public string InsertUser(User pUser) { string result = string.Empty; User _user = null; if (pUser != null) { pUser.UserId = pUser.UserId.ToLower(); _user = (from p in context.User where p.UserId == pUser.UserId select p).FirstOrDefault(); if (_user == null) { _user = (from p in context.User where p.UserId == pUser.UserId.ToUpper() select p).FirstOrDefault(); } if (_user == null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pUser.Password) && (pUser.Type == ConstantsVar.Patient || pUser.Type == ConstantsVar.Therapist || pUser.Type == ConstantsVar.Support)) { AddUser luser = new AddUser(); luser.secretkey = ConfigVars.NewInstance.secretkey; luser.username = pUser.UserId; luser.fn = pUser.Name; luser.ln = pUser.Name; luser.password = pUser.Password; VSeeHelper lhelper = new VSeeHelper(); var resUser = lhelper.AddUser(luser); if (resUser != null && resUser["status"] == "success") { pUser.Vseeid = "onedirect+" + pUser.UserId.ToLower(); context.User.Add(pUser); context.SaveChanges(); result = "success"; } } else { context.User.Add(pUser); context.SaveChanges(); result = "success"; } //Prabhu } else { result = "Username already exists"; } } return(result); }
public string UpdateUser(User pUser) { string result = string.Empty; var _user = (from p in context.User where p.UserId == pUser.UserId select p).FirstOrDefault(); if (_user != null) { dynamic resUser = null; VSeeHelper lhelper = new VSeeHelper(); AddUser luser = new AddUser(); luser.secretkey = ConfigVars.NewInstance.secretkey; luser.username = pUser.UserId; luser.fn = pUser.Name; luser.ln = pUser.Name; luser.password = pUser.Password; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pUser.Password) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pUser.Vseeid) && (pUser.Type == ConstantsVar.Patient || pUser.Type == ConstantsVar.Therapist || pUser.Type == ConstantsVar.Support)) { resUser = lhelper.UpdateUser(luser); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pUser.Password) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(pUser.Vseeid) && (pUser.Type == ConstantsVar.Patient || pUser.Type == ConstantsVar.Therapist || pUser.Type == ConstantsVar.Support)) { resUser = lhelper.AddUser(luser); } if (resUser != null && resUser["status"] == "success") { _user.Vseeid = "onedirect+" + pUser.UserId.ToLower(); } _user.Name = pUser.Name; _user.Email = pUser.Email; _user.Address = pUser.Address; _user.Phone = pUser.Phone; _user.Password = pUser.Password; _user.Type = pUser.Type; _user.Npi = pUser.Npi; _user.EncryptPasswrod = pUser.EncryptPasswrod; context.Entry(_user).State = EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); result = "success"; } return(result); }
//delete the provider record not having any patients assigned public IActionResult DeleteProvider(string provider) { try { var _user = (from p in context.User where p.UserId == provider select p).FirstOrDefault(); context.User.Remove(_user); int res = context.SaveChanges(); if (res > 0) { VSeeHelper lhelper = new VSeeHelper(); DeleteUser luser = new DeleteUser(); luser.secretkey = ConfigVars.NewInstance.secretkey; luser.username = _user.UserId; var resUser = lhelper.DeleteUser(luser); if (resUser != null && resUser["status"] == "success") { //Insert to User Activity Log UserActivityLog llog = new UserActivityLog(); llog.SessionId = HttpContext.Session.GetString("SessionId"); llog.ActivityType = "Update"; llog.StartTimeStamp = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Session.GetString("SessionTime")) ? Convert.ToDateTime(HttpContext.Session.GetString("SessionTime")) : DateTime.Now; llog.Duration = Convert.ToInt32((DateTime.Now - Convert.ToDateTime(HttpContext.Session.GetString("SessionTime"))).TotalSeconds); llog.RecordChangeType = "Delete"; llog.RecordType = "Provider"; llog.Comment = "Record deleted"; llog.RecordJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_user); llog.UserId = HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserId"); llog.UserName = HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserName"); llog.UserType = HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserType"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Session.GetString("ReviewID"))) { llog.ReviewId = HttpContext.Session.GetString("ReviewID"); } lIUserActivityLogRepository.InsertUserActivityLog(llog); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Provider")); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Provider")); }
public JsonResult generateuri(string id = "") { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { AppointmentSchedule lappointment = lIAppointmentScheduleRepository.GetAppointment(id); if (lappointment != null && lappointment.PatientId.HasValue) { Patient lpatient = IPatient.GetPatientByPatientID(lappointment.PatientId.Value); if (lpatient != null) { User pPatient = lIUserRepository.getUser(lpatient.PatientLoginId); User pTherapistorSupport = lIUserRepository.getUser(lappointment.UserId); if (pPatient != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pPatient.Vseeid) && pTherapistorSupport != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pTherapistorSupport.Vseeid)) { VSeeHelper vsee = new VSeeHelper(); dynamic resURI = vsee.GetURI(pTherapistorSupport.Vseeid, pTherapistorSupport.Password, pPatient.Vseeid); if (resURI != null) { lappointment.VseeUrl = resURI; int _result = lIAppointmentScheduleRepository.UpdateAppointment(lappointment); if (_result > 0) { return(Json(new { result = "success", url = resURI })); } else { return(Json("")); } } else { return(Json("")); } } else { return(Json("")); } } else { return(Json("")); } } else { return(Json("")); } } else { return(Json("")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json("")); } }
