// EMPTY #region PUBLIC_METHODS #endregion #region PRIVATE_METHODS private void MakeBasicSetup() { // We initialize the _ListenersDictionary _ListenersDictionary = new Dictionary <string, GameEventListenerTransform> { { "Right", null }, { "Left", null }, { "Gaze", null }, }; // We create new object to setup the button references; listeners and GameEventListeners _CheckObject = CheckBarClick; _uiSetup = new VRUISetup(_CheckObject); _ClickOnlySetup = new VRScrollbarSetup(); _ScrollableSetup = new VRUIScrollableSetup(UnityUIToVRSFUI.ScrollbarDirectionToUIDirection(direction)); // Check if the Listeners GameObject is set correctly. If not, create the child if (!_ClickOnlySetup.CheckGameEventListenerChild(ref _GameEventListenersContainer, ref _ListenersDictionary, transform)) { _uiSetup.CreateGameEventListenerChild(ref _GameEventListenersContainer, transform); } if (!_boxColliderSetup && gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { StartCoroutine(SetupBoxCollider()); } GetHandleRectReference(); }
// EMPTY #region PUBLIC_METHODS #endregion PUBLIC_METHODS #region PRIVATE_METHODS private void MakeBasicSetup() { // We initialize the _ListenersDictionary _ListenersDictionary = new Dictionary <string, GameEventListenerTransform> { { "Right", null }, { "Left", null }, { "Gaze", null }, }; // We create new object to setup the button references; listeners and GameEventListeners _CheckObject = CheckToggleClick; _UISetup = new VRUISetup(_CheckObject); _ClickOnlySetup = new VRToggleSetup(); // Check if the Listeners GameObject is set correctly. If not, create the child if (!_ClickOnlySetup.CheckGameEventListenerChild(ref _GameEventListenersContainer, ref _ListenersDictionary, transform)) { _UISetup.CreateGameEventListenerChild(ref _GameEventListenersContainer, transform); } if (!_boxColliderSetup && gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { // We setup the BoxCollider size and center StartCoroutine(SetupBoxCollider()); } }
// EMPTY #region PUBLIC_METHODS #endregion #region PRIVATE_METHODS private void MakeBasicSetup() { _ListenersDictionary = new Dictionary <string, GameEventListenerTransform> { { "Right", null }, { "Left", null }, { "Gaze", null }, }; CheckObject = CheckSliderClick; _uiSetup = new VRUISetup(CheckObject); ClickOnlySetup = new VRHandleSliderSetup(); ScrollableSetup = new VRUIScrollableSetup(UnityUIToVRSFUI.SliderDirectionToUIDirection(direction), minValue, maxValue, wholeNumbers); // Check if the Listeners GameObject is set correctly. If not, create the child if (!ClickOnlySetup.CheckGameEventListenerChild(ref gameEventListenersContainer, ref _ListenersDictionary, transform)) { _uiSetup.CreateGameEventListenerChild(ref gameEventListenersContainer, transform); } if (!_boxColliderSetup && gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { StartCoroutine(SetupBoxCollider()); } try { handleRect = transform.FindDeepChild("Handle").GetComponent <RectTransform>(); fillRect = transform.FindDeepChild("Fill").GetComponent <RectTransform>(); } catch { Debug.LogError("Please add a Handle and a Fill with RectTransform as children of this VR Handle Slider."); } }
private void MakeBasicSetup() { // We initialize the Listeners Dictionaries InitializeListenerDictionaries(); // We create new object to setup the button references; listeners and GameEventListeners, and add the delegate method to it _checkObjectClicked = CheckSliderClick; _checkObjectOver = CheckSliderHovered; _uiSetup = new VRUISetup(_checkObjectClicked, _checkObjectOver); _clickAndOverSetup = new VRAutoFillSliderSetup(); // Check if the Listeners GameObject are set correctly. If not, create the children bool clickListernersPresent = _clickAndOverSetup.CheckGameEventListenerChild(ref _gameEventListenersContainer, ref _clickListenersDictionary, transform, EUIInputType.CLICK); bool overListernersPresent = _clickAndOverSetup.CheckGameEventListenerChild(ref _gameEventListenersContainer, ref _overListenersDictionary, transform, EUIInputType.OVER); if (!clickListernersPresent && !overListernersPresent) { _uiSetup.CreateGameEventListenerChild(ref _gameEventListenersContainer, transform); } if (Application.isPlaying && gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { // We setup the BoxCollider size and center StartCoroutine(SetupBoxCollider()); } GetFillRectReference(); }
// EMPTY #region PUBLIC_METHODS #endregion #region PRIVATE_METHODS private void MakeBasicSetup() { // We initialize the _ListenersDictionary _ListenersDictionary = new Dictionary <string, GameEventListenerTransform> { { "Right", null }, { "Left", null }, { "Gaze", null }, }; // We override the directio selected in the inspector by the scrollbar direction if we use one // The vertical direction will always have top priority on the horizontal direction if (vertical && verticalScrollbar.gameObject != null) { Direction = UnityUIToVRSFUI.ScrollbarDirectionToUIDirection(verticalScrollbar.direction); } else if (horizontal && horizontalScrollbar.gameObject != null) { Direction = UnityUIToVRSFUI.ScrollbarDirectionToUIDirection(horizontalScrollbar.direction); } // We create new object to setup the button references; listeners and GameEventListeners _CheckObject = CheckRectClick; _UISetup = new VRUISetup(_CheckObject); _ClickOnlySetup = new VRScrollbarSetup(); _ScrollableSetup = new VRUIScrollableSetup(Direction); // Check if the Listeners GameObject is set correctly. If not, create the child if (!_ClickOnlySetup.CheckGameEventListenerChild(ref _GameEventListenersContainer, ref _ListenersDictionary, transform)) { _UISetup.CreateGameEventListenerChild(ref _GameEventListenersContainer, transform); } if (!_boxColliderSetup && gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { // We setup the BoxCollider size and center StartCoroutine(SetupBoxCollider()); } // We setup the references to the ScrollRect elements SetScrollRectReferences(); }
protected override void OnValidate() { base.OnValidate(); // We initialize the _ListenersDictionary _ListenersDictionary = new Dictionary <string, GameEventListenerTransform> { { "Right", null }, { "Left", null }, { "Gaze", null }, }; // We create new object to setup the button references; listeners and GameEventListeners _CheckObject = CheckObjectClicked; _UISetup = new VRUISetup(_CheckObject); _ClickOnlySetup = new VRDropdownSetup(); // Check if the Listeners GameObject is set correctly. If not, create the child if (!_ClickOnlySetup.CheckGameEventListenerChild(ref _GameEventListenersContainer, ref _ListenersDictionary, transform)) { _UISetup.CreateGameEventListenerChild(ref _GameEventListenersContainer, transform); } }