Exemple #1
        public static bool CircletoCircle(Manifold m, Collider a, Collider b)
            Circle   ca          = (Circle)a.shape;
            Circle   cb          = (Circle)b.shape;
            Vector2R normal      = b.pos - a.pos;
            float    distSquared = normal.LengthSquared();
            double   radius      = a.radius + b.radius;

            if (distSquared >= (float)(radius * radius))
                m.contact_count = 0;

            double distance = Math.Sqrt(distSquared);

            m.contact_count = 1;

            if (distance == 0)
                m.penetration = ca.radius;
                m.normal      = new Vector2R(1, 0);
                m.contacts[0] = a.pos;
                m.penetration = radius - distance;
                m.normal      = VMath.MultVectDouble(normal, 1.0 / distance);      //normal / distance;
                m.contacts[0] = VMath.MultVectDouble(m.normal, ca.radius) + a.pos; //m.normal * ca.radius + a.body.position;
Exemple #2
        public void PositionalCorrection()
            double   k_slop     = 0.05;
            double   percent    = 0.4;
            Vector2R correction = VMath.MultVectDouble(normal,
                                                       Math.Max(penetration - k_slop, 0.0) / (a.invmass + b.invmass) * percent);

            a.pos -= VMath.MultVectDouble(correction, a.invmass);
            b.pos += VMath.MultVectDouble(correction, b.invmass);
Exemple #3
        private void IntegrateForces()
            if (!active)
            if (parent.body.invmass == 0)

            Body b = parent.body;

            b.velocity        += VMath.MultVectDouble(b.force, b.invmass); //* dt / 2.0;
            b.angularVelocity += b.torque * b.invinertia;                  // * dt / 2.0;
Exemple #4
        public static int Clip(Vector2R n, double c, ref Vector2R[] face)
            int sp = 0;

            Vector2R[] outV = new Vector2R[2] {

            // Retrieve distances from each endpoint to the line
            // d = ax + by - c
            double d1 = Vector2R.Dot(n, face[0]) - c;
            double d2 = Vector2R.Dot(n, face[1]) - c;

            // If negative (behind plane) clip
            if (d1 <= 0.0f)
                outV[sp++] = face[0];
            if (d2 <= 0.0f)
                outV[sp++] = face[1];

            // If the points are on different sides of the plane
            if (d1 * d2 < 0.0f) // less than to ignore -0.0f
                // Push interesection point
                double alpha = d1 / (d1 - d2);
                outV[sp] = face[0] + VMath.MultVectDouble((face[1] - face[0]), alpha);

            // Assign our new converted values
            face[0] = outV[0];
            face[1] = outV[1];

            //assert( sp != 3 );
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(sp != 3);

Exemple #5
        public override void ComputeMass(float density)
            //calculate centroid and moment of inertia
            Vector2R c      = new Vector2R(0, 0); // centroid
            double   area   = 0;
            double   I      = 0;
            double   k_inv3 = 1.0 / 3.0;

            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < vertexCount; i1++)
                Vector2R p1 = vertices[i1];
                int      i2 = i1 + 1 < vertexCount ? i1 + 1 : 0;
                Vector2R p2 = vertices[i2];

                double D            = VMath.Cross(p1, p2);
                double triangleArea = 0.5 * D;

                area += triangleArea;

                //use area to weight the centroid average, not just the vertex position
                c += VMath.MultVectDouble(p1 + p2, triangleArea * k_inv3); // triangleArea * k_inv3 * (p1 + p2);

                double intx2 = p1.X * p1.X + p2.X * p1.X + p2.X * p2.X;
                double inty2 = p1.Y * p1.Y + p2.Y * p1.Y + p2.Y * p2.Y;
                I += (0.25 * k_inv3 * D) * (intx2 + inty2);
            c = VMath.MultVectDouble(c, 1.0 / area);