public JsonResult updateappointment(string appointmentid) { string timezoneid = TimeZoneInfo.Local.SupportsDaylightSavingTime ? TimeZoneInfo.Local.DaylightName : TimeZoneInfo.Local.StandardName;//"US Eastern Standard Time";// try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appointmentid)) { AppointmentSchedule lappointment = lIAppointmentScheduleRepository.GetAppointment(appointmentid); if (lappointment != null && lappointment.PatientId.HasValue) { Patient lpatient = IPatient.GetPatientByPatientID(lappointment.PatientId.Value); if (lpatient != null) { User pPatient = lIUserRepository.getUser(lpatient.PatientLoginId); User pTherapistorSupport = lIUserRepository.getUser(lappointment.UserId); if (pPatient != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pPatient.Vseeid) && pTherapistorSupport != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pTherapistorSupport.Vseeid)) { VSeeHelper vsee = new VSeeHelper(); dynamic resURI = vsee.GetURI(pTherapistorSupport.Vseeid, pTherapistorSupport.Password, pPatient.Vseeid); if (resURI != null) { lappointment.VseeUrl = resURI; int _result = lIAppointmentScheduleRepository.UpdateAppointment(lappointment); if (_result > 0) { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK, result = "success", url = resURI, TimeZone = timezoneid })); } else { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.Created, result = "not updated", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } } else { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.Created, result = "not updated", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } } else { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.Created, result = "not updated", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } } else { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, result = "patient is not registered", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } } else { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, result = "appointment is not registered", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } } else { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.Created, result = "request string is not proper", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, result = "Internal server error", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } }
public JsonResult bookappointment([FromBody] bookappointment pbookappointment, string sessionid) { string timezoneid = TimeZoneInfo.Local.SupportsDaylightSavingTime ? TimeZoneInfo.Local.DaylightName : TimeZoneInfo.Local.StandardName;//"US Eastern Standard Time";// try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionid) && pbookappointment != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pbookappointment.UserID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pbookappointment.DateTime)) { Patient lpatient = IPatient.GetPatientBySessionID(sessionid); if (lpatient != null) { User luser = lIUserRepository.getUser(pbookappointment.UserID); if (luser != null) { AppointmentSchedule lbookAppointment = lIAppointmentScheduleRepository.CheckAppointmentSchedule(pbookappointment.UserID, Utilities.getUserType(luser.Type.ToString()), Convert.ToDateTime(pbookappointment.DateTime)); if (lbookAppointment == null) { lbookAppointment = new AppointmentSchedule(); lbookAppointment.UserType = luser.Type == 1 ? "Support" : "Therapist"; lbookAppointment.UserId = luser.UserId; lbookAppointment.Datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(pbookappointment.DateTime); lbookAppointment.PatientId = lpatient.PatientId; lbookAppointment.SlotStatus = "Booked"; lbookAppointment.CallStatus = "Open"; lbookAppointment.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; lbookAppointment.UpdateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; lbookAppointment.RecordedFile = ""; } else if (lbookAppointment != null && lbookAppointment.CallStatus == "Extra") { lbookAppointment.Datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(pbookappointment.DateTime); lbookAppointment.PatientId = lpatient.PatientId; lbookAppointment.SlotStatus = "Booked"; lbookAppointment.CallStatus = "Open"; lbookAppointment.UpdateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; } User pPatient = lIUserRepository.getUser(lpatient.PatientLoginId); User pTherapistorSupport = lIUserRepository.getUser(luser.UserId); if (pPatient != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pPatient.Vseeid) && pTherapistorSupport != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pTherapistorSupport.Vseeid)) { VSeeHelper vsee = new VSeeHelper(); dynamic resURI = vsee.GetURI(pTherapistorSupport.Vseeid, pTherapistorSupport.Password, pPatient.Vseeid); if (resURI != null) { lbookAppointment.VseeUrl = resURI; int _result = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lbookAppointment.AppointmentId)) { _result = lIAppointmentScheduleRepository.UpdateAppointment(lbookAppointment); } else { lbookAppointment.AppointmentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _result = lIAppointmentScheduleRepository.InsertAppointment(lbookAppointment); } if (_result > 0) { string content = "New appointment has booked.<br><a href='" + ConfigVars.NewInstance.url + "?ruserid=" + Utilities.EncryptText(pTherapistorSupport.UserId) + "&rtype=" + Utilities.EncryptText(pTherapistorSupport.Type.ToString()) + "&rpage=" + Utilities.EncryptText("appointment") + "'> Click to view</a>"; Smtp.SendGridEmail(luser.Email, "Appointment", content); return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK, result = "success", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } else { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.Created, result = "not inserted", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } } else { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.Created, result = "not inserted", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } } else { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.Created, result = "not inserted", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } } else { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, result = "user record is not found", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } } else { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, result = "patient is not registered", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } } else { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.Created, result = "request string is not proper", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, result = "Internal server error", TimeZone = timezoneid })); } }