public static void GetDesinterlaceMode(IVMRDeinterlaceControl9 pDeinterlace) { VMR9VideoDesc VideoDesc = new VMR9VideoDesc(); int dwNumModes = 0; // Fill in the VideoDesc structure (not shown). int hr = pDeinterlace.GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes(ref VideoDesc, ref dwNumModes, null); if (hr >= 0 && dwNumModes != 0) { // Allocate an array for the GUIDs that identify the modes. Guid[] pModes = new Guid[dwNumModes]; if (pModes != null) { // Fill the array. hr = pDeinterlace.GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes(ref VideoDesc, ref dwNumModes, pModes); if (hr >= 0) { // Loop through each item and get the capabilities. for (int i = 0; i < dwNumModes; i++) { VMR9DeinterlaceCaps Caps = new VMR9DeinterlaceCaps(); hr = pDeinterlace.GetDeinterlaceModeCaps(pModes[i], ref VideoDesc, ref Caps); if (hr >= 0) { // Examine the Caps structure. } } } } } }
public void TestGetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes() { int hr = 0; int numModes = 0; videoDesc = GetVideoDesc9(); hr = deinterlaceControl.GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes(ref videoDesc, ref numModes, null); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); deinterlaceModes = new Guid[numModes]; hr = deinterlaceControl.GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes(ref videoDesc, ref numModes, deinterlaceModes); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); Debug.Assert(hr == 0, "IVMRDeinterlaceControl9.GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes"); }
public void SetDeinterlaceMode() { if (!GUIGraphicsContext.IsEvr) { if (!_isVmr9Initialized) { return; } Log.Debug("VMR9: SetDeinterlaceMode()"); IVMRDeinterlaceControl9 deinterlace = (IVMRDeinterlaceControl9)_vmr9Filter; IPin InPin = null; int hr = _vmr9Filter.FindPin("VMR Input0", out InPin); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("VMR9: failed finding InPin {0:X}", hr); } AMMediaType mediatype = new AMMediaType(); InPin.ConnectionMediaType(mediatype); //Start by getting the media type of the video stream. //Only VideoInfoHeader2 formats can be interlaced. if (mediatype.formatType == FormatType.VideoInfo2) { Log.Debug("VMR9: SetDeinterlaceMode - FormatType = VideoInfo2"); int numModes = 0; VideoInfoHeader2 VideoHeader2 = new VideoInfoHeader2(); Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediatype.formatPtr, VideoHeader2); VMR9VideoDesc VideoDesc = new VMR9VideoDesc(); // If the FormatType is VideoInfo2, check the dwInterlaceFlags field for the AMInterlace.IsInterlaced flag. //The presence of this flag indicates the video is interlaced. if ((VideoHeader2.InterlaceFlags & AMInterlace.IsInterlaced) != 0) { Log.Debug("VMR9: SetDeinterlaceMode - Interlaced frame detected"); //Fill in the VMR9VideoDesc structure with a description of the video stream. VideoDesc.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(VideoDesc); // dwSize: Set this field to sizeof(VMR9VideoDesc). VideoDesc.dwSampleWidth = VideoHeader2.BmiHeader.Width; // dwSampleWidth: Set this field to pBMI->biWidth. VideoDesc.dwSampleHeight = VideoHeader2.BmiHeader.Height; // dwSampleHeight: Set this field to abs(pBMI->biHeight). //SampleFormat: This field describes the interlace characteristics of the media type. //Check the dwInterlaceFlags field in the VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure, and set SampleFormat equal to the equivalent VMR9_SampleFormat flag. if ((VideoHeader2.InterlaceFlags & AMInterlace.IsInterlaced) != 0) { if ((VideoHeader2.InterlaceFlags & AMInterlace.DisplayModeBobOnly) == 0) { VideoDesc.SampleFormat = VMR9SampleFormat.ProgressiveFrame; } if ((VideoHeader2.InterlaceFlags & AMInterlace.OneFieldPerSample) != 0) { if ((VideoHeader2.InterlaceFlags & AMInterlace.Field1First) != 0) { VideoDesc.SampleFormat = VMR9SampleFormat.FieldSingleEven; } else { VideoDesc.SampleFormat = VMR9SampleFormat.FieldSingleOdd; } } if ((VideoHeader2.InterlaceFlags & AMInterlace.Field1First) != 0) { VideoDesc.SampleFormat = VMR9SampleFormat.FieldInterleavedEvenFirst; } else { VideoDesc.SampleFormat = VMR9SampleFormat.FieldInterleavedOddFirst; } } //InputSampleFreq: This field gives the input frequency, which can be calculated from the AvgTimePerFrame field in the VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure. //In the general case, set dwNumerator to 10000000, and set dwDenominator to AvgTimePerFrame. VideoDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwDenominator = 10000000; VideoDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwNumerator = (int)VideoHeader2.AvgTimePerFrame; //OutputFrameFreq: This field gives the output frequency, which can be calculated from the InputSampleFreq value and the interleaving characteristics of the input stream: //Set OutputFrameFreq.dwDenominator equal to InputSampleFreq.dwDenominator. //If the input video is interleaved, set OutputFrameFreq.dwNumerator to 2 x InputSampleFreq.dwNumerator. (After deinterlacing, the frame rate is doubled.) //Otherwise, set the value to InputSampleFreq.dwNumerator. VideoDesc.OutputFrameFreq.dwDenominator = 10000000; VideoDesc.OutputFrameFreq.dwNumerator = (int)VideoHeader2.AvgTimePerFrame * 2; VideoDesc.dwFourCC = VideoHeader2.BmiHeader.Compression; //dwFourCC: Set this field to pBMI->biCompression. //Pass the structure to the IVMRDeinterlaceControl9::GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes method. //Call the method twice. The first call returns the number of deinterlace modes the hardware supports for the specified format. hr = deinterlace.GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes(ref VideoDesc, ref numModes, null); if (hr == 0 && numModes != 0) { Guid[] modes = new Guid[numModes]; { //Allocate an array of GUIDs of this size, and call the method again, passing in the address of the array. //The second call fills the array with GUIDs. Each GUID identifies one deinterlacing mode. hr = deinterlace.GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes(ref VideoDesc, ref numModes, modes); for (int i = 0; i < numModes; i++) { //To get the capabiltiies of a particular mode, call the IVMRDeinterlaceControl9::GetDeinterlaceModeCaps method. //Pass in the same VMR9VideoDesc structure, along with one of the GUIDs from the array. //The method fills a VMR9DeinterlaceCaps structure with the mode capabilities. VMR9DeinterlaceCaps caps = new VMR9DeinterlaceCaps(); caps.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(VMR9DeinterlaceCaps)); hr = deinterlace.GetDeinterlaceModeCaps(modes[i], ref VideoDesc, ref caps); if (hr == 0) { Log.Debug("VMR9: AvailableDeinterlaceMode - {0}: {1}", i, modes[i]); switch (caps.DeinterlaceTechnology) { //The algorithm is unknown or proprietary case VMR9DeinterlaceTech.Unknown: { Log.Info("VMR9: Unknown H/W de-interlace mode"); break; } //The algorithm creates each missing line by repeating the line above it or below it. //This method creates jagged artifacts and is not recommended. case VMR9DeinterlaceTech.BOBLineReplicate: { Log.Info("VMR9: BOB Line Replicate capable"); break; } //The algorithm creates the missing lines by vertically stretching each video field by a factor of two. //For example, it might average two lines or use a (-1, 9, 9, -1)/16 filter across four lines. //Slight vertical adjustments are made to ensure that the resulting image does not "bob" up and down case VMR9DeinterlaceTech.BOBVerticalStretch: { Log.Info("VMR9: BOB Vertical Stretch capable"); verticalStretch = modes[i].ToString(); break; } //The algorithm uses median filtering to recreate the pixels in the missing lines. case VMR9DeinterlaceTech.MedianFiltering: { Log.Info("VMR9: Median Filtering capable"); medianFiltering = modes[i].ToString(); break; } //The algorithm uses an edge filter to create the missing lines. //In this process, spatial directional filters are applied to determine the orientation of edges in the picture content. //Missing pixels are created by filtering along (rather than across) the detected edges. case VMR9DeinterlaceTech.EdgeFiltering: { Log.Info("VMR9: Edge Filtering capable"); break; } //The algorithm uses spatial or temporal interpolation, switching between the two on a field-by-field basis, depending on the amount of motion. case VMR9DeinterlaceTech.FieldAdaptive: { Log.Info("VMR9: Field Adaptive capable"); break; } //The algorithm uses spatial or temporal interpolation, switching between the two on a pixel-by-pixel basis, depending on the amount of motion. case VMR9DeinterlaceTech.PixelAdaptive: { Log.Info("VMR9: Pixel Adaptive capable"); pixelAdaptive = modes[i].ToString(); break; } //The algorithm identifies objects within a sequence of video fields. //Before it recreates the missing pixels, it aligns the movement axes of the individual objects in the scene to make them parallel with the time axis. case VMR9DeinterlaceTech.MotionVectorSteered: { Log.Info("VMR9: Motion Vector Steered capable"); break; } } } } } //Set the MP preferred h/w de-interlace modes