[InlineData("{0xCA761232, 0xED42, 0x11CE, {0xBA, 0xCD, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x57, 0xB2, 0x23}")] // missing ending '}' character
        public void ValidateInvalidGuids(string guid)
            MockWebContext ctx = new MockWebContext();

            ctx.ActionArguments.Add("id", guid);

            var actExeContext = ctx.CreateActionExecutingContext();

            ValidateIdAttribute attr = new ValidateIdAttribute("id");


        public void ValidateValidGuids(string guid)
            MockWebContext ctx = new MockWebContext();

            ctx.ActionArguments.Add("id", guid);

            var actExeContext = ctx.CreateActionExecutingContext();

            ValidateIdAttribute attr = new ValidateIdAttribute("id");


            // if everything is ok the status is not changed so default 0 value is the expected value and not http 200
        public void ShouldHandleKeyNameNotFound()
            // the attribute should handle cases that the key is not found instead of code causing KeyNotFoundException
            // caller has no idea what key is missing
            // attribute implementation skips null values so it should also skip validation if the key is not found?

            MockWebContext ctx = new MockWebContext();

            ctx.ActionArguments.Add("id", "{CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223}");

            var actExeContext = ctx.CreateActionExecutingContext();

            ValidateIdAttribute attr = new ValidateIdAttribute("notfoundkeyname");


            // if everything is ok the status is not changed so default 0 value is the expected value and not http 200