public override void Initialize()

            // check if any action mapping is defined for OnTravel
            foreach (VRIL_ActionMapping mapping in Mappings)
                if (mapping.ActionType == VRIL_ActionTypes.OnTravel)
                    TravelOnRelease = false;

            // check if any interaction techniques are registered
            foreach (VRIL_RegisteredController regController in Manager.RegisteredControllers)
                if (regController.InteractionTechniques.Count > 0)
                    MoveSelectedObjects = true;

            //check distance to ground and save it
            if (Viewpoint)
                Ray ray = new Ray(Viewpoint.transform.position, Viewpoint.transform.up * -1);
                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit raycastHit))
                    VRIL_Navigable navigableObject = raycastHit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <VRIL_Navigable>();
                    if (navigableObject != null)
                        DistanceViewpointToGround =
                            Mathf.Abs(Viewpoint.transform.position.y - navigableObject.transform.position.y);

            DistanceViewpointToGround = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Coroutine for vizualization of the target selection
        /// It is "virtual" to allow custom ray implementation in future (such as curved trajectories or just a straight line)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>WaitForSeconds()</returns>
        protected virtual IEnumerator SelectPosition(VRIL_ControllerActionEventArgs e)
            TeleportLineRenderer.enabled = true;
            while (IsActivated)
                // disable hit entity to avoid ray cast blocking
                if (HitEntity != null)

                TeleportLineRenderer.startColor = InvalidPositionColor;
                TeleportLineRenderer.endColor   = InvalidPositionColor;

                // first point of curve is at controller
                Vector3        p0        = RegisteredControllers[0].transform.position;
                List <Vector3> positions = new List <Vector3>()

                // save last point
                Vector3 lastPoint       = p0;
                bool    hit             = false;
                Vector3 InitialVelocity = RegisteredControllers[0].transform.forward * CurveVelocity;
                Vector3 velocity        = transform.TransformDirection(InitialVelocity);
                float   t = 0;

                // calculate all points
                for (int i = 1; i <= NumberOfRayFragments && !hit; i++)
                    t += 0.3f / ParabolicCurveDeriv(velocity, Physics.gravity, t).magnitude;
                    Vector3 curPoint = GetTrajectoryVector(p0, velocity, Physics.gravity, t);
                    Vector3 diff     = curPoint - lastPoint;
                    Ray     ray      = new Ray(lastPoint, diff.normalized);

                    // check next trajectory part for object collision
                    if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit raycastHit, diff.magnitude))
                        VRIL_Navigable navigableObject = raycastHit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <VRIL_Navigable>();

                        // valid position in case it is navigable and angle is allowed
                        if (navigableObject && Vector3.Angle(raycastHit.normal, Vector3.up) <= MaximumSurfaceAngle)
                            TargetPosition   = raycastHit.point;
                            PositionSelected = true;
                            if (HitEntity != null)
                                HitEntity.transform.position =
                                    TargetPosition + new Vector3(0f, DistanceHitEntityToGround, 0f);
                                HitEntity.transform.up = raycastHit.normal;

                            TargetPosition += new Vector3(0, DistanceViewpointToGround, 0);
                            TeleportLineRenderer.startColor = ValidPositionColor;
                            TeleportLineRenderer.endColor   = ValidPositionColor;
                            PositionSelected = false;

                        hit = true;