public SelectPostLinkForm()
            : base(OpenMode.RecentPosts)
            // This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
            this.Text = Res.Get(StringId.LinkToPost);

            IncludeDrafts = false;
            AllowDelete = false;

            // Subscribe to validation event
            ValidatePost += new ValidatePostEventHandler(SelectPostLinkForm_ValidatePost);
        public SelectPostLinkForm()
            : base(OpenMode.RecentPosts)
            // This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
            this.Text = Res.Get(StringId.LinkToPost);

            IncludeDrafts = false;
            AllowDelete   = false;

            // Subscribe to validation event
            ValidatePost += new ValidatePostEventHandler(SelectPostLinkForm_ValidatePost);