            //translate verticies to centroid (make centroid (0,0)
            //for the polygon in model space)
            //Not really necessary but I like doing this anyway
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                vertices[i] -= c;

            body.mass    = density * (float)area;
            body.inertia = (float)I * density;
Exemple #6
        public void ApplyImpulse()
            if (GMath.Equal(a.invmass + b.invmass, 0))

            for (int i = 0; i < contact_count; i++)
                //calcuate radii from COM to contact
                Vector2R ra = contacts[i] - a.pos;
                Vector2R rb = contacts[i] - b.pos;
                //relative velocity
                Vector2R rv = b.velocity + VMath.Cross(b.angularVelocity, rb) -
                              a.velocity - VMath.Cross(a.angularVelocity, ra);
                //relative velocity along the normal
                double contactVel = Vector2R.Dot(rv, normal);
                //do not resolve if velocities are seperating

                if (contactVel > 0)

                double raCrossN   = VMath.Cross(ra, normal);
                double rbCrossN   = VMath.Cross(rb, normal);
                double invMassSum = a.invmass + b.invmass + (raCrossN * raCrossN) * a.invinertia + (rbCrossN * rbCrossN) * b.invinertia;
                //calculate impulse scalar
                double j = -(1.0 + e) * contactVel;
                j /= invMassSum;
                j /= (double)contact_count;
                //apply impulse
                Vector2R impulse = VMath.MultVectDouble(normal, j); // normal * j;
                a.ApplyImpulse(-impulse, ra);
                b.ApplyImpulse(impulse, rb);
                //friction impulse
                rv = b.velocity + VMath.Cross(b.angularVelocity, rb) -
                     a.velocity - VMath.Cross(a.angularVelocity, ra);
                Vector2R t = rv - (normal * Vector2R.Dot(rv, normal));
                VMath.NormalizeSafe(ref t);
                //j tangent magnitude
                double jt = -Vector2R.Dot(rv, t);
                jt /= invMassSum;
                jt /= (double)contact_count;
                //don't apply tiny friction impulses
                if (GMath.Equal(jt, 0.0))
                //coulumbs law
                Vector2R tangentImpulse;
                if (Math.Abs(jt) < j * sf)
                    tangentImpulse = VMath.MultVectDouble(t, df); // t * df;
                    tangentImpulse = VMath.MultVectDouble(t, -j * df); // t * -j * df
                //apply friction impulse
                a.ApplyImpulse(-tangentImpulse, ra);
                b.ApplyImpulse(tangentImpulse, rb);
Exemple #7
        public static bool CircletoPolygon(Manifold m, Collider a, Collider b)
            Circle  A = (Circle)a.shape;
            Polygon B = (Polygon)b.shape;

            m.contact_count = 0;

            // Transform circle center to Polygon model space
            Vector2R center = a.pos;

            center = B.u.Transpose() * (center - b.pos);

            // Find edge with minimum penetration
            // Exact concept as using support points in Polygon vs Polygon
            double separation = -float.MaxValue;
            int    faceNormal = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < B.vertexCount; ++i)
                double s = Vector2R.Dot(B.normals[i], center - B.vertices[i]);

                if (s > A.radius)

                if (s > separation)
                    separation = s;
                    faceNormal = i;

            // Grab face's vertices
            Vector2R v1 = B.vertices[faceNormal];
            int      i2 = faceNormal + 1 < B.vertexCount ? faceNormal + 1 : 0;
            Vector2R v2 = B.vertices[i2];

            // Check to see if center is within polygon
            if (separation < GMath.EPSILON)
                m.contact_count = 1;
                m.normal        = -(B.u * B.normals[faceNormal]);
                m.contacts[0]   = VMath.MultVectDouble(m.normal, A.radius) + a.pos;
                m.penetration   = A.radius;

            // Determine which voronoi region of the edge center of circle lies within
            double dot1 = Vector2R.Dot(center - v1, v2 - v1);
            double dot2 = Vector2R.Dot(center - v2, v1 - v2);

            m.penetration = A.radius - separation;

            // Closest to v1
            if (dot1 <= 0.0f)
                if (Vector2R.DistanceSquared(center, v1) > A.radius * A.radius)
                m.contact_count = 1;
                Vector2R n = v1 - center;
                n = B.u * n;
                VMath.NormalizeSafe(ref n);
                m.normal      = n;
                v1            = B.u * v1 + b.pos;
                m.contacts[0] = v1;
            // Closest to v2
            else if (dot2 <= 0.0f)
                if (Vector2R.DistanceSquared(center, v2) > A.radius * A.radius)

                m.contact_count = 1;
                Vector2R n = v2 - center;
                v2            = B.u * v2 + b.pos;
                m.contacts[0] = v2;
                n             = B.u * n;
                VMath.NormalizeSafe(ref n);
                m.normal = n;
            // Closest to face
                Vector2R n = B.normals[faceNormal];
                if (Vector2R.Dot(center - v1, n) > A.radius)

                n               = B.u * n;
                m.normal        = -n;
                m.contacts[0]   = VMath.MultVectDouble(m.normal, A.radius) + a.pos;
                m.contact_count = 1;