expectedException = null;

            catch (Exception ex)
                expectedException = ex;

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(expectedException, typeof(InvalidPluginExecutionException));
            Assert.AreEqual("Failed to retrieve workflow context.", expectedException.Message);
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// The method validates whether a supplied object is valid against a web page regex pattern.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objectToValidate">An object to be valdiated against regex pattern of a web page address.</param>
 /// <returns>True - if object is valid, false - if object is invalid.</returns>
 public override bool Validate(object objectToValidate)
     return(ValidateRegex.IsWebPage(objectToValidate, pattern));
Exemple #22
 /// <summary>
 /// The method validates whether a supplied object is valid against a mobile phone pattern.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objectToValidate">An object to be valdiated against regex pattern of a mobile phone number.</param>
 /// <returns>True - if object is valid, false - if object is invalid.</returns>
 public override bool Validate(object objectToValidate)
     return(ValidateRegex.IsMobilePhone(objectToValidate, pattern));
Exemple #23
        public void MobilePhone_ShouldReturnFalseForValueType()
            decimal testValue = 12345;

 public static Validation <Error, string> ValidateEmail(string str)
 => ValidateRegex(
     + @"(?(\[)(\[(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\])|(([0-9a-z][-0-9a-z]*[0-9a-z]*\.)+[a-z0-9][\-a-z0-9]{0,22}[a-z0-9]))$",
Exemple #25
        public void DateFormat_ShouldReturnFalseForValueType()
            decimal testValue = 12345;

Exemple #26
        public void MobilePhone_ShouldReturnFalseForEmptyObject()
            object testValue = new object();

 /// <summary>
 /// The method validates whether a supplied object is valid against a date format pattern.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objectToValidate">An object to be valdiated against regex pattern of a date format.</param>
 /// <returns>True - if object is valid, false - if object is invalid.</returns>
 public override bool Validate(object objectToValidate)
     return(ValidateRegex.IsValidDateFormat(objectToValidate, pattern));
Exemple #28
        public void ShouldReturnFalseForValueType()
            decimal testValue = 12345;

Exemple #29
        public void DateFormat_ShouldReturnFalseForEmptyObject()
            object testValue = new object();