in order of quality //pixel adaptive, then median filtering & finally vertical stretch if (pixelAdaptive != "") { Guid DeinterlaceMode = new Guid(pixelAdaptive); Log.Debug("VMR9: trying pixel adaptive"); hr = deinterlace.SetDeinterlaceMode(0, DeinterlaceMode); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("VMR9: pixel adaptive failed!"); } else { Log.Info("VMR9: setting pixel adaptive succeeded"); medianFiltering = ""; verticalStretch = ""; } } if (medianFiltering != "") { Guid DeinterlaceMode = new Guid(medianFiltering); Log.Debug("VMR9: trying median filtering"); hr = deinterlace.SetDeinterlaceMode(0, DeinterlaceMode); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("VMR9: median filtering failed!"); } else { Log.Info("VMR9: setting median filtering succeeded"); verticalStretch = ""; } } if (verticalStretch != "") { Guid DeinterlaceMode = new Guid(verticalStretch); Log.Debug("VMR9: trying vertical stretch"); hr = deinterlace.SetDeinterlaceMode(0, DeinterlaceMode); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("VMR9: Cannot set H/W de-interlace mode - using VMR9 fallback"); } Log.Info("VMR9: setting vertical stretch succeeded"); } } else { Log.Info("VMR9: No H/W de-interlaced modes supported, using fallback preference"); } } else { Log.Info("VMR9: progressive mode detected - no need to de-interlace"); } } //If the format type is VideoInfo, it must be a progressive frame. else { Log.Info("VMR9: no need to de-interlace this video source"); } DsUtils.FreeAMMediaType(mediatype); //release the VMR9 pin hr = DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(InPin); InPin = null; mediatype = null; } }
// this method is an implementation of the procedure describe in this page : // private VMR9VideoDesc GetVideoDesc9() { int hr = 0; AMMediaType mediaType = new AMMediaType(); VMR9VideoDesc vDesc = new VMR9VideoDesc(); vDesc.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(VMR9VideoDesc)); IPin pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(vmr9, PinDirection.Input, 0); hr = pinIn.ConnectionMediaType(mediaType); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pinIn); if (mediaType.formatType == FormatType.VideoInfo2) { VideoInfoHeader2 videoHeader = (VideoInfoHeader2)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediaType.formatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader2)); if ((videoHeader.InterlaceFlags & AMInterlace.IsInterlaced) != 0) { vDesc.dwSampleWidth = videoHeader.BmiHeader.Width; vDesc.dwSampleHeight = videoHeader.BmiHeader.Height; vDesc.SampleFormat = ConvertInterlaceFlags(videoHeader.InterlaceFlags); vDesc.dwFourCC = videoHeader.BmiHeader.Compression; switch (videoHeader.AvgTimePerFrame) { case 166833: { vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwNumerator = 60000; vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwDenominator = 1001; break; } case 333667: { vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwNumerator = 30000; vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwDenominator = 1001; break; } case 333666: // this value is not define in the paper but is returned by testme.iso { vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwNumerator = 30000; vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwDenominator = 1001; break; } case 417188: { vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwNumerator = 24000; vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwDenominator = 1001; break; } case 200000: { vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwNumerator = 50; vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwDenominator = 1; break; } case 400000: { vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwNumerator = 25; vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwDenominator = 1; break; } case 416667: { vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwNumerator = 24; vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwDenominator = 1; break; } default: { throw new ApplicationException("Unknown AvgTimePerFrame : " + videoHeader.AvgTimePerFrame); } } // Video is interleaved vDesc.OutputFrameFreq.dwNumerator = vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwNumerator * 2; vDesc.OutputFrameFreq.dwDenominator = vDesc.InputSampleFreq.dwDenominator; } else { throw new ApplicationException("Only interlaced formats"); } } else { throw new ApplicationException("Only VIDEOINFOHEADER2 formats can be interlaced"); } DsUtils.FreeAMMediaType(mediaType); return(vDesc); }